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oksewglad 08-27-2019 05:08 AM

Is this the BH pattern with the b/w 4P, SBG? Should look sharp with the CW fabrics. Work today...off I go.

dublb 08-27-2019 05:58 AM

I've been working on a comfort quilt. I'm really hoping that I can get it ready to quilt today. I will then mail it & the batting to the lady that volunteered to quilt it. She is gonna donate the backing & binding. Another lady found some fabric that matched the border & sashing to make a pillow case to store the quilt in. It has already been mailed to the lady that is gonna quilt it. All I need to do is add the top & bottom borders.

sewbizgirl 08-27-2019 06:33 AM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 8294439)
Is this the BH pattern with the b/w 4P, SBG? Should look sharp with the CW fabrics. Work today...off I go.

Yes, it's an old pattern. I don't think BH designed it, but she has a version on her blog. I might be wrong about that, tho.

My bricks are on the dark side, so I'm using red and white 4Ps, instead of black and white.

QuiltingNinaSue 08-27-2019 08:31 AM

I cut out six new placemat tops yesterday for fall with the fabrics in my stash; I will complete them this weekend, or will be canning beans or corn or tomatoes whatever I can find locally.

oksewglad 08-27-2019 03:18 PM

Sounds like we are all getting into the sewing routine...time to put my feet up. Picked up 13 yo after Cross Country practice tonight, so the day just got longer.

givio 08-31-2019 02:56 PM

Love the UFO work going on-- great reports! :-)
What a testimony to kindness for the help given during the house fire. It does your heart good to know there are thoughtful, generous people living around you.
CW fabrics! Looking forward to seeing progress on that one!
Add my congratulations to the achievement of your son! I never heard of a 'white coat' ceremony for a doctor. It made me think of the military ceremonies.
That archery event sounds like one in a life time! Best wishes for success, what fun!

sewbizgirl 08-31-2019 05:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Givio, Hi! I got the Bricks and Stones top done today (the one with CW fabrics), and found I had over-made the blocks! So I have almost enough to do another one the same. I'm making just 17 more blocks and then I'll put the second one together.

Here's the first:


JeanieG 08-31-2019 05:24 PM

Hi everyone!!! I have not been on the Board in ages. When I don't get notifications for a while, I just forget to log in.

I have 1/3 of my 2012 Easy Street Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilted. It has been too hot here to work on it, so it is waiting. I have been finishing up a Quilting Board BOM from 2012. Only have the December BOM to complete, then can put it together.

I let so many of my 2012 projects sit for so long, it is kind of fun to get them out and finish them. I have 5 2012 quilts that need quilting and 1 tablecloth. I have 2 quilts from 2014, 1 tabletopper and 3 quilts from 2015. I have ONLY 1 quilt from 2016, and 2 quilts from 2017. I'm not listing the 2018 and 2019 items you notice!!! LOL However there are not too many.

Wish it would cool down, so I could get to all these flimsies!

I have been watching all the reports on the shooting in Midland today, and thinking about Bev and hope all her relatives and friends are okay. Prayers to all the victims and their families.

sewbizgirl 08-31-2019 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by JeanieG (Post 8296239)

I have been watching all the reports on the shooting in Midland today, and thinking about Bev and hope all her relatives and friends are okay. Prayers to all the victims and their families.

OMG! Bev, let us hear from you....

Blue Bell 08-31-2019 06:09 PM

SBG: Love your Bricks and Stones quilt in Civil War fabrics. You have CW fabrics that I have never seen. Nicely done.

oksewglad 08-31-2019 06:57 PM

I hadn't heard about the Texas shootings...heart goes out to our dear friend in Texas and pray all is well with you dublb.

Jeanie...great to hear from you...UFO's are all over the place. I just finished one for my FarmerSon...it was supposed to go to college with him...um that was 1992...a little bit older than yours Jeanie, so don't feel bad! But it's fun and done and ready for him to take home after chores tonight. It's 12 Hole in the Barn Door 16" blocks with sashings (4") and a wide outer border of new denim. Blocks are made of bright twill fabrics...red/blue/gray/tan etc. Will try to get a picture tomorrow. Now back to the big quilt piecing.

SBG, love the Bricks and Stones. The red and cream stones are very striking! I am relieved to know that I'm not the only one who miscounts, but mine is usually less than, rather than more than!

dublb 08-31-2019 07:02 PM

First we are in Midland for our annual dove hunt. We all are safe. Actually the shooter was in Odessa which is 20 miles away. The shooter never left Odessa. He was shot & killed. There are 21 people that are injured & 5 of those are dead.

sewbizgirl 08-31-2019 07:38 PM

So glad to hear you are ok, Bev. That was really a shock. I think the more publicity these shootings get, the more mentally unstable people try them.

Jeanie, as you get those UFOs done, you should post them in the UFO thread. I think yours would be among the oldest! I have a few I need to get quilted and post there, too.

JeanieG 08-31-2019 10:05 PM

I have been much better about totally finishing my quilts recently (last few years). I think I was in such a hurry to do all the piecing, that I just stashed them when at the flimsy stage. I also did not have my Brother PQ1500 then also. I bought it to quilt with, and I sure do love that single stitch machine.

Bev sure glad to find you and yours all okay. The news reports listed Midland also??? Maybe they meant that patients were sent to Midland Hospital??

QuiltingNinaSue 09-01-2019 06:28 AM

Sew much news here; I have not been sewing but I need to be doing some sewing. I pet the fabric and stop doing anything else, its sitting on my work table.I did not know about the shootings and the unstable mind behind it until I looked at face book, then here. Sad. Prayers for all the family members grieving for their loved ones.

Rosie, who quilted with us for a while lives in Florida and is busy baking up food to use when the power goes out. If I were there, if they said it was approaching at 170 miles an hour winds, I'd be gone inland away from the storm. Yesterday. Maybe I will get back into motion sewing this week. What ever will be, will be.

dublb 09-01-2019 07:45 PM

SBG - I agree. I guess the police chief of Odessa refused to release the name of the shooter for a very long time. He didn't want to make his name big.
Jeanie - Midland was mentioned for 3 reasons.
First, the guy was headed toward Midland when he was finally taken out. Midland & Odessa are twin cities that are growing closer together. For a while the reports lead everyone think he had made it to Midland.
Second, Yes several of the victims were sent to Midland Memorial Hospital.
Third, the Mayor of Midland went on national news networks to talk about it. He didn't give out accurate info when he did. Just the rumors that were going through both towns.

I am so glad that he didn't hurt any more people than he did. We do know that the 17 mo old li'le girl was shot in the mouth & shoulder. She is doing great. She is gonna gonna have surgery in the next couple of days on her mouth.
I have heard that 7 have actually died. One of that number is the shooter.

JeanieG 09-01-2019 08:19 PM

Oh my gosh, Bev - that breaks my heart, about that baby! My prayers go out to all of the people involved.

carriem 09-02-2019 06:39 PM

Hi...just checking in again.

SBQ--Love the CW quilt! That pattern looks like a great way to use up some scraps. What size are the rectangles and squares?

OK--you always amaze me with all you do!!

My son's trip to Spain was a good experience. He didn't shoot as well as he would have liked (was having some issues with is form). Unfortunately he came home and has been sick all this past week with a bad cold.

I finally finished up the 3 bindings I've had sitting here to do for weeks. I'll get those quilts shipped off on Wednesday when I go to town. I got some mending done. Next, working to get things sitting around out of my room...so tired of the piles!!! I will be picking up fabric to make a baby quilt and a panel someone wants me to make into a wallhanging on Wednesday too. It is nice to have these little jobs for some extra income...just two more archery tournaments then money can go into savings again for next year. :)

sewbizgirl 09-02-2019 07:11 PM

Yes, that baby being shot in the face is heartbreaking! Pray she recovers fully.

Hi Carrie, the “bricks” in my top were cut 3.5”x 6.5”. The little 4patch “stones” were made with 2” strips and finish at 3.5” square. There is a pattern for Bricks and Stones at Quiltville.com, if you need one to follow.

dublb 09-03-2019 04:09 PM

I am back in Brady. It is good to be home. I am gonna be so glad to sleep in my own bed. I am getting tired of hotel room beds.
I love coming here & talking to ya'll. It's so good to hear how ya'll are doing. I'm gonna go to bed early tonight. I'll catch ya'll tomarrow.

givio 09-03-2019 05:28 PM

SBG, The colors of your Bricks and Stones quilt are so rich. Sometimes the most simple patterns are such a delight.

I don't have a TV, don't listen to the news on the radio, don't read FB... I guess it's a way to not find out about shootings very quickly. If it's not the 'cover story' on the opening page of my email account, then I don't see what's in the news much. These events didn't happen when I was growing up. What has the US become?

dublb 09-04-2019 10:35 PM

This day was going purdy good. The DGK's were over here for a bit as DSonIL had the sonic kidney stone surgery today. I started working on DFGD's quilt after we all had lunch. I think it made her happy to know that I was working on it. I got the last border on & the 2 corner's mitered. (I only put 3 borders on this one as it is gonna be for a day bed & is wide enough as it is. That other border would have been tucked in & bunched up.) Anyway I kept working on it after they went home. I was then pressing all the seams open. It is a Jelly Roll Race style quilt but I made it w/60 strips instead of 40. The edges had been pressed open but not the whole quilt. Not in a while anyway. All those seams were taking me forever to get pressed as I kept taking those breaks that my back demands.
Then at about 8:30 DD called & needed me to take her to the ER. Her lip was swelling from a hive. Sigh this is the third time she has had hives in the last month. They got her right in, gave her 2 injections & got the swelling to go down. I was teasing her that some people get injections of Botox to get their lips to puff up that way. Anyway once the swelling went down they sent us home around 11:00.

oksewglad 09-05-2019 04:31 AM

A roller coaster day, dublb.

While sorting I find UFO's and once in a while decide to "get them done". The third such project was a 40 x 40 pastel quilt with blue and yellow borders. I tried a pantograph for the second time. And like every "new" technique one learns something new. I think I should have used a smaller design..this one was 14" and hardly got into the rhythm of sewing it and then it was done and time to start a new row. One lives and learns! Anothe work day...must go.

QuiltingNinaSue 09-05-2019 08:36 AM

31 pints of fresh peaches canned. DH is happy. Waiting for insurance to 'certify' another scan and talking to a new Dr. to; find out when and where surgery will be done, might be Iowa City University Hospital. It was originally planned in August, but the DR. was postponing it, so I got a second opinion. Now I wait again. And again. Probably will go to Iowa City with laser surgery for quicker recovery. Which has to be 'certified' by Insurance again, up to 72 hours of waiting, age has its senior moments. Good thing I have patience, learned from quilting. Thank God is not yet a life threatening situation. What will be, will be.

Taking a day of rest, then canning a bushel of apples. Dh is very helpful in canning, cleaning and doing whatever I ask of him.

oksewglad 09-05-2019 03:05 PM

Busy, full days, QNS. You will love having peaches in the cupboard. I haven't done any applesauce yet.

sewbizgirl 09-05-2019 04:29 PM

Fun to hear of everyone's Fall doings. Well... maybe not the medical procedure but I hope all goes well there, too.

I've been cleaning house and trying to get a quilt finished today. About another hour and it should be a done deal. My daughter is coming to Jackson MS for a business meeting tomorrow, and she's bringing the baby to me! After her meeting they will stay overnight with us. That's why the cleaning and the push to get the quilt finished... I want her take it back with her.

carriem 09-05-2019 05:41 PM

QNS--you always put up so much yummy stuff!! One year we got a big box of peaches from someone and they were so good my kids just ate and ate until the were gone...none for baking or canning or freezing. :) I personally have never been a gardener...didn't have one growing up and other than a small one at our first house, we haven't had a good place to have one. My husband tried a container on our raised deck that year and we got a few small cucumbers and tomatoes.

I went to the quilt shop yesterday and got sashing fabric for the UFO I am working on. Today I got the middle of the blocks together. Each of those will get a 1" border/sashing...this is my goal for tomorrow, then I'll do a sashing between the blocks and one border. I can't wait to see it all together...maybe by the end of next week as I don't have too many appts/mtgs to go to!! Yay for some quality sewing time coming. :)

I currently have no voice and a little sore throat...mostly from trying to talk when I should just be resting it I am thinking. Any good tricks?? Tried hot tea and tea w/honey. Going to gargle w/warm salt water now... Otherwise feeling fine. Heading to SD this weekend for archery, just my DS and I will go to this one. DD has school and DH will be around home. We leave early early (by 4am Saturday) and will return by 10pm Sunday so it is just a quick trip this time. One of the closest all year...just 5 1/2hrs away. Nothing like the drive to AZ we did in April (23hrs)!!

sewbizgirl 09-05-2019 09:52 PM

Carrie, you are a very devoted archery mom!

For laryngitis I always heard to drink ice water, cold as you can stand it. It solidifies the mucus around your vocal chords so you can cough it up more easily. It always worked for me. Hope you feel better soon.

QuiltingNinaSue 09-06-2019 04:46 AM

Carrie, I ask a student whose Mother was the school nurse,what she did for a sore throat and he said, : lemon juice in hot tea, as hot as you can drink it". It has worked for our family. May you have a safe journey to SD and back.

SBG, oh, my, grannie gets to baby sit athe granddaughter! Nothing better than that. Enjoy!

dublb 09-06-2019 06:21 AM

Well the peaches sound soooo good! I didn't buy any Fredricksburg peaches this year. Last winter was mild & I didn't take any frozen fruit outta the freezer to make jelly's & jams. I am planning on doing that this winter.
Carrie there is a spray ya can buy called Chlorasepitic. It has a numbing & effect. It also is a bit of an antiseptic so kills a few germs. The trick is to get your mouth open wide enough & your tongue outta the way, to get the spray to the back of the throat. The throat/cough drops don't do the same job as the spray.

givio 09-08-2019 08:33 AM

In January I had laryngitis for a week, couldn't go to work (call center), and used up most of my sick time. I had a sinus infection, went to the doctor, and got a prescription. That helped with the fluid drainage problems, and I just didn't talk, giving my throat a rest. I hope you are feeling better Carrie!

Where are the pictures of the finished quilts we are talking about? The day bed one, and the one that went home with daughter? :-) I've been too tired to go to the laundromat and put it off a couple of weeks. My plan is to wash and dry my snowball/9patch quilt before I take a picture of it. Maybe today?

Canning time! Last year I canned pears from our tree, but this year we had so much hot weather there was not much production in our yard. The fruit dropped off the trees before it was ripe.

sewbizgirl 09-08-2019 09:48 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Ok Giv... here's the quilt that went home with a daughter. I let the baby play on it on the floor and it got dog hair on the backside, so I washed it before it went home with them. The pic of the baby shows the quilt before washing. After washing it crinkled so much that you can hardly make out the little clouds I quilted around the kites. Should have stitched them in blue thread!

Irish chain I Spy for my gd, Ivy Wren:



Ivy is not eating real food yet... still on milk... but as we were eating watermelon her little eyes were following it all around. So we let her try some. She didn't much care for it and preferred to just squeeze it instead of eating it. LOL.


oksewglad 09-08-2019 11:16 AM

So precious, SBG! Love the sweet quilt, too. I have been so bad at taking pictures here of late.

dublb 09-08-2019 03:51 PM

Now ain't she just darling? I'm here to say that there isn't anything better'n DGK's!

givio 09-08-2019 04:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Looks like you had some warm days when you took the pictures by the look of her outfits! It's been cooling off here. Starting to feel like fall will come, but we'll wait to see. Some rain predicted next. Love those kites, and the loopy tails on them. It's a clever motif for the white areas. Nice!

I didn't take a picture of the back of the quilt today where you would be able to better see the quilting-- but SBG did some great loops, meandering lines and lots of daisies. I love it! The 9patches are from the QB 9patch swap. I made 2 tops with the swap blocks. I hope to give the other top to my son, but this one I'm keeping!

It's 74" square.

oksewglad 09-08-2019 05:08 PM

Lovely, delightful quilt, givio

sewbizgirl 09-08-2019 09:43 PM

Your quilt is so charming!

And yes... warm days! It's still in the 90's and over this weekend the heat index was 105-110. Killer hot! I wish it would start to cool down here.

QuiltingNinaSue 09-09-2019 04:42 PM

Wow, I am so impressed by SBG and givio, too. Beautiful quilts and that is one sweet granddaughter!

carriem 09-10-2019 05:41 AM

Love both quilts! And the DGD is a cutie!

My sore throat has now turned into a chest infection. Started antibiotics yesterday. The cough is the worse part now... I really want to sew today, so will be heading out to my craft room after I get a little something to eat and see how long I last.

What project is everyone working on this week??

dublb 09-10-2019 08:11 AM

Givo! I do love your quilt! Such a scrappy beauty!
Carrie I do hope that you feel better soon.
Ya asked what we are working on. Well I have been trying to glue baste DFGD's quilt. It is the biggest quilt I have tried to glue baste. It is 102" X 67". I am using Minkie for the backing so I don't need any real batting but I wasnt' able to find any Minkie that has a design on it to follow for the quilting design. I did discover when doing #4DNiece's qyukt that when ya have Minkie for the back & ya quilt from the top ya get some bearding. So I decided to put a barrier of fabric in the middle. I had this flat sheet that I didn't figure I'd ever use for anything so it got elected for this project. It is 102" X 108". That thing made it very hare to deal w/while trying to get it glued onto the top of the quilt. Sigh. It took me 2 days to get it done. I have trimmed it down so am ready to glue the whole thing to the Minkie now.

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