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wolph33 05-21-2013 08:34 AM

quilting burnout
Do any of you ever get it?I think I have it-I just can not get motivated to finish a mountain of part done projects.I think I lost my mojo again.I hope it doe not last long and any ideas how to break out of the funk?

ArtsyOne 05-21-2013 08:37 AM

I find that I work in waves. Sometimes I'll do nothing but quilt for a few months and then totally lose interest while I start sewing garments. Then I'll knit for a few weeks and then I'll do nothing but read for a few weeks more. I just go with it - keeps life interesting.

jcrow 05-21-2013 08:41 AM

Oh my goodness! I just came out of a long funk of not sewing. Saturday I finally took a quilt class and am working on my first quilt since January. And I'm not that enthusiast about it. It's slow going. I'm also in a few BOMs and am trying, not too successfully, to catch up on all of them. I just lost my mojo one day and I'm having a hard time getting it back. It seems to be a chore to sew rather than pleasure. But I'm trying to sew every day and hoping I get the bug again.

When I didn't sew at all, I read Jennifer Chiaverini's quilting novels. That kind of brought me around to dipping my toes into quilting again. Maybe buy her first novel and read it. The first one is called 'The Quilter's Apprentice'. They are very engrossing novels. Very well written. I guarantee you love them.

Pat625 05-21-2013 08:42 AM

Can't force it..just relaxx--it will be back!! In the meantime, what else do you enjoy as a relaxing activity?

bearisgray 05-21-2013 08:44 AM

If it isn't a paying job - and it's out of the way - why worry about if?

JeannieT 05-21-2013 08:59 AM

It seems like I have lost my mojo to FINISH stuff !!! I must have 20 different quilting projects waiting to be quilted - Christmas placemats set of 6, 3 Christmas stockings, 1 twin size quilt, 1 oversized lap quilt, a Fall wall hanging, a wall hanging for my laundry room, a large Christmas wall hanging, 2 pet placemats, and that's not even the whole list.....I spent a week with my sister - sewing new stuff of course, and resolved I would ONLY finish stuff when I got back. But NOOOOOO......I started a new pillow sham to go with the unfinished twin quilt listed above.....!!!!!!

seamstome 05-21-2013 09:13 AM

Yes I lose my mojo. Then I feel guilty. Then out of the clear blue sky I decide to quilt about 20 hours in a weekend.

Quilt-T 05-21-2013 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by seamstome (Post 6077303)
Yes I lose my mojo. Then I feel guilty. Then out of the clear blue sky I decide to quilt about 20 hours in a weekend.

This is so where I have been since the beginning of the year! But I hope to be re-inspired after we get all packed up and moved! I seem to have an ebb and flow going right now. Hopefully I'll be over it soon!

charity-crafter 05-21-2013 09:26 AM

I go through phases also. If I'm in the mood and can make a comfort quilt for charity in a weekend, but if I'm not I start a new project, and another new project, then I'll cut up my scraps into what ever I'm in the mood to play with most recently 2.5" strips. Last year it was squares. I have piles everywhere. I eventually finish everything or offer them up for adoption with my group.

It may be the wonderful spring weather keeping your quilting juices from flowing. I tend to sew more in the fall and winter.

SweetWoodruffs 05-21-2013 09:27 AM

I will burn out on quilting sometimes, but I will pull out cross stitch, a crochet hook or keep English Paper Piecing. Or sometimes I'll make cards, read 1,000 page book or something like that. I'm almost always doing something creative.

qwkslver 05-21-2013 09:38 AM

I work on something easy and fun and it reminds me how much I like to sew and then I'm back to more challenging things. When I'm too tired to sew on the machine I like to applique.

jclinganrey 05-21-2013 09:53 AM

Yep. I have lost my mojo in the past. Agree - it comes and goes in phases as others have said. Try something different or, if you have quilting buddies, maybe you could switch UFO projects and finish each others' project. It might inspire you to see what someone else started. Just a thought - - -

It'll come back!


Jan in VA 05-21-2013 11:06 AM

I go through this too. I find it often happens to me when I let the studio get piled up, disorganized, over-run, just plain messy. Then I don't want to straighten it up and just sort of close my eyes to it when I go by. And that's hard because the studio is my *living room*! :rolleyes:

So, when I make myself put things away, shelve partially finished projects neatly, rearrange fabric, dust and vacuum, and clean my machine, I find that the desire to begin again is quite pleasant and strong. :)

Jan in VA

SouthPStitches 05-21-2013 11:15 AM

I finished piecing my last top and I'm burned out. Need to take a little vacation away from the sewing room. Give myself a little space and a new perspective.

LavenderBlue 05-21-2013 11:58 AM

The only quilting I've done since the new year is one doll quilt for charity. I was quite busy around Christmas, but no hard deadlines. I'm planning a RWB disappearing 9-patch table runner for 4th of July.

quilter2090 05-21-2013 12:04 PM

Unless this is your job,why get stressed about it. When you feel like quilting again you will, for now do something else. Do you like to garden, fish,any other hobby? Do that for a while, later you will feel like quilting again.

Stitchnripper 05-21-2013 12:07 PM

Oh yes. There have been several similar threads lately so I am guessing it happens to a lot of us now and then. I am just coming out of a long funk. I just waited it out.

quilt addict 05-21-2013 12:34 PM

I agree that there are ebbs and flows to my quilting juices. You can wait it out and give yourself a break to try something different. I also have had this happen with projects that are not turning out as I had hoped. I then just tell myself I will sit down for 15 minutes to make some kind of progress on it. Sometime along the way it is either finished or my mojo will return.

I like the idea of swapping UFOs with someone.

mamaw 05-21-2013 12:36 PM

I lost my mojo; but need to find it back. Feel better when I do something productive. I find my mood is reflected in what I do accomplish and I haven't had the best mood all year. Too many things going wrong in the health dept. with both myself and hubby. We shouldnt' let anything steal our joy, and quilting should bring joy and serenity to you.

Lisa_wanna_b_quilter 05-21-2013 12:52 PM

I'm with Jan. When things get too cluttered or I have too many going at one time, my brain freaks out.

love 2 sew 05-21-2013 12:56 PM

When I pressure myself to complete something, I get stressed & lose desire. After all, it's supposed to be a hobby.

susie-susie-susie 05-21-2013 01:17 PM

I have been in a funk for awhile too. I enjoy reading about quilting (this board) and I have been reading the Elm Creek books. I took out about a dozen from the library and am about half done with them. They are fun and don't require a lot of concentration. I am really enjoying them. I think my desire to quilt will return soon, at least I hope so.

Suzette316 05-21-2013 01:20 PM

After about 14 years of quilting, I too got a bit burned out and that really upset me. Quilting had always been my "happy place" to go to and just have fun and be creative. I actually ended up taking about a year off and then one day, it all came back to me -- the anticipation, the creativity and the fun! Now I'm just as enthusiastic as I was when I first started quilting. In the end, I'm glad I gave myself that time off. It made all the difference and recharged my quilting batteries! :)

Jingle 05-21-2013 01:32 PM

Such a shame you are losing your Mojo again. Your quilts are always beautiful and such perfect piecing.
I guess I am a little slower this year. I am working on the 7th quilt for this year. We had some messy home improvements, and redid the landscaping in the backyard. I hope to get moving a bit faster. I am going to start a Dresden Plate quilt as soon as I finish this quilt. I haven't lost my Mojo and hope I don't. I have lots of beautiful fabrics I want to make up. I work a full time job also, take care of 3 cats, a bird and small dog. My Husband takes care of himself.

cindi 05-21-2013 01:43 PM

I lost my quilting mojo for about 18 months after my mom passed away. I'd try to quilt, but my heart just wasn't in it. Thanks to my friend, Peggi, who kept sending me pictures of cute quilts, invited me to the Houston quilt show, and just generally supported me without actually saying I was in a funk, I've finally gotten it back! In the past 3 months I've made 4 quilts, including 2 memorial quilts out of my mom's clothes that I've put off because it made me so sad. I actually had fun doing it! So, I give all the credit to Peggi, who nudged, but never pushed me back into quilting!

Nammie to 7 05-21-2013 04:32 PM

When I retired I thought I would spend at least 20 hours a week sewing. I didn't. I cleaned house, baked, walked, painted the house, played with the grandkids, and did everything else but sew. This fall I started sewing and haven't stopped. I finally figured out that when I was working sewing was my escape and after I retired I didn't have anything to escape from. Now I sew for enjoyment and have many projects being worked on at a time. Every now and then I slow down and when I look around I discover it is because my sewing room really needs to be organized again. It is so much easier to go in and sew when you can FIND the top of the table.

rmbt_3 05-21-2013 04:56 PM

I am so glad to read all these comments. I am in this place now and find it very frustrating. the last 2 years I was at Uni doing a Masters Degree and all I could think of was sewing however now I have time and am even on annual leave I have no interest. Then I feel as guilty as all get out because I have all these expensive machines and tools just sitting there. Instead of sewing I am watching all the old episodes of Star Trek, yes sad but true I am a Trekkie. I suppose it will all come good when my leave is over and I have limited time again!!!!!

Patricia14 05-22-2013 02:42 AM

Yes, it seems normal to have this feeling about 'stop quilting and do something else'!
and then the love for fabrics and colors comes back, and we are ready to start and follow our heart!

cjaneky 05-22-2013 03:29 AM

I do it too, only was due to so many negative things happening around me for several months. I found that by going in and trying to straighten out the mess i was trying to work in has helped. It will come back, it just takes time. Find something you like and just do it. In fact i can hear my sewing machine calling me now...

Quilt-Till-U-Wilt 05-22-2013 03:37 AM

I started a few projects (Pickle quilt, Sylvia's Bridal quilt) etc. and now I don't feel like working on them. Think I need to work on something that goes quickly to get my interest back.Of course with the nice weather I always get sluggish.

Gretchen 05-22-2013 03:46 AM

I find when I am in a quilting slump a trip to my LQS helps me get motivated. Going to a quilt show and seeing what others inspires me too!

time2quilt 05-22-2013 04:24 AM

I find that a trip thru a quilt/fabric shop........or to a quilt show inspires me to get with it again - of course it sometimes inspires me to buy MORE fabric and/or patterns. Oh well. And seeing the beautiful quilts on this board inspires me.

Nanny's dollface 05-22-2013 05:18 AM

I lose my mojo when it comes time to sandwiching part: top, batting, and back. Ughhhh. Just the thought of having to do this on two quilt tops that are on my to do list gives me horrors. I would much rather be sewing or piecing.
I tend to have other things to work on- reading, beading , scrapbooking, or card making. I find that if I focus on something else for a week then I can face the part I don't like on a weekend. Overall, I just make sure that when I've lost my mojo for quilting that I have a diversion.

sewmerry 05-22-2013 06:09 AM

It's with relief I read what ya'll have to say about getting unmotivated. Sometimes I have wondered if I was off my rocker when I pull out the scraps and start cutting and so many UFOs are sitting on the shelf . This QB has been more inspiration to me than anything I have ever tried before. Thanks to all of you for the thoughts and feelings you share.:)

lclang 05-22-2013 06:34 AM

It's okay to take a break. Make some small items in the interim and sneak in a UFO or two if they are small. You'll be back in no time when you see some finishes!

SpotMurphy 05-22-2013 07:18 AM

Years ago someone asked Alex Anderson what she does to stay motivated. She relpied she sits at the machine. Just sitting there would get her going again. It has helped me sometimes. Sometimes I just tidy up. But it gets me going. But if it doesn't, so what? We all need and deserve a break now and then. I would never stop reading this board!

june2rose 05-22-2013 07:58 AM

I having a real struggle with myself as I have a mountain of projects and fabric to use, but just can't find myself motivated to do anything. I broke my ankle maybe 18 months ago 3 hours after my granddaughter was born and it have me out of commission for almost 6 months. I seem to have gotten in a rut and can't find my way out. I hope to get motivated after finding a few new patterns and ideas this week. I can totally understand this situation.

IBQUILTIN 05-22-2013 08:12 AM

When I get in a funk, I try doing a little handwork in the evenings, I go into the studio and just ogle all the pretty fabrics, or I pick up something small and just work on it for a few minutes, pretty soon I am chomping at the bit to get going again. Take your time, you don't have to quilt every day

MargeD 05-22-2013 08:45 AM

I think we all go through that at one time or another, and that's OK. I do have other things that I enjoy doing, like reading, sewing clothes for my DGD, making bags and other sewing projects; plus I do a lot of reading. Often when I have finished a major project, like the family reunion quilt for our family's reunion in July, and then a quilt for my DGD "big girl" bed, I sort of take a breather and do other things just to regroup; then I'll get back to quilting like gangbusters. Doing something else for a short time can actually get you ready for a burst of quilting.

Pat G 05-22-2013 08:51 AM

Originally Posted by wolph33 (Post 6077225)
Do any of you ever get it?I think I have it-I just can not get motivated to finish a mountain of part done projects.I think I lost my mojo again.I hope it doe not last long and any ideas how to break out of the funk?

Why do we have to be so obsessed with something? It's supposed to be fun but we tend to put too much pressure on ourselves. Just walk away & find something else in life you enjoy. Maybe you'll be motivated to sew again or maybe you won't. Maybe it's time for a new hobby. Just a thought.

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