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Panther Creek Quilting 06-27-2011 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by tupoms

Originally Posted by ghostrider
Better than yesterday, not as good as tomorrow. ;)

I like the attitude of this reply.

I second that motion. It is all a learning process and if you quit learning and experiencing new things then the love for it dies!

Zebracar 06-27-2011 02:24 PM

I'd say I'm intermediate for piecing, hand appliqué, and hand quilting. I'm definitely a beginner when it comes to FMQ! That's one of the many wonderful things about quilting, there is always something new to learn!

sarahrachel 06-27-2011 02:31 PM

I'm a beginner at best. I've only completed 2 quilts and finished 1 quilt top along with the quilt I'm hand piecing now. There are so many more advanced quilters on here, and I wish I were half as good as some of the talented quilters on here!

bjeriann 06-27-2011 02:42 PM

I've been piecing and appliqueing for a long time. Sometimes I think hey I'm pretty good at this, then the what was I thinking hits. I'm an intermediate. I love a challenging pattern. I don't want to be an expert because there is always something to learn and improve on.

grandma Janice 06-27-2011 07:29 PM

I'm a self taught quilter who has been quilting 25-30 years but I wouldn't dare say I was an experienced quilter. I love traditional patterns and make lots of scrap quilts. It's a hobby not a profession so I'd give myself a rating of average at best.

deedum 06-27-2011 07:38 PM

It's all relative! I have been quilting for 3 1/2 yrs now. Not a beginner anymore, certainly nowhere near a perfectionist (regardless of what my friends say). I guess just mediocre or just a tad above! I am ok with that for now :)

Flying_V_Goddess 06-27-2011 07:49 PM

I feel like I'm Advanced and think I can quilt anything when in reality I'm more like a Advanced Beginner who tries to tackle the harder stuff.

QuiltnLady1 06-27-2011 07:50 PM

I am a consistent learner -- I have more sewing under my belt than quilting. I can piece pretty well, but my quilting is pretty basic. I quilted in the 70's for a while (in between making clothes), then stopped for a while and picked it up again in 2000.

I love experimenting -- and am more apt to deviate from a pattern than to follow it faithfully.

desertrose 06-27-2011 08:35 PM

I don't know if I can even consider myself a novice in the light of what I'm reading. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Woodster 06-28-2011 02:46 AM

If that's what you do and rate yourself that low, I might as well go muck barns!

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