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Lady Shivesa 10-23-2010 12:06 PM

...that my cat, Ripley, ran off with my only washable fabric marker!!!

I heard her playing with something in the hall the other night when we were trying to go to sleep. Woke up the next morning and the marker, which I had left on my sewing table, was gone.

I have no idea where she put it!

Just thought I'd share, not sure whether to chuckle or scold her. I should be nice - maybe she's making a little quilt of her own for me for Christmas. ;)

Ever have a pet steal your quilting supplies?

MadQuilter 10-23-2010 12:07 PM

Pens tend to roll - is there any piece of furniture it could have rolled under? like way in the corner so you can't really see it under.

Lady Shivesa 10-23-2010 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by MadQuilter
Pens tend to roll - is there any piece of furniture it could have rolled under? like way in the corner so you can't really see it under.

I've torn the house apart looking for it. Under all the couches, inside the closets (she can roll stuff under the door), under the stove, the fridge, the bed, LOL.

patricej 10-23-2010 12:09 PM

my dog used to eat the other end of the batting if i let it dangle within his reach.

np3 10-23-2010 12:13 PM

Maybe Ripley feels neglected?

tweetee 10-23-2010 01:15 PM

My cats love to get into my sewing room, becasue they know they are not allowed in there!
One of my cats always steals my pincushion, pins included! but, he also steals reels of cotton, scraps of fabric, anything he can get his paws on really. My other cat just constantly sits on my sewing chair when she gets in there, so when I go sew, I end up with a furry butt!. Not a good look when you go down the shops afterward!

Lady Crafter 10-23-2010 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by Lady Shivesa
I should be nice - maybe she's making a little quilt of her own for me for Christmas. ;)

Be sure to act surprised when you open it! :lol:

I had a cat that would sit on the sewing table and try to catch the needle as it went up and down .... I had to teach her that was a bad thing. She finally decided that it was more fun to sit on my shoulders and watch from THAT side of the machine. :D

SuziC 10-23-2010 01:26 PM

Sounds like a good excuse to go shopping LOL

craftybear 10-23-2010 01:38 PM

you will need to buy more and hide them from your cat

Lady Shivesa 10-23-2010 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by SuziC
Sounds like a good excuse to go shopping LOL

I like this idea. ;)

Yeah, if I drop scraps of fabric, or if any fabric is hanging off the edge of the table, she'll pounce on it. Or I'll have the ruler all lined up perfectly and be ready to cut something and she decides to hop right on top of it and meow at me. ^_^ I think she just wants attention.

stichinluvr 10-23-2010 02:51 PM

My Jack Russell is a klepto. If it isn't tied down, it's fair game. She brings it back sometime but Not until I've forgotten about it.

KiwiQuilter 10-23-2010 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by stichinluvr
My Jack Russell is a klepto. If it isn't tied down, it's fair game. She brings it back sometime but Not until I've forgotten about it.

Just gorgeous :)

SherriB 10-23-2010 03:25 PM

My pets are very guilty of taking off with things. They love to batt them around with their paws. Most of the time I find what they are playing with. If not, it is time to clean under the fridge. Maybe they are trying to tell me something! LOL!! :mrgreen:

littlehud 10-23-2010 03:28 PM

My dog runs off with thread. The cat knocks it off for him. Sigh.

quilting cat 10-23-2010 08:52 PM

My sewing room gets the most sun, so it would be mean to keep my old cat out. She has her own little quilt by the sliding glass door, but would rather sit on the extra chair!
She likes to knock things off my bedside table when I don't get up to feed her on time!

jitkaau 10-24-2010 12:47 AM

Not my supplies - when I was younger, I had a pet fox (much to my father's dislike). My father accused me of pinching his tobacco - which I had not. When I went to the fox lair it smelled very much of tobacco and the whole of his sleeping area was lined with tobacco...

Becky Crafts 10-24-2010 02:02 AM

Originally Posted by Lady Shivesa

Originally Posted by SuziC
Sounds like a good excuse to go shopping LOL

I like this idea. ;)

Yeah, if I drop scraps of fabric, or if any fabric is hanging off the edge of the table, she'll pounce on it. Or I'll have the ruler all lined up perfectly and be ready to cut something and she decides to hop right on top of it and meow at me. ^_^ I think she just wants attention.

I am owned by a Moluccan Cockatoo that's jealous of my sewing & will do run-by nippings on the quilts as they hang over the edge of my tray table while I sew. I'm always afraid he'll make holes. He's so spoiled!! Or he'll climb the back of my chair & wrap himself around my neck so I can't see what I'm doing & have to stop! LOL!

ckcowl 10-24-2010 02:46 AM

YUP! my cat 'steals' from me every chance he gets! he grabs pieces of fabric and runs with them...even tucks them under himself to hide them from me...he takes seam rippers, markers...even has been caught pulling pins right out of my pin cushion and tossing them on the floor. he seems to believe he usually knows the better way and i am usually off base,...
he does have very distinct tastes though and if i am working on something that does not fit his tastes he leaves me alone. if he likes the newest project i'm in trouble...because he has to help every step of the way :) cats gotta love em!

fidgety 10-24-2010 03:11 AM

Had to laugh when I read this... My dogs feel very unappreciated when I set down to sew. One of them sets under my table on my feet so if i do get up she knows it and can follow me around. My golden lays on what ever is on the floor so I cannot move it. Gotta love them..

lauriejo 10-24-2010 03:16 AM

LOL my cat loves to knock things around, expect for cat toys purchased just for him. I have found the surest way to find anything is to buy another, then the original will turn up right in front of me.

farmer623 10-24-2010 03:44 AM

My cat eats my leather thimbles, and I have to hide them.

momymom 10-24-2010 03:52 AM

I used to pin my blocks to the ironing board to preview them. My cat loved to sleep there. If I left the blocks pinned to the board, she would steal them. I would find the blocks on the floor, and the pins scattered all over the place. I blame my DH for this. He would warm up the wide end of the ironing board for her while he ironed his shirts for work every morning! He spoiled her so!!!!!

Mamagus 10-24-2010 03:59 AM

When Gus was a puppy ( he is now a nine year old grumpy mini schnauzer) I was hand quilting a baby quilt and lost my needle. Thought nothing of it until 3 days later when the poor little guy started straining and shivering.

X rays revealed a slender metal line. He had eaten the thread (I was using two strands of six-strand) and the needle had followed into his mouth. Surgery and 900.00 later the little fellow came home.

He is a real garbage gobbler... last year he ate almost a full roll of paper towels because the first one on the roll smelled good. four cans of pumpkin later his bowels got unplugged!

sandpat 10-24-2010 05:23 AM

I have a house full of clepto's too...there is absolutely no telling where I will find stuff. I've gotten to where I will just go ahead and buy 2 of everything because the one I'm currently useing will always somehow get "lost"

illinois 10-24-2010 07:14 AM

Have you checked the registers? Don't know what sort of heating system you have but it could have rolled through a register and into the ducts???

OmaForFour 10-24-2010 07:21 AM

You need to keep a roll of that sticky tape stuff that fits on a handle and keep it near the front door. Thaty way you can just brush your butt off on your way out the door. However, you might just find one of your cats stuck to it sometimes. LOL
LOVE the horse pic you have on your profile. Is it your horse?

Quote=tweetee]My cats love to get into my sewing room, becasue they know they are not allowed in there!
One of my cats always steals my pincushion, pins included! but, he also steals reels of cotton, scraps of fabric, anything he can get his paws on really. My other cat just constantly sits on my sewing chair when she gets in there, so when I go sew, I end up with a furry butt!. Not a good look when you go down the shops afterward![/quote]

butterflywing 10-24-2010 08:03 AM

be happy it's the wash-off kind and not the permanent kind. have you followed the colored trail?

Baloonatic 10-24-2010 08:08 AM

Have you tried using a yardstick to check in the corners under the fridge... and stove... and washing machine...
I can't figure how my 18-pound furry home companion can get thread spools off my ironing board without disturbing anything else, when she can barely get her furry butt up onto my lap? She is a rescue kitty, so I have no idea if she might be part Maine Coon...don't they get big as houses? My other two are under ten pounds!

patdesign 10-24-2010 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by Lady Shivesa
...that my cat, Ripley, ran off with my only washable fabric marker!!!

I heard her playing with something in the hall the other night when we were trying to go to sleep. Woke up the next morning and the marker, which I had left on my sewing table, was gone.

I have no idea where she put it!

Just thought I'd share, not sure whether to chuckle or scold her. I should be nice - maybe she's making a little quilt of her own for me for Christmas. ;)

Ever have a pet steal your quilting supplies?

My pug lily is just tall enough to reach a paw over the top of a 36 in high counter, so anything on the edge or on a top of lower height is fair game. She especially loves magazines, paper, pens, and pencils, also the plastic wrappers that come on magazines. Lily ate a needle and thread that fell off the table onto the floor about a year ago, and that was a major expense, so I am VERY CAREFUL now. She is so smart that when she loses something under the edges of the sofa, that all I have to say is show me, and she goes right to the spot!

katlady 10-24-2010 09:04 AM

Yes, I have to put my pin cushion in a cupboard when done sewing as Kat will pull all the pins out & put them on the floor!!

CarrieAnne 10-24-2010 09:08 AM

LOL, I have a theiving bulldog!

anniesews 10-24-2010 09:29 AM

My Annie gets on the sewing table when I am out of the room and runs off with bobbins, needle threaders, tape measures and anything she can get in her mouth. I have learned to put anything dangerous to her in a closed plastic tub even when I leave for a few minutes. She is a pill but I love her very much.

patdesign 10-24-2010 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by anniesews
My Annie gets on the sewing table when I am out of the room and runs off with bobbins, needle threaders, tape measures and anything she can get in her mouth. I have learned to put anything dangerous to her in a closed plastic tub even when I leave for a few minutes. She is a pill but I love her very much.

Yes I know what you mean, more work than a child somedays, but my life would be incomplete with out my 2 pugs Lily and Roxy.

debbieumphress 10-24-2010 09:35 AM

I have to keep our hound dog outside as he is a monster dog and once in a while when he was younger and smaller he would come in a while and when we weren't looking he would snatch the remote or anything he wanted and beline for the back door and take off. One day I caught him when he grabbed something and I had already closed th door. He ran to the door , stopped and looked at it, dropped th item and turnde and looked and here I cam. Busted!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Animals are so cute. Kitty likes to slap my thread spools around so I give her an old one to play with while I sew so she leaves mine alone. They are sooooo playful.

patdesign 10-24-2010 09:36 AM

Originally Posted by Mamagus
When Gus was a puppy ( he is now a nine year old grumpy mini schnauzer) I was hand quilting a baby quilt and lost my needle. Thought nothing of it until 3 days later when the poor little guy started straining and shivering.

X rays revealed a slender metal line. He had eaten the thread (I was using two strands of six-strand) and the needle had followed into his mouth. Surgery and 900.00 later the little fellow came home.

He is a real garbage gobbler... last year he ate almost a full roll of paper towels because the first one on the roll smelled good. four cans of pumpkin later his bowels got unplugged!

My Lily did the same, only when she had surgery and the anesthesia made her throw up it lodged in the esophagus, then the vet said take her home and feed bukly stuff till she passes it, this was $1100 LATER, and 3 days later she threw it up!

MisDixie 10-24-2010 09:48 AM

Shortly after I had to start wearing reading glasses my one and only pair disappeared! Thinking I had layed them down and couldn't remember where I am wandering around the house looking high and low and I was sure I had left them by the quilt I was hemming. Happenend to glance out the kitchen window and got a flash of reflected light. Boss the dog had grabed them from beside the quilt and gotten out the door without me seeing those specks in his mouth! One big old canine tooth through the lens. Lucky for me they were the cheepies from the drug store. Lucky for him hes never touched anything else or I might have to scold the spoilie!

Lynette-Merlin 10-24-2010 10:01 AM

I had a cockatiel bird who woulod normally sit on my shoulder when I was sewing. However if he was cross with me he would hop on to the table and quite literally pull all my pins out of my pincushion and throw them around the room!
Hope you find your pen

Mickie612 10-24-2010 10:27 AM

Yes, I have a cat that loves bobbins. Moved a cabinet to paint and there were 9 under it. She also loves shiny stuff like thimbles and my jewelry.

Ramona Byrd 10-24-2010 10:54 AM

My cat Koko gets mad when I won't let him sit on my lap when sewing, as he does when I'm on the computer. So he steals whatever he can grab and bats it around in the other room, then stores it under the book case that lines one wall. I've learned to clean out under that with a big feather duster, since I lose so many tiny things. Also found my wedding ring there after losing it some years ago after my knuckles swelled with age. Koko LOVES tiny things to play with.

katyquilter 10-24-2010 11:05 AM

We also have a curious cat. He not only takes things, he finds things we haven't seen in a while. Your cat will eventually bring your marker back.

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