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pookie ookie 11-14-2010 10:07 AM

In my group, it's bizarre to be 21 and married. The woman's from the 1840's or something. No worries.

luv-e 11-14-2010 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by CraftsByRobin
I was 31 when I got married ... so no ... you enjoy your life, wait for the right guy ... the one who holds your hand, opens doors, treats you right and with respect ... listens to you ... and helps you ... and when the time is right you will know it.

Don't rush ...time is precious ... enjoy it!

100% AGREE with this. I was married 1st time too young and second one is everything CraftsByRobin says Plus more. I have my soul mate...............

Ramona Byrd 11-14-2010 10:18 AM

[quote=ilovequilts]Okay, okay, I am old enough to be married, but what's the rush?! I'm 21 and today I ran into someone I've known for quite a while (a friends mom) and she proceeded to tell me of all my friends that are married, are getting married and says to me "Well Hailee, when's it YOUR turn?"
Just SMILE and tell them you are waiting till you get dumb enough to lose your independence.
Well, maybe not, but SMILE and think that at the same time.

You could ask her why she feels like it's her business.
Well, maybe not, but why do people say things like that?

Personally, I wish I'd waited till I met my late DH, with whom I had a loving relationship for 39 1/2 years. He's been gone almost 4 years, and still the only men I've even had coffee with have been my brothers, son and SIL.

I got married far too young, don't regret my good kids but the first man could have waited...and waited...and waited

boohoofish 11-14-2010 10:42 AM

No rush!!!!!

tuesy 11-14-2010 10:48 AM

Nope, it's not bad that you're not married at 21. I was married at 18.... have 2 wonderful kids from that marriage... but the husband.. well not so much... then at 37 I got remarried and have 2 wonderful kids from this wonderful man.

My older kids are 27 and 30 and neither one of them are married yet. They're not in any rush either. My 30 year old is engaged, but again, she's not in any rush!

So just enjoy yourself, and when you're ready to get married you'll know.. :)

bearisgray 11-14-2010 10:55 AM

And for some folks, the right time to get married is on the twelfth of never.

Lostn51 11-14-2010 10:57 AM

I got married at 19 to an older woman (32) and it was both of our first marriages. 26 years later we are still together and going strong. Now it was not always the smoothest road but I would not change a thing. I could not imagine my life without her.

Sometimes it will hit you over the head like a rock and you know that is the right person. But age is not a factor on marriage anymore and I wouldnt worry about it. You will know when the right one comes and then its over with. :lol:


MadQuilter 11-14-2010 11:04 AM

I married my DH when I was 18 and while I love him dearly, if I had a do-over, I would not get married until I was at least 24. So don't you feel bad for one second. Enjoy this time in your life. When Mr. Right comes along, you'll know it.

pookie ookie 11-14-2010 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by bearisgray
And for some folks, the right time to get married is on the twelfth of never.


ilovequilts 11-14-2010 11:19 AM

WOW! This went crazy while I was away from my computer :)

I've read a lot of things that I needed to hear, you all rock!

redquilter 11-14-2010 11:22 AM

Oh good heavens! You're so young - much to young to get married - UNLESS you happen to have the guy of your dreams and that's what you both want. There's no right or wrong age to marry. If and when you meet someone and decide to marry, then THAT'S the right age for you! When I married, we all did so at a very young age and had babies right away. I love my family and wouldn't change a thing, but I think the girls today that work at their careers, travel, etc. are much smarter. Don't let what anyone says bother you. Follow your heart and your instincts and enjoy your life. We only get one shot at it.

dreamboat 11-14-2010 11:46 AM

Take your time girl. You know you have to find Mr. Right.

janethagy 11-14-2010 11:57 AM

When I was 21 I was married and had 2 kids. I wouldnt change that for anything.. Now on the other hand I now have a granddaughter who is 21 and not married, all her friends have gotten married already... I tell her to just wait and Mr. Right will come along some day and she will know it when he does.
Have fun, enjoy your life, youll know when Mr Right comes along. dont be in any hurry, enjoy life!!

Jim's Gem 11-14-2010 01:40 PM

I got married at 19, and still with the same wonderful man 30 years later. My girls were 26, 23 & 23. You certainly have time!!!! They all finished college first.

IrishNY 11-14-2010 05:59 PM

I tell my kids that if they get married before they are 25, I will shoot them. And later than that isn't bad either. I got married too young - it worked out but I do not want my children to follow my example. There are too many other things to try before you settle down.

mrsbushley 11-15-2010 03:16 AM

Sounds like I was the hold out on this board... I got married August 29, 2009 at 34 and my husband at 35. Don't be in a rush to get married, just let things take their time.

teacherbailey 11-15-2010 03:37 AM

Originally Posted by Quiltforme
Stay single do everything you want first or until you find the right man! I had a kid at 21 and I would not change things but maybe have waited a little longer!!

I married at 18 and had kids at 19 and 21 and it was too young; I needed to grow up some first.....though it all worked out just fine! Take your time and even if you're 35 when you marry, like a friend was, you'll know you waited for the BEST!

Rainy Day 11-15-2010 04:13 AM

As my nana used to say - Well, I know men won't buy the whole cow if they can get milk for free, but, I am thinking - Why should I buy the whole pig, when all I want is a little sausage???
My sister, who at 56 is still not married - says I have met Mr Sleazy, Mr Married, Mr Drinks Too Much, Mr Too Fat, Mr Too Mean, I'm still waiting for Mr Right!

blzzrdqueen 11-15-2010 04:17 AM

Originally Posted by ilovequilts
Okay, okay, I am old enough to be married, but what's the rush?! I'm 21 and today I ran into someone I've known for quite a while (a friends mom) and she proceeded to tell me of all my friends that are married, are getting married and says to me "Well Hailee, when's it YOUR turn?"

I wanted to respond rudely, but merely laughed it off...then called my mom and vented about it.

Seriously. Is it really that bad that I'm 21 and not yet married? grr...

I'm 29. (30 next month) I had my first daughter when I was young, 18 and when he father and I broke up I vowed I would never marry. Well...I got married 3 years ago and I'm so so glad I waited until I was a little older. My husband is also 12 years older then me, and he waited until he was 39 to get married to me. So, if you want to wait, then wait. I think most people should wait until their mid to late 20's anyways. By that time you know yourself better and are much more mature.

stitchinwitch 11-15-2010 04:34 AM

Age has NOTHING to do with it - remember - more than 50% of marrages end in divorce.

ginnie6 11-15-2010 04:39 AM

no...wait until you meet the right man. Marriage is no easy thing. It takes work just like any relationship does. My oldest will be 22 next month and is not married. She's dating someone seriously but says it will be a couple more years before they get married. That is fine with us. As much as we want to see our daughters married and happy we want them to be absolutely sure.

Lostn51 11-15-2010 06:14 AM

Originally Posted by Rainy Day
I am thinking - Why should I buy the whole pig, when all I want is a little sausage???

So that is how you women think!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:


Aurora 11-15-2010 07:58 AM

I got married at 21, divorced at 34. At 64 I have no desire to get married again, I am having too much fun. Whether and when you get married is totally up to you. I came close a couple of times, but decided it really was not for me.

Enjoy yourself until you are ready.

acjacques 11-15-2010 08:13 AM

Marriage is a sacred and lifetime commitment with the man you love and want to share your life. When he comes along, you will know. I agree with everyone else, enjoy your being single and save for your future.

merridancer 11-15-2010 08:14 AM

I am 55 years old and haven't gotten married. Parents could never understand it, but my life has been grand.

champagnebubbles 11-15-2010 08:18 AM

Your still a baby!

catmcclure 11-15-2010 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by ilovequilts
I wanted to respond rudely, but merely laughed it off...then called my mom and vented about it.

Seriously. Is it really that bad that I'm 21 and not yet married? grr...

Should have just told her that you weren't through kissing frogs. Getting married just because everybody else is doing it sort of sounds like jumping off the building just because everybody else is doing it - BAD idea.

I met a really great pair of newlyweds back in the 60's. She'd never been married before and he was a widower. She was 86 and he was 94.

brendadawg 11-15-2010 10:27 AM

Absolutely not! I married at 27 -- only problem is that you're older when your kids become teenagers (LOL). Seriously, take time to find the right person and to do all you want to do. You'll know when the time is right.

grannypat7925 11-15-2010 10:37 AM

You are smart to wait! Enjoy your life!

EasyPeezy 11-15-2010 10:41 AM

Next time you see her at a funeral ask her when is her turn. LOL
Just kidding. I read that joke somewhere and it has stuck.
Take your time and enjoy life! I got married at 35 and I don't regret anything.

lynnie 11-15-2010 11:14 AM

what is wrong with people?????? i ran into people i worked for 30 yrs ago, and they proceeded to tell me of their daughters horrible divorce, then HOW SUCESSFUL she was 'coz ( at least10 times told me) how much money she makes selling mattresses!!!! so success is measured in dollars still. to me success is being happy, setting a goal and accomplishing it. not $$$$$$$. but i guess to those people, success is getting marred.
what's the rush. take your time and enjoy life

dixiechunk 11-15-2010 12:00 PM

Absolutely nothing wrong with being an unmarried 21yo. Why rush into marriage just because everyone is pushing it and then end up divorced 2yrs later? Wait for the right man, it'll happen. My DH and I were married after knowing each other only 3months. We've lasted 37yrs but there were some rough patches. Enjoy your youth! There will be precious little time when the babies start arriving...just ask my 30something niece who has a 3&1/2yo and a 6mo old. She's lucky to get a shower in the morning before going off to work!

quilterlois 11-15-2010 12:34 PM

Good for you girl. My GD is 21 and not even looking. She says she is waiting for the guys her age to grow up.

Matilda 11-15-2010 12:54 PM

No it isn't that bad! Enjoy the stage of life you are in. I was married at 27 and when I announced I was getting married a Sister in law told my Mom, "Gee I thought Emmy would be an old maid" There are just rude people out there and can't get ahold of the fact some people are single longer or just don't want to be married. I wanted to wait for the right one and the Lord gave me the one just for me! He is worth the wait!! We have been married now for 271/2 years and it has had ups and downs but I wouldn't want to go through those with any one else!

Originally Posted by ilovequilts
Okay, okay, I am old enough to be married, but what's the rush?! I'm 21 and today I ran into someone I've known for quite a while (a friends mom) and she proceeded to tell me of all my friends that are married, are getting married and says to me "Well Hailee, when's it YOUR turn?"

I wanted to respond rudely, but merely laughed it off...then called my mom and vented about it.

Seriously. Is it really that bad that I'm 21 and not yet married? grr...

the lion 11-15-2010 01:39 PM

no. you're not old. i got married at 38 and had the love of my life, my daughter, at the age of almost 40. we're happy, settled, & ready for a family.

stitchinwitch 11-15-2010 01:51 PM

Like my dad always said-----"you still have the eggshell hangin'" OR
"you're still wet behind the ears"

ilovequilts 11-15-2010 02:56 PM

Haha wow, you all speak my words for me :)

I'm waiting for boys to grow up, having too much fun spending money, and figuring out who I am! I obviously haven't met the right guy but in my brothers words "Hailee, when you meet the right guy, he is going to be amazing. Because you're my sister and you deserve amazing!" (yes, at this point I was crying...)

Maybe if my oldest brother and older sister didn't marry at 19 I wouldn't feel so much pressure? haha

Hmm...between this board and Michael Buble's "I just haven't met you yet" I think, by golly, I might make it a bit longer haha

pasovasz 11-15-2010 03:13 PM

"Well Hailee, when's it YOUR turn?"

An appropriate and civil answer to get people thinking when they ask rude questions, such as that one:

"Why do you need to know?"

karenchi 11-15-2010 03:15 PM

absolutely no....my daughter didn't get married til she was 30.....

quiltykitty 11-15-2010 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by ilovequilts
Okay, okay, I am old enough to be married, but what's the rush?! I'm 21 and today I ran into someone I've known for quite a while (a friends mom) and she proceeded to tell me of all my friends that are married, are getting married and says to me "Well Hailee, when's it YOUR turn?"

I wanted to respond rudely, but merely laughed it off...then called my mom and vented about it.

Seriously. Is it really that bad that I'm 21 and not yet married? grr...

My grandkids are in your age bracket and I preach all the time to them NOT to get married young. They need to experience life. Get an education first. See the world. Have fun. It's okay to be single. So far, it's worked.

So, live your life on your own terms and not what is "expected" by others.

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