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-   -   September 2012 Weight Loss Adventure with a prize!!!! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/september-2012-weight-loss-adventure-prize-t199254.html)

Everose 09-17-2012 04:57 PM

Greetings! I'm glad that a lot of you are showing loses. I'm on the plus side this month. Didn't sign up because it was weight I had already lost, and now I have more. Without this thread, I've lost the accountability. So I need to be GOOD TO ME. I walked for Alzheimer's this weekend. What an eye opener! Doesn't matter who you are, young, old, rich, poor - we can all be victims.

Pam H. - when does your daughter find out if it's a boy or girl? I grew up with 3 brothers - so I'm hoping for a girl. Ours is 24 now - we had some hard years, but now it's so fun to go see her.

Irish - how are you feeling? Is the swelling down? The baby quilt is wonderful. Love the colors and the pattern. I need to work on FMQ. I'm still doing straight lines when ever possible and the rest of the tops just sit there.

I just ordered an electric pressure cooker from QVC yesterday. So I'm hoping someone out there will have some recipes for me to try. Mom had one of those old ones, and I was scared to try it. So I'm excited to get the new one and then get rid of more pots and such. Oh, the downsizing is worth it!!!

Cindy - so many are job hunting. And up here in ND all you see are signs "Hiring - Help Wanted". But ND is a long way from Texas. I have to remember when I'm down - there is a reason for everything - we just might not know it for awhile.

Anyone doing English Paper Piecing? I saw a tutorial on it and decided that I could sit and do it at night when I was watching TV. So I have maybe 20 hex's and don't know what to do with them now. Will have to look at the library and see what they have.

Tried to get "50 shades of gray" at the library. Waiting list must have had 50 people on it. So it will be awhile before I get to read it.

Saw a pattern where they were using the Dresden plate ruler, but not putting them into a circle. Sewing skinny end to fat end and making strips out of them. So while I was working at the antique store today, designed a pattern to use scraps and make a top for the ladies at the church. I was so excited, I started sewing on it when I got home from helping serve a funeral lunch at church.

Well I best get busy. My taboo this week is no more sodas plus whatever else we have. I was soda free for 3 months and went back to drinking them. They are bad for me!!! I need to drink more water to flush my body.

Pam H 09-17-2012 05:33 PM

The ultrasound is scheduled for Oct 4 but she doesn't want to find out the sex. I get to go! Maybe I will be able to tell. I had ultrasound training when I was volunteering at a pregnancy center.
I didn't do too bad with my dinner and I brought half of it home.

Pam 304 09-17-2012 06:14 PM

Taboo Tues. No sweeteners. Well this one I will fail for sure. I have to have pop/sodas and tea and drink mix. Let me know who makes this one. Blame Irishrose!!!!!!

When are you going to make it difficult for some and ban Nutrasweet/aspertame for a week? That stuff is not healthy. I don't think Splenda is quite as bad, but I avoid it, too.

Pam H 09-17-2012 06:39 PM

I didn't eat pizza last week (although I sure wanted some after it was a taboo!) and I'm pretty sure I can do without sweeteners since I rarely if ever use them. Once in a while a Diet Rite soda which has splenda. I should try for no sugar. Now that would be a challenge!

irishrose 09-17-2012 07:59 PM

I assume you mean no artificial sweeteners, such as Nutrasweet/aspartame and Splenda/sucralose. Real sugar is a sweetener, too, but it's just that -'real'. The damage done by those two, especially the former is shocking. So blame me for this one. I don't want to go no natural sugar, but I could certainly do with a reduction of it in my diet.

No pizza last week so you can send a cyper space gold star my way.

Di, FMQ was easy once I gave myself permission to sew in any direction - not just straight ahead. That was a hard habit to break.

Today is my son's birthday. He always manages to get me. When he turned 21 he was away in the Marine Corps and sent a card thanking his father and I for giving him a wonderful 21 years. This evening he thanked me for giving birth to him. The kid is 41 - and yes, I'm glad I had him.

Pam H 09-17-2012 08:15 PM

Where's the "like" button when you need it? Irose, your son sounds awesome!

Jim's Gem 09-17-2012 10:07 PM

I'd hit that like button too!!:o

CountryHouseQuilter 09-18-2012 12:20 PM

Everose - let me know what you think about the Pressure Cooker you got from QVC. I was going to order it, but didn't, and now they don't have it in the color I want. I'm hesitant, although it does do double duty as a slow cooker too. I just want to make sure I get my money's worth when I buy it.

That's an interesting idea about the dresden plate blades. I have a bunch extra sitting on my sewing table from my turkey tabletopper. I'm going to have to look at that and see what I can do with them. Thanks for putting that thought in my head. :thumbup:

Weather here is getting bad. Sky is ugly and we're under a tornado watch until 8PM tonight. I'm still at work and hoping that I get out of here and home before the worst of it hits.

Vanogay 09-18-2012 02:46 PM

Okay - no sweeteners this week. I'll take the Equal out of my purse and leave it home for this week. I generally drink iced tea when out, guess I'll go to water. Now my coffee is different - I'm going to be hurting for that Equal... will be a real challenge for me. I did great without pizza, BTW.

quilthappygail 09-19-2012 11:15 AM

Hi everyone, Hope all had a great weekend.
Cindy the Sept FQ is on its way to you. I am really falling behind on my to do list this month I think I need a few more days this month. Anybody else feel that way sometimes?
Irishrose your baby quilt is beautiful , such bright colors any child would love it. Heck I love it but then I like bright colors.
My Mom had a PC but I never felt comfortable using one .
Bye for now got to check the stuff on the stove

createfourpaws 09-19-2012 11:51 AM

Finally heard from one of the companies I had put an application in for, they have a 5 step process I am through 4 of them. Now for the waiting game for the face to face interview.

Also heard from a company I was laid off from due to medicare changes, so waiting to hear about that interview.

Ladies thanks for all your prayers. I have been getting very discouraged to not wanting to do anything at all but hide from the world.

I have a date tonight and it will be good to get out of the house. Now to go work on the t-shirt quilt before i get ready for my date.

Have a blessed day and remember you are in control of what you put in your mouth and body. Be wise in your decision.

createfourpaws 09-19-2012 12:03 PM

Pam H......i received your FQ's for 4 months.

Gail i will keep my eyes out for yours to arrive.

Ladies if you haven't sent them yet please get them in the mail soon. Thank you

meanmom 09-19-2012 12:26 PM

Cindy I have been so bad this month. I finally sent the next 4 months yesterday. I also sent last months to the winner. Good luck at the interviews. I get so nervous about them but I do fine. I am looking for a job too. But I have one. I have applied for about 10 and heard nothing. I am pretty sure they will be hiring from within. I need to get out of where I am. The really really dislike the teacher I work. with. She is rude and unfair. I don't feel like I can talk to the principal. One of the pother aides in the room hates it too. The other aide is her best friend. If there is a crappy job in the room I get it. I don't mind hard work but she should be fair. I am pretty depressed about it. Probably why my weight loss isn't going well.
Cindy have fun on your date.

Jim's Gem 09-19-2012 04:15 PM

Cindy, did you receive my 4 mos worth of FQ's? I hope so. They should have been there by now

createfourpaws 09-19-2012 08:07 PM

Originally Posted by Jim's Gem (Post 5526738)
Cindy, did you receive my 4 mos worth of FQ's? I hope so. They should have been there by now

I'm sorry I thought I let you know...my bad. Yes your 4 months has arrived safe and sound.

calmqultr 09-19-2012 08:26 PM

I'd love to participate. Please give me the address to send the FQ's, Thank you.

CountryHouseQuilter 09-20-2012 06:15 AM

Cindy - keeping you in my prayers for a job to come through. I know what you're going through and it's tough. DH got injured on the job and couldn't work, about 6 yrs ago. We lost our health insurance and I had to get a job to get insurance back. I put in about 70 apps. with the government before I got a call and interviewed. I got hired, love my job & my boss, but wish it paid more. I'm still looking to move up within, but we're on a hiring freeze right now. Hope you find something, but keep your spirits up!!!!

Well, I'm only down 2lbs. as of today, but I'll take what I can get. Quilting group was here last night and we celebrated 2 of the ladies Bdays. One lady in the group brought a homemade ice cream cake.....and yes, I had a piece. But not a big one. It was soooooo good. Glad she took the rest home....hehehe.

Getting ready to go see my SIL and get my hair highlighted and colored. Needs it badly!!!! Then I'm swinging by WalMart, one of the ladies had some really cute Halloween fabric she bought there about a week ago and now we all want some. I'm picking up for 3 ladies if they have it.

Everyone have a great day!!!! Drink lots of water and watch what you put in your mouth. Heading out the door with water in hand!!

Vanogay 09-20-2012 09:10 AM

Have been good so far this week - it is Thursday, right? Went out for lunch with hubby yesterday and had a shrimp alfredo, ate about 1/2, so not too bad. Then to churchfor supper and they have chicken alfredo. Had some salad and a small portion of the chicken - maybe not so good to have two in the same day. Didn't think to weight this morning, but will tomorrow and see what I have to atone for! Think about your eating and drink lots of water.

meanmom 09-20-2012 04:15 PM

I went shopping today. I tried on a pair of Lands End pants back in early August. I knew they wouldn't fit but I was trying them on to gauge what size to order, they wouldn't button. I bought those very pants today and not only did they button,but they fit perfectly:-) And to top it all off they were on clearance:-) All the hard work is paying off:-)

Jim's Gem 09-20-2012 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by meanmom (Post 5529162)
I went shopping today. I tried on a pair of Lands End pants back in early August. I knew they wouldn't fit but I was trying them on to gauge what size to order, they wouldn't button. I bought those very pants today and not only did they button,but they fit perfectly:-) And to top it all off they were on clearance:-) All the hard work is paying off:-)


Congratulations!!! Isn't that such a great feeling!!!!!!

CountryHouseQuilter 09-20-2012 05:13 PM

WAY TO GO PAT!!!! That's double AWESOME!!!! They fit, plus on clearance - I'd have been doing the happy dance all the way to my car....hehehe!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

sewNso 09-21-2012 11:02 AM

guess i need to re-read some more. Taboo tues's? and taboo pizza, missed that. and i see some people are keeping everyone posted on their wt loss. are we suppose to do that? i'm doing good, the scales are changing, but not to beat that 11 lb loss in 3 weeks, i think. i said that. yes, just looked at my ledger.but we still do have another 8 days to go. hope i remember to wt in the lst. restarted some local excercise classes 3 mornings a week. and core training was added for a 1/2 hr after that. sure am glad everyone just minds their own business and does their thing, and no one is paying much attention to this BBW.
and i have gotton back on my excercise bike. do a little, rest, do a little, rest.

irishrose 09-21-2012 01:28 PM

sewNso, how wonderful that you are doing an exercise program. I'm impressed. No, you do not have to post your weight or weight loss at any time - just PM to Cindy if at the end of the month, especially if it's over 5 pounds or so. Some of us do because we are excited and have to tell someone. The dogs don't care as long as I keep my weight low enough so I can walk them.

Pizza was last week's taboo. We get an cyper space gold star if we are successful - I failed on the chocolate, but got my star for pizza week. This week is artificial sweeteners. I can claim that one now, too. What will Pam come up next week?? She welcome suggestions.

Pat, nice job. New clothes, new size and on sale. :o

I have been able to walk the dogs - the big one helps with my balance if I need her, but I haven't been to Curves or anything else. My idiocy with the chemicals set off my neurathapy so it's been a rough week, but it seems to be getting better. Weight went way up with the antibiotics, but I have been able to lose 2 of those pounds. It sounds on paper like I'm falling apart, but I'm not. I do hate having to go to the back of the closet for bigger jeans, but I'm glad I kept a few pair.

Almost all the blocks for the bazaar quilt on the wall and it's speaking to me. It wants a appliqued border and it's not going to happen. Too much work for a donation quilt when I have so many others I 'need' to make. I am behind on birthday Spicy Spirals.

I was going to mow the lawn today, but it keeps raining. From the sounds of the weather report, I will be mowing on Monday.

I have been drinking 16 ounces of water with the juice of a half a lemon when I first get up. It seems to help with the cravings - I don't know why.

Drink water, move your body, eat less and do something to lower your stress. Sounds easy, of course it isn't, but we can do it. WE ARE doing it. I haven't given my think in the present spiel lately. Please say I AM losing weight, not I will lose weight. We want it to happen now!

I AM losing weight and getting healthier - that is true. I have given up my heart meds and my blood pressure meds and I am fine.

Have a good day, y'all.

meanmom 09-21-2012 03:31 PM

I have been trying to cut back on my carbs(flour, pasta etc) as I know this is what I need to do to lose faster. This is hard for me as I am a carb addict. I really wanted bread or pancakes the other day. I made a recipe I found online. They were really tasty. 1 banana mashed, stir in 1 egg and 1/8 tsp baking soda. Stir it up and drop into 4 pancakes on parchment paper. Bake at 400 for about 20 minutes.(mine didn't take that long). They were yummy and surprised me because they didn't really taste like banana.

Everose 09-21-2012 04:17 PM

I finished my mission project of 50 pair of pillow cases!!! I was so excited to put the last one in the box. Now to make some raspberry jam and send them on their way.

I have been soda (pop) free since Tuesday. I really have craved some, but it was the sweetner that my body was craving. Headache was expected and I lived with it.

Eating has been a challenge since I saw Mom yesterday. I wanted to eat the house. She wanted to go "home" and I told her she was home. "Don't lie to Me". So I went to a fabric store to look around. Much bette than going to the grocery store.

I get to go to a quilt show tomorrow. I'm so excited. Do I need anything - NO, but am sure I will see something that will want to come home with me.

I AM loosing weight and feeling better. Irish, I read where drinking water right away in the morning was so good for your body. So I have been doing it for couple weeks.

Pam, ideas for Tuesdays. Limit salt or use lemon in water.

Have a great weekend and BE GOOD TO YOU!!!

irishrose 09-21-2012 05:26 PM

Di, I think the addition of the lemon to morning water helps clean out your liver and we all need that with all the toxins our environment. I'm sorry that visiting your mother is upsetting. How often do you go? You know she is the right place. Too bad she doesn't know it. Have you tried mediation - for you, not her? Congratulations on meeting your goal of 50 pair of pillowcases. They will be appreciated. Aren't they going to a reservation?

I'm going to our local guild's show tomorrow. I tried to join them, but there are a lot of strong personalities and I'm not going to pay money to be stressed. Plus, there are stairs in the meeting place so taking anything in was a challenge. Someone will say something tomorrow, but I felt good making the decision so it's okay. There is another QB member there who I do like and I assume I'll see her tomorrow. We have some very talented quilters in this area, so it will be a treat.

My granddaughter was transported 100 miles by ambulance today. They are going to induce labor or do a C section and want her in a hospital with a specialized neonatal unit. Her blood pressure sky rocketed, she has gestational diabetes, and the amniotic fluid is very low. Apparently it's time to welcome Liam into the world. He will be a little bouncing baby boy instead of a big bouncing baby boy, but he will be okay. We need a praying icon.

sewNso 09-21-2012 06:34 PM

irish, i'm impressed. got rid of high blood pressure medicine and heart medicine. you must be wayyyyyy down. GOOD FOR YOU. congrats. yes, i'm doing the exercise classes. local. $2 for an hr. mostly senior citzens. but 40 of us, so he gets his gas money anyway. extra $1 if we stay for core 1/2 hr. i can only do some of them, but it's a start. the exercise class is really a chair exercise class with elastic bands. but we are sweating when we leave, and then the core class makes every muscle in your body quiver by the time you are done.
i seem to be managing the cravings. i just accept them, and try to ignore them. going to the basement to sew helps. had to clean the animal crackers out of the downstairs tho. did replace them with peanuts. which i really don't care for..... so that should help.
good luck to everyone during this last week.

createfourpaws 09-23-2012 08:21 AM

where has this month gone. I can't believe it is almost over.

I am very grateful to be alive right now, 1 yr ago I was in the hospital thinking I had pneumonia and find out that I had lung cancer. Life is crazy and loves throwing us curve balls.

I have a job interview on Monday, I really want to get back to work. The other job my sister was trying to get me in at where she works , got that rejection letter......going with a more qualified canidate. I hate those. but it was not the job that God wanted me to have.

Ladies keep up your hard work. You will lose in the end. You are in control of what you do.

Irish- prayers for your niece and her baby.

Pat - congrats on being able to get into those Land's end pants. It feels great when we can get into a smaller size. and I know what you mean about being a carb addict. That is one of my biggest problems. We can and will succeed in our weight loss trials.

irishrose 09-23-2012 02:07 PM

So far so good with my granddaughter and the baby. She is on bed rest to give the little guy a few more days for lung development. Too bad it's in a hospital a hundred miles from home.

Prayers are being offered for job, Cindy. May you be hired and the job be the right one for you. If it isn't, it will give you an income while you look for the perfect job.

I am chilled through. Today is 45 degrees with alternating sun, rain and hail. Wonderful weather for the CROP walk. As the registrar, I had to sit in the pavilion out of the sun (when it broke through) on concrete with a breeze/wind blowing. I had thought about canceling because of the neurathapy flare, but I was better this morning and I'm stubborn. I don't cancel easily. The apple/water station on the far side of the lake got pelted with big hail. They were out in the open as were the runners and walkers. No one called for pick up. Northerners are a tough bunch!

I need a nap - I have to get up too early on Sunday. I think I will put a potato in the oven to bake and go curl up with my warm furgirls.

Grilled chicken, baked potato and lots of tomatoes for dinner and raspberries for a snack later. That'll do for me. I had bean soup from a gourmet cook at the walk. I prefer my own old fashioned recipe, but it's nice of the restaurant to donate a huge amount of soup and wonderful rustic breads for the walkers. The black olive and cheese bread looked yummy, but no one would try it and tell me if it tasted as good as it looked.

Off for the nap, then my private CROP walk with Cheech and Chong. I raised $281, so I need to do a dedicated walk for my sponsors, even if it's not the same hours as most people. The routes were 2.2 miles, 3.5 miles and 7.5 (around the smaller lake). You know which one I'm choosing, LOL.

I am losing weight and getting healthier and so are you if you are accomplishing this week's taboo.

lauriejo 09-23-2012 07:54 PM

Has it really been a week since I posted?!? Last week got a little crazy I guess. I have maintained my weight loss though, I am sitting here at the computer in jeans that were too uncomfortable to wear last spring, and I had a crazy week because I have a job - so it's all good. :)

Pat I think mowing for 2 hours probably burned more calories than going to the gym. And the stress of work will most definitely hamper your weight loss. Hopefully you will be able to get out of that situation soon. Congrats on the Lands End pants, that is a real win-win!

Don't you think it's funny how many of us are afraid of of pressure cookers? My mom used hers frequently, but none of her daughters ever use one. Everose I will also be looking forward to your review of the electric pressure cooker. And I know what you mean about the stress eating, after visiting my Dad I usually crave sugar. Great job on the pillowcases! How was the quilt show?

Judy I haven't gotten a thank from my DS yet, maybe when he leaves home he will appreciate mom and dad more. Do you suppose if I drink a glass of water with a packet of True Lemon it will work? I will keep your GD and the little guy in my prayers.

Cindy how was the date??? Still keeping my fingers crossed for a successful job hunt for you.

Amy don't say you are only down 2 pounds, you are a success because you are closer to reaching your goal. Slow weight loss is more likely to be maintained. I went to your blog, looks like a fun group of gals.

sewNso good job on starting an exercise class, gotta move if you want to lose. I have starting with walking, but I need to do something to get rid of the belly.

Okay my here's my idea for a Tuesday Taboo, how about negative thoughts?

irishrose 09-23-2012 09:02 PM

Laurie, Tru Lemon has sugar (evaporated cane syrup) and sugar is a toxin - though not a very damaging one, IMO, unless used to excess. So it would defeat the purpose of the lemon water. I'd use the real 1/2 lemon in the early morning and save the Tru Lemon for flavoring your water the rest of the day.

I haven't received a thank you from any of my daughters, either, so don't feel bad. Though the youngest one has been sweet about several hereditary defects I blessed her with includung no arch in the feet and a least two heart defects, plus muscle/ligament weaknesses. She says she'd rather be here with them than never having been born. Something tells me she may be a candidate for Lupus, too, but so far, so good there. A heart attack when she was 27 weeks pregnant was enough.

Lily and Moira thought I was goofy telling them our walk today wasn't for my exercise or their health, but for all the people women and children who don't have what they have - clean water,healthy food and good health. I got one of those Siberian looks from Lily - just keep walking, mom.

If you get a pressure cooker, don't put split pea soup in it. Enough said.

CountryHouseQuilter 09-24-2012 06:55 AM

Laurie - I know any loss is a loss, and trust me, I'm tickeled!!!! So far, since staring this journey in the beginning of August I'm down 12 lbs. I had the 8 last month and and now 4 more. I think I've just become more aware of my food choices and what I put in my mouth. Although I do treat myself, but usually it's after a day of being really really good!! I think the most recent lb. loss was because my insides were giving me a fit, mostly sending me to the bathroom for 3 days, which made me scared to eat anything....LOL. Also, my shoulder froze up on me for no reason. I've been in pain in 2 ways for 3 days, but I'm great now!!!!

Got up early, showered and dressed. Laundry in, and up on the line. Cake baked (going to DM & DD's for crabs). Light breakfast over and getting ready to do a little walking. Then I have a quilt that needs to have a binding finished. Really looking forward to the crabs. Love being with my parents, DB and his wife. Parents are in their mid 80's and I try to spend as much time with them as I can. Making lots and lots of memories!!!

Oh, wanted to thank Pat Suttmiller - don't know her board name. She sent my winning fat 1/4 directly to me. Awesome fabric and I have plans for it. When I get what I'm doing with it done I'll post a pic. Again, Thank You Pat!!!!

Alright, time to walk. Whose with me? Come on girls, I'm doing my mile so I can come back and sew....have a great day and drink lots of water!!!!

irishrose 09-24-2012 07:52 AM

I'll do my morning walking behind a lawnmower, though with the heat broken, I can go back to a morning walk and an evening one with the furgirls instead of just late evening. I want to bake some apple pies. That says Fall to me.

Sew? I started putting my 4" blocks together into bigger ones last night. I reversed something in the first one, so the seamripper and I had a late night date. I've made two little flannel boards and will use those to get the blocks from the design wall to the sewing machine.

Have a clean eating day.

createfourpaws 09-24-2012 11:03 AM

Good afternoon ladies,
my date was great, had on wednesday and then again on saturday.

One job my step sister was trying to get me in.......got the rejection letter saying they were going with more qualified people. Then I had one this morning which went very well, down fall with it is it is only part time but better than nothing. He said he will decide by the end of the week. And if I do get it, there are other locations I can help at to get more hours.

Keep up all your hard work and remember you are in control.

meanmom 09-24-2012 03:50 PM

Cindy, glad to hear the date went well. I could not imagine dating again. That would be tuff. I am praying for the right job for you. I have a job with good insurance, just dont like it. I don't mind the hard work it is one of the people I work with. I am looking. NO luck so far. The stress of my job just isn't healthy. I wear mouth guard at night to keep me from destroying my teeth.
Countryhousequilter glad you liked the FQ. Make something for yourself out of it. You worked hard for it. Weight loss is going pretty good this month. It had better be I have been really good. Only things that aren't going like they should is I'm not drinking enough water and need to get rid of stress. It is hard to get enough water at work. First there isn't hardly time and I can't get to the bathroom enough if I drink that much. Working on it.
Healthy eating to all.

Vanogay 09-24-2012 04:00 PM

I drink plenty of water, but I still seem to put the 'obnoxious' foods in my mouth. I talk about making it better until I actually start to eat then I make stupid choices. Fortunately, though I haven't gained, but my loss is very minimal. Haven't weighed in two days - will first thing tomorrow. I like this week's taboo - negative thoughts. I didn't do well at all with last week's taboo - the artificial sweeteners - as I put an equal tablet in my coffee - and I drink about 3-4 cups each day. I don't do sodas, so maybe that isn't real bad. I need someone to fix my food and control my portions, I guess.

Pam 304 09-25-2012 09:24 AM

Taboo Tues> This week we are going to have two taboo's Ok here goes no negative thoughts!!!! Also, limit salt intake or beware of how much salt you use. Be sure to read your labels. Good Luck!!!!!

Any ideas still welcome. Also does anyone want to take this over I am having a few medical issues.


sewNso 09-26-2012 04:35 AM

a daughter e-mailed me this morning. she is trying to lose wt. she told me that she is 'craving things'. i do also. sometimes it's almost too hard to bare. anyone else feel this way? how bad? sometimes, mine are so bad, i just have to go to bed early, or go to the basement to sew. been holding off so far. about 2 months into this diet. that's usually the length of time i stay on a diet, before i blow it all. and just chuck it. hoping not this time. trying to think, 'in a yr'.

createfourpaws 09-26-2012 06:58 AM

Originally Posted by sewNso (Post 5541946)
a daughter e-mailed me this morning. she is trying to lose wt. she told me that she is 'craving things'. i do also. sometimes it's almost too hard to bare. anyone else feel this way? how bad? sometimes, mine are so bad, i just have to go to bed early, or go to the basement to sew. been holding off so far. about 2 months into this diet. that's usually the length of time i stay on a diet, before i blow it all. and just chuck it. hoping not this time. trying to think, 'in a yr'.

I have it bad for craving carbs when I get depressed. I am doing what I can not to buy the stuff when I am out shopping sometimes it is hard. Keep up your hard work in resisting. I know how hard it is .

irishrose 09-26-2012 09:26 AM

First of all, allow yourself what you're craving unless it's very unhealthy, but limit the amount. I 'need' chocolate, so I limit myself to 4 Dove chocolates a day. I love the research that says dark chocolate is good for your heart. Yes, I know Dove is not 70% cacao and therefore doesn't qualify, but the ones that high aren't as yummy. I'll settle for 60%. Crunchy?? The flavored rice cakes aren't bad if you portion them out. The sweet ones are too sweet for me, but the cheese and ranch are pretty good. Save some calories for a snack. A regular rice cake with a thin coat of peanut butter and honey used to satisfy my need for a crunchy snack after school.

The biggest craving stopper I've found is lemon water. 1/2 a lemon in 16 ounces upon arising and just lemon slices in water the rest of the day. Flavored teas? I love Tazo Zen. If you don't allow yourself some things that taste good to you, you cravings will increase (in my experience). The trick is finding what works for you and portion control. Don't take the whole bag to the eating area. Put the rice snacks on a pretty plate then sit down and enjoy them. Calories eaten standing in the kitchen do count. I bought some pretty painted plates clearanced at Pier 1, but they have to washed by hand. Bummer. Cindy's right. The control starts in the store. Trouble is you can binge on good stuff. I ate one apple plain last night. I wanted two apples cooked in brown sugar and butter with something creamy on top, all ingredients I have in the house. These extra pounds from the antibiotics are so damaging, I chose the apple. I hate weighing over a figure ending in 0 that I had already passed on my way down. Grr.

I went back to Curves yesterday. I thought last night I had crippled myself, but today I don't hurt any worse than I did before I went, so I guess I need to schedule that in until my free month is up.

Questions to use when you are confronted with good looking food:
Old question: Do I really have to have this?
New question: Am I even hungry right now?

I am losing weight and getting healthier.

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