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pacquilter 02-10-2012 02:02 PM

LQS is a little too helpful
I have a couple of quilt stores in my area, but have pretty much stopped going to one of them for this reason: The woman who manages it follows me around the store for a good part of the time, trying to help me select fabric. Sometimes I don't even know exactly what I'm looking for, but when I see it I know it, so I just need some space and time to find it. I do appreciate, and think necessary, the initial offer of help, but I can't seem to get across to her that I'm able to make my own fabric decisions. I've tried to explain that I just need to look around, and I've never been rude, but it doesn't seem to deter her. I've found myself practically hiding behind fabric displays just to get away.:o
Obviously this isn't that serious of an issue, but has anyone else had this happen to them, and if so, how did you handle it, short of getting physical?

tngal22 02-10-2012 02:05 PM

The only quilt store I have been too here has been a good experience. They ask right when I come in if I need help and maybe after a few mins later. She did show me some cute colors when I was looking to make a baby quilt.

My only complaint is the lack of inventory, it is a small store so not a lot to choose from. There are 2 other stores in a town nearby that I want to try to visit one day.

Sorry she is too helpful. Maybe just say "I am looking for inspiration and I do that better alone, but thank you."

jillnjo 02-10-2012 02:11 PM

I have had it happen to me a few times in fabric stores and even other stores. I am exactly like you, I need to spend time looking and usually know it when I see it! Some people want the help and feel like they need it, but it is an uncomfortable situation to be in for me and I am probably too unresponsive and look like a snob. But I don't want to hurt feelings, either. But not getting help when we need it is frustrating, too. All in all, I am nearly always blissfully happy in any fabric store!!

Lori S 02-10-2012 02:12 PM

Oh.. I am the same way ... I really dislike the "hover" and the "trailing ". I am a big time browser, and if left alone will end up purchasing more than if I am "crowded" . As may times as I have said that I just like to focus and find my own way, she just keeps coming back. I too find it annoying enough that I will not go into some LQS.

ptquilts 02-10-2012 02:31 PM

Maybe you could say, "I really do much better when I am by myself" and if she persists, LEAVE and say "maybe I will come back later."
Hopefully if she has connected brain cells she will get the hint. No business owner wants to see customers leaving the store!!

leatheflea 02-10-2012 02:50 PM

We have one here thats are overly helpful. Its almost like they want you to get it and get out. They can't please everyone. I've gotten to the point that I tell them I have no set thing in mind but if I have any question I'll let them know. That usually gets them back to doing as they were.

katier825 02-10-2012 03:02 PM

We have one like that at my LQS. I stop by there at lunch times just to get a mental break from work. Most times I'm not buying there these days because the prices are way too high. I do stop in for thread, patterns and occasional pieces of fabric, but not as often as I used to. Mostly I go there to browse, check out what is new. I hate that she follows me around and babbles in my ear the whole time I'm there. If I'm trying to get ideas or plan something out, I can't concentrate, she's that much of a distraction. I must say, I'm always thrilled when another customer comes in so that she will go bother them and leave me alone.

thepolyparrot 02-10-2012 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by leatheflea (Post 4962665)
I tell them I have no set thing in mind but if I have any question I'll let them know. That usually gets them back to doing as they were.

That's tactful and should get the point across.

If it doesn't, try writing a very kind and gentle letter to explain to them that you would love to shop in their store, but you don't like people hovering over you while you shop. You're happy that they're available to answer questions, but that you like to wander around and muse on various fabrics and mentally take notes. When a store clerk hovers, it's distracting and you can't keep your train of thought.

Open with a compliment on something about their store and the staff, state your problem kindly and close with a compliment and the hope that they will succeed because the more successful quilt shops there are, the better for you as a quilter.

You can be anonymous, if you wish. :)

I'm like you - and fortunately, we have just about the perfect quilt store here in my area - no hovering, but plenty of staff to help you when you're ready to cut fabric or checkout or have a question. Very friendly, but not looking over your shoulder. Good luck! :)

Pinkiris 02-10-2012 03:46 PM

While reading the original post and the responses, I thought of something---Maybe these gals are lonely because fabric shoppers aren't frequenting their stores like in the past. Who knows?
In any event, I think a polite comment might remedy the situation.

ckcowl 02-10-2012 04:30 PM

take a friend to 'run interference' while your browse :)

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