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Annaquilts 08-20-2015 08:48 AM

Hmm yes I noticed from list to list the foods seem to vary. Yes, I do not eat artificial sweeteners but had some when I had a colonoscopy because it is in the drink they have you drink. Can't stand them. I am also allergic to many things including sulfites and MSG. I pretty much make foods from scratch and grow my own. I can not eat out any where because of my allergies. The only thing I can think of affecting my blood sugar is my medication.

Like you I also consumed too much cheese and was not aware of it. another one was my serving size of rice and starches. Some how I thought I was OK since I was consuming whole grains. Too much of the good stuff is bad too.

I also increased my protein compared to how I ate before. I seem to not like high protein foods. This has helped me with my diet significantly.

If I had extra time I would take on your gardening. What are you growing?

Mary Christine 08-20-2015 04:54 PM

I've been thinking of trying the Whole30 diet, but have been afraid it was too restrictive. After the 30 days, what happens? Do you continue to eat as if you are on the diet? I know that committing to weight loss requires a change in attitude and lifestyle, and I know that I need to do it for my personal health. I guess I'm just a wimp! I keep losing and gaining the same 10 pounds!
On a more positive note, I ate an heirloom tomato from my garden today and it was fabulous!

Pam H 08-20-2015 06:12 PM

I have been thinking about the whole30 also. I mentioned it to my DD and she didn't like the idea one bit. Said I wouldn't be able to eat out anymore. I'm torn. My DD is doing WW and she is allowed 50 points a day because she is breastfeeding. Well, yeah, I could do that if I was allowed that many points! I have a friend who is having success with the 21 Day Fix so I am looking into that one now. She says it is the only "diet" that she has been able to follow and stick with.

meanmom 08-21-2015 07:48 PM

I received Fq from Fmhall.

meanmom 08-21-2015 07:54 PM

It is al about finding a plan that you can live with. My friend who has been doing Whole 30 for months goes out to dinner all the time. SHe just tells them exactly what she does and doesn't want on her plate. She said the first month was the hardest learning what she could and couldn't eat. She said she had a hard time with breakfast. She now eats non traditional things for breakfast, things like chicken etc. She says she feels better than she has in years. I [icked up a couple of books from the library today on it and will see if it is for me.
I looked into another diet a friend recommended, not sure about it as you can only have fruit every 4th day. I love fruit too much. It is pretty restrictive for 3 days then on the 4th day you get some extra choices. I start school MOnday and am trying to come up with a better eating plan to start then.

Irishrose2 08-21-2015 08:07 PM

Eating out hasn't been a problem. All the local restaurants are used to making me a hamburger with no bun and extra lettuce leaves, plus broccoli instead of fries. Salads are easy - just remember to hold the cheese. The Whole30 website addresses "What's next?" I haven't read it yet. The diet would be restrictive if I hadn't broken my ice cream habit quite a while ago. Dairy and sugar are not allowed.

My gardens are all flowers. The only vegetables I plant are tomatoes and red peppers. Anything else and the rabbits and deer eat them. It's so aggravating to see lots of baby zucchini one day and the next the vines are stripped bare. I'm losing a lot of tomatoes because I didn't put them on the patio this year.

meanmom 08-23-2015 04:39 AM

I tend to eat better when I am not around the house all day. I guess there are too many temptations around the house. I try to buy the goodies that my DH and DS like that aren't my favorites. I buy Doritos and plain potato chips, that sort of thing. My DH keeps bringing home other things, like peanut butter filled pretzels etc. At school they aren't calling my name all day long. On Tuesday someone is supplying the teachers with pizza and salad for lunch. I hope I can stick with the salad.
Irish, my SIL has a lot of trouble with animals in her garden also. She swears by a spray she makes. She puts an egg and hot sauce in the blender and blends it up. Put it in a spray bottle and let it rot for a few days until it get good and stinky. Then she sprays the plants once a week or so A little more if it rains a lot and she is getting produce for the firat time since they moved to their house.

Irishrose2 08-23-2015 11:00 AM

Anna you are doing so much correctly that it must be time for a feast day. Prolonged calorie cutting makes your body think that's all it's ever going to have, so it adjusts it's calorie need accordingly. Remember as women our bodies conserve energy to feed the fetus in case of a pregnancy - doesn't matter that I'm 25 years post menopausal. To override this, you splurge once a week. Eat whatever you want within reason. That resets your metabolism back to normal. When I was losing weight last time, my feast day could be every four days, but I think that is often for most people. Just remember 'day' is singular - the next day you return to your program.

Pat, I like the idea of a natural determent. My daughter uses my dogs' hair to keep the deer out of her apple orchard. Moira is a big time contributor and Lily does her part. It might help with the deer here, but I bet the bunnies wouldn't care. BTW, speaking of being natural, I just discovered something that blows my mind. Farmers spray wheat with Roundup when it is ready for harvest. Apparently the dying plant shoots off a burst of energy and produces extra wheat kernels. It also drys the wheat out so it can be processed more quickly. The only way around it to buy organic. What are we doing to ourselves and our future generations? First all the young girls with large breasts and no waistlines from microwaving plastic with BPA. Possible link between modified wheat and ADHD. The wheat sold today is not the same wheat we ate as children, even before this Roundup fiasco.

Speaking of wheat, farmers with a crop ready to cut can't be happy today. The rain keeps pouring down very hard, then letting up and then starting all over again. The first one hit shortly after I arrived home from church and was going to take the dogs out. There's a lovely walk through a wooded part of the city that I prefer to do in daylight and it's not hot today. Whoops.

I am thawing a steak. My legs have been a little tired from this diet and I've got a yoga class Tuesday. J has decided we aren't beginners any more. That young man and I have had some long discussions because he sees women's bodies as simply smaller men's. He is a good listener and learner so it's all good. Pat, have you tried Yin Yoga? Totally different and I can see it's benefits combined with more yang practices.

Had my 'trike' out late last night and heard about it from a neighbor this morning. Good grief, I have lights and this a safe area. I refuse to live my life in fear of what might happen.

I AM losing weight and becoming healthier.

crafty-kid 08-23-2015 03:52 PM

Well it was a great weekend...the weather feels like fall 50-70 degrees! I've been working on finishing a quilt for my neighbor and it's just about done. I've been walking many mornings and will continue that again this week. I know that the scale will be nice to me. What is most important is that I've been feeling better....inside and out! Hoping all is well for everyone this coming week!

meanmom 08-24-2015 01:32 PM

I had my first day back to school today in a new building. I love the new principal and so far I like it. It is a lot of walking, 7800 steps at school. I have met 2 of my students and will meet the third one tomorrow. The more I hear about her the worse it gets. She is repeating kindergarden and was aweful last year. She ended the year still unable to write her name. Her mom is really schitzophrenic and dad is way worse, mom is bad enough that her sister has legal custody of mom. She is also spoiled rotten. They person that worked with her some last year was telling me about her today, WOW I think I will have my hands full. They are thinking a regular room isn't the correct placement for her. The teacher was in tears many days.
Irish yes our food is a mess. They spray crops with all kinds of weird thing, not sure why they think this is ok. My GS is allergic to soy (which your body can see as estrogen) and it is in everything. Start reading the labels on things. Nearly every cracker, cookie, bread, some cheese etc contains soy. Look at the problem with eggs and chickens. How can it be good to keep millions in the same house? Haven't they ever heard of the spread of disease? Maybe we need some common sense put back into our farms?
I had my kids for dinner last night. I made a chocolate/ peanut butter cheesecake. OMG is it good. I need to get the rest of it out of my house. I have been sitting here typing thinking about getting me a piece.

Leann 08-24-2015 01:56 PM

I've been away too long. Got my son moved while having some yucky respiratory thing. Chest sounded gurgly so I saw dr who can't find anything, but my cough. Gave me some pills that made me feel worse than the sore throat. He told me I had a virus since I've had it for 2 weeks.

We've had one brief, cool day but we are back in the upper 90's. My parents still do not have a/c. My darling daughter bought them a room unit for night. They were mad, she insisted! They are still fighting with Sears; doesn't matter that 2 separate technicians have told them the unit needs replacing!

I started the month pretty good and have flat lined.

meanmom, I have my quarters packaged to send you. Will do that tomorrow when I go to PT. I totally forgot.

Irishrose2 08-24-2015 03:17 PM

Leann, you and I will be mailing together. I chose a blue, pressed it and need to cut it. Not rocket science. I'll do it on a break tonight when I'm aggravated with replacing zippers in two bicycle jerseys. I would do not it for most, but this is for a young man I tutored in the past.

I went to Bob Evans for an omelet tonight. The biscuits looked good - I haven't had one in 9 years, so why tonight? Hot chocolate at another table was appealing, too. That's one thing I did have to give up for the Whole30. Ah well, 16 more days.

I have a large area on the Fantasia quilt I don't know what to do with. Just do it, I guess. Who'll know whatever happens isn't what I intended? Only me.

Flatlined here, too, Leann. I think the next four pounds will be slow - not off by the 31th, for sure.

I am losing weight and getting healthier.

meanmom 08-25-2015 04:37 PM

Leann and Irish I have also flatlined. I am trying to change things up a little bit to see if that helps. I am back to behaving for 3 days and them one day with a little bit of goodies. I have done well with this in the past. I really need to do the Whole 30. I am reading a book about it now.
I met my little kindergardener today. She had what for her is a good day. WOW! I am going to hate seeing a bad day. She told me I was mean, I really felt like saying thank you. SHe obviously is used to getting her own way and running the whole house. Hopefully I can do something with her. I have my notebook all ready to take notes on her behavior so we can document everything we have tried. They need a big paper trail on kids anymore to prove why they can't be on a regular classroom. Her file is already several inches thick. She will need a whole file drawer by the time she is a senior in high school. I have some ideas of how to handle her if the teacher will let me.
I only walked 7000 steps at school today I came home and made dinner quickly and went for a 15 mile bike ride. I bought some new capris to wear to work. My old ones are a disgrace. I bought 4 pairs and they all need hemming. Not sure why they make them so long, I am 5'6' not short. One pair just grazes my ankle bone, the other 3 need about 4 inches cut off. I also found a maxie dress on clearance for $7. I need to be sewn in the front so it doesn't gap open. I am heading up to the sewing room.
I will eat healthy food and lose weight!

Irishrose2 08-25-2015 05:17 PM

"I also found a maxie dress on clearance for $7. I need to be sewn in the front so it doesn't gap open. I am heading up to the sewing room."
You do?? That will be painful. I'd rather sew the dress. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

I agree on the capris. Those ankle pants just aren't for me because I don't wear cute sandals. Back from yoga. Other than a long series of warriors, J wasn't too hard on us. My balance was off tonight. "Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down." My children had Weebles 40 years ago. Now occasionally, their mother is one. Oh, well, much better than a year ago. Very few neurothapy symptoms these day. Nerves can regenerate!

While I'm picking on you, I like "I am" rather than "I will." "I will" denotes the future - "I am" is the present. I want to eat healthy and lose weight NOW.

I admire your ability to go for a bike ride as school opens. I remember those first few weeks as being very tiring. After I retired I substituted for both parapros and health aides. Students used to ask me if I was a mean sub. I told them I could be as nice as they'd let me be - it depended on their behavior. Or I could as mean as I needed to be - it was up to them. Worked quite well.

Every parent needs to read Gary Chapman's '5 Languages of Love for Children'. It's easier to deal with children if you know what makes them feel loved. I bought a copy for my son and DIL. Her daughter was very difficult, though not like your charge, and didn't respond to the normal ways we communicate love. It was very hard for my son grasp the concept that some children need to have gifts in other to think anyone loves them.

I made chop suey today, then gave it all away because it was too salty for me. It was really good except for that. The person I gave it to eats more salt than I do so it won't go to waste.

meanmom 08-26-2015 01:39 PM

I haven't been going to yoga because it is a lot of time on my knees and kneeling was still difficult. The doctor said some people can't ever kneel on replaced knees. It is getting to wwhere I can kneel on it some. I will probably go back to yoga this winter. I don't have neuropathy but had trouble with some of the balance poses in yoga. One of my PT exercises is to stand on one foot for up to 1 minute. Since I have been doing it my balance is better.
My little kindergartener was in the principals office less than 30 minutes after she got there today. Another teacher came into the room and she threw a craoyon at her. We really should have been in the office 5 or 6 times today. At one point she was crawling down the hall barking and licked my leg, she threatened to bite me. I am keeping a notebook on her. This is supposed to be an 8 week trial period for her, not sure she will make it. Not sure the teacher has the patience for her. Luckily in my school district she is only there 1/2 days. My other student is autistic. I am neglecting him in the mornings because I can't even get to him. He was pretty off this afternoon.
No bike ride today. Stopped at the store on the way home and I already have 9000 steps in.

crafty-kid 08-26-2015 06:36 PM

Happy to say that I finally got my Fitbit One hooked up to my IPhone, so now I really set to say good-bye to the weight I need to shed. I've had the Fitbit for years and have had a program with school with a pedometer, so I only wore the school one. Now that program at school is ending, so I am back to the Fitbit....and wow have things changed over the few years! I was able to download the app to my phone and I'm able to scan UPC code for calculating foods and such. I think this will be my ticket to getting back on the bandwagon....along with walking and water intake.

Jim's Gem 08-27-2015 08:42 AM

Hello Everyone! Been quite busy. Today is the day my #6 grand baby will be born. They started to induce labor last night. I will be heading to hosp in a few minutes. It could be a long day. This is Megan's first little one. It is a girl! I think my eating will be a little "off" today.

Leann 08-27-2015 09:43 AM

Congrats Gayle on a new precious one!

I am so excited - I am typing this from the computer that Daddy gave to my DD, DS nuked the drive & reinstalled the OS (Windows XP - believe it or not), and I've been working two WEEKS to get it to connect wirelessly. Finally happened! She will be so happy to have it.

On another good note, my parents are having a new a/c installed today. Thank everyone for your prayers!

meanmom, I did get my skinnies in the mail on Tuesday. Not sure I would have a winning chance, even if I fasted til months end.

Irishrose2 08-27-2015 10:30 AM

Pat, I can't imagine kneeling on a replaced knee, but then who would have guessed I can walk on feet that are a good precentage titanium and stainless steel. I made a little fleece pillow to use under my knee when all the weight is on one knee. Not problem, just need a little padding there at my age. Two knees down is no problem, but one alone needs the pad. Don't rush it - you have done so well and it really hasn't been that long.

Leann, fast until the end of the month?? Might help, but it's not going to happen. My FQ went out today. I went to he PO yesterday, but brought the FQ back home - somehow the postage would have been $2.54 and that's outrageous.

I am losing weight and getting healthier.

meanmom 08-27-2015 02:24 PM

Teri what App do you have for fitbit. Mine doesn't have a UPC scan feature. Gayle congratulations on the new granddaughter. I hope everything is going ok. Judy I have been meaning to ask you how your feet were doing. It sounds like you do quite a bit of walking with the dogs. Hope they are doing well. I know you hd a pretty big surgery a while ago.
It is 4 months toady since i had my knee replaced. It is doing really, really well. I wish I had had the surgery sooner. I can do pretty much anything I want. The only thing that holds me back is the fact that I am out of shape. Most of my walking and bike riding is on level ground as the bike path runs along the river. I have been trying to add some hills into things. There is a decent sized hill that I try to walk up and down twice on the way home from my walk. I usually drive to the bike path when I walk. It gets stiff if I sit around too much (old age?) and is a little bit weak on stairs and hills.
OMG they have had cake or some treat every day so far at school. Tomorrow they are all going to BW3's after work. I'm not sure if they are going for just drinks or dinner. I am slowly learning some of the names in the building, there are a lot of people some I rarely see. The building is really long and skinny so it is a lot of walking. My kindergardener was absent today, I was told when they talk to mom about her behavior she is often absent the next day. A little boy in the class made sure I had plenty to do.

crafty-kid 08-27-2015 05:51 PM

Meanmom...I typed in fitbit....and it came up fitbit app, then it was the top one...fitbit, inc with 3 stars and 270 reviews....I hope that helps. Also when I go to log food it's to the right of the search bar under the "Done" button...I hope that helps.

Pam H 08-28-2015 07:05 AM

I was looking at fitbit yesterday. I need to check to see if it can be used with my iphone 4. I know my mac and ipad are too old. It's pretty cool that it shows how many flights of stairs you do each day. Another goal to try to meet each day. I wonder if I would like it as much as I did my WW activity monitor. I loved that thing.
How exciting with a new baby coming today!! I hope things go well. I know it can be tough on first time moms to be induced.
Lynne, how wonderful that your parents are finally getting a new a/c!
Yesterday I went shopping for my red, short, sparkly dress for my son's wedding. I found everything but the shiny part. It is all over lace so maybe that will be okay. I was able to get it on and zipped and the belt fastened but it is pretty snug around the waist. I am determined to lose 10 lbs before the wedding so it will fit nicely. Oh, and I paid only $29 for it at TJMax.

Jim's Gem 08-28-2015 10:10 AM

My newest Grand daughter was born last night at 10:51 pm. It was a long day but Faith Eliszabeth came in at 7 lb 6 oz and 20 in long. She is a beauty!

Pam H 08-28-2015 10:27 AM

Congratulations, Gayle!!

crafty-kid 08-29-2015 09:04 AM

Awww...congrats Gayle on the new baby! Lucky to be a grandma...I need to wait a bit longer, not one of my 3 are married and only one is interested in someone at this moment. It will all happen at once I'm sure.

Pam.... I think that WW and the Fitbit work together, someone once told me that the Fitbit will add up the WW "points". I have had it for many years, actually had issues with 2, so now I am on my 3rd. I should have never stopped using it, because I went down hill and now have more to lose! Oh well it was fun while it lasted, NOW BACK TO WORK!

Irishrose2 08-29-2015 10:02 AM

Congratulations, Gayle. Little girls are so precious - okay, little boys are, too. Enjoy Miss Faith Eliszabeth. My oldest is Karen Elizabeth so I like the name.

Weigh in tomorrow. I hope the winner enjoys the my blue FQ. It won't be coming back here. Pat, I mailed it, but forgot to add 'Irishrose'.

I AM getting healthier and losing weight.

meanmom 08-29-2015 02:31 PM

I took off on a bike ride this morning. I had deided I was going to ride this whole section of the bike path, about 22 miles. Luckily I decided I didn't feel like going that far. The wind kicked up a little bit and there was quite a headwind on my way bcak. The little waves in the river made it look like the river was flowing backwards. It was a lot harder ride on the way back. I rode 18 miles.
Teri thanks for the info on the App I will try to find it. Pam I have an iPhone 5c and the fitbit is compatible with it. I think it uses bluetooth. I would like to find an app that tracks WW points like the WW app. I don't want to pay to join WW again but need a point counter.
Last night was happy hour night with the staff from school. Calorie wise I did ok. What I ate wasn't very healthy but it was tasty. I had a snack size boneless wings and one drink. Back on track this morning. I haven't been on the scale in a couple of weeks. Curious to see what it has to say at the end of the month. Some of my pants are getting a little bit baggy in the butt:-)

meanmom 08-29-2015 02:45 PM

I just posted the new thread for September. So head over there and sign up. OMG I can't believe it is September already. Good luck everyone. http://www.quiltingboard.com/general...ml#post7301165

Pam H 08-29-2015 07:03 PM

I had a good day today. Walked 3.5 miles this morning and averaged 4.5 mph. I was really booking! We went to a going away party tonight. There was so much food. There were even some healthy options. I loaded my plate with fruits and veggies. I had a spoonful of a couple of kinds of dips and a few tostidos but a lot less than I would normally eat. Then they had hamburgers and brats and salad for the actual meal. I had a burger with mustard and a tomato on it with no bun and then a nice serving of salad which was lettuce and fruit. I sampled 3 of the desserts which maybe together was equivalent to 1 brownie. I don't feel guilty about any of it since I burned over 600 calories this morning.
I hope everyone else had a good day too!

meanmom 08-30-2015 05:49 AM

Pam good job at the party. I haven't received the quilting board the last several days. Anyone know how I can fix that? Don't forget to PM me you weight loss tomorrow.
The weather forcast for this week is hot and more hot with major humidity piled on top of that. My school is not air conditioned and it is going to be miserable all week. I hate wearing dresses but I guess I will have to break down and wear them this week, better air circulation. By afternoon the kids are all just wilting in their desks. I am having a hard time getting my water in at school especially in the mornings as I can't really leave the room to get water or use the restroom. My little kindergartener has been described as one of the worst kids they have ever seen at that age. Her mom has declined to put her in a special unit where she could learn better behavior. We are collecting what we need to force this to happen. Not sure what they could possibly still need as she is repeating kindergarten and her file is alread over 3 inches thick. I am keeping lots of notes on her. Her behavior is unbelievable.

Irishrose2 08-30-2015 10:54 AM

I'm never sure if dresses are cooler or not because my thighs get sweaty and stick together. Coolest for me would probably be looser fitting capris, though short dresses are better than long. Are you not allowed to have a water bottle in your room? Our superintendent came up with the idea of no liquid in the room one year. I told my principal to fire me now because I can't talk all day without water or tea. We amended it to no soda in the classroom for our building, but water was okay (actually coffee and tea, too). During warm spells, the students were allowed water bottles, too. Only one of the five elementary buildings here has AC, but it's not as necessary here as there. MS, yes, JH and SH, no. I subbed in all the buildings after I retired. I wore long pants to church today because I needed to wear an ankle brace and was very warm and it isn't warm her today. I feel for you.

Is weigh in today or tomorrow? I am a little lighter, but my waist hasn't diminished. The joys of a mature body.

crafty-kid 08-30-2015 02:05 PM

I did weigh in today...but I just read that it's tomorrow, so I will hope that I'm down even more than today...haha! Hubby and I went on a cycle ride today to Wisconsin and hit up a creamery and I "had" to have a small ice cream. YIKES! Well I will be honest and hope my numbers hold.

Leann 08-30-2015 04:12 PM

Sounds like you ladies are hitting your stride!

meanmom, have they done any kind of testing for food allergies for that little girl? They have done terrible things to our wheat and causes problems for so many. Did you get my skinnies?

Made a quick trip to Austin to load up my kid and told him I won't be back for two months. He has to shop for himself!
All it takes is a little planning.

Good luck to everyone on their final weigh in this month!

Pam H 08-30-2015 08:16 PM

Teri, you were in my state today and I will be in yours tomorrow. Visiting my niece in Brooklyn Park. I might see if I can sneak away and check out SR Harris.
Good luck, everyone, on your weigh in!

Pete 08-31-2015 07:43 AM

Good news for someone! I gained (boo hoo) so I won't be the winner. May I be the first to congratulate the winner and ask his/her secret????

Annaquilts 08-31-2015 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by crafty-kid (Post 7301974)
I did weigh in today...but I just read that it's tomorrow, so I will hope that I'm down even more than today...haha! Hubby and I went on a cycle ride today to Wisconsin and hit up a creamery and I "had" to have a small ice cream. YIKES! Well I will be honest and hope my numbers hold.

You'll be fine because you biked it all off. That sounds like a fun trip including the ice cream.

Annaquilts 08-31-2015 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by Pete (Post 7302603)
Good news for someone! I gained (boo hoo) so I won't be the winner. May I be the first to congratulate the winner and ask his/her secret????

No fun. I hope next month will be better for you. Hang in there. I just had surgery and for the 2 days following I gained close to 7 lbs in one day. I looked like the good year blimp with pokey legs and arms as my belly was so distended. Fortunately today I am back to preop weight and I hope it stays this way or goes back to loosing.

crafty-kid 08-31-2015 01:17 PM

Pam...SR Harris is a great place! There is a much cleaner one and organized down in the south side of the cities. I went there once!

Anna Quilts....we weren't on bikes, sat on a motorcycle, so not exercising, but still fun!!!!

Today was my weigh in and back to a full day of work....I did both and during my lunch (longer than normal, because of it was a training day) I walked in the heat. I will somehow have to find time in my mornings to walk...it was a bit too hot and sticky. I can't do that once school starts, I was a sweaty mess and the kids like to give hugs. haha

Annaquilts 08-31-2015 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by crafty-kid (Post 7302892)

Anna Quilts....we weren't on bikes, sat on a motorcycle, so not exercising, but still fun!!!!

LOL Ooops I think I knew but I am still a bit out of it, pain meds. It actually sounds like even more fun.

meanmom 08-31-2015 03:10 PM

I carry a water bottle around with me all day at school. I just have a hard time refilling it. The kids are allowed to bring water bottles when it gets this hot. We encourage them to drink often. Several students came in long sleeves and long pants today. Not sure where the parents are. They sometimes come in shorts or skirts when it is really cold.
No exercise for me today, too tired. I came home, had a big glass of ice water and took a 15 minute nap. I felt much better afterwards.
My little kindergadener wasn't too bad today. Her mom(aunt) always makes excuses when she misbehaves. We praised her a lot for her behavior. Mom must have given her the proper meds this morning, I was told mom adjusts them herself. She was still a handful but a lot better. I am sure they would never test her for food allergies mom thinks she is perfect. She was born very early and died 2x and was revived in the hospital. Half of her problem is she is spoiled rotten and runs the house. Her mom and dad are both very schitzophrenic. Hopefully I can get her under control.

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