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Susie42quilter 05-23-2011 07:33 PM

Marcy, today you are younger than you will be tomorrow,so

enjoy being young!! You are a valuable person, wanted and need-

ed in this world by people who LOVE YOU, and you have much to

teach and to add to the lives of those near you. Christ died for

you, so live for him. You can never be replaced, there is only one

you, there is still work for you to do. Go for it !!! Love you! :-D

clhornak 05-23-2011 07:59 PM

Marcy, I am 63 with many health problems. I use a power chair and scooter to get around. I felt like you did. Then in September, my son and his wife had their first child. He was born with brain damage and very little vision. He is the joy of my life. My husband and I babysit often. He loves kisses, singing (even poorly) and laughs constantly. He is my reason to go on. I keep making quilts and toys for him. I am also crocheting star wars figures for my other 5 yr. grandson. God has plans for all of us and he wants us to use our talents as best we can. Take time for yourself, help others, and be happy for all of your blessings!

rfmikelson 05-23-2011 08:47 PM

My Mom didn't start quilting until she was 89...she took classes and continued to quilt until she died two months short of her 96th Birthday. It was a wonderful hobby after she found gardening too difficult.

She loved color and new designs...we had a great time together plannig and working on projects together...don't give up!

jpthequilter 05-23-2011 10:45 PM

Originally Posted by luv-e
Can you have a Quilting Buddy over ?????
This could bring you right out of it!!!
Best of luck...

I am 81 and am experiencing a slump...I think it does have to do with age,
I discovered that being with other people brings me out of it! The quilting buddy really works!
Somehow the funky swaps, photos and messages make me laugh, and laugh some more. ...and somehow that brings me out of the slump too!

auntmarie 05-24-2011 01:40 AM

I am 74 and had a bad slump last year ! Nothing I cut out came out right. anyway, yeaterday it was 94 here in Fla. and I went into the sewing room and started cutting out the rest of this new pattern. Now I am getting my old gusto back. You'll get your old motavation back. When I was going thru 6 weeks of Radiation daily, I still wordked on my patterns and it really helped my sanity.
So, keep up your spirit and do a little praying along the way.

mim 05-24-2011 04:47 AM

I had to laugh recently when someone asked what I did when I retired (at 67) They thought I was kidding them when I mentioned backpacking and youth hostelling by myself around the world. -- wandering pathways, going over waterfalls and mountain climbing. It was so much fun.

With a different email quilting group I got to meet so many wonderful quilters in other countries. And they to visit me here in ME

This board is so like a great family



grandme26 05-24-2011 07:27 AM

Originally Posted by grandma pepsi
I'm 71, and it's true we sometimes go into a slump. But, that's no different than anybody else. However, we do have the wisdom to talk to ourselves (and at our age this is sometimes very funny and perfectly legal). I look at it as 'there is no time to fret about what might happen, only time for enjoyment NOW. Through our lives we have sacrificed in order to do for others. Hopefully, this brought us a sense of satisfaction. So why not continue, and still feel worthy within ourselves.

I must agree with grandma pepsi.
I just turned a young 70, and have ideas for projects to do and have several started. It does not matter what your age is, you must look to the future and plan.

BellaBoo 05-24-2011 08:28 AM

I wake up everyday thinking what is something different I can experience today. I may take a different route to the places in town I drive to even if it's the long way. There is something new to experience everywhere but I have to keep my eyes open. When DGD was in elementary school I would go check her out for the day and we would spend the day exploring. Old cemeteries, walk through a junk yard even go to the dump and watch the trucks dump and hear garbage stories from the workers. They have a lot of stories! We stopped at every yard sale. Had our nails done, ate ice cream. Just get up every morning and go do! You will never regret it.

Kehoeta 05-24-2011 08:39 AM

I'm 53 and just started quilting this past year. My 95 year young MIL got me interested because her eyesight was going and she couldn't finish the quilts she had in progress. (Probably 20-25 of them) I spent last year working with her and learning so much. Don't give up this wonderful hobby until you are absolutely forced to.

Besides - there is so much beautiful fabric out there to be played with.. Can you hear it calling your name???

newbee 05-24-2011 09:06 AM

I can only add that I own more books than I can ever read in my lifetime (or two or three lifetimes) and I have more fabric than I can sew in my lifetime--but I'm going to do my darndest to read all of the books and sew all of the material! I firmly believe that keeping projects in mind to do in the future keeps the future (and me) alive.

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