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Anael 09-06-2013 12:12 PM

Oh well, lots of chatter, QNS isn't doing that well, still tired, knee hurts, eye problems.
Mirabelle is off to a retreat, car fully packed :) No new projects though, only UFO's :D
GG went birthday shopping; OK has a loveseat but doesn't use it. Instead she's cleaning :shock:
I finished the Ode to my Mom top and decided not to start any new projects. First UFO's ;)
That's all, I can't remember the rest, it's too much :D :D

carriem 09-06-2013 12:15 PM

Anael--I was trying to review what's happened too.

Only things I can add are Janie is on a trip this week, Jan is thinking about retiring (again?), Ggal broke her toe, Dublb is on retreat too....oh and we started posting the SYE block #1...lots of great blocks! You'll have to post yours. :)

Anael 09-06-2013 12:20 PM

Oh thanks Carrie, now that you mention all this I remember too :)

QuiltE 09-06-2013 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by gardnergal970 (Post 6277633)
The Expo...but that doesn't sound right because it isn't long enough. Something quilty?

The EX was over on Monday ... we stripped the display and left at 2 minutes to midnight.
Tuesday we came home, did some laundry and somewhat collapsed!

Wednesday I went to my colleague's place (1-1/2 hrs away) to unpack the trailer and started cleaning things. Yesterday and today, I started getting life somewhat back to normal, more laundry ... and just finished taking the last of the quilts in the display out of the dryer.

... the rest of the butter display will be cleaned on Sunday after Saturday when I _______________________!!!!! :D:D:D:D

Anael 09-06-2013 12:41 PM

Splenda please :) :) :P

QuiltingNinaSue 09-06-2013 12:42 PM

With you, QuiltE, its hard to guess. Hope you have fun and can relax a bit. You missed the MBs, JanieE taking a break, Mirabelle's Raggedy Ann quilt and the picture of a very special child who received it with wide open eyes...so grab a piece of that better than sex cake sitting in the virtual RV and catch up by reading the latest. And in the SYE, there's a lot of 'eye' candy to look at. Run some of those miles for me, 'cause I am moving at a snail's pace and cannot see the path.

QuiltE 09-06-2013 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by Anael (Post 6277694)
Splenda please :) :) :P

**dumps a bushel of splenda**
Now spill it all out, Anael!!!
Enlighten me!!!!!!!!!
Besides the splenda should help you with your guesses!

QNSue ... hope to sit down with a cuppa after I have supper and do some catch-up. Saw a few MBs when I was last here, and look forward to seeing the rest. Must get at my Sept. MB. My Spikes are on hold for now ... though I think I have decied that the background will be the yellow I used in my Spike TableTopper.

MiraB ... Can't wait to see your special little Ragg-A-Muffin with her quilt!!!! ;)
Any better guesses as to the background yardages needed? I think originally you guess-timated 2 yards or metres? I just wish I knew before I went at them!

More guesses about tomorrow/Saturday?

carriem 09-06-2013 01:39 PM

QE--are you going shopping? Or do you get to spend some time sewing?

On the SYE background, I would say probably more like 3-4 yards...save your little scraps as there are some places you will be able to use them, esp on block #2. I haven't made all 6 like Mirabelle, so she may say even more fabric. Block #2 took more than I thought it would, but looking at the other blocks, most use amounts similar to #1...hope this makes sense!

I have two borders on the airplane quilt and am now working on quilting each propeller before adding the 3rd border. I might be able to have them all done by the end of the weekend...just depends on if it gets any faster. Then by the end of next week I *should* be able to say the airplane quilt is DONE! My Sept MB is finished and I have fabrics cut for both Oct and Nov...they will be after this quilt is finished. Oh and then onto the 3rd SYE block.

QuiltE 09-06-2013 02:15 PM

CarrieM ... no and no
Though I am going away .........

Looks like you are doing good progress on the airplane. Hope your shoulder is staying happy!

YIKES!! .. for the 3-4 yards ... if so, then can't use the yellow. Will have to see what else I have in my stash. I know I have another yellow/gold, but am sure the yardage will be not better. *sigh* ... I really do not want to buy new fabrics! :)

oksewglad 09-06-2013 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 6259445)
Oh does that ever tie in with the others. Great block Jeanie!
If you'd like to see my mini finishes you can go to these 2 threads.



Little self promotion here QE! Oh and I've decided to back out of the SYE--too much time and too many UFO's.

Jeanie's starting to unpack. Honchey's playing BINGO. Oh and DD drops in once in a while.

Tickeled that I've got my Sept block done!

QuiltE 09-06-2013 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 6277874)
Little self promotion here QE! Oh and I've decided to back out of the SYE--too much time and too many UFO's.

Jeanie's starting to unpack. Honchey's playing BINGO. Oh and DD drops in once in a while.

Tickeled that I've got my Sept block done!

Now that's not the update I wanted to read/see!! :) ... you being a dropout!
(though I do understand) .... proud of you for having your Sept MB done!
Not that I don;t have UFOs too! :D

ahem! .... I did see those darling minis already ... remember, I counted and noted one child was missing in the church/school ones! :D

Yeaaaaaaaaa for JeanieG and unpacking!!!!
BINGO for Honchey??? imagine that! :D:D:D:D
DDamsel ... bet she's enjoying the kids being in school!!! And probably spends the rest of the day cuddling those Sugar Pups!

Still hoping for a good read later tonight ... first supper, then pack for tmro, then sit and read ............

oksewglad 09-06-2013 04:39 PM

ahem! .... I did see those darling minis already ... remember, I counted and noted one child was missing in the church/school ones! :D

Some of us have better memories than others:D

QuiltE 09-06-2013 06:54 PM

Alrighty Ladies .... I am caught up again.

I'll fess ... I have my share of UFOs too! Keep plugging away!

First of all, thanks Anael, for your synopsis ... somehow I missed it when I dumped your bushel of splenda for you! :):) At least I found it when I did my reading! Ode to Mom is splendid ... what was her favourite colour? Could you use it for your borders? Or what about a white then a narrow colour and then wide white? Perhaps a scalloped or wave edge? and with coloured binding?

Lots of pretties shown ... only one MB .... was that the last?

Thanks GGal ... for coming forth and telling us that you had made DublBs block ... it really is lovely! OUCH! re your toe injury. Great idea for your LQS to offer discount to you and your buddies for your birthday party celebrations!!!

And MiraB, is our birthday girl ... you;'ll already be celebrating!! Sweet young lady receiving her Raggedy Quilt. And please tell DD how happy I am for her!!!! Here's wishing those sparks keep flying ... what a change for all of you, with two new people into her life, and your family! Happy for all of you!

This will be JanieWs UK trip, I think? When you catch up JanieW, do hope that it was the best thing ever for the two of you. Any Royal sitings? :D:D:D

Lots of baking going on!!
Anael ... that pie ... was it lemon pudding with pineapple in it? That took me down memory lane, as that's one my Mom used to make when we were kids. Been yrs since I had that and oh how I loved it. Will have to make it one of these times.

OKSGlad ... now that's another top notch mini! When I first saw it ... I saw a lattice top pie in the centre .... and thought the border was fruit ... NOT! :D:D:D:D A busy farm time ahead for you ... any chance for a whirlwind Madison journey this yr? My cow news ... read in the Jersey breeder of an EX by our Laser bull ... belonging to DDIL/DS of MamaBear here on the QB!!!

JeanieG ... happy unpacking .. and with carpet on its way. Looks like the time is a-coming for life to get somewhat back to normal for you!

JanRN ... any decision yet, returning to work? partial retirement? or retiring again? It's a tough one, I'm sure. Consider how you really feel and how draining or easy it is on you. When faced with similar, I usually sit down and try to do a rational list of pros and cons. Quantity isn't the answer ... the quality of how each list speaks is what helps me make the big decision. Good Luck! Just remember that you need to do what is right for YOU ... and only YOU!!!!!!!

DDamsel ... Time to let your your DHsDD know the "real" name of that recipe? There;s also a Sex in the Pan recipe you might want to try!

QNSue ... good luck at your Dr appt and yes, get those other tests done.

All ... sorry that I have not commented directly to everyone ... I'm kind of winging it here, as to what I remembered. No notes made as I went!

And now I am shutting this computer off ... heading to bed ... and tmro will hit the road again!
(no one guessed yet, as to where and what!!!)

Will be back again on Monday ( I think!)

gardnergal970 09-07-2013 04:43 AM

And now I am shutting this computer off ... heading to bed ... and tmro will hit the road again!
(no one guessed yet, as to where and what!!!)

Will be back again on Monday ( I think!)[/QUOTE]

....hummmmm an international trip....to the USA!!!

.....or......a rendezvous with a special someone you haven't told us about.....:D:D You go girl!!!!

deranged_damsel 09-07-2013 05:15 AM

HI QuiltE!!!!
you are just a big tease!!! WHERE are you going!!! and WHERE is the Sex in a pan recipe!!! :D :D :D

Anael 09-07-2013 05:58 AM

DD, sex in a pan is post # 6053 :D :D

carriem 09-07-2013 03:46 PM

Quiet day here...everyone must be enjoying their Saturday (Sunday). I spent some time in the clubhouse today...did a little quilting on the airplane quilt and worked on something for DH (see post #479 for pictures: http://www.quiltingboard.com/main-f1...210452-48.html)

Since I couldn't sew as much as I wanted (still trying to follow PT "rules"), I chose backings for a few table runners that just need to be quilted..got those cut as well as the batting and bindings. Tomorrow during my break from sewing I will cut out a couple purses I am making for gifts. Then when the airplane quilt is all done--hopefully by next weekend--I will get some of these little projects finished by the end of the month.

mirabelle 09-07-2013 07:35 PM

I'm home !!!!! very very very tired and brain dead, will check my camera tomorrow and if the pics are acceptable will show you some of the madness from the weekend.

Saturday morning at breakfast, the lovely lady who organises this weekend, Nola, got everyone's attention and in a very loud and gruff voice said she wanted me at the front of the room. I immediately told her I was innocent, didn't do it, don't know what happened, not my fault etc etc:D:D then she proceeded to tell everyone it was my birthday and I was presented with a Happy Birthday sash and crown, which I had to wear all day, but it kept slipping:D:D THEN I found out that DH had rung her and told her to surprise me, boy is he in trouble:p

SO there is a photo somewhere, its just whether it is presentable or not:D:D:D:D

I am going to have a nap and will chat to you all later...

JeanieG 09-07-2013 08:16 PM

Oh Mirabelle - that is a wonderful DH you have! What a neat thing for him to do! Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday!!!!! I can't wait to see the photos. Hugs! I don't know what Yahoo did, but it will not let me change the color. Oh Well!

Anael 09-08-2013 06:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
:D :D Mirabelle, you better post that picture :D :D
Great to hear you had a good time and HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)

Here's the UFO I've been working on the past few days. Still have to do the borders but I want a break now ;)

Anael 09-08-2013 06:25 AM

Sorry, forgot to tell you where the pattern came from. It's Oh my Stars from Planet Patchwork.

carriem 09-08-2013 07:07 AM

Anael--another great quilt top! Looks like one with multiple size blocks.

Anael 09-08-2013 07:18 AM

Thanks Carrie. Yes the blocks have different sizes, from 3" to 18" finished.
I thought this design would be nice with 30's fabrics too. Not that I'm going to make another one LOL. The patterns are still available though, it's a free BOM.

oksewglad 09-08-2013 07:58 AM

Great birthday mirabelle!

Anael--you have a great UFO pile--keep them coming so we can see what else gets finished!

Anael 09-08-2013 08:38 AM

Thanks OK! I was just thinking what to do next, still haven't decided. I do have some tops waiting to be quilted too.

gardnergal970 09-08-2013 08:48 AM

Mirabelle...so nice the entire group celebrated with you! Can't wait to see you with a crown!
Anael...I downloaded the quilt pattern. I like the variety of blocks, sizes,and placement. You've done a wonderful job putting it together. It's very similar to the Ode to Mom you did and I agree, it would look nice in another color combination. It's in my bucket list.
Finished up a MB Friday and have it ready to mail as soon as Mirabelle shows us that she has received hers. Also did my Aiming4Accuracy block. It's beginning to come together and I'm liking it. Did I say that I put a binding on the Lone Star quilt and just have to wash and pack it up? Also more done on the baby quilt. Like a tortoise....BTW...my toe is still sore but I'm walking much better. Thanks for your thoughts!
QNS....you don't sound like yourself...Are you getting enough rest? It's easy for me to say since my eyesight is reasonably good, but it won't do you any good to worry about the surgery. You'll be blind without it so go for it with gusto. Save your energy for recovery.
carrie...you still get so much done even with the PT limitations. How soon is your retreat? How are the plans coming?

carriem 09-08-2013 09:09 AM

Mirabelle--sounds like the retreat was good!

Ggal--it is frustrating not to finish the quilt tops as I get them into rows like usual since the actual quilting is the hardest thing on my shoulder. Right now I have 2 quilts ready to be quilted after the airplane quilt finally gets done. Our retreat is the 3rd weekend of October. We have been getting registrations in for the last month or so. It looks like we will have 18-20 there this time. We will take registrations until we have 20 paid in full or Oct 1st. At that time I will draw names for the secret sisters. We will be trying out a new location. Our gifts are something we found online...I'll share pictures once they arrive. We were going to make something, but time got away from us so those will wait until the spring retreat. Menu is figured out....so plans are going well. :)

QuiltingNinaSue 09-08-2013 09:36 AM

GardenGal, I feel like I turned a corner this birthday month into a lot of health problems. Cataract found on one good eye, fell down in chicken yard and right knee is driving me crazy, taking baby steps slowly. It will be xrayed on Wednesday and my right lung as well. And I have had 'dizzy' spells in the last week...too many of them. A lot of my plate right now.

Anael 09-08-2013 10:13 AM

QNS, I'm so sorry you don't feel well. I hope they will find what's wrong with you. I hope with the eye surgery that problem will be solved! ((((HUGS))))

QuiltingNinaSue 09-08-2013 10:52 AM

Like an old fool, I should have known in hot weather, you have to drink more water; I was drinking my Cherry Coke Cola and not getting enough water, therefore I was having 'dizzy' spells. Now its lemonade and ice tea time.

Thanks, Ansel, for the thoughts. I loved your site soooo much I downloaded three different years worth to go on my list of someday. Love your quilt, too.

I hope, Carrie, that you get able to do more of the quilting that you love.

Sounds like you had a very good retreat, Mirabelle.. Hope you can get rested up now.

Dh relatives are here playing cards with him. Wonder how I could bribe them to come more often....love the freedom to do my thing: quilting and working on computer downloading more free patterns!!:D:thumbup:

Anael 09-08-2013 11:12 AM

QNS, cook them something nice :D They might want to come over more often ;)
Thanks for the compliment on my quilt!

QuiltingNinaSue 09-08-2013 02:30 PM

They ask for beans and ham; they got beans and ham and butter beans...sent more home with them. Also raided my freezer and gave them frozen corn on the cob and cut corn for each family...DH had a blast with them and I loved hearing the laughter in the house.,,and dh so well entertained.

Dishes are all washed up and now I can relax a bit and rest my knee.

thanks for the site, Anael, Downloaded from Planet Patchwork the 2008-2009 Inner Peace quilt for the muted tones quilt in the future; and Silent Shimmer from 2012 quilt I can see in shimmering fabrics; and the Oh, MY Stars! for the 2010-2011 year.,,to hit now and again until its done. Along with the other 'things' in the front shelves...Time is flying by...wow!!

MBs need to be started and finished, Irish Mist for dh and me, Farmer's Scraps and the other triangle pattern from Laundry Basket, BBs need to have 2nd border and quilted, Borders on PC finished and taken to be quilted. Miles to go.Love i, OKsewGlad when you stop by for a minute and catch us on the farm activity and dgs and dgd activities.

When you return, QuiltE, we want to know where you went and what you did....inquiring minds want to know.

Jeanie, we want a picture of that new kitchen!

Mirabelle, a picture of that crown! Queen for the Day...

JeanieG 09-08-2013 03:57 PM

Kitchen still not completely done. The contractor got stuck on another job, so still have the gas cooktop to be installed, the oven to be hooked up and a couple of plugs to be finished. I put away as much as I could, and was blessed with a husband that opened all the boxes and a daughter that unwrapped everything and put it on the counter so I could try to put everything away. The problem with the new cupboards is that they are much smaller in size than the old ones. There are more cupboards and drawers, but they are so different. I was tearing my hair trying to decide where to put things. A lot of my larger Tupperware cake keeper type of stuff does not fit where it did before. So weird, the enter key stopped working on my fairly new keyboard! What next!!! Anyway, we are taking off for Phoenix on Thursday in our RV. We felt we just have to get away and visit with the grandkids. Don't know when we are coming home! LOL We will have internet there, so I'll be in touch. Guess I'll turn off my computer and see if it will bring my keyboard back to life, at least I can still type and my mouse still works! The back splash will not be done for a little while, and once it is all done I'll post a photo for everyone.

mirabelle 09-08-2013 04:16 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Here are some pics from my weekend adventure. DH decided that we would have Chinese Takeout for dinner last night, my poor aching back decided that it had had enough, so straight after dinner I had a hot shower and went to bed. DH brought me in a coffee and I think I had three sips and I was out like a light for the next 10 hours:D:D:D

First pic is of the room, lots of activity going on, next is DD and my set up in the corner with our sew-ezi tables and the ironing board in between us and see what is just finished, her first Spike block.

Then there is a pic of the group that make the Jelly Roll Race quilt tops (I'm not in it !!!!!)

mirabelle 09-08-2013 04:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Then there is the group photo taken every year, I have no makeup on, hair not done properly and it was freezing cold all weekend. I was hoping that the camera would break:D:D:D:D:D or the computer would die on me:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

QuiltingNinaSue 09-08-2013 04:38 PM

Mirabelle, is that you in the bright pink top, like you are trying to hide in the group picture??? Just guessing which one you are...

JeanieG 09-08-2013 04:57 PM

No, I think she is the one with the "Birthday Crown" on her head! Just guessing!

mirabelle 09-08-2013 06:49 PM

:D:D:DThe one in the bright pink top is my DD trying to hide behind me, I unfortunately had to stand front and centre with the stupid sash and crown on:D:D:D:D

QuiltingNinaSue 09-08-2013 06:57 PM

We can tell your daughter looks up to you all the time. I like how you are standing tall, as "I am, as I am! Ready or not world here I come! Love it. A true Queen for the Day of Quilters.

Anael 09-08-2013 09:47 PM

Thanks for sharing your pictures Mirabelle :) Looks like you had lots of fun!
QNS, very well said!!

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