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Ps 150 12-10-2010 03:29 PM

We all love to read the admiring remarks on here when posting pictures or hear those great or little praises of our quilts--all the time, love and work that goes into them. I'm no different, but tonight I received the greatest praise of all. My 6 year old DD walked into my quilting room where I was desperately trying to fit some pressing in before dinner was ready, and proclaimed, "Mommy, you're such an awesome quilter person!" :XD: As a homeschooler, my distracted mind's first response was to correct her grammar when what she said really struck me. That was my, "Aha!" moment. The moment of praise that really brought tears to my eyes. What was yours?

watterstide 12-10-2010 03:51 PM

Wonderful story and lesson!
mine is out of no where, my 3 year old grandson simple says
" i love you granma".. and "you cook good stuff"..

Jan in VA 12-10-2010 04:12 PM

I think mine was when my then 10 year ol daughter hugged me and proclaimed she was "gonna live with you forever!"

She's married now, a well-respected pediatrician, but she still calls me each morning from Colorado to ride to work with her.

Jan in VA

marilynr 12-10-2010 04:23 PM

When my 6 year old grandson would just be sitting at the
table eating breakfast or lunch & look over at me & out of
nowhere, say, "Grandma, I just love the quilt you made for me".

dakotamaid 12-10-2010 05:06 PM

Mine was the day my 20 something daughter said "Now I understand why you told us that!!"

Cyn 12-10-2010 05:43 PM

I'm not sure I've had mine yet :(

Magdalena 12-10-2010 06:51 PM

My 26 years old daughter still says, "I am glad that you are my Mama."

jljack 12-10-2010 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Cyn
I'm not sure I've had mine yet :(

Don't worry...it'll come when it's meant to come!! :-)

Mine was when my youngest daughter was about 8 and she told me "I want to grow up just like you". From then on I went to great lengths to prove that she hadn't placed her admiration with an unworthy mom....it changed my life. Literally!! She's now 26 with 2 kids of her own, and I hope she has that same "Aha" moment!! The Lord knows what we each need....and when.

cjomomma 12-10-2010 07:31 PM

Mine was when my DD who was 13 or 14 said your the best Mom. You don't let us go out and run around so we don't get in trouble like other kids do. Then her brother who is a year and a half younger agreed with her.

pittsburgpam 12-10-2010 07:42 PM

Mine was when I gave my grandson a quilt for his third birthday. He opened it up and said, "A Blankey!" He grabbed it, still folded up, and went up the stairs to his bedroom, leaving all the party guests and other presents. I followed him upstairs and into his bedroom where he was trying to lay the quilt out on his bed.

I helped him lay it on his bed and then he kneeled on it and started naming the animals.

He wants that quilt at home and at daycare and says, "Mamaw made me."

My heart swells with joy and love to think of it. :XD:

edited to add... I thought it was a question just about quilting but I see the other replies!!! :-D

DJ 12-10-2010 07:48 PM

Wonderful praise! You know it's from the heart!

Ps 150 12-10-2010 07:49 PM

:cry: Those are all so wonderful. I really am crying over here and my DH is now questioning whether I need to be on this board so often, :lol: . I've had so many touching moments with my girls and treasure them all but that one little comment, out of nowhere and during my busiest time of day, really stopped me. My oldest is 8 and still thinks I'm the "best mommy in the world." My father informs me that my time is coming and soon, I'll know what he went through during my teen years. :-( Maybe that's what helps me to cherish these times. Tonight's "Aha" moment really just applied to the quilting--really feeling like a good quilter, despite all of my mistakes, thanks to the praise of a 6 year old. But, it really helps to boost the mommy pride at the same time!

Ps 150 12-10-2010 07:52 PM

Originally Posted by Cyn
I'm not sure I've had mine yet :(

If I could point out one right now, I'd have to say that the contented peace of your furry friend on a quilted treasure in your avatar picture could definitely serve to prove that you're cherished and important! :mrgreen:

RST 12-10-2010 07:56 PM

I made my niece a quilt for her 2nd birthday. She was not feeling so good for her party, and was a little cranky and weepy. When she opened the quilt (with matching doll quilt for her favorite baby) she beamed, scooped the quilts up, and ran to her room, where she politely asked to be put to bed for her nap time. Nothing my SIL could say would convince her to come back to her party -- she wanted to cuddle w/ her quiltie.


OneMoreQuilt 12-10-2010 08:03 PM

I've been lucky enough to have several (married for 31years, raised 2 children, have 1 grandson, been teaching elementary education for 31 years, quilting etc.) Most recently, my grandson snuggled next to me and declared, "Grammy, you're mine forever. We make a good team." (He likes to work with me in my studio.)

Carron 12-10-2010 08:08 PM

One of my treasured phrases came from my daughterm now married and with a little boy. Her comment was "gee mom, I'm begining to sound just like you!"

CoriAmD 12-10-2010 08:10 PM

Mine was a few years back when I surprised all the kids and grandkids with quilts for Christmas.... the "oh mom's and wow gramma's" made my heart smile! :)

happynana 12-10-2010 08:27 PM

Recently i got a phone message from my 30 year old daughter
"hey mom, I was getting ready to go out for the evening tonite and as I looked in the mirror, I saw a beautiful woman looking back at me-YOU>" had to cry over that one

Maride 12-10-2010 09:15 PM

I have moments with all my kids very often. The most recent one was this morning when my 16th year old came to see me before school because he wanted to go to an Art supplies store in Manhattan after school and wanted to make sure I could go with him. Just two weeks ago he asked me to meet him for lunch when he had half day of school. He loves to hang out with me and I love it. So do Emi, but we all know that already.

thenonnielady 12-11-2010 03:41 AM

My then little grandaughter had the stomach flu....she told her Momma that she needed the quilt Nonnie made 'cause it had love sewn into it. The kids in that family call the quilts I made for them "Nonnie Love".

mysippycup2 12-11-2010 04:19 AM

When my 3 year old (now 4) looked at me one day and said "Momma you make my heart happy" and when she out of the blue said "no matter where I am I will always come back for you" ... the last one she got from a show she watches on Nick Jr but still melted my heart. ☺

quilt3311 12-11-2010 04:27 AM

My AH HA moment came when I heard "my words" coming out of her mouth when she was talking to her kids. It was a light bulb going off that some things really did sink in. grin

DeeBooper 12-11-2010 04:30 AM

Originally Posted by CoriAmD
Mine was a few years back when I surprised all the kids and grandkids with quilts for Christmas.... the "oh mom's and wow gramma's" made my heart smile! :)

I will be doing that in a couple weeks with my kids and grandkids....we'll see:)

117becca 12-11-2010 05:10 AM

I was sharing a story w/ my mom several years ago - Every summer, we would have to empty the kitchen cupboards, wash them down and put stuff back.

Now i think it was giving us something to do during the summer instead of just veggin' - but after living in one place for 8 yrs and moving out, I was amazed at how dirty the kitchen cupboards were inside!! I told her that now I know why she made us do that. Her response was that she was glad i learned my lesson, because during those days I only did a half-a-- job! :lol:

And to share an Out of the mouths of babes....On 9/11, the kids(6&9) came home from school and we talked about it some because we were heading to church.

The oldest one said that "This wouldn't have happened if Adam & Eve wouldn't have eaten that apple"


NUTMEG10 12-11-2010 05:22 AM

Hi Marilyn.
Would love to see a larger picture of your avatar. It looks like cat fabric or panel. I am a cat lover. If you could post a bigger picture I would appreciate it. Thank you and have a wonderful Holiday. Doris

eiltcoq 12-11-2010 05:37 AM

PS150, My special moment was in July when my family had a birthday party for Mom who was 90 years young. I made her a memory quilt with all of our family (her mom and dad, brothers and sisters and her 6 children). We invited 70 family/friends for
her birthday. She was very happy and she said, "Thank You, thank you, thank you". (In my 60 years, I had never gotten that mucch praise). Eiltcoq.

JeanDal 12-11-2010 06:41 AM

Made my grandkids the fleece blankets that are tied around the edges last year for Christmas. Found out last week they have fits if they get left behind anywhere. Made me feel good because I didn't know if they liked them or not.

stitchofclass2 12-11-2010 06:45 AM

I have been married 43 years. I had 3 children and my husband had 3 children (all living with us). My husband's oldest daughter (15 at the time) and I had some VERY rocky encounters. However, about 5 years ago she ended up in the hospital and then into AA treatment. When she was released, she came to live with us. Trying to encourage her to get back to sewing, I asked her to help me make Christmas gifts. From October to Christmas we sewed 22 carry-on bags together.

Now (sober) every time she sees me she says, "I really miss you!" Every time she says it, I have a great feeling of care and love.

kuntryquilter 12-11-2010 06:50 AM

My moment came when I gave my daughter a quilt for her 50th birthday. The top was pieced from Wizard of Oz fabric and the backing was Lucy in the Chocolate Factory, her childhood favorites. She said "now I can wrap myself in your love anytime I want to".

MaggieLou 12-11-2010 07:04 AM

Mine was when I heard my then teenage daughter telling one of her friends who was asking for advice an almost vertabim statement of one I told her. I heard her doing that several times over the years so something I said must have stuck. She now has 3 kids all grown and they have really turned out great.

amma 12-11-2010 07:13 AM

Awww what an awesome praise!! It doesn't get any better than that :D:D:D

OmaForFour 12-11-2010 07:23 AM

A few weeks ago my daughter, who lives 500 miles away, called and said that I am the best mother and grandmother in the world. I had helped my youngest GD do a project for school. She was so excited the way it turned out and the reception she got from her classmates and teacher that she couldn't stop talking about it. She is 8 yo. I felt sooooo good about this!

Lakelady 12-11-2010 09:16 AM

Mine was after my oldest son was out of school and laying around the house all the time, not attempting to do anything!!! I went home one day for lunch, we got into it and I kicked him out. I went back to work that day and cried all afternoon. Of course I knew where he went and that he was ok. Years later he told me "Mom you did the only thing you could do". Moral of the story, stick to your guns, tough love will pay off. Makes me want to cry again just thinking of it.

JuneD 12-11-2010 09:52 AM

I've had a lot of those 'feel good' moments with my kids. I think the one that stands out the most is when my daughter had my granddaughter. When she was about 2 years old I went to visit. Don't ask me why, but there was something about my granddaughter that kept catching my eye, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what it was. I was standing in the kitchen watching my granddaughter and her older brother playing in the livingroom. My daughter came up to me and said, "You haven't figured it out yet, have you Mom?" I had no idea what she meant and said so. She grinned and said "Mom, she has your eyes". I was stunned, and she was right.

sgraves1959 12-11-2010 11:04 AM

My 32 year old GS posted on Facebook at Thanksgiving I just made a Thanksgiving dinner that would make grandma proud. When he 2 or 3 he always told me grandma your my bestest friend.

colwoods 12-11-2010 11:17 AM

When my son was 9-10yrs old, he told me that he was never going to leave me because of taxes, inflation and all that stuff. Alas, he did meet a wonderful girl and he did leave. Two yrs ago I made a quilt for him at Christmas with his college colors and pieced gators around the border. On the back I used fraternity t-shirts that he had left behind. I couldn't be there when he opened it but my DIL took a picture and his reaction was priceless. The following July he took it with him to NY for his god-daughters christening to show his college roommate. He called me late at night to tell me the reactions. You could hear the pride in his voice.

maryparrish 12-11-2010 11:45 AM

I have had lots of A-HA moments in my life. Another one happened this morning. My oldest Daughter now 56, called to remind me that she would not be calling for our daily cup of coffee. She lives in Missouri and I in Texas. Every morning she calles me for our usual get together over coffee.. I absolutely love this time with her..

quiltluvr 12-11-2010 12:02 PM

My oldest daughter was just 3 at the time. She was born premature, had a lot of health issues that eventually were overcome, but had really been emotionally detached from us.

This particular day she was sitting between my husband and me. She put her arm around my shoulders, looked at me with her beautiful smile and said with such emphasis, "Mom, you're my best friend."

That memory is burned into my mind. Still gets me.

sosewcrazy 12-11-2010 12:05 PM

Mine had nothing to do with quilting. It was last year, when after 22 years of parenting, my son said the magic words I'd longed to hear. "You were right, Mom."

blackbearbetty 12-11-2010 01:50 PM

Isn't great to be appreciated.

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