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darlenedowns 10-12-2011 04:31 AM

my bad so far have counted 28 but hey I not finished wait ok I am still going thru them
I think I have totally lost it
I see gotta have will do fever and its getting worse Now here comes the Festival

Michellesews 10-12-2011 04:33 AM

I'm weird...I don't allow myself to think about another project until I finish the one I am working on...so I never have UFO's...but that is just me, not sure why I am like that :)

sandy l 10-12-2011 04:38 AM

Not going to count as I don't want to know :oops:

grandjan 10-12-2011 04:39 AM

I have three tops waiting to be quilted, one waiting for its binding, two more that need to be finished--and hundreds dancing in my head. No matter how much you work, I find you can never sew as fast as your imagination can create. It's wonderful, actually.

Suzi 10-12-2011 04:41 AM

ONE (1) --- when I started quilting I promised myself (and I ALWAYS keep my promises) to only do one at a time. I do not allow myself to start another while I'm still working on the first. I have different ideas floating around in my brain but I refuse to even look at fabric until I'm done with the one I'm working on. The one I'm working on now is a king-sized Lady of the Lake and it's sandwiched and ready to either be tied or SID'ed (haven't decided yet). Would like to handquilt it but it would take forever - so, NO!

Mariposa 10-12-2011 04:46 AM

Do I have to count-??

lillybeck 10-12-2011 04:48 AM

As I speak I have 2 tops finished waiting to be quilted, one top I am working on,and about a dozen other projects going. I need to slow down and get things completed.

newBe 10-12-2011 04:49 AM

I've never finished one quilt, but I have materials for 5. Of course there will be adequate scraps from each, as I buy extra fabric just to be on the safe side. I have notions for even more!

gailinva 10-12-2011 04:56 AM

At last count I had eight!!! And I love those plastic bins (with a handle on the side) that you can get from Joannes's. That way I can work for awhile on one project, then put it all away and get another!!!

LindaDeeter 10-12-2011 04:58 AM

It's called "planning ahead"! I like to have several projects going at one time and switch from one to another. I am actually down to .... hmmmmmmmmm a few UFO's .... unless we're counting stuff other than quilts! :)

reginalovesfabric 10-12-2011 04:59 AM

I'm with Purplepassion, can't count that high but I will tell you I have over 30 tops ready to be quilted, started one this morning.

pjnesler 10-12-2011 05:05 AM

You had to ask didn't you - - - now I really need to think. . .
1. I'm working on the embroidery for right this min.
2. Quilt medalion center hanging in closet waiting for inspiration to complete the rest ( I think I found the inspiration yesterday)will be next project to complete?
3. "Be Attitudes" I have about 1/4 of those blocks done. Lost the desire to complete - now need to think what to do with them.
4. Dear Jane ( may only finish a few more for small wall hanging)
5. Cathedral Window
6. Square in a Square
7. Halloween - ( maybe next years project)
8. Scrappy Spider Web
9. School House
10. Sampler blocks from the 80's - ;(

I don't want to think about this any more, but now that I've started, I'm going to finish the list, and start knocking them off till their done!

Wintersewer 10-12-2011 05:06 AM


sammie 10-12-2011 05:09 AM

WOW YA'LL make me feel normal. *LOL* I just retired and have been quilting up a storm trying to and finishing 7 ufo and feeling kind of proud. *LOL* I'm just beginning to put a tiny dent in my stash .... everytime I come on site my bucket list grows.....

dreamgirl 10-12-2011 05:11 AM

Let's just say, if I lived long enough to complete everything I've started, I would have to live at least a couple hundred more years! :roll:

quilted dakota 10-12-2011 05:13 AM

too many to count! i have a huge container under my sewing table that is full of "stuff" to finish.

jaciqltznok 10-12-2011 05:15 AM

I have 17 already "kitted up"...ready for that big day..heheh

McDarla 10-12-2011 05:17 AM

I love so many lines of fabric... they are starting to line up! :)

karenpatrick 10-12-2011 05:18 AM

Originally Posted by PaperPrincess
I have 4 where I have all the fabric. I don't cut until I'm ready to start sewing in case i decide to use the fabric for something else.
Good luck on that sewing all day thing. I've been retired for 4 years and I'm lucky if I can get an hour of sewing in a day.

Me too. I've been retired for 3 years and I'm lucky if I manage to quilt about 2 to 3 hours a day.

DonnaC 10-12-2011 05:19 AM

I am not 'fessing up to that count! Seriously, I think it's at least 10.

matraina 10-12-2011 05:25 AM

About 5. All need to be done before Christmas.

jad1044 10-12-2011 05:32 AM

13 if no more babies arrive - or are in the making - I've had this number for a year now - and it seems like the babies keep coming and I keep making baby quilts - but have to get serious now - have two weddings next summer! and not started with the second one yet - I got the first one's blocks all made - now for the putting it together and figuring out a nice border for it. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe I can get on a roll now! lol

But then I plan to make many more than that - that original 13 is just family I have left to make quilts for and the 2 weddings.

Glenda m 10-12-2011 05:35 AM

Oh, lets not go there. I'm afraid to count. LOL

KLO 10-12-2011 05:36 AM

I am too embarrassed to say!

yellowwroses 10-12-2011 05:41 AM

way to many lol

Susie Quilter 10-12-2011 05:43 AM

I can see why.

Originally Posted by Bobbielinks
DH is looking over my shoulder so I can't say.

quilter68 10-12-2011 05:43 AM

About 12?

supergma 10-12-2011 05:49 AM

I am binding a baby quilt I finished yesterday, have a baby quilt on the design board, started a quilt for DGS who is getting married, another baby quilt that could be classified as a true UFO, 2 planned with fabric and pattern in baskets, six in all. Of course there are several in the planning stage, and at least 20 more bouncing around in my brain. I love it!!! I have a brand new hand quilting frame I am going to start trying out today. Life is good.

janiesews 10-12-2011 05:56 AM

Originally Posted by Carol J.
Who is counting? It is the nature of a quilter to stock up so she is never without a stash, patterns or projects.
The one with the most, wins.

Carol J.

Feel the same here. I call it investing in my retirement. At least 3 years til retirement and I will have plenty of things to work on. :lol:

KATHLEEN'S DAUGHTER 10-12-2011 06:02 AM

About 12 and counting. LOL!

KimS 10-12-2011 06:03 AM

I keep telling myself I'm not buying another piece of fabric until the projects that are waiting on me are finished. HA! That didn't go too far when I ran across a line of fabric I fell in love with. Now I have 2 waiting to be quilted, 1 that is being quilted, 2 Christmas tablerunners in the works, 1 that is being pieced and fabric waiting for another. Gotta love us quilters. :thumbup:

Honchey 10-12-2011 06:04 AM

Originally Posted by suezquilts
I just sent enough fabric to be laser cut for 8 quilts.
plus around 5 sitting here.
thats enough.

I've never heard of sending fabric to be 'laser cut' for a quilt.

Chris Penna 10-12-2011 06:05 AM

I have about 10 projects ready to go, pattern, fabric, etc. I buy these plastic containers that are just big enough to hold one project.............I attach a picture or the pattern picture on the outside of the box and stack it on a bookshelf with the label and/or picture facing out so I don't forget about it...............my excuse is I'll be retiring in 4 years and I won't be able to buy fabric!!!!!!!!I have a bad habit of buying odd pieces of fabric and then bring it home................find it a few weeks later and forget what I bought it for???? Brain Freeze! The project boxes do what my mind won't! REMEMBER!

GGJudy 10-12-2011 06:07 AM

I have one color wash quilt (wall hanging) in progress, and two more quilts in the immediate future for which I have the patterns and material purchased. I also have a fun pattern and material for wine gift bags and matching stem cozies, which I hope to whip up before Thanksgiving. Many other possibilities for the future but none that I'm serious about right now.

cctx. 10-12-2011 06:08 AM

Way too many!

gramarraine 10-12-2011 06:14 AM

I don't know if I could even count them. I have 5 that I started this year that just need blocks put together or borders put on them. I have at least that many kits that I bought when I retired 3 years ago and probably 4 BOM quilts that I haven't finished yet and some other unfinished projects waiting for me. I probably am hitting close to 20. I guess I really need to get busy and finish some projects.

Landers 10-12-2011 06:14 AM

I never had more than 2 UFO and those two were ones I just didn't want to do. Now I have 5 more UFOs. 8 all together!

carslo 10-12-2011 06:15 AM

Seventeen - I did fmq 2 twin size over the last three days.

scrappymom 10-12-2011 06:16 AM

I think about 15, some are non quilt projects

carslo 10-12-2011 06:17 AM

Oops I thought finsihed tops that would equal 17.

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