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charhend 05-23-2011 05:34 AM

If you worry about tomorrow you rob yourself of the JOY for today!! I'm 67 and my fabric will out live me by years. I work on something everyday along with keeping the house clean and mowing the lawn (all 6600 hundred sq.ft.). My husband is seventeen years older the me and just can't do what he used to do. Do I worry about when I am going to die....NO! Every thing that happens in life is in God's hands and in his time factor.

sassey 05-23-2011 05:41 AM

I am now 65 but when I was 59 I was told I was in the final stages of heart failure so I more or less gave up on life my dh was wonderful and always encouraged me to just do what I can do and nothing more but nothing less either. He told me he would take care of me untill I was no longer here than about a year later he passed away To me it seemed unfair but life goes on. Then I moved and got new drs they thought I was a canidate for a heart transplant well after 6 days of testing I failed the test due to a lung fungas the rejection meds would escalate that, so I went home to wait to die no crafting of any kind> Then one day I realized this is just silly I can live life to the fullest or I can set in my chair and be bored So once again I started my crafts then decided to learn to quilt. I am mostly self tought because because of other illnessess I cant set long enough at one time to take a class and I can't lift my machine to take to class. I have good and bad times sometimes I go to lqs and have to leave after 5 minutes because I get sick and have to go to bed for awhile. But I have learned to take one day at a time and live that day to the best of my ability. I am enjoying life who knows I could get hit by a car crossing the street or I can live a few months days or weeks longer

luvstoquilt 05-23-2011 05:45 AM

Hi Marcy, I am 69 and I have a large stash...Will I use it all before I go? Nope, I keep adding when I find something I can't resist. Live each day for the day and work on those projects you want. If you don't finish so what? Keep looking at patterns and keep adding to your "want to do" list. That makes life more interesting. I have at least 8 quilts I am dying to put together!! Who wants to just sit down and fold their hands? For me, that would be fatal!

charley1 05-23-2011 05:45 AM

Thanks ladies, I needed these pep talks. I thank you for being here every morning. Hugs

pollyjvan9 05-23-2011 05:50 AM

I am 71 and I am going to keep on keepin' on until I can't! There are so many patterns and projects I want to do I have to work fast. I love having many projects going at once, that way I have a choice what I want to work on.

Great-great granny 05-23-2011 05:50 AM

At 77, every morning I wake up is a blessing & I thank God for giving me 1 more day to enjoy whatever He has in store for me (even w/a bad hip & when uncle “Arthr-its” visits). :cry:
With that in mind I just go ahead & do the things I am able to do. Do I have a BIG STASH – no, but then I never did ($$$ you know). No, I can’t walk as far as I used to, but a little walk is nice when my hip says “lets go”. More quilts??? – the longer I live, the more great-great grandkids I’m blessed with & want to make one for (if I don’t get it finished – they can finish it!) ;)
Most importantly thou, I keep in mind that we NEVER know what He has in mind for us (I lost a dgtr when she was 30, leaving 3 kids)……so……..YOU BETTER ENJOY ALL THE TIME HE GIVES YOU with whatever you enjoy doing!!!!
:thumbup: :thumbup: :lol: :lol:

Have a blessed week & may all your quilts be filled w/love.

Rose Bagwell 05-23-2011 06:02 AM

Keeping busy is what keeps you going, keeps your mind sharp, I plan to quilt, sew, etc. til I can move no more.

luvstoquilt 05-23-2011 06:05 AM

Marcy, Why is your location "In Hiding"? Where are you? Do you quilt with friends? Do you do "lunch with friends"? Get up, shake yourself off and go out and look at the beautiful day...just embrace what God has given us. Live a day at a time and don't worry about tomorrow. At 69, I think of it but I am caregiver to a 94 year old mother and she has no plans of leaving this earth! Life is to lovely not to enjoy!

May in Jersey 05-23-2011 06:18 AM

Originally Posted by Marcy J.
I have been reading the posts from quilters going through a slump. I am 72 years old and and experiencing insecure thoughts such as "why buy any more fabric", and "why start on a new project". I am losing my enthusiam because my age does not warrant a lot of time for the projects I have always wanted to do. Would the upper-age group quilters share their thoughts on this problem I am having.

I'm 75+ but that hasn't stopped me from quilting or buying new fabrics, especially fabrics for my first great grandchild's quilt. I do admit it takes me much longer to get going on a project or to get myself upstairs into my sewing room. Also I can't sit and sew for long periods of time but I'm keeping at it as best I can.

This year I plan to use up lots of my stash by making twin or larger size quilts for my older grandkids who are married or live on their own. Grandkids all have smaller quilts I've made them over the years. Only fabrics I'm buying for these larger quilts might be for backings. After awhile I tend to get tired or bored with the bigger quilts so I switch to a quickie charity quilt for my guild. Nothing like zipping through a scrappy string quilt to make me feel better.

My suggestion it to gather some scraps and go wild making some crumb or string blocks and just sew without worrying about 1/4" seams and if the seams in the blocks meet, just have so fun. May in Jersey

Great-great granny 05-23-2011 06:25 AM

Originally Posted by luvstoquilt
Marcy, Why is your location "In Hiding"? Where are you? Do you quilt with friends? Do you do "lunch with friends"? Get up, shake yourself off and go out and look at the beautiful day...just embrace what God has given us. Live a day at a time and don't worry about tomorrow. At 69, I think of it but I am caregiver to a 94 year old mother and she has no plans of leaving this earth! Life is to lovely not to enjoy!

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: AGREE

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