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sulyle 03-04-2015 05:22 AM

I quilt and DH cooks. I help with shopping and cleaning up but if I'm really into my quilting DH cleans up too. It's just the two of us these days so there aren't too many hard and fast rules about who does what.

lclang 03-04-2015 05:23 AM

Well, I'd rather quilt, however since I have macular degeneration and can't see very well, I've turned to cooking. I make easy meals, simple casseroles, crockpot oatmeal for breakfast, use the pressure cooker for soups and stews. I cook rice ahead and package for the freezer so I always have some on hand, same with beans. Use my breadmaker a lot. Bake potatoes in the crockpot. Easy peasy cooking!

Fabaddict 03-04-2015 05:58 AM

hate to cook, so use crock pot and make one meal to last a week.

w1613s 03-04-2015 06:06 AM

Depends. If I'm cold or hungry or have some other overweening reason to cook or bake, I cook and/or bake. If not, guess what I do.


Onebyone 03-04-2015 06:38 AM

There is no way I would have ever thought it was my job to do the cooking for other adults in the house. I didn't raise my girls to think that way. It would be misery to know it was expected for me to cook meals everyday especially if I worked. Why would any woman do that to themselves?

Texas_Sue 03-04-2015 07:16 AM

I like to put a slow cooker meal on in the morning then go out and sew until it's time to finish up the meal. Then of course DH does the clean up and I go back out and sew.

AZ Jane 03-04-2015 07:17 AM

No cooking with a peanut butter sandwich!!

wendiq 03-04-2015 08:14 AM

I pretty much have an old fashioned DH. He supports me and I cook.....I'd rather quilt but it is what it is.......

quiltybarb 03-04-2015 08:26 AM

No contest either.....quilt.............

sprice 03-04-2015 08:55 AM

I'm grateful now that I am retired that I have the time to do both. I do like to eat homemade foods so I can control the amount of sugar, salt and fat that goes into a recipe. Not that I am a dieter but my aging stomach just feels better when I eat better foods. Do like to bring out the crockpot occasionally. Love that the meal is ready whenever we are ready to eat! Lucky my DH is not a fussy eater!

Annaquilts 03-04-2015 09:07 AM

I am with the sick and tired of cooking and cleaning up after cooking crowd. I also agree with Jingle I do not need every meal due to already being more then well fed. I like to quilt as it is much more satisfying. Cooking is a lot of work and afterwards there is nothing to show but a dirty kitchen. I do cook for several meals at once and DH is not too bad about left over or better said plan overs.

tessagin 03-04-2015 09:22 AM

once in awhile DH wants to order pizza. Discovered the company where you stop in or can call ahead. They put the pizza together right in front of you and you take it home and throw in your oven. Other day I picked up 3. Got some extra wrap and put them in the freezer. they thaw in no time. I get in the mood and make extra meals also. Dh sometimes doesn't get home til 730-800pm. I do dishes because I'm faster and can tolerate the water temp to be hotter. He likes to do one at a time. I call him ahead and askwhat's for supper and sometimes he'll call and ask to have this or that pulled fromt the freezer or do it in the morning.

Originally Posted by tessagin (Post 7113447)
I headed to the grocery shortly for some ground beef and sausage. Going to make meatballs and stick in crockpot. Keep them warm and will do spaghetti and meatballs for supper. Big batch and easy recipes. Then I just reheat or freeze. Will do that. Got recipe for chicken pot pie. I precooked chicken and froze for that. Got T-bones on sale the other week. Nice ones. Pull one out of freezer in morning yesterday, threw couple taters in nuke and that was it. Have gotten to where I do simple make ahead and DH loves to throw things together. works for just the 2 of us. Love if I don't have to stand over it constantly. would rather sew. but like to eat too well.

Stitchit123 03-04-2015 10:39 AM

Now that it's just me I only cook twice a week -left overs in between and occasionally I will splurge and have a couple turkey Pot Pie's. I use to love cooking but it's not much fun any more.

canuckninepatch 03-04-2015 11:16 AM

Definitely SEW, hands down!!!

patsynel 03-04-2015 11:20 AM

So thankful for peanut butter, my husband's go to meal when I am so busy sewing or quilting. I would much rather be quilting than cooking.

zozee 03-04-2015 11:30 AM

This made me laugh out loud! I can just picture the potted plant on the stove. Closed for business.

Originally Posted by elizajo (Post 7114264)
My wonderful mother-in-law cooked a meal with meat, 2 vegetables, and cornbread every day because father-in-law refused to eat leftovers. When he passed away, she put one of the potted plants from the funeral on the stove and said it was closed for business! Thank goodness her son is a good cook and eats leftovers many nights.

zozee 03-04-2015 11:37 AM

I'd rather quilt than cook, but I also don't like to eat processed food. If I didn't cook, hubby would resort to eating things from boxes and cans. So I cook from scratch most nights, order out sometimes, or tell everyone it's a FFY night (Fend for Yourself). I have 4 kids--3 of whom are grown and gone and all can and do cook for themselves/spouses. Occasionally my DD does mega-cooking and blesses us with leftovers. The 4th kid is a teenage son who is getting cooking lessons from me, against his will. Oh, well. No one leaves this home without knowing how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch. That said, I don't enjoy cooking for 3 like I did for 6, but sometimes get in the mood.

Kitsie 03-04-2015 11:50 AM

Because I live alone, Marie Calendar is my chef!!

MargeD 03-04-2015 12:03 PM

No contest - quilting. Although I do admit to having a stash of chocolate and sometimes cookies or crackers, I do need to eat at regular times, because I'm a diabetic. However, I try to plan quick, easy meals for when I get sewing and lose track of time.

blondeslave 03-04-2015 12:24 PM

I enjoy both but since I don't have time for either during the week I try to juggle on the weekend along with errands. On Sundays I try to cook a meal that lasts for 2 days and another meal or soup so the week is easier. Sometimes it cuts into my sewing time.

k_jupiter 03-04-2015 01:38 PM

Either or? Nah, cook intelligently, put things in crock pots or roast for long times. Make spaghetti sauce by the gallons and make chicken parm, or bought ravioli, or whatnot. I multi-task to the fullest and eat well. Never have enough time to quilt but that might have something to do with my day job. Get some cookbooks on cooking for two with recipes that take less than a half hour. Buy rotisserie chicken at the store and find a dozen ways to use it in casseroles. As for daughters who come over to eat??? Change the locks or just leave the raw ingredients out for her to use. tim in san jose

piker6ca 03-04-2015 01:59 PM

I have just started quilting the last couple of months and I,d have to say leave me in my quilting room .I,ll come out when I,m hungry .
And the way I look at it is i,m dropping weight to .
So a double edge sword the good kind . lol

fallonquilter 03-04-2015 03:29 PM

are you kidding---quilting of course!!

earthwalker 03-04-2015 04:02 PM

I used to love to cook and had to do a lot of entertaining in my younger years. Husband number 2, loves to cook and is very domestic, so I hung up my apron a while ago. Quilting wins every time with me....though on good weather days I get lured out into the garden (love gardening the same as quilting).

faykilgore 03-04-2015 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by elizajo (Post 7114264)
My wonderful mother-in-law cooked a meal with meat, 2 vegetables, and cornbread every day because father-in-law refused to eat leftovers. When he passed away, she put one of the potted plants from the funeral on the stove and said it was closed for business! Thank goodness her son is a good cook and eats leftovers many nights.

I love your mother-in-law!

tildiemae 03-04-2015 05:42 PM

Definitely quilt instead of cook!! The kitchen is my least important room in our house!!

Taughtby Grandma 03-04-2015 05:55 PM

I'd rather sew, my crock pot definitely earns it's keep around here. haha

quiltykim 03-04-2015 06:19 PM

totally quilt followed by baking...

oldtisme 03-04-2015 11:06 PM

Rather be quilting but DH puts in so many hours at work and has spoiled me rotten I feel I owe it to him to have a meal cooked for him every night. But Friday night is our "date" night for pizza at our favorite spot (it's like the show "Cheers" all the personnel know us and know what we order every time). DH is not picky & if I don't want to cook he will eat cereal but that makes me feel guilty so I whip up something. It's mainly just we two now but occasionally last child at home will eat here along with his girlfriend which makes it difficult to know how much food the defrost. DH doesn't care what condition the house is in so long as I'm here too & has said if I want a maid to hire one...so tempting!! But we're happy as things are...however the thought of a maid sure is inviting :D

oldquilter 03-05-2015 04:13 AM

Loving all the replies to my survey. Have to say quilting wins hands down. And yea, if this 8 inches of snow leaves, love to garden equally. I do use the crockpot a lot, but even that takes thought. Rather think about buying material, piecing material, quilting material. Yup, I'm obsessed:) Oh, the meals I love to cook are Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Not so much every day. Looks like a great day to sew. School is closed in all 55 counties here.

miriam 03-05-2015 04:18 AM

haw haw haw - anything but cook - eating is another matter...........

Aurora 03-05-2015 04:34 AM

Just mother and I and her deal is "she buys the food, I cook and she does the dishes". She is a willing candidate for my kitchen adventures as I am constantly finding recipes on line and try them out on her. We have found some tasty dishes neither of us have ever tasted so we have a binder of the ones we really like. So far Zuppa Toscana similar to the Olive Garden's is our favorite, another one is Red Beans and Rice. These are not the only two we like -- there are several and most take little time to prepare from quilting or my other hobbies. She never liked to cook and I love trying new recipes, so this arrangement works for both of us.

Elaine433 03-05-2015 04:34 AM

I love to cook but I also love to sew and quilt. I would rather do either one than clean.

psychonurse 03-05-2015 04:56 AM

I would rather be in my sewing room. but like a previous poster, I also like to bake. I hate planning what meal we will have for dinner, but I do it, maybe 3 times a week. I don't like leftovers usually, so I don't plan those. Soup is ok maybe once after the initial meal, but that's it for me.

terriamn 03-05-2015 06:36 AM

Dh did 99% of the cooking and I just retired. Told him I would make dinner on Mon, Tues and Wed. If he comes home from work and sees me quilting and no dinner going he just starts dinner with no complaints. I am very lucky and know and enjoy it.

Caroline94535 03-05-2015 06:37 AM

If I didn't have a husband, I would eat cereal, raw fruits and veggies, cottage cheese, and out all the time. The house would never be dirty; laundry would be a breeze; and I would have so much disposable time.

Being single and self-sufficient until you're 36, then marrying, can certainly be a shock to the system. But, I do like the old goat, I try to not complain out loud.

SandySews 03-05-2015 07:12 AM

I use my crock pot a lot...Just put what I want in it and go to bed at night. We are retired so we eat our big meal in the middle of the day... Usually make enough to last two days... When I make Spaghetti or Lasagna I make a lot...and freeze it in those small foil containers with lids and can just thaw, bake, eat, and throw containers in trash. If I make meat loaf I make at least two and freeze one for another time. I buy salad already made and keep cheese, pepperoni, green peppers, mushrooms, and etc so it's easy to fix a chef type salad sometimes. I'm constantly looking for what is good but easy and quick.. But now my DH is easy to fix for... He never complains, will eat anything except chicken and dumplings.. And if I have nothing prepared I can tell him I don't want to cook and he says that's ok.. and he fixes himself a sandwich or calls in for pizza. Sometimes he does dishes too. Oh and he never complains about how much I spend on fabric. If he happens to be with me when I go to a LQS he says it isn't polite to leave without buying something and of course I agree. Time to go to my sewing room......

mimi=17 03-05-2015 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by Heather Elaine (Post 7113776)
I'm sick of cooking, having to come up with something different every dang day... Daughter-single, 29 and lives in her own house down the road but still eats dinner with us. I want to know what the empty nest feeling is like? I know I'm retired and they think I have all day to do supper but all I want to do is sit at my sewing machine, work on my design wall with scrapes of fabric and quilt. I'm FAT and don't want to eat a meal every night...Husband thinks if it's not meat, taters and veg. with cornbread it's not a meal. Just wondering how I did it when I was working graveyard for 20 years. Oh I know; I didn't sew and sleep all day while he was at work and she was in school. Guess ya'll realized this has hit a nerve I didn't realize I had hidden in the back of my mind...God help them when they get home tonight. May have a "Come To Jesus Meeting" with them about this issue. I need at least two nights off a week from doing supper. Thanks for letting me vent, what friends are for!

you made me laugh as this is soooooooo true. HUGS

CMARAS1234 03-05-2015 10:51 AM

a crockpot saves the day for me . put on high and cook 3-5 hours have potato or rice or couscous on side and a nice salad. several CP cookbooks.love them.even one for ribs. makes for plenty time for quilting, and still have a great meal. cmaras1234

Friday1961 03-05-2015 11:11 AM

I love these stories of understanding, compliant, and unselfish husbands! You ladies (or gents) are to be congratulated on your choices!

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