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quiltincharlotte 01-25-2010 01:29 PM

Hi there - I have 25 pounds to lose too. What day are you planning to 'weigh-in'? Maybe I will make mine the same, maybe we can help each other?! Or we can have a day where we either weigh-in, or just tell about how we are doing, any weight loss, etc. I just took the same book out of the library! Good luck! char

sew cornie 01-25-2010 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by quiltincharlotte
Hi there - I have 25 pounds to lose too. What day are you planning to 'weigh-in'? Maybe I will make mine the same, maybe we can help each other?! Or we can have a day where we either weigh-in, or just tell about how we are doing, any weight loss, etc. I just took the same book out of the library! Good luck! char

Well, great minds think alike!

:lol: I think I'll weigh-in on Saturdays. That way I can report on how my exercise has gone during the week, as I'm planning to have Sundays be my resting days. Good luck to you too!

Lneal 01-25-2010 01:35 PM

I plan to weigh in on Mondays, hopefully with a weight loss!! LOL! I checked my bp today and was so thrilled to get a reading of 135/69 For me that is a huge benefit for exercising and eating a sensible healthy diet. And I take fish oil 3 times a day after hearing about it's huge benefit!! I could hardly get my bp down past 160/80 before I started on the road to getting healthy!!

quiltincharlotte 01-25-2010 01:35 PM

Okay, saturday it is for me, too, if you don't mind? Now to remember to do that . . . .! Char

quiltincharlotte 01-25-2010 01:37 PM

Oh My Gosh! That is hilarious and perfect!!! Now I have all the excuses I need! I am sending that around and printing it out! thanks so much for the laugh! char

obie2 01-25-2010 01:45 PM

I am weighing in. Scale this morning flashed 227. I have recorded my food intake so far. This morning, I started my new dance DVD, Zumba. With these routines, there is a whole lot of shaking going on. It's based on latin and african dance. It's fun, but I have got to learn the steps. I won't be able to get the steps down for a while, but I will keep at it. This afternoon, I popped in Leslie's DVD and walked a mile. Now, I'm tired. But feel good.

obie2 01-25-2010 01:48 PM

I want to send out some encouraging words for purplemem, Lneal, and everyone else. Way to go.

sew cornie 01-25-2010 01:51 PM

Good for you obie! I'm impressed you are dancing . . . an ability I lack entirely. If one could lose weight just by laughing, I'd put on a dance recital for you all. LOL. Good luck with your new moves!

quiltincharlotte 01-25-2010 01:51 PM

I have heard that Zumba is quite a workout. I am an "over 55-er", so not sure I should even try it! Also I have two left feet, so will stick to the Leslie Sansone walking DVD. I like them also. char

watterstide 01-25-2010 01:52 PM

you know it is strange..being over weight, my blood pressure is perfect, and so is my cholesterol..but by indusrty standards, i am 50 pounds over.

and i smoke too :hunf:

i am hoping that i can quit smoking when my son gets home from kabul..yes, another excuse..but it is my excuse. lol
i quit for 5 years,hypnosis. started when my son deployed the first time, and the same week my dad passed, and the furbaby had his first seizure. :roll: excuses again. lol

here is to all of us..may we all be strong and happy in this venture, and more of all help each other laugh through this new journey!


obie2 01-25-2010 01:53 PM

All us girls who are exercised challenged. We gotta just do it. That's what I told myself today. To help out with strength building, we gotta pump a little iron. 1-3 pound weights will help or get out that can of peas and "push it up".

quiltincharlotte 01-25-2010 01:55 PM

HI Kim, wow, you sure had a lot to deal with at one time . . . too much. I pray your son comes home safely. I have daughters, but can imagine the worry that goes with a son in Kabul. My heart goes out to you and your son. Bless him and keep him safe.

My blood pressure is fine and cholesterol is fine, even though I pigg out on junk food way too much. thanks for sharing, char

Charlee 01-25-2010 01:56 PM

I'm still a smoker too Kim...am going the Chantix route...but so far I've still not quit! Maybe that's something we can work on together too!

Lneal 01-25-2010 02:01 PM

So far we have on board dakotamaid Mamagus beckyw Charlee Mrs Mel sew cornie littlehud bluebird janRN lacikat quiltincharlotte jwwskis joeyoz ChasingHawk PamG Karyn purplemem barnbum Pats8e8 obie2 QuiltMom Teacup LovingIzabella QuiltingGrannie QuiltMania sewspecial watterstide wvdek Lneal BrendaB Rose Hall laparshall Sharon- NC Oklahoma Suzie

Wouldn't it be fun to enter from all of us, a total " weight lost" tally at the end of the month? I'm sure we could donate the fat somewhere!!

laparshall 01-25-2010 02:04 PM

If you have room for one more, I would like to join in too. My DH and I joined WW in October. I am currently in a workout challenge with Jonathan Roche, who is a virtual trainer. I'll talk more about him later. I have been taking baby steps, by taking the stairs. I started out with one flight and almost passed out from not being able to breath, but now I do 3 flights several times through out the day. I work on one thing at a time and currently I am working on drinking enough water. I work out with Wii Fit every morning, and believe me that is fun. You can work at a very slow pace and build up your endurance. I feel my body getting stronger all the time and I can finally see that I am losing inches. I am giving the clothes that are too big to one of my weight watchers friends.
I think this is a splendid idea, and with the support this group gives each other this should prove to be a very helpful, loving, encouraging group.

obie2 01-25-2010 02:05 PM

sew cornie yes, dancing. Even though I am not good at it, either. But, it is a lot of movement. You should see me (oh maybe you shouldn't) you would hurt yourself laughing. It is fun. Of course, there is no one else here to see me get down.

obie2 01-25-2010 02:08 PM

quiltingcharlotte I'm over 70. My dance steps so not look like what these young chickies are doing, but I'm doing my best. The music gets me moving.

watterstide 01-25-2010 02:09 PM

i can't take the chantix..or how ever you spell it. i am already on anti-depressants while dealing with fibromyalgia.
and thanks, the soldiers are always on my mind, no matter where they are.

i here-by promise to pop the new leslie/walk a mile dvd in, tomorrow morning..i don't think i can start out every day..maybe every other day. if i go into a fibro flair, i will be down for 2/3 or 5 days or more..i have to go slow in the beginning. i hate winter..just thought i would add that...

Sharon - NC 01-25-2010 02:10 PM

Is it too late to join? I'm following a very strict vegan diet after fighting (and winning the battle!) cancer this past year. I've followed it for four months and have lost 55 pounds. I've never felt better, but it's really hard, especially not having cheese, which i love and miss! I don't miss meat at all, and I had it at almost every meal before. I haven't had heartburn in weeks and used to have to take tums or alka seltzer almost every night. My weigh-in day is Thursdays. I'm part of a 60-day challenge to follow the Hallalujah Diet (www.hacres.com). They have daily support emails/videos. So .. can I play, too?? :)

obie2 01-25-2010 02:11 PM

Lneal putting up a monthly combined loss tracker is a great idea.

Oklahoma Suzie 01-25-2010 02:12 PM

I am trying, but not sure how I will do.

lacikat 01-25-2010 02:12 PM

Thanks so much to the person that started this!! Small victory
yesterday, actually big victory. I ate right and kept my blood sugar under control all day yesterday and did not have to take any insulin last night!!!

Lneal 01-25-2010 02:13 PM

Never too late to join us, and yes everyone is in!! Just keep posting when you get some progress because we all want to hear about it. Cheering everyone on!!! {{{{{YEAH}}}}} You can do it Oklahoma Suzie!!

obie2 01-25-2010 02:16 PM

Sharon - NC congratulations on winning the battle. I applaud you. Also, on your 55# loss. You are so right.
It aint easy.

beckyw 01-25-2010 02:23 PM

I'm starting richard simons tapes again until spring. Going to start counting calaries. We all can do it. Weighted in today at 228.

Mrs. Mel 01-25-2010 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by Lneal
So far we have on board dakotamaid Mamagus beckyw Charlee Mrs Mel sew cornie littlehud bluebird janRN lacikat quiltincharlotte jwwskis joeyoz ChasingHawk PamG Karyn purplemem barnbum Pats8e8 obie2 QuiltMom Teacup LovingIzabella QuiltingGrannie QuiltMania sewspecial watterstide wvdek Lneal BrendaB Rose Hall laparshall Sharon- NC Oklahoma Suzie

Wouldn't it be fun to enter from all of us, a total " weight lost" tally at the end of the month? I'm sure we could donate the fat somewhere!!

I think that is an excellent idea Lneal! Do you wonder where the weight 'goes' when it is lost? Maybe I shouldn't ask.

I also found the perfect 'mother of the bride' dress on Kijiji yesterday. It is 2 sizes down; I am thinking positive (and realistically I hope!)

Charlee 01-25-2010 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by Sharon - NC
Is it too late to join? I'm following a very strict vegan diet after fighting (and winning the battle!) cancer this past year. I've followed it for four months and have lost 55 pounds. I've never felt better, but it's really hard, especially not having cheese, which i love and miss! I don't miss meat at all, and I had it at almost every meal before. I haven't had heartburn in weeks and used to have to take tums or alka seltzer almost every night. My weigh-in day is Thursdays. I'm part of a 60-day challenge to follow the Hallalujah Diet (www.hacres.com). They have daily support emails/videos. So .. can I play, too?? :)

Congrats on winning your battle with cancer and the weight loss too!! And OF COURSE you can play too! ;)

I'm afraid I could never do the Vegan lifestyle...I like my meat and dairy too much! I do admire you for sticking to it!!

QuiltMania 01-25-2010 03:14 PM

Here's a yummy treat for you to try. Take a fat free graham cracker and break it where it is perforated so you have two halves (honey grahams are good, chocolate grahams are better), spread 2 tablespoons of fat free sugar free Cool Whip on one half. Top with the other cracker half. Wrap in plastic wrap and freeze until firm. Just like an ice cream sandwich. Yummy and very low calories.

janRN 01-25-2010 03:34 PM

Okay, lost 2 lbs since last Monday. I know that's pretty good but I wanted to lose 20!! LOL. I did eat better and walked more and I'll keep doing this. I still have to work on "grazing"--I don't like big meals but I planned out my 100 calorie feedings and stuck with that. Maybe that will help me stay around 1200-1400 calories/day. I think that's a good number-am I right?
Congrats to all who have made changes no matter how small--they'll pay off in the long run.
Let me know how the Chantix works for you. I have a lot of patients who've used it successfully. That's next on my "hit parade" of bad habits to break but I think I'll just work on weight loss for now.
Thanks everyone--you guys are the greatest!!

Charlee 01-25-2010 04:05 PM

Great job Jan!!

Do me a favor...go to www.caloriecount.about.com, register, and just do the part (if you don't want to do the rest of it) that tells you how many calories you should be consuming per day based on your age, height, weight and activity levels.... 1200 calories is the bare minimum any woman should have!

barnbum 01-25-2010 04:38 PM

Go purplemem!!! Come on, you can do this. :-D Keep moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I lost a few--so only want to lose 4 more... but the ice cream calls me. So, I ate two helpings of that soup I posted pages ago--and now I'm too full for ice cream! :wink:

Lneal 01-25-2010 04:42 PM

Good job barnbum you fooled yourself into thinking you would still want ice cream!! Thats a great idea!!

Chasing Hawk 01-25-2010 04:44 PM

Ice cream??? what's that??!!


barnbum 01-25-2010 04:50 PM

Just so you're aware--Eddy's Slow Churned is 3 pts per half cup. I put it in very small cups--I forgot what they're called--and it looks like a lot. :wink:

I also added sit-ups. As soon as I come home from school, I need to change before heading to the barn, so I have a mat under the bed and do as many as I can before going outside. I'm doing the ones from the Calenetics program. Today it was 120 before the burn made me quit.

quiltincharlotte 01-25-2010 04:55 PM

hey, I would LOVE to donate some of my fat! Sign me up! Wow, we have quite a group going! Are we going to do the end of the months and see how much we can "donate"?! Great idea - it would be neat to see how much it all adds up to!

Mamagus 01-25-2010 05:19 PM

I am very happy to report that I went to dinner party on Friday and had Erin and her friend Mark here for the weekend; BBQ on Saturday and roast chicken with gravy on Sunday AND I didn't gain an ounce of those 6 pounds back!!!!

Back on the treadmill and happy to do it!

Lneal 01-25-2010 05:41 PM

Last day of January everyone can pm me with your lbs lost and I will post the total since we started this thread on Jan 22, 2010

Charlee 01-25-2010 06:31 PM

Yea Mamagus!! Maintenance is always a good thing when having parties!

Teacup 01-25-2010 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by purplemem
Welcome Aboard!
I weighed in today at 284. My blood sugar was 145 (down from 360) and my blood pressure was 136/70 (down from 160/95). I'm in the middle of prescription changes so I have to check these often. I'm on the way to the hospital now for chest x-ray (to check on my lungs). These are excellent improvements!

Way to go, Purplemem! Keep on going. Let us know how you're doing.

I had a setback today. I've been having ankle problems for a long time. I saw an orthopedic foot specialist today and I have a real problem. We're going to start with custom-made shoe inserts for support ($$$) and will then move to physical therapy and special exercises ($$). If that doesn't work, possibly a brace. Oh, joy. Anyway, he said I could continue Curves if I don't overdo it but NO MORE TREADMILL and take it easy on walking for a while. So my fitness/weight journey is going to take longer because I was counting on Curves and lots of walking. I'm sure swimming would be good but I don't have access to indoor pool facilities. On the bright side, I'm blessed to have half-way decent health insurance, so I'll have help with the costs, once I meet my deductible! I know how fortunate I am.

FYI for anyone considering a new pair of workout shoes: the doctor today asked what shoe I'm wearing for exercise (I have Rebok). He ordered me to purchase NEW BALANCE RUNNING SHOES. That's the only shoe he wants me in to exercise. He said the support is superior to Nike or any others. I've never had a recommendation like that before. So if you need new shoes in the future, you might want to check and see if this brand works for you. I know Kohl's, Penneys and other stores carry them.

Charlee 01-25-2010 06:58 PM

I'm sorry about the setback Teacup! :( But I see that you know how to find that silver lining in the clouds of your life tho! Always a good thing!

While you're on the sidelines...you can still exersize a bit. While you're sitting(straight with shoulders directly over your hips), lift and lower your feet as if you were walking. Do "kicks", lifting your leg straight out from the knee. Lift your knee to your chest. Get a couple of cans out of the cupboard. Stretch to the sky...do curls...work your arms. Walmart has those stretchy exersise bands...get one and use it with your arms...and your knees if you can. (don't do anything to hurt your ankle tho!)
You can still do this! I have faith in you! :)

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