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Jingle 04-17-2010 06:21 PM

Good luck and I hope you recover from this without any ill effects.

Gramof6 04-17-2010 11:58 PM

Marsye I don't know anything about this disease, but I am here for you & will sure offer my support in any way I can for you. Of course you have my prayers. I will also be reading up on this as well. Dr Oz is a very smart man and I really enjoy watching his Show everyday. I learn something nearly everyday. He is on ABC channels.

Huge Hugs

marsye 04-18-2010 04:10 AM

Thanks guys! I'm a fighter! :thumbup:

marsye 04-18-2010 03:09 PM

I can't find Dr Oz's shows :(

amma 04-18-2010 03:11 PM

He is associated with the PBS channels


amma 04-18-2010 03:14 PM

looks like he is also associated with Oprah Winphrey's show.

AnnaK 04-18-2010 03:22 PM

I have had elevated liver enzymes since 1999. My only symptom was fatigue. I attribute my problem to taking Naprosyn for back pain, at least that's when this manifested. When they took a liver biopsy I was told that I had auto-immune hepatitis, basically my own body attacking my liver. I also have to be very careful not to even take aspirin because that overwhelms my liver. I have to have the blood tests every 6 months. I was once put on prednisone and my enzymes came down to normal. Because of the side effects of prolonged prednisone and my family history of heart problems, I was taken off and now am just being monitored. The biggest drawback for me is that I dont have the energy my contemporaries do; I tire easily. There is hope for us and we can support each other in doing the things we know are good for us and our livers. Please PM me if you want to talk more about this.

Quilter2B 04-18-2010 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by marsye
Thanks guys! I'm a fighter! :thumbup:

Marsye, I am sorry to hear about your condition. My DH was diagnosed in 1996; he found out when he went to have lab work done for a knee surgery that his enzymes were elevated. His first go round with Interferon therapy initially went okay for a short while but then it didn't seem to be doing anything so his Dr took him off it. He has had other health issues and surgeries that have effected his liver. Just this last year he was put on another round of therapy.

Hep C, as you know, has flu like symptoms. You are achy, have headaches, just generally feel like crap. The therapy can affect people in different ways. Some people do okay with it; others don't. The drs wanted him to be on it for 48 weeks but took him off early because the side effects were so drastic. He was having to have his blood checked every week or two. His red blood cell and white blood cell counts dropped dramatically; his drs were threatening to give him transfusions; he was weak, forgetful, had no appetite, drs wouldn't let him drive, was light headed, had elevated levels of ammonia is his system, and was foggy headed. My husband has Stage 4 liver disease. His liver will not get any better but this last go round with therapy, according to his Drs, put the virus in remission.

One misconception that people have is that it is easily transmitted or it is generally contagious; it is only transferred blood to blood. We have been together for over 16 years and I don't have it.

I'm not telling you all of this Marsye to scare you. Like I said, people react to the disease, and the treatment, differently. My husband had a really, really tough time with it. Now the Drs believe he has fibro because of his surgeries and the therapy. But he too is a survivor. If you're feeling crappy, take care of yourself. If your feeling good, don't over do it 'cause you'll pay for it the next day or two. Be careful what you drink and eat! Lots and lots and lots of water to flush your system. Stay away from or cut down on the sodium (salt). I've gotten really good at reading labels! Eat more white meat and fish high in Omega 3 & 6. Red and Dark fruits are good too. My husband's gastrointerologist suggested milk thistle. But whatever OTC (including pain relievers) or herbs you may supplement your diet with, just make sure your Dr knows what you are taking. And if your Dr tells you to take anti-depressants, do it! They can make a world of difference for you (and your family); a happy soul heals a body faster!

I wish you well; if you would like to pm me with any other questions, please feel free to do so.

Hugs . . . .

marsye 04-18-2010 04:50 PM

Thanks for all of the replies, prayers and support. I'm reading everything and learning. :-)

alaskasunshine 04-24-2010 02:55 PM

I highly agree using MILK THISTLE is crucial for HEP C patients! It is great stuff! also try dandilion, and drink black licorice tea. But if you have high blood pressure watch the licorice because it can elevate your BP

Stay away from fried food and lose weight if you are overweight! A fat body is a fat liver! Such a bummer. Exercise is also important.
alaskasunshine :D

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