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AngeliaNR 09-21-2014 09:17 PM

I am an introvert. As such, I work my ideas over and over in my head until I'm happy with them, then I start. This is my way with everything--writing, cooking, quilting.... when I'm done, and I put it out there for others to read, eat, look at, etc., I know that I have done it my way, and that pleases me. It took a long time, but I'm now comfortable with this. My advice is to trust yourself. Comparisons are never accurate because no one else is you. :)

justflyingin 09-21-2014 10:24 PM

Originally Posted by joe'smom (Post 6898494)
You shouldn't feel ridiculous about how you reacted; I think it's understandable. Unfortunately, it's a sure road to grief, to spend time wishing you had the gifts and talents that others have, rather than celebrating the ones you have. However, there are lots of excellent books on design theory, that will give you some tools to exercise your creative muscle, if you are wanting to develop your creative side in relation to designing quilts.

Not everyone is equally creative. Consider something like a play. Not everyone can be a playwright, but there are also actors, stage designers, directors, etc., who bring the play to life so that others can experience it. I'm fairly certain I will never design a quilt to rival some of the amazing ones I've seen; heck, I may never design one at all. So far in my brief quilting career, I've been using other people's patterns, and exercising my creativity in choosing what fabrics to use in bringing them to life. But I still enjoy exercising my creativity in this way. Celebrate yourself!

Definitely good advice!

Annaquilts 09-21-2014 10:30 PM

I always talk to lots of people and look at lots of pictures and then pick out of it how I like it. Nothing wrong with asking your sister but you don't have to stop there. Ask more people and gather all ideas and then decide what components you want to use. You ultimately decide how you want it.I think it is a strength to be open to ideas others have. Also sometimes someone's idea might be more creative but you are the one to decide how you really like it even if it is maybe not as exciting to most other people.

notmorecraft 09-21-2014 10:44 PM

If you follow a pattern from a book or magazine does it make it any less your quilt? Your sister suggested a pattern if you don't like it don't use it, if you like it use it, don't worry if at the moment you feel your not there with your own designs, just enjoy your quilting. If I sew a quilt or a garment from someone else's pattern, I don't feel its any less mine, I'm the one that made the pattern come to life. I sew because it's something I love doing, I use my designs but if someone else's looks good and I like it, I'll use that too, happy quilting xx

annesthreads 09-22-2014 12:52 AM

Thanks for all the thoughtful and kind replies. I'm crying, which is a bit embarrassing as I'm in the cafe at a railway station..!
To respond to some of the points made:

i asked myself if this was sibling rivalry, and, yes, that will be playing a part, though I think I'd have still felt pretty vulnerable if it had been a friend. She's my younger sister, and the older/younger dynamic was the reverse of that in many families. She's very talented, attractive - and like my mother, who I think took one look and fell in love! I was always second-best after that, and have had to deal with the consequences over the years. No sense of superiority coming from my sister herself - she didn't make the suggestion about the quilt to show off, just because she's creative and saw how to make it better. She's done a bit of quilting and a wide range of textile and paper-based work over the years, always original rather than patterns.

i was pretty useless at anything to do with arts and crafts as a child and until I was 50 firmly believed that there was nothing practical or artistic that I could do. Then I tried and, to my surprise, enjoyed, crosstitch, and shortly afterwards a friend taught me some quilting basics.

Ive been quilting for about 12 years, I think. So it's not just inexperience getting in the way. I yearn to get away from traditional quilts and to find a way of using my quilting skills to produce original work that expresses something of me. But that's as far as it goes, as I have no more specific ideas about what or how that expression might be. I think I have an artist's eye: I really look at things, am aware as I move through the world, respond to colour, beauty, pattern - but don't have the first idea what to do with that. I can't draw or paint, so it has to be another, more abstract medium.

Ive been using a design wall (well, my bed, as I don't have a big-enough wall in my small house!) for this quilt, and thought I was doing ok with it. Then as I tried to show a selection of my chosen fabrics to my sister, I could almost physically feel my confidence and excitement draining away - suddenly it didn't look that good at all - just a haphazard mess. Her suggestion could be used to pull it all together, but I so wanted this to be my own original project and it wouldn't feel like that if I knew the only reason it looked good was because of someone else's idea.

The comment about being an introvert resonated, because I'm one, and I did think last night that maybe what I've learned is to work as you describe, and keep it all to myself till its done. And yet.... In spite of what's happened this time, sometimes it's fun to share (though I've always done most of my quilting alone, as there's no suitable group anywhere nearby).

I think id really like to do a course that encourages exploration of creativity through teaching techniques and suggesting exercises. My sister has done a City and Guildscourse that included lots of that. I spent ages on Google last night to see if I could find a distance learning/online course like that, but, quite surprisingly, I drew a blank.

I mustn't forget to catch my train....!

NJ Quilter 09-22-2014 01:17 AM

While I certainly agree with all the comments posted so far - here's a different perspective for you. Consider that your sister would not have been able to come up with the suggestions she did if you had not put the initial pieces together! I am sure you are very creative in your own right - just a different type of creativity than your sister's.

Also consider that many of us can not see errors (oops - meant to say design options) in our quilts until we are done and have photographed them - has happened to me more than once. And even then, some of still don't see that upside down block until someone else points it out!

I'm in the process of doing my first original design for a quilt after about 15 years of quilting. Can manage different fabric choices for other's patterns with no problems. This is not an 'artistic' type quilt in any way, shape or form. I've shown the progression of my design to any number of people, all of whom have had great suggestions as to how to get it closer to what is in my mind's eye. I am very grateful to them all. I'm almost ready to start slicing/dicing/sewing. Maybe a few more tweaks as I go along. We'll see.

Check out Quilt University if you are looking for some long distance/online classes. I believe they might have something that you might be looking for in terms of techniques, etc.

Continue working your design with or without your sister's suggestions. You'll know when it's what you want.

Good luck.

annesthreads 09-22-2014 01:29 AM

Originally Posted by NJ Quilter (Post 6898856)

Also consider that many of us can not see errors (oops - meant to say design options) in our quilts until we are done and have photographed them - has happened to me more than once. And even then, some of still don't see that upside down block until someone else points it out!

I'm in the process of doing my first original design for a quilt after about 15 years of quilting. Can manage different fabric choices for other's patterns with no problems. This is not an 'artistic' type quilt in any way, shape or form. I've shown the progression of my design to any number of people, all of whom have had great suggestions as to how to get it closer to what is in my mind's eye. I am very grateful to them all. I'm almost ready to start slicing/dicing/sewing. Maybe a few more tweaks as I go along. We'll see.

Check out Quilt University if you are looking for some long distance/online classes. I believe they might have something that you might be looking for in terms of techniques, etc.

Continue working your design with or without your sister's suggestions. You'll know when it's what you want.

Good luck.

Had to smile, remembering a table runner and place mats I made some years ago. I didn't notice till they were completely finished that I'd got blocks the wrong way round in 3 different places. No-one ever notices...
I thought Quilt University had gone? Their courses were exactly what I need, which is one reason I'm stuck with finding online courses. Crafty doesn't seem to have the same range of more exploratory, experimental courses.

Knitette 09-22-2014 02:24 AM

I feel for you! To me, I think you need to build confidence in your own abilities. I know you've been quilting a while, but we're our own worst critics and we're often all guilty of being too hard on ourselves. As far as I can see - you've got two options. One is to use the suggestion your sister made, make the quilt, enjoy it and learn from it for next time. Option two is to put it one one side for a few weeks and look it it again with fresh eyes.

I recently went to a lecture by Kaffe Fassett as I'm a huge fan of his work from my knitting heyday and he has an exhibition here at the moment. I went to a private showing too and was lucky enough to speak to him. Although I didn't go to his workshop, my understanding from a lady who did go, was that really, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Your fabrics must have 'spoken' to you when you bought them and again when you cut them and somehow, you lost that confidence when your sister made a suggestion. If you genuinely feel you like her idea, then go with it - who's to say you might not have thought of it yourself at some point? Personally, I think you should go with your heart. Perhaps try and get a couple of Kaffe Fassett books out of the library to inspire you?

I'm a newish quilter myself, still finding my way and also doubted my creativity for ages. I should mention that I used paint my own ceramics fired in my own kiln years ago and without bragging, produced some nice pieces. I gave it up when it became a job, with people placing orders for my stuff. I simply couldn't harness that creative streak in quilting! However, having made a couple of appliqué quilts of my own design I feel much more confident. I recently bought 5 metres of plain tomato red fabric as I'm going to made a red quilt. Something along the lines of my avatar, but my own design. At the moment it's sitting in a bag waiting for inspiration to strike, but I'm not worried about it - still mulling ideas and thoughts and probably won't start it until after Christmas.

Please let us know what you decide and happy quilting! :)

Sandygirl 09-22-2014 02:45 AM

Some people design....some of us execute! I have no illusions of being a "designer". That is just a fact! Not a flaw.

IFP! (I follow patterns) .

Some if us piece...some of YOU "quilt", as in longarm! Same thing. We all have our gifts.


Sandygirl 09-22-2014 02:55 AM

PS: i don't ask for advice or opinions. That way I don't feel obligated to execute others' advice. IF you expect to take their advice, do so graciously. You asked them for their input. You gave permission, in fact. If it always makes you feel inferior, don't ask. Simple..IMHO. HUGZ.

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