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BobbiSue 07-01-2011 06:46 PM

I'm not sure that I believe in ghosts as such but something really strange has happened to me. Twice with in three days, I have "heard" my husband call my name when he was nowhere in the vicinity. I remember my mom and grandparents talking about 'tokens'. This really scares the be-jeebers out of me...
Any comments welcome.

Gleniveve 07-01-2011 07:27 PM

Hi there, I have had lots of ghostly and spiritual exper-iences over the years but one that I remember most vividly. It was after I had an ultrasound of my breast and had to see an oncologist the next day. I climbed into bed and rolled onto my left side as usual. I had dragged my nightie up to my waist as the weather was so humid and I was too hot and stressed to sleep and was just lying there. Minutes later, my nightie was gently pulled down and straightened over my bottom and a hand was gently patting me like you would to comfort a baby. I knew it was my mum as she had been through this "journey" herself and knew how terrifying it was.

MelodyWB 07-01-2011 07:31 PM

I do for sure..there is a whole spirit world out there !!

galvestonangel 07-01-2011 08:03 PM

We bought a house where a man and women had been killed. The man was actually seen a few times. I believe he looked after us as my children were growing up. He liked to play tricks and hide things on one of my DGD.

My experience is about my sister. The day before she died she was in a coma and started talking to family members that had already passed on, and she was reading from the bible. She died in 1968 and I don't know if I felt her presence until about 8 years ago. We had moved into another house and I was working on my computer and I smelled smoke. I couldn't find where it was coming from. This when happened off and on for about a year. Then I saw a program that said sometimes they let you know by smoke. She did smoke when she was alive. One time I heard her say "I am here, I am here" scared me to death. About 6 months ago, I got very upset with her daughter about her mishanding something. I did call and apologize the next day. But a couple of days later, I got in my car and smelled cigarette smoke, then it went away. Then a day or two later my DH and DD got in the car and asked me who had been smoking in my car. I told them my sister is mad at me for fussing at her daughter and she is smoking in my car to spite me.

Now on the angels, I tripped in the parking lot of the church and went forward, straight down. I did not catch my self and I had little pieces of gravel on my forehead and chin but I was not hurt. It should have smashed my face. I believe my angels cushioned my fall. My DH could not believe I was not hurt.

Gleniveve 07-01-2011 08:15 PM

I was in hospital and during the night after I had my thyroid removed I awakened to see a man walk into my hospital room dressed in khaki trousers and a white shirt. Nothing strange about that, but in this day and age, these clothes were not the uniform of the day. This was only nine years ago and this uniform was from many years before then. He turned side on and was standing watching me. As I lay there a female nurse entered the room also and was wearing a long white dress with a pintucked front, buttons and buttonholes down the front, little round collar and a small white cap. This also had long sleeves, a long skirt almost to the floor and she looked very prim and proper. When this nurse walked in she stopped just a little short of where the male nurse was and turned to face me as well. Their arms were barely an inch apart but neither one was aware the other was there. They were both from different eras that were many years apart. I was so excited about seeing them there side by side (but not together) as I had experienced many different spirit visitors over many, many years. These nurses were both doing their early-morning rounds and I was lucky enough to see them both but they couldn't see each other. This experience is still etched in my mind like it was yesterday and I will never forget it.
lol Gleniveve

chris_quilts 07-01-2011 08:25 PM

When my beloved Tigger died, I used to "see" him occasionally lying on my shirts in the laundry basket. He loved to decorate them with his fur. I didn't tell anyone but occasionally I would find some fur on the shirts that could only have been shed by him as the other cat was black and white and Tigger was a black and brown tiger color. This was months after he died, so they would have been worn and washed since his death. He was my guardian angel in many ways. He helped me through some really rough times during my battle with mental illness.

RobertaMarie 07-01-2011 08:32 PM

Thanks for all the stories. I enjoyed them and could relate to many. I believe there are many kinds of phenomena that we don't understand. We call them by different names, and that does not matter. There must be something in Spirit for so many of us to have these experiences. If you are afraid, then imagine yourself surrounded by white light or even a golden bubble of light and declare protection for yourself. I have been a metaphysical student for many years, so this does not frighten me. I feel protected by a good Spirit.

donnalynett 07-01-2011 10:00 PM

I was close to death four years ago and hospitalized. One night my deceased grandparents came and stood alongside my bed. It really made me feel better emotionally and a few days later I was on my way to recovery.

karolyn 07-01-2011 11:24 PM

Sorry, this is long

Yes Ghosts And Angels, also.
My Father Passed away in 2002. and a couple days later I had a dream and he came to me. He was Standing in a room with other family members,and it was very festive and upbeat the feeling I had about it. he turned around and Said. "Karolyn
Don't worry about me, I am so Happy and feel wonderful. and I Don't Hurt anymore. and look how young I am" .. and i could see that there was joy in his face .
And the dream was so vivid. In the dream He looked like he was in his early thirties.
when he passed he was 76. ( And after that dream I have such a peaceful and really happy feeling Knowing That he is alright
and being taken care of. )

My Mother Passed away in 2006 And I was taking care of her at my house. She was sick for quite awhile , she Always used a walker
and it was hard for her to get around.
finally she went in the hospital and passed a few days later,
a couple days After her funeral. I was sitting down in my room
and I looked up and I saw The Back of My Mother, She had a red House Dress she wore quite often, and she was walking real fast past the door, into the room she stayed in. no trouble walking ,and No walker. I got up and looked in the room and didn't see anyone.

I Miss them so much , But I take it as their way of telling me they are alright and it has helped me so much.

Sorry got one more
About 2o years ago I had my mom and younger sister in my car I had a fairly new Red Javlin only about 4-5 years old
and was driving no problem , then all of a sudden my car horn just started going off,and it was real loud and kept blaring
Boy, I was having a fit It scared the S--- out of me We didn't know what to do , so I see a Cemetary on the left hand side it was one I've seen before. I pull in there get out of the car
the horn still blowing and it won't shut off. I lift up the hood and
can't figure out what's wrong . I turn around and A Older man in overalls is walking up to me and leans over the car and did something,because the horn stopped. I turn around to thank him and theres no one there. He just disappered . I have no Idea where he went. There was too much of a parking lot
and the building was too far away for him to just be gone
there was no other cars their either. the funny thing was He never spoke a word I never heard his voice,
I believe he was a angel. But it was spooky at the time .

sorry this is so long Karolyn

Born2Sew 07-02-2011 01:34 AM

Like most of you, I prefer to call them spirits. My first encounter with spirits was years ago when I was just 8-9 yrs old. We lived in the country with no neighbors close by, We lived in a pasture that was about 160 acres. One day I was playing outside not very far from the house and could distinctly hear teh voices of children. Couldn't hear what they were saying, it mostly consisted of laughter.
I tried to get closer to the sound and called out to them.
The closer I tried to get, the farther they seemed to be. I finally decided they didn't want to play and went on my merry way. It wasn't until years later that my daughter called me and said her hubby thought she was crazy for hearing voices. That sort of took me by surprise so I began asking her questions about where she heard them and what they sounded like. After a while, I remembered the children's voices from so long ago. I told her I was surprised that she could hear them, as she was an adult. And, above all, she wasn't crazy because I had heard them too and knew they were there. (She was living on the same piece of land that I grew up on).

My next story isn't quite as peaceful. My daughter and her first husband divorced, and since they were living on the family land, he wanted the house. We made him move it. A few years later she remarried. She and her new hubby bought a refurbished double wide and moved it back to the same spot. It wasn't long until her jewelry started coming up missing. There were 2 places in the house where their dog would stare at the wall and growl. The electricity does strange things sometimes the lights won't come on in the main bathroom, and other times they will.
One night pictures she had up came flying off the wall.

This really bothered me because it didn't sound good and not knowing the history of the home they'd purchased left me with a really bad feeling about what had happened in it prior. So I got a bottle of Holy Oil and she and I went through every room in the house praying over it, and marking over each doorway with a cross using the Holy Oil.
Not long after that, my son in law saw an orb of light rush down the hallway into the living room and out the ceiling.
There is still a black spot on the ceiling (that continues to get larger) She has been unable to find anything that will take it off, it looks like black soot. I haven't heard them complain anymore about strange bizzare occurances, so I guess whatever was there is now gone.

Zappycat 07-02-2011 02:42 AM

Originally Posted by klgreene
I also believe in spirits of the dead. About 10 years ago I met a young Native American boy, and went to visit he and his family. They gave me the name of Snow Owl. While visiting him he took me to several different places in his area. One of the places was Siche Hollow, which is just like a beatiful park. When walking back to the car, I looked at a tree, and there was a white looking owl from sap or something. It startled me, and he didn't see it, but once my pictures were developed, I askef his mom what she saw on the tree. She immediately said a snow owl. Then we went to a burial grounds. I took all kinds of pictures of things, but when I had them developed, there were no pictures of the actual burial grounds. Everything else came out. I believe the spirits did not want me taking pictures, so there was nothing to develop.

HOw cool! Yes, I see the snow owl, too!

Zappycat 07-02-2011 02:44 AM

Originally Posted by Kas

Originally Posted by klgreene
I also believe in spirits of the dead. About 10 years ago I met a young Native American boy, and went to visit he and his family. They gave me the name of Snow Owl. While visiting him he took me to several different places in his area. One of the places was Siche Hollow, which is just like a beatiful park. When walking back to the car, I looked at a tree, and there was a white looking owl from sap or something. It startled me, and he didn't see it, but once my pictures were developed, I askef his mom what she saw on the tree. She immediately said a snow owl. Then we went to a burial grounds. I took all kinds of pictures of things, but when I had them developed, there were no pictures of the actual burial grounds. Everything else came out. I believe the spirits did not want me taking pictures, so there was nothing to develop.

Either that, or you left the lens cap on! Just kidding! I believe. My church was the family home of George Steele. He was one of the foremost architects in pre-Civil War Alabama and Georgia. The tales of what was seen and heard in that house (mansion) are too long and too many to relate right here, but one happened to my mom when she was pregnant with me. When I was about six or five, someone set fire to the main floor. It gutted one section, but the rest was saved. During cleanup and repair, people from the congregation stored stuff at their homes that used to be at the church. My dad brought home some tools (being my dad!). When he brought them through the front door, our dog's hackles rose and she growled while she followed my dad to the top of the basement stairs. My mom freaked and told him to just take those tools right back out of her house! He told her she was being rediculous and didn't. Well, that's when Jennifer (the dog) started acting very strange. She would walk through the house growling. And the sound of cabinets and doors opening and closing started. Our hall closet is stuffed to the gills with linens and junk and you still to this day have to put one hand on the stuff while you open or shut the door so it doesn't come crashing out. The last straw was when my mom heard that door pop open. She was mad because she knewshe would have to clean up all the stuff. But when she got to the hall, there was Jennifer...growling at the closet. The door was closed. My mom went and got the tools and set them outside and wouldn't let them back in. There was never another problem until I was in highschool....but that is for another time!

Ooooo...can't wait to hear more!

Retired 07-02-2011 02:54 AM

As I said before I lived in a haunted house for 5 years. Here's one experiende.
My husband and I had gone to bed. While lying there waiting to go to sleep I heard someone calling my name, over and over. I nudged my husband and asked if he heard anything. He told me he had and that I had better answer because I was being called. I got up, walked to the top of the stairs and saw a white glowing cloud halfway down the stairs. That was where my name was being called from. I asked what they wanted, the rest of my antics would make you laugh. I won't go into detail. VBG
The next morning I received a call from my uncle that my aunt had passed away during the night. I asked him what time and it was at that same time I had the white cloud appear calling my name. He then told me she was calling for me when she passed.
When we went to the funneral, I had to go to his house first. He would not go to the funneral until he knew for sure I was there.
After five years in the home, I could write a book. All three of my children, my husband and I had many experiences there.

kaykwilts 07-02-2011 03:23 AM

ok...I guess I will share a story or two. I usually don't share much of this type of stuff because people think I am nuts...but here goes.

Back in the eighties and nineties, I worked as a midwife, delivering babies at home. During my apprenticeship, the primary midwife and I were delivering a baby for a young couple outside the (then small town) of Kaufman. This baby was born with a hole in her heart (ok, please folks, let's NOT start a conversation about the safety of homebirth!!! That's not relevant to my story!!) This was before the days of sonograms being used routinely. Anyway, neither I nor the primary had oxygen with us. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the primary took the baby to the living room to wait. The father was on the front porch. I was in the bedroom with the mom. The father reported looking up the street and seeing a young man dressed in a coveralls walking up the street toward the house. He was carrying an oxygen tank. He stopped and asked the father if this was the house where the baby had been born. He said yes. Without another word, this "man" walked up to the house, and into the living room. He set the tank down next to the midwife and asked her if she knew how to turn it on. She said yes, but could he as she had her hands full. He turned on the tank, handed her the pediatric size O2 mask, smiled and told her all would be well, and walked back out the door. He didn't speak to the father but just walked up the street, and vanished (according to the father). Shortly thereafter, the ambulance arrived. The baby was transported to Parkland, and was sent back home after a short stay for the repair of a small hole in her heart. But that same day, when the midwife returned to get me (we had arrived in the same car) she asked where the O2 tank went...I asked what O2 tank? Needless to say, the tank was missing. None of the neighbors reported to us that they owned an O2 tank, nor did anyone in town match the description of the man who had delivered it to the house. We all decided an angel had delivered it.

And this one....the house I lived in before buying my current residence had been owned by the same man since the early 40's. He had died in the house at the age of 87. He would stop by many days and nights, to see what we were doing with his beloved home...we could always tell he was there as he would roll his wheelchair up and down the hallway. A deeply committed Christian, I never feared his presence, as I knew he had been sent back to resolve something, or let us know about something...and he just didn't have a "spooky" presence. The last time I saw or heard him, he woke me up in the middle of the night, sitting in his wheelchair on my side of the bed. I turned to him and said, "Please, not tonight. I am really tired." He went away and I never saw him again.

And finally, my Dad was a pilot and owned the same small plane from the early 70's onward. I took many trips in that plane growing up and even some as an adult. (He kept it in mint condition)...now, where I lived at the time he passed on was in an area of restricted air space....no private planes could fly over this area, and the military planes that did land and take off ONLY flew in a certain direction...ONLY. One day, I was out in my large vegetable garden working and suddenly heard a small plane engine. I looked up and there was my Dad's plane (bear in mind, he had sold the plane the yr before he died, and I lived nearly a thousand miles from him), flying a perpendicular course to the normal flight pattern...something that I had NEVER seen in the many years I had lived in that house. He waved his wings, as he always did when he said goodbye to me, and flew out of sight. It was an amazing and comforting sight.

I could relate many other stories, as I have had encounter with angels, departed ones, and demons nearly all my life...but this has been long enough!!! But thanks for letting me share.

MrsM 07-02-2011 04:17 AM

Originally Posted by dragonflylady
i SEE the snow owl..... =0)

Me too!

Wendys Quilts 07-02-2011 04:26 AM

This has been very interesting read this morning :) Some creepy, some fascinating.

We have only been our house a couple of years and our house was at that time 9 years old. My two year old son, at the time, was sitting on our back porch and was looking out the window and said, "mom, who is that old man in the trees?" I told him I didnt know and I asked what his name was and he said, "Fred." Over time I would ask my son if he stills sees him out there and he says he does and then there are times he says he doesnt.

Another time, was when I lived by myself in a small apartment. There were a couple of nights around midnight that my radio would just turn on by itself. After the second time I unplugged it lol Then one morning I was in the shower and I felt something push my right shoulder while washing my hair. I actually turned around to see if someone was with me lol of course there was not.

And then when I was a child my twin sister and I lived in an old home. We were in our bedroom playing one day and we both saw an old lady with blue hair in our closet. We told our parents about it and they asked the realtor about it and were told that the lady prior to us had died in the house.

SO, yes, I believe.

Yes, I believe.

kwilter 07-02-2011 08:22 AM

FABULOUS stories! I can't remember the last time I read EVERY single post. It is nice to know that so many others have had these experiences.

My mom experienced "premonitions" frequently: We would often meet half way between our homes, then continue on walking to one or the other home. It had rained one morning and she told my (little at the time) kids that they would find a penny in a puddle at our meeting point. Sure enough, even though we got there before her, they found a penny in one of the puddles!

Another time, when my brother was in the Navy, (I was still at home with her)I was awakened by her moving about the house and asked what was wrong. She responded by say that she just "knew" Georgie was coming to visit from San Diego. We sat up and he showed up that night, having ridden his motorcycle across the country more than 2,000 miles!

I felt she was alerted by her angel. I will post more of my own experiences soon.

Pam H 07-02-2011 08:42 AM

This is all so interesting! Oh, yes, I believe in both ghosts and angels.
I was driving and my daughter was in the passenger seat. I was just ready to turn left at an intersection; there was an oncoming car also waiting to turn left. Someone screamed "STOP!!!" inside my head, so I stopped! A car came flying around the oncoming car. They would have most likely killed my daughter.

My brother was driving his semi when a crazy guy with a death wish, driving on the other side of the interstate drove down in the ditch and pulled out right in from of my brother. My brother could not move over as he was passing another truck at the time. This huge accident happened where the cab of the semi was totally crushed except for a "protective bubble" where my brother was sitting.
My husband and I went on a tour of a haunted mansion while on vacation. In one room there was a big wooden chair that supposedly was possessed by a ghost. The tour leader moved her hand down the chair. One woman screamed and almost fainted. I felt this "energy" fly into my belly and move down my arms and out my fingertips. It took all my energy with it. It was pretty creepy and cool at the same time.

Ramona Byrd 07-02-2011 09:20 AM

I AGREE--Never let children play with OUIJA boards!! Or anyone else in my house.
I got rid of the Ouija board my DH had when we married.

In my family, we have "the three knocks" on the door. In the evening when we hear 3 knocks on the door and no one is there, wait and 3 more, nobody there, and 3 more, then we start calling folks to tell them we love them. And quickly visiting near by family, because that is a warning some family member is dying.
My Mom lived in Ohio in 1941 and her brother was visiting and they heard the 3 series of knocks, so Uncle Elmer immediately got in his car and went home to WV so he was there when my Grandpa died. Got there a few hours before. Others also came in the day before, just for visiting but hadn't been there for a while. They never said why, but we knew they had also had the warning.

nativetexan 07-02-2011 09:28 AM


scrappylady 07-02-2011 09:38 AM

[quote=Pam H]This is all so interesting! Oh, yes, I believe in both ghosts and angels.
I was driving and my daughter was in the passenger seat. I was just ready to turn left at an intersection; there was an oncoming car also waiting to turn left. Someone screamed "STOP!!!" inside my head, so I stopped! A car came flying around the oncoming car. They would have most likely killed my daughter.

I had an experience a few years ago after driving straight thur from Ocala, fla to Ft. Wood.Mo approx. 17 hours. ( never doing that again) I was driving at 3;00am and was falling asleep, BUT it was only another 20 minutes till we would be home. So instead of waking up my husband I thought I could make it. WELL....that almost did not happen. I drove off the edge of the Highway I-44 into a soft shoulder. While all this was going on a VOICE was saying to me..You can drive this out, just do not slam on the brakes and just let the van slow down on it own and do not over steer. WOW a lot to listen to while I'm seeing grass flying by the passenger side window where my husbands head was resting. I'll swear to this day is was my parents talking to me. I was so calm (till it stopped moving) all I did was wake my husband before we got completely stopped. His response was "Pretty Darn good driving". For once, I listened to my parents giving me good advice.
I hear my son's cry for help in the middle of the night once too. He was on a ship in the Gulf and recieved a "Dear John" letter from his wife. Things got a little messy and he got in a fight..and I knew it. A few hours later he called me to tell what happened etc and I Knew most of it already. Mother's intuition or Angels preparing me for the news???
They are out there to protect us, if we let them.

tomilu 07-02-2011 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by icon17

Originally Posted by QuiltnNan

I do. I've seen more than one but I don't call them ghosts. I call them "spirits".

Ditto. Spirits.

just_the_scraps_m'am 07-02-2011 09:46 AM

i have seen, felt, smelled them, too. i will call them spirits as well. waaaaay too many stories to tell. i know they are real & i know they are all around.

clem55 07-02-2011 10:24 AM

I haven't seen ghosts but my sister claimed to have seen my grandmother two different times outside her home shortly after grandma died. My sister was living in grandma's house at the time grandma died. grandma was at my aunt's home, part of the farm property, and she wanted to "go home" so badly, and couldn't. After the farm was sold, three different times, each family reported seeing or heariong ghosts. What is so great about that ,to me anyway, my grandma definitly believed and loved to tell ghost stories, so she would defintly " haunt her own home if she could. LOL My own expeeiences are mostly dreamlike. In my dreams, my dad has always come to "visit" those are his words, and and he is only going to be there for a short time . My sisters and my mom also dreamed of dad that same way, always a visit. My last dream of my dad was about three weeks before my mom died, and in it he was coming into the kitchen , and he said ,"it is time" When I cried "no daddy", he said ,"mom is tired, and it is time for her to go." I was only 19 when dad died, and 30 when mom died., and I really was sort of emotionally dependent on my mom, sort of scared I couldn't make it without her support. My clearest dream of mom, was right before Thanksgiving, just a few months after she passed. In that dream, I was in my kitchen, making Thanksgiving dinner and mom and her very best friend were sitting at the bar. Aunt Mayme said,"Ade, don't you think we should help her?" And Mom answered ."no, Carol is perfectly able to handle things all by herself."These "dreams" give me a lot of comfort, and I do believe I am actually getting a visit from them in that manner. My Mom had a dream that my brother, who was in the navy and in the Aleaution(?) Islands had fallen overboard and she could see himn in the water and he called for her. She was notified a couple days later that that had actually happened. My brother had seen many things that made him have doubts about God, and toward his end, he was so scared of dying. I was with him, and whatI saw and heard, made me a strong believer that there is a life after, and that our loved ones are waiting for us. My brother had slipped into a coma, and suddenly, he was making a heart-rendering sound that at first I thought was from pain. When I rushed to his side, I was amazed to see that he was crying and laughing at the same time, and there were tears in his eyes. He cried,"MOM!!" I responded to him as if he were my son, sang the LOrd's Prayer for him, and he passed as soon as I finished. I have no doubt that he saw my mother, and she was waiting for him, so he was able to die, knowing all he had been taught was true, and he didn't need to be afraid to go.

Lv2sew2011 07-02-2011 10:54 AM

Originally Posted by Ramona Byrd
Yes, my dear Grandma has saved me a couple of times by her voiced comments. She died in 1968, right after my last son was born.

On my DH's last day, in ER, he was in a coma and suddenly woke up and pointed to the side of the room. He counted, pointing, one, two, three, up to nine, then calmly told me that "They are all there waiting for me" then pointed to the right of the room and said that "The rest of them are over there", and then went out again. Nine added up to his parents and brothers who had gone before, and some of his most loved aunts.
When I told the ER nurse, he wasn't surprised.
I had worked with him before so he told me that he saw it often on the last day but no one wanted to hear it so he never said anything except when asked. He said for me to call in the family...he died later that evening.

A couple of days later I was sitting alone in the house and heard him tell me Goodbye, using my pet name only he called me.

Oh Geezeee you made me cry!

Lv2sew2011 07-02-2011 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by MrsM
This is a picture of a ghost I took outside my house. I was taking pictures outdoors, when I got a feeling to download them right away. I did not see this when I snapped the picture. I was thinking of my Uncle George who had passed earlier that year.
What do you all think?

That gives me the goosebumps...

galvestonangel 07-02-2011 11:45 AM

I am glad so many people are telling their stories about ghosts/spirits/angels. I believe now people have become more open about it and it helps vadidate my experiences too.

Have any if you read the book "Heaven is for Real, An Astonishing Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back" by Todd Burpo. Very interesting. It is the story of a very young boy's experiences in heaven.

kwilter 07-02-2011 12:08 PM

I often have dreams of my paternal grandmother, her daughters (my two favorite aunts); sometimes they are all in my grandmothers small kitchen, cooking up wonderful food and having a jolly time - when I wake, I can smell the food!

I often hear my mother's voice and feel her soft touch. Occasionally I will sniff her cigaret smoke. No one smokes in my home.

My son who has a music studio in our attic, told me a couple of times that when he glanced out his door toward the door to the greater part of the attic, he saw a figure all in black but was not afraid since he felt the figure was not malevolent. The figure dissipated at once.

My father told me of a time many years ago when he and his two brothers went up to Wisconsin to do some hunting on private property. They would board at the home of the woman there and the house was a typical summer-type frame cottage with a closed-in front porch and a screened porch in the back. When they arrived, she was playing a piano on the front porch. After sleeping the night they arose early and went to tiptoe out as quietly as they could so as not to wake her. They exited out the rear screened porch and were shocked to see the piano THERE instead of on the front porch. He said he remembers they were all creeped out.

Lv2sew2011 07-02-2011 12:34 PM

Originally Posted by bjeriann
On a funnier note. My sister came to visit and I had my grandkids for the weekend too. I told them not to bring up any of their experiences with the activity we have in the house will she was there because she gets scared easy. Well she asked at breakfast the next morning if one of the kids came in her room last night and sat on the bed. They both looked at me and said no. She said please don't tell me that I had "a visitor" last night. Well that got the kids going. That night she had both kids sleep with her. It was my sister, 10 yr. GS and 13 yr GD in a full size bed. On the morning we were to take her to the airport she came out of the bathroom scared to death saying something was hissing at her in there. After coming home from the airport I went in the bathroom and I heard the hissing. It was my air freshener going off every 9 min. She was releaved to hear she hadn't had compamy in the bathroom.

LMBO....thanks for the great laugh!

Lv2sew2011 07-02-2011 01:01 PM

Originally Posted by clem55
I haven't seen ghosts but my sister claimed to have seen my grandmother two different times outside her home shortly after grandma died. My sister was living in grandma's house at the time grandma died. grandma was at my aunt's home, part of the farm property, and she wanted to "go home" so badly, and couldn't. After the farm was sold, three different times, each family reported seeing or heariong ghosts. What is so great about that ,to me anyway, my grandma definitly believed and loved to tell ghost stories, so she would defintly " haunt her own home if she could. LOL My own expeeiences are mostly dreamlike. In my dreams, my dad has always come to "visit" those are his words, and and he is only going to be there for a short time . My sisters and my mom also dreamed of dad that same way, always a visit. My last dream of my dad was about three weeks before my mom died, and in it he was coming into the kitchen , and he said ,"it is time" When I cried "no daddy", he said ,"mom is tired, and it is time for her to go." I was only 19 when dad died, and 30 when mom died., and I really was sort of emotionally dependent on my mom, sort of scared I couldn't make it without her support. My clearest dream of mom, was right before Thanksgiving, just a few months after she passed. In that dream, I was in my kitchen, making Thanksgiving dinner and mom and her very best friend were sitting at the bar. Aunt Mayme said,"Ade, don't you think we should help her?" And Mom answered ."no, Carol is perfectly able to handle things all by herself."These "dreams" give me a lot of comfort, and I do believe I am actually getting a visit from them in that manner. My Mom had a dream that my brother, who was in the navy and in the Aleaution(?) Islands had fallen overboard and she could see himn in the water and he called for her. She was notified a couple days later that that had actually happened. My brother had seen many things that made him have doubts about God, and toward his end, he was so scared of dying. I was with him, and whatI saw and heard, made me a strong believer that there is a life after, and that our loved ones are waiting for us. My brother had slipped into a coma, and suddenly, he was making a heart-rendering sound that at first I thought was from pain. When I rushed to his side, I was amazed to see that he was crying and laughing at the same time, and there were tears in his eyes. He cried,"MOM!!" I responded to him as if he were my son, sang the LOrd's Prayer for him, and he passed as soon as I finished. I have no doubt that he saw my mother, and she was waiting for him, so he was able to die, knowing all he had been taught was true, and he didn't need to be afraid to go.

Omy, another story that has me crying!

I think I'm crying a lot from these stories because my sister drowned in a car accident, we was told she was trying to get out but couldnt. So I know she suffered, and my heart breaks because of this, she passaway March 2009, she was my only sibling, we didn't get along to well she was kind like my father, very stubborn and right even though she was wrong. However the last time before she passed we both told each other we loved one another...but I so miss her!

Thanks to all who have shared there story's I've read everyone of them...

luvstitches 07-02-2011 01:18 PM

Wow, I love all these stories! This is the only thread where I've read every post! I have stories as well but they are too long.

kathome 07-02-2011 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by luvstitches
Wow, I love all these stories! This is the only thread where I've read every post! I have stories as well but they are too long.

But we'd all love to hear them...... Please try.

MoniqueD 07-02-2011 01:43 PM

When I was 37, I had a stroke. I was put on a Morphine drip for the pain in my head and put in the stroke ward with much older men and women (no offence). After another trip to the toilet to be sick yet again (I had a very bad reaction to the morphine) I was on my bed crying and feeling very sorry for myself. As I was lying there I felt a hand rub my leg and there was no-one there. The next day I was moved to a private room. That night I was asleep and was woken up by the nurses rushing into the room because my emergancy buzzer was ringing but I had not pushed it. The following year I had another minor stroke and was put in a high dependancy room but not attached to any machines. After I went to bed, the board behind my bed lit up like a Christmas tree. The nurses could not understand why it had done that. This year on my birthday, I was laying in bed with my husband and waiting for my kids to come and say hello. Someone tapped my knee three times and it was not my husband.

lheizen 07-02-2011 03:40 PM

Yes I do

Robinmg 07-02-2011 04:09 PM

I'm watching Ghost Adventures as I am tying this! I am a little skeptical since I have not experienced anything.

DebraK 07-02-2011 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by bearisgray
I don't know - but there have been times when I would have sworn a cat was stomping around on the bed. And there were no live cats in the bedroom.

this used to happen to me repeatedly at two different residences and I've never owned a cat.

jamie Watson 07-02-2011 04:28 PM

I have so enjoyed these messages.Ive bead eveyone.I could tell you some things that happened here but there is to many we did have an inity and it showed up in a picture with my children

Moonpi 07-03-2011 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by jamie Watson
I could tell you some things that happened here but there is to many we did have an inity and it showed up in a picture with my children

I would love to hear about your ghostie. One of the haunted houses I lived in was in NC (Apex).

kwilter 07-03-2011 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by jamie Watson
I have so enjoyed these messages.Ive bead eveyone.I could tell you some things that happened here but there is to many we did have an inity and it showed up in a picture with my children

What is an "inity?" Please elaborate on some of your happenings!

Connie in CO 07-03-2011 08:44 AM

I would love to talk to any of my family who have passed on.I don't know any on my dads side of the family.

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