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lindaschipper 04-30-2019 01:54 AM

My husband takes me to quilt shops sometimes if we were going in that direction anyway....but he won't make a special trip to do so. He'll wait outside so that he can smoke or maybe keep the dog (Yorky) on a leash and let her walk a bit. He doesn't care the amount I spend because it comes out of my money not his. He will tell me about local ads he see's for quilt shows but won't go with me. Yet I go to the drag races with him....not because I love the noise, but because I love him.

WMUTeach 04-30-2019 03:02 AM

A good friend and I will from time to time go to quilt shows together. Her husband often acts as our driver and he will bring along a snack and a good book to read, his passion, while he sips a cup of coffee in the "lounge" area of the show. All well and good. But she has done such a fine job at teaching him about her passion of sewing, quilting and designing that he is far more knowledgeable than many quilters!! He with ease carries on insightful conversations about techniques, new tools, machines, color, tone and pattern and type of fabric. He understands and respects her passion and loves to see her smile or stand in awe before a quilt. They have traveled to Lancaster, PA and in just a few weeks will be going to Paducah just to see the quilts and what ever they find of interest. He is a gem and they are a lovely couple of a mature age that enjoy each others joys and passions. He would never let her wander a show alone but if I am along, he reads, we talk quilts and the three of us have a lovely day together.

SusieQOH 04-30-2019 05:12 AM

I've never taken my husband to a quilt show. I doubt that he'd be very interested but it never occurred to me to ask him!
He is great about stopping at quilt shops when we travel. He usually comes in for awhile and then goes outside and waits. He never rushes me although I do feel more rushed than I would if I went alone.
He loves my quilting though. Really appreciates what quilters do.

DJ 04-30-2019 05:38 AM

I'm sure all men react a little differently to the situation. The only time I have attempted to get my DH to go to a "quilt show" is at the fair. He will wander around and view the quilts briefly but doesn't want to spend the time looking at them that I do. When he's had enough, he will wander off and find something else of more interest to him. He doesn't rush me, though, which I appreciate.

Doggramma 04-30-2019 05:59 AM

Once in a while my husband will go to a show with me, but only local shows. I doubt he’d be able to endure a big show like Paducah. He’s interested in seeing the quilts and will make meaningful conversation about them.

LynnBBQ 04-30-2019 06:31 AM

My husband has gone with me to a few smaller local shows and to the Spring Paducah show twice (2017 and 2019). I won't say that he's eager to go, but he goes with me and never rushes or nags me. He'll walk around and look at the quilts and the vendors and when he's done, he finds a seat and plays on his phone. I don't have any women quilter friends... I don't belong to a guild and I work full time and I'm not a "group" person. Hubby appreciates the work of quilters but he does not quilt. I always try to find something of interest for him during part of a big trip.

He has hobbies that I'm not especially interested in - comic books and model cars and super-hero movies. He doesn't belong to any groups and doesn't have friends interested in his "stuff" either, so I go with him to the toy shows and the movies. I don't rush him or nag him, and if I get bored I'll sit and read or play on my phone. In a movie, I can't really do that but I figure I can sit through three hours of explosions and ridiculous plot lines if he can cheerfully spend three DAYS at the Paducah show!

fruitloop 04-30-2019 06:55 AM

I see men at quilt shows all the time, it's nothing uncommon. I never cared enough to give it a thought.

MicheleC 04-30-2019 07:15 AM

I’m in the same boat as DJ. I’ve only been to the quilt exhibit at the state fair with my husband. We live in Alaska so our opportunities for shows are limited but he supports my quilting hobby fully. He is the reason I ended up having the opportunity to go to Quilt Festival Houston. He encouraged me to change my ticket for a visit to family to include the days of the festival. It was worth it and such an enjoyable experience for me. I think he would enjoy seeing the quilts at a show, though, as he appreciates the photos I brought home. He would not like the crowds on the vendor side, though.

kuntryquilter 04-30-2019 07:36 AM

My husband accompanies me to quilt shows & to quilt shops. We also go on shophops together. You see my husband is also a quilter.

Boston1954 04-30-2019 07:43 AM

Jim has enjoyed seeing the quilts with me many times. He appreciates what it takes to make one, as he's watched me many times. In recent years, he has had to sit in the car because we are both getting up there. (62 and 65).

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