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Ellen 07-04-2011 07:21 PM

Congrats, RugosaB. I completely understood....it was a big, big day.
Let's see, my claim to fame is growing up in Freeport, ME and climbing the 53 steps to get into LL Bean and the pot bellied stove to thaw in front of. They had benches and we would do our homework while we thawed. It was half way home and high schoolers couldn't ride the schoolbus. Of course this was in winter...very cold winters. I remember -30 for a month once.
I lived in Gitmo. That was an experience...I would do it again tho. Made many friends that are still in touch.
I lived in Key West when Jimmy Buffet wasn't a name yet...pointed him out to my sister in the Tampa airport 17 yrs ago and she said "Who is Jimmy Buffet"....he winked at me. Was dressed in tan blazer, jeans, loafers and no socks.
When I was a kid in Maine, my Mom came out to the car at the drive in theater and asked that we get Bette Davis' autograph, my dad was running the movie and my mom worked in the snack bar...I said I would if the rest (4 of us) would back me up...got to the car and asked her for her autograph, looked back and the brats were 200 feet from me and I bolted. Bette Davis hollered, Little girl, come back. I didn't. She was married to Gary Merrill at the time.
I met Eleanor Burns.
I have to say the bestest was when a friend from ME met us in Almagordo, NM (she lived there) and she told me I was the reason she studied theology and became a Methodist Minister. That is so overwhelming for me. My heart fills as do my eyes whenever I think of that. Polly is back in ME and happy, happy, happy. Her mom was a riot....Italian ya know.

Marlys 07-04-2011 08:00 PM

I was picked out of an audience of about 10,000 to go on stage and sing with Barry Manilow.

Arleners 07-04-2011 08:07 PM

One time at Kennedy Airport, I peed in the stall next to Carol Burnett!

amyjo 07-04-2011 08:38 PM

A long time ago when I was in the USWACS, I was mistaken for carol Burnett. I was honorary stewardess on our flight to Vietnam when I flew over there for my tour of duty. Other than that my claim to fame is that I raised 4 beautiful daughters, have a wonderful DH for 39 yrs. and have a good life on the farm.

BARES 07-04-2011 08:51 PM

Over the years have met, gone to meetings, and had dinner several actors and directors - some famous and some not so famous. Some are stage and some are musicals. Have had the opportunity to go to several showings before they were open to the public in which other actors/actress' have attended. Hubby works in a business that allows him to meet many as well and that includes make-up, dressers, gaffers, etc. If they like someone then they recommend that person to all the friends and co-workers, as well as neighbors. It is nothing to see homes that have the pool moved down the hill because the daughters don't want to share a bathroom and therefore must put in seperate baths for them and in order to make room for the baths the pool must be moved. I have found that stars are pretty much like the rest of us, but have an image to keep when they are in public. All the ones I have met have been very nice.

katcincinnati 07-04-2011 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by Nan Quilts
Sure miss her beautiful voice.

Me too.

sosewcrazy 07-05-2011 06:55 AM

Met some guy in Maine that was actually from Texas... some kind of politician... when I was in college and working at a camp. Years later realized it was George Bush when he won the election in a landslide and they showed his summer home in Kennybunkport, ME.

sculpyfan 07-05-2011 09:42 AM

I was the first Go Go dancer in Abilene,Tx.Not like some on TV, I was fully clothed and stayed that way. Abilene was firmly entrenched in the bible belt and the town was dry, so only private clubs could sell booze. My dad was a deacon in the church and was mortified! I told him if any church members saw me there they would never admit it. I had never danced in public, not even at parties, and had only watched Bandstand. Where I got the nerve to even try out just astounds me. Ah,the young.

Buckeye Rose 07-05-2011 10:43 AM

I used to shoot pool in leagues and competed in tournaments. One year I made to the national tournament in Vegas and finished 2nd! Was a once in a lifetime experience and was thrilled beyond belief. My hobby has now shifted to quilting.

sewred 07-05-2011 11:05 AM

I met the wrestler "Gold Dust" Dustin Rhodes when he and " The Bodyguard" came in to eat on their way from Indianapolis when i worked and lived up north in Indiana. I don't think he liked me very well I wasn't a fan of his so everyone was standing "star struck" and getting his autograph and he looks at me when he's done and I said No thanks, I don't want one! If it would've been his dad that would've been different I went to Evansville as a kid and saw him wrestle! Oh, well i wasn't impressed! hee he

ShowMama 07-05-2011 12:52 PM

As a teenager, I met and got the autograph of former vice-president and Texas governor John Connally, a very nice man.

My daughter lived in Stephenville TX and worked at the local HEB food store. Bull rider Ty Murray and his then girlfriend (now wife) singer Jewel came into the store. My daughter said they were both rude and extremely snobbish and started a scene when the store wouldn't open a checkout just for them!

Jennifer22206 07-05-2011 12:58 PM

I'm a mom, wife and a teacher. :)

vjengels 07-05-2011 01:13 PM

I worked at Ceasars Palace in the late 70's and early 80's, . I met alot of people; Walter Cronkite, Redd Fox, Cher, Diana Ross, Sammy Davis Jr. Willie Nelson, Englebert Humperdink, Joe Williams, Andy Williams, Bob Hope, Anne Margaret; oh, yeah and I'm directly related to Jimmy Tamer; My Grandfather's brother, he's in the Nevada Gaming 'black book' for being a 'silent partner' in the Aladdin Hotel way back....

Barbm 07-05-2011 02:50 PM

I've been reading these and thinking, I don't know anyone famous. Well, I stand corrected- I found pics of me and Sen. Rick Santorum at a political function and then I remember Gov. Tom Ridge (who became first director of Homeland Security) and I have a pic together.

I can count a few members of the local TV station as my friends too.

But I would have loved to meet Richard Gere and danced with him even though I feel I am musically declined. :)

redvette54 07-05-2011 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by dogpursemaker
This doesn't involve a famous person, and really, I'd doubt anyone here knows what I'm talking about (but it's a big deal) BUT
I had the first basenji ever, at our yearly national specialty, win an Award of Merit from the Field Trial Class.

Try to hold your applause LOL

I don't have a hound, but I was heavily involved in showing IWs in obedience-okay, you can get off of the floor now :lol: -so I do have an idea what you're talking about! Congratulations :thumbup:

Congrats, I understand. I bred and co-owed a Bouvier that was BOB at our national and BOS at Westminster. Also had many group ones, but never an all breed best. Those were fun times.

madamekelly 07-05-2011 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by RugosaB
This doesn't involve a famous person, and really, I'd doubt anyone here knows what I'm talking about (but it's a big deal) BUT
I had the first basenji ever, at our yearly national specialty, win an Award of Merit from the Field Trial Class.

Try to hold your applause LOL

Oh, I was peeing in the next stall at Tony Packo's when our Congresswoman walked in and peed in the stall next to me LOL!!!!

Oh, and one time, when we were in the Marirot next to the asirport in San Franciso, at the restaurant, I saw Tiger Woods with a confused look on his face, like 'Where am I supposed to be?" (They were having some sports breakfst there) He thought he was sneaking in the back door, huh uh, I saw him)

We had a couple Basenjis when I was a kid. Very fond memories. Congratulations. Applause! Applause! :-)

Christine27 07-05-2011 08:48 PM

I watched some of the filming of the movie, "The Mighty Ducks" during breaks between classes in college, back in the 90's. They used part of my college's campus in downtown Minneapolis. We had to use the back doors to our storefront classrooms. It was cold to stand outside and watch, but we thought it was worth it to try to get a glimpse of Emilio Estevez.

I love to name drop my current and former music students, especially at music festivals. I once taught piano to .... I am so & so's high school choir teacher.... With some students, I just know that they are going places or are quality people with outstanding character and that I will always be proud to be associated with them.

lalaland 07-05-2011 10:46 PM

I was in a parade once, representing the Brownie Scouts of America, I rode in a convertible and threw candy to the kids on the parade route, and it was televised. I think I was in 2nd grade.

RugosaB 07-06-2011 05:20 AM


Originally Posted by RugosaB
We had a couple Basenjis when I was a kid. Very fond memories. Congratulations. Applause! Applause! :-)

There's a Willamette Basenji club, and I flew a couple of girls out that way to be bred, we might even have some that are distantly related!

Originally Posted by dogpursemaker
I don't have a hound, but I was heavily involved in showing IWs in obedience-okay, you can get off of the floor now :lol: -so I do have an idea what you're talking about! Congratulations :thumbup:

An IW in obedience? You have the same admiration I have for people who take Basenjis.
Applause Applause!

dogpursemaker 07-06-2011 11:10 AM

I put Am/Can CDs on one of the girl, and Am CD on the other-they were my friend's. I also showed them as a brace in obedience. Not only did we earn a real, legit passing score, but we were first in the class! Yes, there were other entries. :lol:

mhansen6 07-06-2011 11:41 AM

I am Molly and Katie's Mom, Martin's wife and Michaela's Grandma. That doesn't make me famous, but it makes me happy.

babyboomerquilter 07-06-2011 11:47 AM

Lou Rawls sang to me and my husband on our wedding night in a theatre in Las Vegas. I really love his music!

azdesertrat 07-06-2011 11:56 AM

I met and shook hand s with sue Hausmann
and a long time ago I was a cook for Sambos in Nashville,I cooked dinner for Andre the Giant

sewn3w 07-06-2011 12:07 PM

worked a charity golf event that Meatloaf played for. Sigh, not much to claim is it?

slk350 07-06-2011 12:14 PM

Well, never met anyone famous up close, BUT dancing with Richard Gere, I think I would have melted to the ground !! LOL

ShowMama 07-06-2011 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by ShowMama
As a teenager, I met and got the autograph of former vice-president and Texas governor John Connally, a very nice man.

My daughter lived in Stephenville TX and worked at the local HEB food store. Bull rider Ty Murray and his then girlfriend (now wife) singer Jewel came into the store. My daughter said they were both rude and extremely snobbish and started a scene when the store wouldn't open a checkout just for them!

Oh, yeah. Just remembered as a teenager I was on TV on a local news program about the upcoming county Farm Bureau Queen Contest. Yes, I was a contestant, actually two years in a row, but no, I did not win either time.

quilter1 07-06-2011 01:44 PM

Great story, I love that movie. I met Jack Lemon when he was making a movie. Donald Sutherland too. Then there was Ted Kennedy when he was in Toronto many years ago. The one that matters most is being a child of the King.

QuiltnCowgirl 07-06-2011 01:49 PM

I got to go backstage for a Santana concert. Sat in the side stage on their equipment boxes for the entire concert, then got to meet Carlo Santana & his band afterwards. My ex-husband would be jealous if he knew. I had no clue who Carlo Santana was until we met. They remain one of my favorite groups.

STICHNRN 07-06-2011 01:53 PM

i took care of sean astin's grandfather. had several chats with him.

madamekelly 07-06-2011 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by sewn3w
worked a charity golf event that Meatloaf played for. Sigh, not much to claim is it?

Well, I did like him in "Rocky Horror Picture Show"....

Pzazz 07-10-2011 05:37 PM

I sold two pair of funky pants, (my design), to a member of Three Dog Night.


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