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Shadowirish 02-26-2013 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by createfourpaws (Post 5891189)
Yes I do need to talk to a nuturionist again. It has been a few years since I have. I also am thinking I may need to go back thru the diabetic education classes again as a refresher. I will get my doctor to refer me.

I am sure there are areas I can improve in, like watching the calories also that I consume. And get my but off the couch more and get moving.

I am happy that my numbers are not staying high.

Cindy, I think that is a good plan. DH finds it helpful to do the education and nutritionist as a refresher course and to get new ideas. Don't give up girlfriend, you'll get it under control again....we all believe in you!

JuneBillie 02-26-2013 09:07 PM

I was gone yesterday well now I should say Monday to the hospital with my dad who was having a heart cath done. I then stayed the night with him, because he is alone now. Earlier today or Tuesday, I came back home, and then had to sleep, because I didn't get any during the night watching dad. He is 80. Now Later Tuesday evening I find out from a sister that he is going in the hospital again Wednesday morning to have a knee replacement. Lots of stuff going on, and much tension in the family. But Wednesday morning I have to see my doctor, and will be weighing again. So I will know what I have or have not done. Well wishes for everyone. Keep my dad in your prayers right now. Me too, if you have some left over. lol....Teddybear Lady, you are doing great. Cindy don't be too hard on yourself, because that insulin can shake up things. My husband takes it too, and it's hard for him to lose.

blondeslave 02-27-2013 05:46 AM

Well I just frittered this month away and accomplished nothing. I am going to get myself going for March. I am even thinking about signing up for coaching with my heathcare plan. Maybe I need to have someone else keep me accountable. I didn't join Biggest Losers at work this time around. We have some people who don't need to lose weight that have figured out how to supplement their income by joining, losing 5 pounds and winning the money we all put in. I didn't see any reason to donate to their cause. The weather should be getting better and I'm going to start walking not so wee Gracie Allen. She is on a diet. She's the smallest of my 3 hounds and the roundest so we need to work on that.

QuiltingKrazy 02-27-2013 09:37 AM

We had to do the healthy coach thing for work insurance to get a small discount on monthly premium. I found out it really does help knowing you are going to have a coach calling you to check in and see how you are doing. They offer ideas and realistic goals. They can send you information and things like a pedometers and such.

CountryHouseQuilter 02-27-2013 02:37 PM

Well, I don't know what has happened with me, I'm usually on here all the time. And all over the internet as well, keeping up with emails and facebook too. Lately I've been off my game. Maybe it's the weather, or the fact that I have to much "house" stuff to do. When I have "house" things that need to be done I don't let myself quilt. Have to get the other stuff done before the fun stuff. Friday I'm getting my stuff done so I can spend the weekend doing what I want to do!!!!! And this goofy weather doesn't help either!!!!

Congratulations on the new Grandbaby. Saw the picture posted, just beautiful. We found out recently that we'll be grandparents again come the end of September!!!!! Can't wait!!!! Have to get started on a baby quilt and some recieving blankets.

meanmom 02-27-2013 02:38 PM

Blondeslave we have done the biggest loser the last 3 years. They didn't do it this year. The same person won 3 years in a row. She goes on some crazy crash diet and loses about 20 pounds. She gains it all back in a few weeks. I think people were annoyed by it.
I did a bootcamp class yesterday for the first time. I am surprised I 'm not sore today. I was sure I would be. I really need more exercise. If I could get my butt out of bed in the morning I would do the elliptical more. I have a quilt class tonight for an optical illusion quilt. It is a pattern I have been wanting to do for 2 years. This is the only way I can get it done. I don't take a lot of classes but I used my Christmas money for it. Hope it turns out like I am visualizing it.

pokeyscorner 02-27-2013 04:10 PM

I realized the month is almost gone. Where did it go? I did lose 2# this time but was sick for about a week. We're almost thru winter - I'm always more active in warmer weather. Imagine that.:p

pokeyscorner 02-27-2013 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by createfourpaws (Post 5889893)
I wish I would break even, since I started back on insulin 6 weeks ago I have gained back 20 lbs. UGH I am so fustrated with this. I just want to crawl into a hole and give up. I am going to have to something and really don't know what else to do, I have been eating healthy, staying away from carbs and sweet stuff.

I worked to hard to get rid of the weight and very disappointed that it is back.

Keep your chin up Cindy. I have faith it will improve when your body adjusts again. I found for me it helps if when I eat my food comes from 3 groups(protein, dense veggies, & a little of the good fats. this is @ one meal. I too am diabetic & gained weight when put on meds.

jcrow 02-27-2013 06:15 PM

I want to join for the month of March. Will you pm me if you are doing this in March?

createfourpaws 02-27-2013 07:22 PM


I just posted the new thread. Here is the link for you to sign up.


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