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Mousie 10-15-2009 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by Bevanger

Originally Posted by janRN
Bev: so sorry for your situation but I'm really glad you posted it here. I'm like you-I won't ask for anything but with all the encouragements posted here I called my mom just now and said: Mom, you don't sew, no one else in the family sews, please don't give away your machine (she's down-sizing) cause I'd really like to have it. Her reply: Oh your cousin is coming to get it Sunday so I can get it out of here.
My cousin doesn't sew-she sells antiques on EBay. I guess I needed you guys to empower me before this. Bev-hang in there; I guess we can be pissed off then move on. Thanks again for posting this and to all you guys for your suggestions. We are all friends and that's what I love about all you!

Oh man, that sucks big time. Some people see antiques and see MONEY. We as sewers/quilters see memories OR I WANNA SEW ON IT....I had a spot in my front room where I was gonna put it, with gma's pic on it. I'm so sorry you missed out. But as you say we'll get pissed, then move on.

I watch this antique show, and I am so touched by the ppl that go there, to find out, the value of an heirloom, and although they could sell it and make thousands of dollars, they say, no, this is staying in our family.
Not everyone thinks alike, and as someone that has hung back many times, I too have learned, that it is the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.
I am just sad for those that aren't sentimental. It's really true, they just don't even know what they are missing.
Bev, I just can't stay mad at ppl either. I like to think it's a virtue :wink:
It sure feels lighter.

adrianlee 10-15-2009 10:50 AM

Yes, it really hurts when you get overlooked or not even thought of. When my dad passed away, mom gave his friends and other relatives things of his and just skipped over some of us "kids". Mom had her own world that's for sure, I was raised by my grandmother as my sister too. So I guess sis and I understand why we were overlooked but it's still hard to try and understand. At least I have good memories of dad. Can't change the past but you can move forward to a brighter day. Hugs to you.

bearisgray 10-15-2009 11:02 AM

Sometimes the anger and frustration is as much at ourselves for not being more assertive at the time and thinking that the "others" will be considerate and thoughtful -

And sometimes people are just plain spiteful and mean and selfish - even when there is no apparent reason for it - frequently those are the ones that are the grabbiest and got first in line and already have gotten/taken the most.

omak 10-15-2009 11:06 AM

It really is hard not to take it all personally, that is for sure.

Originally Posted by bearisgray
Sometimes the anger and frustration is as much at ourselves for not being more assertive at the time and thinking that the "others" will be considerate and thoughtful -

And sometimes people are just plain spiteful and mean and selfish - even when there is no apparent reason for it - frequently those are the ones that are the grabbiest and got first in line and already have gotten/taken the most.

weezie 10-15-2009 11:13 AM

I never occurs to me to look at the PDA and never will. [/quote]

It is all in what you enjoy Weezie. I compare it to hanging over the back fence enjoying my neighbors. We talk about what ever is going on whether that is support that is needed or asking advice or just being there for a friend. But I am a country girl and because I am home all day I have more time than most people do.

But I gladly acknowledge that differant strokes for differant folks is a good thing.

If Bev had kept this on the PDA a lot of people would have missed out on this converstation.[/quote]

Rhonda, you are absolutely right! I don't retract what I wrote about not reading PDA, but what I wrote reads as pretty snotty and I apologize to all for that. I'm not a fan of snottiness of any kind so that really was unintentional.

nellie 10-15-2009 11:17 AM

all i can say is that,s family for you, been there they,ve done that to me ,all i can say is bev don,t get upset you,ll only hurt yourself don,t do that to your family my best to you

nellebelles 10-15-2009 11:25 AM

Thank you, Bev, for posting this topic here. I think maybe we should all take what has been said to another level--we need to make sure our beloved machines and tools, etc. go to those who would love and appreciate them. My mother has done that for us kids already. She moved from her big house into a small "Granny" house and had to downsize a lot of her things. I was given one of her treadle machines, and my older sister was given another one. My sister and I are the only ones of the siblings who quilt. I don't think our mother has ever used these treadle machines--in fact, she may have bought them at antique auctions herself. But they were hers, whether she used them or not, and she wanted us to have them. She has given other things to the other kids too. She has graciously asked each of us if there is anything that we would like to have of hers when she is gone. I have started doing that with my kids too. My daughters in particular, have asked for certain things. For example, recently, I made a quilt for myself in pinks and greens. It matches my youngest daughter's nursery for her new baby perfectly. My oldest daughter has always loved that color combination. I have "loaned" the quilt to the youngest daughter to use in her nursery with the promise that it will go to my oldest daughter at some point in the future.
I guess what it all boils down to is good communication. Without it, there is bound to be disappointment.
So, thanks again, Bev, for helping us all see how important this is!

amma 10-15-2009 11:26 AM

I am so sorry Bev!!! Family can hurt us the quickest and the most...even if it is totally unintentional!!!
Keep that place in your LR open...you never know when you will find a treadle that has just been sitting somewhere waiting to be placed there and I bet Grama will be looking down and smiling with joy watching you sewing on it :wink: :D :D

I have asked my family for the things that have meaning for me...and I am making a list of my mom's belongings and who has asked for what...
I have also made out a list of my belongings and who I would like to get what... Even though we both plan on being around for a while yet :wink: 8) we want to leave this wonderful place knowing that our treasures will be going to those who will love, appreciate and value them!

My ex mil has tags on a lot of what she owns and a list to go with them, bless her swet, dear, heart!! She wanted to make sure that what few things she still has goes to those who asked for them... she is starting to suffer from dementia and knowing her belongings have "homes" is very important to her.

Bevanger 10-15-2009 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by MadQuilter
Hugs to you, Bev. You must be so disappointed.
Disappointed that your sister didn't understand how attached you were to the machine.
Disappointed that she didn't think to ask you first before she sold it.
Disappointed that a precious link to your past is lost.
Disappointed at yourself for not asking for it earlier.

Well, what's done is done, no two ways about it. I'm glad you don't hold a grudge because they hurt the grudgee as much as the grudger. (Don't you just love making up new terms?) Sounds like she didn't do it to spite or hurt you. To her, it probably was "just" an old machine, and she figured that you being a quilter (quilter extraordinaire in fact), you probably have new and fancy machine(s).

I'm sure your right. OR she just needed the money and sold it. Life happens and boy do I understand that one.
Disappointed yes, but angry, I was furious, til I realized its done. Nothing I can do about it now

Bevanger 10-15-2009 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by Deara
I too know how you feel.
I learned how to sew on a treadle.
Not my Grandma's but one my Mom had.
Mom gave the treadle to my sister-inlaw who didn't sew.
She no longer has it either.
I too bought one to replace it and use it like the one I learned to sew on.
Our precious memories can't be taken from us.


The thing is. Theres no way I can buy one. I simply can't afford one, but that's ok to. Memories are free and no one can get rid of them :wink:

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