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meanmom 01-29-2015 04:14 PM

February weight loss
February Weight Loss Challenge

February 2015 Weight Loss Adventure with Prize!!
On February 1st, weigh yourself and write it down. DO NOT send it to me. On February 28th, weigh yourself again and PM me your loss. This is weight lost not percentage lost. I will announce the winner on March 3rd.

The prize is a themed FQ from each member. Once a winner is declared, I will contact the winner and FQ's will be mailed by the 6th.

Private message (PM) me for the mailing address. All FQ's should be mailed by the 15th of the month. You need to check in on the thread at least once a week to be eligible for the winning "skinny quarters aka FQ's" and to be declared the "biggest loser" for the month.

You cannot win 2 months in a row.

Chit Chat is allowed, as wells as WAYWO (what are you working on). Please stay positive and uplifting as possible to keeps us all on track. Share tips, recipes, encouraging words and {{{HUGS}}}
IN February is the month of love. So I think it is the month we should learn to love ourselves more and remember to think of our own health.We are all so used to doing for others.So lets see how we can play with some your choice of FQ's. Please send quality fabric that you would want to receive in return. As always if you don't have the theme, send what you have. If you don't have a FQ, then send a linear 1/4 yard. If you have signed up to be in the running for the prize, please send your FQ to the hostess by the 15th of the month. As the winner has worked hard for her prize.

Eat healthy, exercise, make wise choices and lose weight but most of all have fun!!!

Sign up deadline to be a part of the PRIZE adventure February 4th at 9 pm cst. You are encourage to contribute to the thread even if you are not in for the prize.

To let me know you are participating just post on the thread and then send a PM for the mailing address.

meanmom 01-29-2015 04:15 PM

The FQ theme for February is purple. Good luck everyone.

jeanne49 01-29-2015 05:01 PM

I'm in for February - already send in my FQs. I didn't lose any weight in Jan. but the good news is that I didn't gair any either. Hoping for a few pounds in Feb. Good luck to everyone.

Leann 01-29-2015 07:49 PM

Here I am again. Thank you Ms. Pat for being our hostess on this adventure.

I don't think my weight has changed. I love to walk - my favorite stress reliever. Now that has to change. How I wish I had an elliptical. LOVE that machine.

Good luck to everyone.

Edie 01-30-2015 04:43 AM

Gonna try again. Heading out on a little vacation the end of April and that is my goal date, but February is the loss month. Would like to be a little thinner than my cousin - ha ha! At 76, how much can I lose???????? I will start in again on my indoor walking and I love salads . So I will be sending in my fat quarters soon and will pm my address!!! Good luck to all of you, but better luck to me?????? I have three months to lose about 30 lbs and I just got through watching Biggest Loser. I am so glad that guy won! I was rooting for him most of the show. That show really gives a person impetus, but I don't do anything super-strenuous! Just walk! Good luck!!!! Edie

coffeegirl 01-30-2015 06:02 AM

I think I will give this a try! Count me in.

Mary Christine 01-30-2015 07:43 AM

Here I am again. No weight lost this month, but none gained either.;)

Jim's Gem 01-30-2015 11:20 AM

I am in for February. I am going to do much better. I am going to be better at watching what I eat and eating cleaner. I will lose weight!!!

PenniF 02-01-2015 06:47 AM

I'm in !!! Encouraged again that the scale is moving in the "right" direction.

Pete 02-01-2015 07:00 PM

I am in, tho I am afraid the purple won't be mine....retreat set me back. What great food we had-- all carbs too! Did not get much sewing done - Jack the Ripper and I became friends. Good luck to all.

meganc731 02-02-2015 07:00 PM

I'm in!!! I think the purple lot is going to be awesome!!! Work hard people, only 28 days this month!!!!

meanmom 02-02-2015 08:38 PM

Pete it is still early in the month. Just jump back on track, you have plenty of time, although I think you will have to fight a bunch of us for the purple. It always seems to be a really popular color. My DH brought home ice cream and peanut butter filled pretzels. I had some of both. (grrrr!) Both are major weaknesses of mine. Luckily my DH and DS finished off the ice cream.
I was transferred to a different school 2 weeks ago. Not too happy about it, but I didn't have any choice. This school is 3 floors, I have been trying to walk the stairs more. I go back to the knee dr in early March, I figure it will either feel a lot better by then or it will be killing me. I told the dr I would let him replace it when it started to interfere with what I want to do. It is sure getting there. The stairs will either fix it or kill it. I''m getting tired of messing with it.

CindyA 02-03-2015 04:48 AM

I'm in again. It is SO cold that I forgot to drink my water yesterday.

Judith1005 02-03-2015 03:28 PM

I'd like to join this. I just started a new healthy eating plan. And lost a bit of weight right off the bat. (I still have plenty to go.) I am hoping to continue and stay on track. I look forward to cheering you on as well. Have also combined a bit of exercise also. Just walking. But, the dogs so look forward to it everyday. Now, Off the pm the Hostess.

jeanne49 02-03-2015 04:31 PM

Good luck to everyone this month. As I mentioned in an earlier message, I didn't lose in Jan. nor did I gain. Hoping this month is better for me. Got a couple of cortisone shots in my hip area (both sides) and now walking is not painful, but with the ice and snow it's not easy either. Hope no one gets too much candy on Valentines Day - at least flowers are inedible!!

meanmom 02-04-2015 04:33 PM

**The winner for January is Megan! Congratulations! She lost 6.4 pounds. It was a close race this month with some good losses. Keep up the good work everyone.
Keep up the fight for the purple FQ everyone. It is a short month but we can do it.

Judith1005 02-04-2015 04:59 PM

Congratulations Megan. Wow, 6.4 pounds in a month is a lot. You go girl. :thumbup:

PenniF 02-04-2015 11:05 PM

Way to go Megan!! Congratulations!!

Jim's Gem 02-05-2015 08:15 AM

Congratulations Megan!!!

jeanne49 02-05-2015 08:48 AM

Good for you Megan. I didn't lose anything but I also didn't gain so I'm happy with that but I really need to knuckle down and get back on the right path.

meganc731 02-05-2015 11:49 AM

Yay!!!! So excited! Thanks everyone!!

meganc731 02-05-2015 11:57 AM

I was just thinking about my diet last month and I just wanted to say there were moments when all that turned me away from snacking was this group!! Thanks so much!!

CindyA 02-05-2015 05:15 PM

Congratulations, Megan!! That's great.

Judith1005 02-06-2015 10:49 AM

Meanmom, I will be sending out my FQ's in just a little bit. I will have a tracking number on them. I had planned to get them out yesterday, but, it poured down rain all day. So was not able to get to the quilt store. Most of my fabric is from JoAnn's. So, had to go to the Quilt store for the FQ's. They are pretty. But, to tell the truth, I'm hankering for the orange FQ's. I want to make a baby quilt in Grays and Oranges. I saw one on Pinterest that I love. And, grandbaby #2 will be here sometime in June. (Not sure if it is a boy or girl yet.) We may know by the end of the month and may not. Of course, that does not mean I am going off my diet plan. I want, NEED to loose a lot of weight. I can't stand not be able to keep up with those grandbabies. I really want to enjoy them.

My fat jeans fit almost without sucking it in. lol :D I can't wait to toss them completely.

I started the Beyond Diet with Isabel De Los Rios. (online) I lost 15 lbs in the first 14 days (Jan.). Now, that will taper off as the eating plan changes to suit my body type. I couldn't believe how much you eat on it. I always knew, that I was not eating enough of the right things and way too many indulgences. So, I hope to do better this time. As you can actually eat on this plan. Most of the plans I've tried before cut calories so much that as soon as I went off or changed the plan, I gained it all back and then some. This diet is actually a lot like the Atkins diet, but not exactly. And, I upped my exercise (which was none.). I have been walking my 3 dogs in my neighborhood (separately) everyday to get some steps in. Although, I have started slowly, I am building to 10,000 steps a day. I have really bad knee problems. So, I am starting off slow and trying to build strength and stamina.

Sorry guys, I am in the South. Even the cold days aren't so bad when the sun shines. :)

coffeegirl 02-06-2015 12:34 PM

I've been going at it hard and heavy as they say...good results so far. Tonight is bridge group and I have been asked to bring my "famous" rum cake. OMG, it smells so good! Good thing there aren't any calories in smells!

Judith1005 02-06-2015 01:29 PM

You go coffeegirl. No calories in smells! lol I made my husband and son brownies a couple days before they had to go out of town. I bet I smelled brownies in my housed for several days. It smelled so good. I love chocolate.

Leann 02-06-2015 04:48 PM

WooHoo Megan! Congratulations!

I gained 2# last month. I'm not dealing with the disruption in my life very well. Another week in Austin @ my son's apartment. I've been trying to find him a new doctor, one of my options has a 2 month wait list - I am praying for better results. Not one of the six has office hours on Friday afternoons. I've decided to make 2 schedules - one for here and one for the times I'm in Austin. I hate this floundering feeling. I was hoping to sneak into the fitness center and use their elliptical, but the security cameras in there changed that. I guess that should be expected for a complex with 99% college kids.

Pat, I have mixed results with the stairs. Three years ago I was in agony going downstairs..... going up is much easier. I don't have as much trouble these days. I hope they improve your knees. I really, really don't want knee replacement, but I am reaching a point that I may at least have to consider it. I'd rather do the Synvisc. It does not eliminate the pain, but it does make me more mobile. I wish the 3-step brought the same results as the one dose.

I am getting the urge to sew again. I made my hubby a quilt for Christmas and I'd like another in MY colors. But then, of the 9 quilts I made for gifts last year, 9 of them were on my list for myself. Anyone else guilty of that?

Pam H 02-08-2015 04:41 PM

Oops! I forgot to sign up this month. When is/was the cut off? I might be forfeiting my purple fat quarter.
I have been doing a lot of sewing. Well, anytime I am not babysitting I am sewing. I had friday off and sewed for 13 hours. Finishing up my mystery quilt before the next one starts. I'm hoping to get my I-spy quilt quilted too. That probably won't happen since I am babysitting 4 days a week for the next 2 weeks. Plus my DD gets home from France tuesday night. I will be cooking up a storm making all her favorites while she is home for the next 5 weeks.
My DS gets home from Korea on the 25th. Not sure how long he will be here. He needs to find a job before he can get a visa for his move to China.
Judith, my 2nd grand is due in June too! We won't find out the gender until the birth. I think it is a boy! My DGD will have her 2nd birthday on the 24th.
I really need something to get me motivated to eat healthy and to be more active. Maybe when my DD is home I can make that her job. Her college degree was in nutrition.

Judith1005 02-08-2015 06:38 PM

I put the Noom free app on my Android phone. It counts my steps each day. (Of course, it does miss some. And, I also forget to carry it sometimes.) But, as long as I reach 10,000 steps on the counter, I know I got my steps in and then some. I also installed the free app Noom Coach. Which counts the calories. Which I log in every day. And, it gives you extra tips for nutrition or exercise. I know you can download free apps for Apple I-Phones also. And, I know a lot of people use My Fitness Pal also. I want one of those FitBit. But, I have to save for that for awhile. There are so many other things.

Pam H, My grandson turned 2 in October of 2014. And my daughter has missed several appointments due to travel and weather. And also changed doctors at the beginning of her pregnancy. Created all kinds of set backs. So, if they do another sonogram, if the baby is cooperative, we will know if it is a boy or girl. It doesn't matter to me. I actually hope that Brantley gets a baby brother. But, I will adore either one!

Pete 02-08-2015 06:51 PM

Can't get back on track since retreat. Why is it so hard to get back on once we get off?? Went to a BD party tonight and had 2 slices of veggie pizza, 1 cookie and a large piece of banana split ice cream cake. See my PCP tomorrow too --- do we have to step on the scale?
I wanted the purple too.

meanmom 02-08-2015 09:08 PM

Pam your FQ is here so you are fine. I was doing well until I made a chocolate cake today. I ate a big piece.I will take a piece to my mom tomorrow and my uncle. DH is on an eating binge. Hopefully it will be gone when I get home tomorrow. I have a fitbit zip. If I walk the stairs at school I have between 7000 and 8000 steps by the time I get home. I try to get in 10000 steps but some days the knee just doesn't cooperate.
Back on track tomorrow,

Jim's Gem 02-09-2015 11:36 AM

Working on getting some quilts quilted. 4 down, 5 to go. One of them is a giant (king size) flannel quilt that I put together over 10 years ago. We'll see when I get that one quilted. I only have a DSM Bernina.

Been trying to do a good job at my food. I think I am down about 2 lbs so far this month. Picked up some cheap veggies at a local church. They bring up excess produce from Mexico and I got a huge box of green bells, another of orange bells, a huge box of roma tomatoes, a box of yellow zucchini and 12 packages of "cocktail" tomatoes. I gave a bunch of veggies to my daughters that live here. Now what to do with the rest.
I have never made stuffed peppers but I think I may have to try that one. Maybe I will have to find some kind of zucchini soup or something too.....

PenniF 02-09-2015 05:44 PM

THANK GOODNESS i bought a bag of chopped broccoli, cauliflower and carrots yesterday at the store..... I was hungry ALL day today....Took that bag out of the frig at least half a dozen times today to munch with fat free Ranch. I hate to think what would have happened if it hadn't been there!!!
Know a lot of folks are getting snowed in something awful......but it was a beautiful sunny 80 here today - so got to take the now walking DGD to play outside.
Wishing everyone a great week !!!!

Jim's Gem 02-09-2015 07:45 PM

I made a creamy zucchini soup for dinner tonight. The recipe is found at Skinnytatse.com or something like that. I modified it a little. Made mine with Zucchini, bits of broccoli, cauliflower, green pepper, onion leek, extra garlic (of course) and since I did not have any sour cream or greek yogurt on hand, after blending with the immersion blender I added an avocado from my friends orchard. It turned out pretty good. Hardly any calories! We put a teaspoon of shredded Parmesan on top.
Had a left-over chicken sausage on the side. I'm nice and full and it was mostly vegetables!

Pam H 02-09-2015 09:51 PM

That soup sounds wonderful, Gayle. You are so lucky to have all those fresh veggies available. We have to have our shipped from Cali and Mexico so they aren't quite as fresh as yours.

Judith1005 02-10-2015 05:01 AM

Gayle, that does sound yummy. Thanks for the link for the recipe.

KimmerB 02-11-2015 04:31 PM

Congrats Megan, I will keep trying this month. Have been walking every day now to get serious.

PenniF 02-11-2015 05:43 PM

Gayle....that soup sounds WONDERFUL. I wonder if i could get my DH to eat some of those veggies that he doesn't care for if i did a soup like that....thanks for the inspiration.

Raggiemom 02-12-2015 03:30 PM

Megan--wow, 6 pounds--that's great! I didn't lose any last month but didn't gain either. I used My Fitness Pal last year and was doing really well with it. I may have to start using it again. The good news is that I'm pretty much the same weight as I was last year. The bad news is I wanted to lose more weight.

Sounds like a lot of us are keeping busy quilting. I've noticed that I do much better with food when I get a lot of quilting done. And I have LOTs of ideas and kits. I really should just stay in the quilting room. :)

musicaljan 02-12-2015 06:04 PM

Hi everyone! I haven't been here in a while. Life got a little crazy. I've been back on track eating well. Total weight loss is 54lbs. I just hit a low spot and came here looking for support. I hope everyone is doing well. =D

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