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Joan in AK 12-08-2009 07:46 AM

For some reason, starting in late September, I get quilting fever, which means that my buying urges increase. I have just been looking over my purchases, and I need to rein myself in. The problem is that I see projects here on the board, and hear about patterns, fabrics, or notions here or elsewhere and that gets me going again. So I am wondering if people have a quilting budget. Do you allow yourself so much money a month to spend? Do you put a certain amount of money aside each month for future projects? What do you do?

Esqmommy 12-08-2009 07:51 AM

I spend and it's totally out of control. I have to tell myself not to go to the quilt store. I need nothing right now, just want to keep buying fabrics. Kaffe Fassett is my latest splurge, so I want to build a stockpile of his stuff. Oh my, it gets soooo expensive.

charismah 12-08-2009 07:51 AM

Well I work part-time at my LQS....so I just try to spend no more than what I earn. I like to bring ohome a check ...but if I don't that is fine as long as it doesn't cost me anything out of household fund.

bearisgray 12-08-2009 07:56 AM

It's very easy to buy more than needed and spend more than one "should"

A lot depends on what the household income and expenses are -

If one bought sewing stuff and didn't pay the gas bill - not a good thing.

If there is "extra" money for discretionary items - that can get sticky on who gets to spend it.

I buy in spurts - I can go for a while (now) without buying anything - I've been in and out of JoAnn's and Hancock's- and not seen a thing I wanted badly enough to buy. I do "binge" sometimes when WalMart's seasonal fabrics go on sale. I have a pretty good stash of Halloween fabrics now.

But I have years of accumulation staring at me - and I remember going through my Mom's stuff - - - -

I can relate to the need/desire to acquire - - -

It truly can act like an addiction.

pocoellie 12-08-2009 08:47 AM

I'm on a restricted budget, my husband says no more fabric. I need to sew up at least some of what I've got.

quiltsRfun 12-08-2009 09:40 AM

I'm trying to cut back. DH mentioned he's seeing too many charges on the credit card. But I just splurged and got some layer cakes. Now I'll need the matching yardage. Where's a good place to hide that bill when it comes? :D

Boston1954 12-08-2009 09:43 AM

I am GETTING out of control. I told myself not to start any new projects until I finish some others. However, I keep buying more fabric. I have even dipped into funds meant for other things. I am "attempting" to rein myself in too.

alaskasunshine 12-08-2009 09:48 AM

I learned years ago not to hide purchases from my husband, because I had a friend who did and I was nervous wreck for her. My stomach was in knots. ick! So when I want fabric, I need to rememeber that feeling in my gut. I always ask if it is going to be a big purchase, and I say it will be ok if he says no. But he also has to be ok with me :cry: . I don't have a budget but I usually know when not to ask. I do have quite a stash and always love more. Backing is what I always lack. And batting is getting low cuz fabric is so much prettier to buy...long story...oops! :? BTW my husband doesn't have a budget either for fishing, golf etc. My mom & dad always fought about money...we don't!

Quilt Mom 12-08-2009 09:54 AM

Sometimes I wonder if this September urge goes along with the change in seasons! I start to buy more fabric in the fall, and then spend the winter trying to get it sewn - hasn't happened yet :roll: :lol: Well, I try...

I have a credit card I use specifically for my fabric purchases. I keep the amount to what I can pay off monthly without taking out of the household budget.

And my quilting time, rather than budget, is taken in direct relation to the time my sweetheart spends fishing! :lol: :lol:

RedGarnet222 12-08-2009 10:12 AM

I had a little trouble with hubby at one time about the purchases I was making. But then I sold a couple quilts and crafts for a decent amount of money, and made him a quilt of his own. Now he doesn't mind.

I usually buy with a quilt in mind. (Or a garment) So I am not building up a UFO stach. But, it does look as though I need to do some serious catching up in my material closet. (insert a embarassed face here) Really much of the extra fabric is from people who gave me yards of fabric they had not used.

I think soon I am going to go through and donate some of this to chartity. Then I won't feel so overwhelmed opening that closet.

amma 12-08-2009 10:16 AM

I have a set budget that I stick to most of the time, if I do go over it is not by much...unless I go shopping with sharon b ***hanging my head down....she is SUCH a bad influence*** :shock: :roll: :roll: LMBO

Lisa_wanna_b_quilter 12-08-2009 10:24 AM

I have no stash. Of course, I just started this, but I have never bought fabric without a purpose in mind. So far, I've put the fabric to the intended purpose.

I'm totally in charge of the money here. My husband would have no clue if I spent it all on fabric, but I'm frugal by nature. We both are, so it works for us.

alaskasunshine 12-08-2009 11:02 AM

Heck I remember when Joann's had calico fabric for $ 1.99 per yard. Not so long ago! I bought several blots, but if I had known fabrics would go through the roof, I would have bought more!I've yet to buy from Thousands of Bolts.com but that is something I would love to do. A friend loves that place!

amma 12-08-2009 11:03 AM

They do have nice fabric :D

charismah 12-08-2009 11:24 AM

I am trying to use up my stash as well..I am bad about buying thinsg just because I like it or because it is on sale...and there is usually a reason why fabric is on sale..hard to match....it isn't all that great of a peice...although there are those times that you find a wonderful peice. SO I have alot of stash that just needs to be used. As much as I know I can find a better peice at work to match what I am doing I am really trying to use what I have..there is no sense in owning a bunch of stuff I don't use.
Now I just see my project list growing as I buy whoel projects at a tiem rather than just peices of fabric I like...so i guess it is a toss up as to which way is better??

jljack 12-08-2009 11:24 AM

I too try to limit myself each month...lately I have been buying only for specific projects that I am now finished with or am in the middle of doing. For one of the swaps on this board I actually used stuff out of my stash....imagine that!! I work full time, so I have my own money to spend, of course after the bills are paid. My DH has other hobbies besides quilting, and he spends his own money on those. So, neither one of us gripes at the other, and we get along fine!! :roll:

beachlady 12-08-2009 01:36 PM

I have no budget, but maybe I should. Another thing I should do is finish a few UFO's!

Tiffany 12-08-2009 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by alaskasunshine
I learned years ago not to hide purchases from my husband, because I had a friend who did and I was nervous wreck for her. My stomach was in knots. ick! So when I want fabric, I need to rememeber that feeling in my gut. I always ask if it is going to be a big purchase, and I say it will be ok if he says no. But he also has to be ok with me :cry: . I don't have a budget but I usually know when not to ask. I do have quite a stash and always love more. Backing is what I always lack. And batting is getting low cuz fabric is so much prettier to buy...long story...oops! :? BTW my husband doesn't have a budget either for fishing, golf etc. My mom & dad always fought about money...we don't!

LOL! This so reminds me of my mother. She will buy something and stash it in the back of her closet (usually clothes). After 4-6 months she will pull it out and use it or wear it. My father would ask, "Is that new?" And of course she would respond, "NO! I've had this for awhile now." Then she would give him a look like he was an idiot. It got so that he was afraid to ask whenever he saw anything new. Well, one year she dyed her hair BRIGHT red. It was so red it glowed. My father didn't say a word. An entire month went by and she would complain bitterly to me that he didn't even notice. I think he was afraid to say anything, in case he got the usual response. :lol: :lol: :lol: I don't do that!

I don't really splurge on my quilting. I buy what I need, which is usually thread, batting, a particular fabric to finish a project. I will save up and spend a couple hundred during my area's local Shop Hop in May, but otherwise I have to keep things pretty close to the belt. Thankfully I have some amazing friends who give me their scraps and I make most of my quilts from these. However, it looks like we will be getting rid of some bills this coming year and that means extra money - and yes, I have lots of plans to splurge. Hubby thinks we should be able to do all our playing (which is what my quilting is to him) on $100 a month. I can live with that! :-D

BellaBoo 12-08-2009 02:55 PM

My problem is not my budget but the space! I'm out of storage in my sewing room, so I haven't been buying much lately. I have discovered jelly rolls and charm packs don't take up much space at all and I'm having a hard time resisting those. I have to use up what I have, I feel like I'm being a fabric glutton by just buying more. :oops: I am very independent and have never asked or wanted DH's permission to purchase anything. He wouldn't be my DH if I had to hide purchases and vice versa. :-D

Lneal 12-08-2009 03:24 PM

I buy when I need and when I don't need. I have been trying to build my stash and it seems when I do a new project there is still one color or type of fabric I don't have. My stash has become fairly big now so I'm not spending as much as I used to. I have found there is no end to my wants when I am in LQS!

Shadow Dancer 12-08-2009 03:41 PM

I handle the finances simply because for ten years I was the only one to handle them. I keep the budget pretty tight, but it includes an allowance for both me and hubby. So there is no resentment when it comes to buying something we want...we have our allowance. :)

weezie 12-08-2009 04:09 PM

I've been taking care of my fabric & equipment "inventory" for so many years now that there is very little left that I need. When my children were little, one of the bedtime stories I read to them was called, "Mr. Grabbit", about the rabbit who was a compulsive buyer. If he needed an umbrella, he bought 10 unbrellas, for example. Well, I'm a Mrs. Grabbit who is still prone to buying things in large quantity, but is now at the point where if I don't need, I don't buy it. I have gadgets that will work well for a variety of purposes, so I can make do with what I have for the foreseeable future. At this point in my "quilting life" the biggest investment I see in my future is more quality thread, mostly machine embroidery thread, replacing some colors and adding some new. I have enough M.E. designs now to last several normal lifetimes and enough fabric to keep me quilt making until either I die or forget who I am and/or how to sew.

littlehud 12-08-2009 09:19 PM

I only have to answer to myself for what I spend. I have set am amount I can spend every month. During the Christmas months it is 0 because I have other extra things to buy.

MadQuilter 12-08-2009 09:27 PM

I don't have a monthly quilting expense. Honestly, I could probably quilt for 3 years and not spend a dime, but where is the fun in that? I go on my own personal shop hop at the LQS and when I get a bee in my bonnet I have to have a fabric excursion.

wvdek 12-08-2009 09:44 PM

I do alot of 'window' shopping and drool over magazines and catalogs. If I am feeling the urge to splurge, I pull out a magazine or get on-line and look at fabric and quilts. For some reason, this satisfies my desires.
I realized a long time ago, that if DH did't have to fight with the bills to make ends meet, he was a much nicer person to live with and so was I. Paying the electric bill, insurance, gas, etc. are more important and keep DH and my relationship in a better place.
I don't 'have to' buy things anymore.
When I did go through that stage of my life, the deceit, hiding, and fibbing, were more than this old girls stomache could handle. I grew up and out of that stage for the most part. I am more content with less now.

thismomquilts 12-09-2009 01:21 AM

Until August I had a job and the money was 'mine' to spend as I needed - I did buy our food, cable, birthday/Christmas gifts, school books (we homeschool) and took the kids to lunch once or twice a month... the rest was mine to do with as I pleased... since August - nil, nada, zilch... so my spending has come to an abrupt halt. I do, however, have enough fabric to last for awhile so I'm not complaining. If I NEED fabric I can go get it.

Ninnie 12-09-2009 05:13 AM

I seem to run in spurts, not buy this month, and then go crazy next month LOL

topper1 12-09-2009 05:48 AM

i have hardly any money so i buy at thrift stroes only if it is good deal and only if cotton fabric. sometimes i buy blouses, skirts etc for 99c or 75 cents and use what i can of material. sometimes i use coupons for joanns or hancocks for 50% off a yard and have saved much money. also for winter i ordered free kits from Quilts for kids because i cant afford fabric so i can still satisfy my quilt urges betty

Tiffany 12-09-2009 08:01 AM

You have to love those 40-50% off coupons at Joanns. If I buy anything, it is usually with a coupon. I figure I've saved a ton of money that way, which gives me the feeling of helping out with the budget.

AnnaK 12-09-2009 10:30 AM

One year I decided I would only sew what I had and not buy any fabric. I made the most creative quilts and it was fun to improvise and make do. I'm thinking of doing that in 2010 or until the economy improves. Also have to think of sewing up all my scraps as I think I have a few quilts there too. I've also started to tie and hand quilt more as machine quilting is getting expensive. Quilting is getting to be a hobby for the rich.

topper1 12-09-2009 01:15 PM

yes to all of the above---interesting to see how inventive i have become. it always works out for me in the end. betty

BellaBoo 12-09-2009 01:34 PM

I'm doing a lot more of Bonnie Hunter's patterns. The quilts always sew up great and I use up scraps I have had sitting for years. If I run out of one red I can use another red, no fabric rules for her quilts except light, med, and dark.

Joanieu 12-09-2009 04:04 PM

I get to splurg maybe twice a year. DH is Retired and his ss helps out but my salary is really all we have. Oh, and DH now does the bills, etc since he has retired... Oh my, that is a trip... anyway... I am hoping that starting 2010 we both can have a monthly allowance since one of the large bills will be paid.

Pam B 12-09-2009 05:21 PM

We have 2 in college right now and it seems like there is always a bill...car maintenance, appliance repair, gas, etc. I try to be watchful and not spend more than $50 a month at my LQS. I am also trying to use up some of my stash and now that my sewing room is organized (yep, you read that correctly), I was amazed at some of the kits/projects I had bought fabric for and totally forgotten about! Yikes! Right now I am debating on whether to join in on my LQS BOM for next year. On one hand, it is a good way for me to get 'energized' by the other gals...on the other hand, should I instead just try to finish my UFOs? I have to decide pretty soon.

sewNso 12-09-2009 07:41 PM

i'm trying to use up some of my stash. which i have way too much off. i've been telling myself for 2 years to use up, don't buy. that way, i don't buy toooooo awfullll much. just l thing maybe once a week. is that okay?

Eddie 12-09-2009 07:47 PM

I have no quilting budget, I pretty much am a loose cannon when it comes to buying anything quilting related, whether that's fabric, books, magazines, patterns, notions, machines, ....on and on. But I don't feel bad about it, this really is pretty much my only hobby, and I do deserve to have some peace and enjoyment in life, right?

MaryAnna 12-09-2009 08:11 PM

Well, here's my take on that....if it's on SALE, then all bets are off and buy, buy, buy....as you won't see it at that price again. Prices are going up every day, I just can't believe what started out as a 'frugal' artistic hobby for most, has skyrocketed in price. Long gone are the old 'feedsack days' where our grandmothers got the feedsacks for free, saved them up, and then they made them into quilts! So if you can get good quilt quality fabric on sale, then go for it!
Now that being said, once you have a good stash built up, then you've got to be true to our grandmothers, and use it up!
Kind Regards,

MaryAnna 12-09-2009 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by Eddie
I have no quilting budget, I pretty much am a loose cannon when it comes to buying anything quilting related, whether that's fabric, books, magazines, patterns, notions, machines, ....on and on. But I don't feel bad about it, this really is pretty much my only hobby, and I do deserve to have some peace and enjoyment in life, right?

Ok Eddie, I'm fairly new and I've got to ask as I've had a friend named Eddie, who was a woman....so are you the man or the woman in the photo? Just had to ask!
Kindest Regards,
PS. I love your quilts!

Eddie 12-09-2009 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by MaryAnna

Originally Posted by Eddie
I have no quilting budget, I pretty much am a loose cannon when it comes to buying anything quilting related, whether that's fabric, books, magazines, patterns, notions, machines, ....on and on. But I don't feel bad about it, this really is pretty much my only hobby, and I do deserve to have some peace and enjoyment in life, right?

Ok Eddie, I'm fairly new and I've got to ask as I've had a friend named Eddie, who was a woman....so are you the man or the woman in the photo? Just had to ask!
Kindest Regards,
PS. I love your quilts!

Hehehe...definately the man! :D

Pzazz 12-09-2009 08:24 PM

My DH and I each get an allowance every month....no questions asked on how it is spent. Mine goes mostly to quilt related "stuff", DH 's goes mostly to tractor bits. He teases me that quilting is my "porn"...I tease him back that tractors are his. LOL Sure helps to keep the peace. ;)

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