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-   -   i'm not even old enough to be MARRIED. (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/im-not-even-old-enough-married-t76259.html)

VernaL 11-15-2010 03:35 PM

We have 3 sons. They all married at 40 or later and their wives were their ages as well. Make sure he loves you a lot!!! Don't settle for less.

Marguerite 11-15-2010 03:55 PM

My daughter is 26 and I keep reminding her NOT to get married yet.

Snorky Lvs2Quilt 11-15-2010 04:33 PM

Your friend's mother was the rude one whether she intended to be or not. No sense in being rude back. Live your life as you see fit, not by anyone else's standards. Only you will know when the time is right to marry "Mr. Right". Good luck.

Dawneda 11-15-2010 05:21 PM

Lifes too short, so don't rush. Wait for the right person.

carrieg 11-15-2010 05:49 PM

I was 34 & DH 40 when we got married, 1st for both of us. My brother was 38 & his wife 40 - also 1st marriage for them.

Just tell them you want a guy who is 1 in 1000 ~ and you're up to #329! hahahahahaha

Alu_Rathbone 11-15-2010 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by ilovequilts
Okay, okay, I am old enough to be married, but what's the rush?! I'm 21 and today I ran into someone I've known for quite a while (a friends mom) and she proceeded to tell me of all my friends that are married, are getting married and says to me "Well Hailee, when's it YOUR turn?"

I wanted to respond rudely, but merely laughed it off...then called my mom and vented about it.

Seriously. Is it really that bad that I'm 21 and not yet married? grr...

I'm 22 and would love to get married... but not right now... I'm too busy with my education and thinking of law school too... You have time!!! Plenty of time!!!

All I want right now is a relationship... whether platonic or not, but I'm not in the market to settle down, my financial aid would suffer for that... and I'm not ready for it either.

I know a lot of people from my age group are getting married... and my sister, who is seventeen, is nearly engaged to her boyfriend... and it's not because they have a child together, they were talking about that before she ended up pregnant.

You have time!

Laura22 11-15-2010 06:17 PM

I married my best friend at 21, we're still very happy together. That said, I get the opposite, people are always surprised at how young we got together. Just goes to show you, someone will always think they know best for you, but really, only you know what's best for you. Follow your heart and you'll be fine :)

pester 11-15-2010 06:24 PM

Nope I dien't get married till I was 29. Totally understand where your comming from though. Take your time and do it when YOUR ready.

laurac 11-15-2010 06:47 PM

don't get in a rush, you've got plenty of time. remember, if everyone was jumping off a bridge, you wouldn't want to do that either. (not that marriage is like jumping off a bring) just don't rush.

Jennifer22206 11-15-2010 07:24 PM

I've known my husband since we were teenagers, and we got married when I was 23. I'm now almost 28, and we have an almost 2 year old daughter. Before we married we both dated other people and we kept coming back to each other. We just KNEW we were right.

We've had some major rough patches, some of it is from us being young, and others perhaps cultural differences that we're overcoming. I wouldn't change anything that I've picked, but it's worked for me.

Trust me, you'll KNOW when the right man comes along. Make your decision when you are ready, not when anyone says you "should" be ready.

And no matter what, there will be rough patches it's up to the love that you and your future spouse have to see them through.

Marriage is really hard work, it's 100% of yourself every day. Be happy as you are, and trust your instincts - when you're ready and the right man comes along everything will fall into place.

drgranny 11-15-2010 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by ilovequilts
Okay, okay, I am old enough to be married, but what's the rush?! I'm 21 and today I ran into someone I've known for quite a while (a friends mom) and she proceeded to tell me of all my friends that are married, are getting married and says to me "Well Hailee, when's it YOUR turn?"

I wanted to respond rudely, but merely laughed it off...then called my mom and vented about it.

Seriously. Is it really that bad that I'm 21 and not yet married? grr...

Baby girl! don't even think of getting married till you meet someone that you love so much you can't even think about living without. Someone who makes your eyes lite up when he comes up the walk!!!

Va Quilter 11-15-2010 07:39 PM

NO it's not bad! I didn't get married till I was 41 ..and what's the big deal...you don't need a man to make you totally happy!
All my married friends said ,be sure..and also said, "the grass is not always greener on the other side"..
So enjoy your freedom and have fun!

jitkaau 11-15-2010 07:50 PM

I'm 61 and haven't married - so just imagine the comments I have received over the years. They get ruder as one gets older, but the thing to remember is that the opinions of those sort of people do not matter...I accept the fact that they haven't the capacity to think any more expansively. What is meant for you will not pass you by - do some travelling and enjoy life and these things will not concern you.
As an extra thought, my group of female friends got married at 27, 41, and 51(after she tested him out for 20 years). So to each his own...

Arleners 11-15-2010 08:33 PM

All in good time my pretty, all in good time.
Don't let people get you down. When the time is right you will know. I have a son aged 31 who still lives at home. and there are no plans for him to move anytime soon. What will be will be.
By the way he has a civil service job with full medical benefits :~D

Missi 11-15-2010 08:47 PM

I am so happy to read this thread. I am 31 and single and all my friends are constantly trying to get me hitched. I love them and their families I am the standby babysitter and love it. I can return their children :) But there are times I feel like they are pressuring me to get married. I don't mind the set-ups cause you will never meet Mr Right if I don't keep trying them on.
But as someone said earlier I want to find that one that lights up the room when I walk in, who understands me for me. And last but not least understands my fabric obsession, desire to quilt on a Friday night instead of going out, and that I spend a small fortune on a new embroidery machine :) Oh wait and I could wish likes to spend money at the quilt shop :-)

Dee 11-15-2010 09:10 PM

Take your time. Enjoy your life and when marriage happens, you'll know. My DS was 37 when he married.

Rann 11-15-2010 09:31 PM

I have a SIL that married the first time at 66 and he was and 89 year old widower. He is 94 and still going strong. He promised her 10 years and is half way there. In addition, he just retired in June when he had hip replacement. Fantastic Guy!!~!

Sew Krazy Girl 11-16-2010 12:04 AM

I wouldn't worry about it. You're still a spring chicken and have plenty of time for Prince Charming to find you. She's probably just jealous that she's not in your shoes. Think of all the quilts you can make in your spare time. I can't think of anyone who would rather be changing diapers than quilting.

auntiehenno 11-16-2010 02:44 AM

You should have said I am not old enough to get married. My niece, just grad from law school is getting married over the holidays. She is 27 and wasn't ready to get married until now. SO THERE!!HA So stay smart and don't rush it.

BRenea 11-16-2010 06:29 AM

Absolutely not! I met my now-husband when I was seventeen (he was 19) but we waited six years to get married! I wanted to go to college and get started on a career first. You have to know when the time is right.

My husband's best friend got married six years ago, at the age of 35...and they had their first baby last year!

JeanDal 11-16-2010 06:47 AM

Nope. Go out, have fun and when YOU are ready to settle down get married.

IBQUILTIN 11-16-2010 08:48 AM

There is no such thing as being "old enough" to be married. Enjoy your present, and don't worry about the future. It will happen when it is time.

kit'smamma 11-16-2010 10:01 AM

Had I waited beyond 21 by a few years I never would have married the man who was my husband of 43 years. His drinking concerned me back then but young ladies were so pressured by the social norms of the day to marry the minute your education was over. I have one daughter who married at 21 and is now in the third marriage. My other daughter didn't take the step until age 48. So far so good.

ilovequilts 11-16-2010 12:58 PM

Originally Posted by Arleners
By the way he has a civil service job with full medical benefits :~D

Haha you wouldn't be trying to set me up now , would you?! haha

JLMiller 11-16-2010 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by ilovequilts
Okay, okay, I am old enough to be married, but what's the rush?! I'm 21 and today I ran into someone I've known for quite a while (a friends mom) and she proceeded to tell me of all my friends that are married, are getting married and says to me "Well Hailee, when's it YOUR turn?"

I wanted to respond rudely, but merely laughed it off...then called my mom and vented about it.

Seriously. Is it really that bad that I'm 21 and not yet married? grr...

not at all I think its great... so many young people get married way to early then the next thing you know they are divorced
I say... good for you

Alu_Rathbone 11-16-2010 03:00 PM

Like I've said, I'd love to get married, but am I ready? No. I have to get at least my undergrad out of the way... Then maybe I'll consider getting married.

Does that mean I won't date during college? No. I just can't be tied down and I really need the financial aid... so getting married is out of the question.

Lady Shivesa 11-16-2010 03:08 PM

I'm twenty-one as well. DH and I got married in 2009 (I was twenty at the time). I don't regret it for a second, but also realize it's not for everyone!! :)

I don't know the lady who said that to you, but it's quite possible she was just teasing you. I know my family (grandma, mom, sister, etc) constantly ask when we're going to have a baby. I laugh when they ask and enjoy their questions and interest, but tell them it will be at least another year or two! :)

brushandthimble 11-16-2010 03:23 PM

My son is 34 and never been married. Hope he meets someone one of these days:)

Dolphyngyrl 11-16-2010 06:27 PM

21 in my opinion is too young, i didn't get married till i was 27, i enjoyed my single life and youth, it is so short, plus i think when you're older you are more mentally ready for marraige, its a lot of work

Alu_Rathbone 11-16-2010 06:38 PM

I think it depends on the person though, there are those who should wait and there are those who would be ready at a young age.

My parents were young 22 and 20 when they were married. They had me two years later... they divorced two years after that... They liked to party though.

Where as I am more reserved. I don't like to party. So getting married young wouldn't be so much a hassle. Thing is ... you could be older, be ready to marry and things STILL not work out well...

Dolphyngyrl 11-16-2010 06:43 PM

I think that's true for some mature people, but for most, especially now when people are less financially ready at such a young age as our parent were. It was a lot easier for them to find good jobs straight out of college back in the seventies, than it is now, the average age of leaving the nest is now 26. My friends are 28 and still haven't left their parents house

jojo47 11-16-2010 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by ilovequilts
Okay, okay, I am old enough to be married, but what's the rush?! I'm 21 and today I ran into someone I've known for quite a while (a friends mom) and she proceeded to tell me of all my friends that are married, are getting married and says to me "Well Hailee, when's it YOUR turn?"

I wanted to respond rudely, but merely laughed it off...then called my mom and vented about it.

Seriously. Is it really that bad that I'm 21 and not yet married? grr...

Heavens, no! I was almost 26 when I married (almost 38 years ago now), and my younger sisters were even closer to 30. You'll know when it's time...God bless!

jojo47 11-16-2010 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by Lady Shivesa
I'm twenty-one as well. DH and I got married in 2009 (I was twenty at the time). I don't regret it for a second, but also realize it's not for everyone!! :)

I don't know the lady who said that to you, but it's quite possible she was just teasing you. I know my family (grandma, mom, sister, etc) constantly ask when we're going to have a baby. I laugh when they ask and enjoy their questions and interest, but tell them it will be at least another year or two! :)

My youngest daughter has only been married for a year, but they have friends who are anxious for them to produce a child...I told her that babies come when God decides it's time to bless them with children...

jojo47 11-16-2010 08:53 PM

Originally Posted by bearisgray

Originally Posted by Flying_V_Goddess
I know what you mean! I'm 23 and just have a boyfriend. A couple friends of mine around my age got knocked up and married before they were old enough to drink! Most of my friends are either married, married with kids, getting married, or at least have a boyfriend. I'm in no rush to get married and don't plan on children until I'm at least 25. I want to live my life. I have seen the downsides to having children (as well as the upsides) from the friends who have had kids and its a lifestyle I do not want right now. These friends had goals and then they got pregnant right after graduating and these dreams are either broken or have went to the back burner. I don't want my dreams on the back burner or broken. I was the one who got on the pill BEFORE having kids (unlike them who thought of birth control only after an unplanned child) so I wouldn't end up that way! As far as the marriage thing goes, I want to find the right guy before doing so. Its a huge deal to get married and people don't seem to realize it changes everything. I've noticed the friends who had kids and married before the age of 20 fight a lot more (one is actually getting divorced). I'm not the type to want to date a guy for 6 months to a year and then get married right away or marry because there's a kid involved.

But I hadn't had a boyfriend for three years and it still SUCKED every single time someone got proposed to and got married. I'm the one who thinks this whole marriage and children thing sensibly yet somehow when I get news someone is getting married I end up feeling like the slow and stupid one of the bunch. Like "What's wrong with me?" or "I'm always going to be the bridesmaid...except only one person has asked me to be one so that's even worse!" Why does the sensible one feel dumb for not rushing into things???

Because being different from the majority of the people you hang out with is always kind of difficult. Your interests and priorities start to differ - and many times you drift apart. It's just part of life. I don't mean friends and friendships are disposable, but sometimes they just don't "fit" well anymore with one's current way of living.

I agree...goddess, you just keep on being sensible...Your day will come!

Boscobd 11-16-2010 08:56 PM

I believe that maturity is a big factor in getting married. My DH and I were both 22 when we got married. That was 27 years ago and we are still happily married. I have a brother who is 2.5 years older than I am (in his early 50s), single and is STILL not mature enough to be married. We're all different and you need to do what is right for you.

The Quiet Quilter 11-16-2010 09:13 PM

I have 2 GDs, 21 & 27. The 21
yo isn't married and enjoying
herself. Her sister,27, just
got married a year ago. What's
the rush? Enjoy yourself!!!!
You'll know when the right one
comes along. Hugs, Sharon

Alu_Rathbone 11-16-2010 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by jojo47

Originally Posted by bearisgray

Originally Posted by Flying_V_Goddess
I know what you mean! I'm 23 and just have a boyfriend. A couple friends of mine around my age got knocked up and married before they were old enough to drink! Most of my friends are either married, married with kids, getting married, or at least have a boyfriend. I'm in no rush to get married and don't plan on children until I'm at least 25. I want to live my life. I have seen the downsides to having children (as well as the upsides) from the friends who have had kids and its a lifestyle I do not want right now. These friends had goals and then they got pregnant right after graduating and these dreams are either broken or have went to the back burner. I don't want my dreams on the back burner or broken. I was the one who got on the pill BEFORE having kids (unlike them who thought of birth control only after an unplanned child) so I wouldn't end up that way! As far as the marriage thing goes, I want to find the right guy before doing so. Its a huge deal to get married and people don't seem to realize it changes everything. I've noticed the friends who had kids and married before the age of 20 fight a lot more (one is actually getting divorced). I'm not the type to want to date a guy for 6 months to a year and then get married right away or marry because there's a kid involved.

But I hadn't had a boyfriend for three years and it still SUCKED every single time someone got proposed to and got married. I'm the one who thinks this whole marriage and children thing sensibly yet somehow when I get news someone is getting married I end up feeling like the slow and stupid one of the bunch. Like "What's wrong with me?" or "I'm always going to be the bridesmaid...except only one person has asked me to be one so that's even worse!" Why does the sensible one feel dumb for not rushing into things???

Because being different from the majority of the people you hang out with is always kind of difficult. Your interests and priorities start to differ - and many times you drift apart. It's just part of life. I don't mean friends and friendships are disposable, but sometimes they just don't "fit" well anymore with one's current way of living.

I agree...goddess, you just keep on being sensible...Your day will come!


I'm not on the pill, I don't need it... I'm not promiscous or even really interested in sex. I don't have a man in my life anyways, so it doesn't matter...

My sister is seventeen and has an eight month old. Her and boyfriend are living together in my old room. They have talked about getting married, but they want to wait till they are older, so as to not rush into things and to not get married solely because of the baby. They were talking marriage before the baby anyways.

madamekelly 11-16-2010 10:24 PM

Seriously. Is it really that bad that I'm 21 and not yet married? grr...[/quote]

Well, Queen Victoria would be scandalized, but if you are not ready, you are not ready. Do not get married just because of a number. When you find your partner, you will know it is time to make a commitment. Any other reason is the wrong reason. Enjoy your youth, you only get one! :thumbup:

P. S. My younger brother married his high school sweetheart when they were both 42! It was a first marriage for both of them! They didn't see each other for almost 20 years. They reconnected on Classmates.com! Like I said, when you find YOUR partner, you will know!

Lynnie25 11-16-2010 10:34 PM

Both my children are 29 and 30, neither are in a serious relationship and even look like getting married for a long while yet. Meanwhile I am a 'substitute' grandma in waiting :)

Naturalmama 11-16-2010 11:37 PM

People can say dumb things just to say something. I was 25 when I got married - and I don't even think I was ready then!

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