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Judie 06-02-2010 07:57 PM

Ahhh.. That is so sweet! I have a 3 year old granddaughter.. I sing this song to her..

I love you Little eyes..
I love you little eyes..
I love you in the spring and in the fall..
I love you little eyes..
I love you little eyes
I love you most of all!

(I think the real words are a bit different, instead of little eyes I think its a name.. but this is how I heard it when I was young.. so that is how I sing it).

Today we were in the car and she started singing that song to me.. nearly brought tears to my eyes.. Nothing is sweeter than a small child who loves you.

sabrinaquilts 06-02-2010 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by craftybear
that is very good advice!

Originally Posted by Kitsie
Go and do other things for a few weeks. Close the door to your sewing room or put your quilting all away. (I just went through about a month of that.) Picked up a magazine one day and saw a pattern that really grabbed me and then I was back in it full time! It felt like being afraid that after investing so much time and money into quilting that I'd finished with it and so had failed myself. A bit drastic perhaps but obviously we all seem to have more in common than we thought. Something I learned when suffering panic attacks: "Let time pass"

I agree. That is a good advice. I am afraid that if I pause I will forget what I had learned not to do. Then when I start up again I will have to relearn what I should have known already. Yeah I suffer from panic attacks too since I was a kid. I thought I was claustrophobic but I would have attacks in the open too.

sabrinaquilts 06-02-2010 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by Rainy Day
Or, just have a quick dip in the therapy pool for a top up? Sometimes that can get you over the hump, and seeing the Dr is no bad thing - PND can sneak back up on you. Take care, and breathe Sabrina - I hope you feel a bit better soon. Either that, or get a whole heap of blue and black fabric and make how you are feeling. I am sure that every person on this board would send you some!

I agree with you about how PND can sneak back up on you. That is why I am still in therapy. I have gotten better at recognizing when it is sneaking. This doesn't feel like a depression episode though. Maybe I recognized it before it fully snuck up on me.

sabrinaquilts 06-02-2010 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by Lori S
I clean and reorganize my sewing room. By the time I am done with oraginizing my stash of everything from fabrics, books, notions, I am ready and inspired to move on to the next project. It works every time. Sometimes so well I do not make it completley through the cleaning/reorganizing process.
Try it , if nothing else you will have a great space when you are ready.

Organizing the sewing room is a good one. I do that too. I used to put my fabrics away between projects. I have to admit I have shied away from that lately. I didn't want to stop. I got into the zone of finishing all my UFOs. But this time I definitely did not feel like doing that. I felt more like anything but cleaning up my sewing room.

sabrinaquilts 06-02-2010 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by Dkm
Strange. I'm in that state right now. I started having knee problems about 3 mos ago. Since I'm not a doctor fan, I've put it off. Now in pt and that takes up a lot of time.

I like to read and have been doing a lot of that, but I don't feel that accomplishes much. I really like to see some results from the day and quilting or sewing lets me feel that. I'm getting ready to start a new project today...just got to get in the sewing room and hope something happens.

Let's get going.

I hope your knee feels better. I have a bad hip at age 37 and it is very annoying. I totally agree with you about reading. I get obsessive when I am reading. I like to read Jennifer Chiaverni, Emilie Richards, Debbie MacComber, and Janet Evanovich books too.

I think starting a new project is a good idea for me. Since I have finished all my UFOs, I can start on some more UFOs while I wait for my class date to get here.

sabrinaquilts 06-02-2010 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by Joanie2
When I am not in the mood to sew I dig out my quilt magazines and just sit and look through them. I seem to be the go to girl for magazines as many of my friends pass their magazines to me first. After I'm done I pass them on. I almost always find something to inspire me--a pattern, a fabric or maybe the way the colors are put together. When I really don't feel like sewing I cut. I find cutting pieces very calming for me. Of course it means another project to finish but I still enjoy it. All else fails, I read about quilting -- I enjoy all the Jennifer Chiaverini books as well as various other quilt related fiction. Get your friends together and if you don't already have some project going, work together to make a quilt for charity.

I like your cutting therapy idea. Eventhoug I had finished my UFOs I was going to wait until I have them all quilted and binded. I still have more uncut kits. I think I can handle going through them and cut up the fabrics. That is a very good idea. Thanks.

sabrinaquilts 06-02-2010 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by Sewslow

Originally Posted by sabrinaquilts

Originally Posted by craftybear
just get your new machine out and start playing with it, have fun, pretend you are on vacation by yourself and sew, sew, sew

My new machine is so fancy that I keep running into snags. I would have brought out one of my old sewing machines if the new one is not so heavy to move off my table. Until my class date I have to keep the new one out. Plus my DH proudly bought it for me. If I have it put away his heart will be broken. I will keep that in mind about bringing out the sewing machine. If I can figure out a way to have another machine out to sew on maybe I can get back into my escape again. Thanks!

That's why a few years ago when my husband said to "get whatever you want" I chose a Janome over DIL's way more expensive Pfaff. I plugged mine in and started sewing, referring only occasionally to the slim manual instead of taking classes and plowing through a thick instruction book. I occasionally yearn for more room for a squashed up quilt but I'm still happy with it.

When I picked up my machine the dealer spent one hour showing me how to use my machine. I am disappointed that I can't just do what you did with yours or like I did with all my other machines. This one has many special features. Even though I followed the instruction manual I still feel like I missed/skipped something. When I signed up for the class he said it might not be me that is having trouble. He said it might be my machine. They will check it when I come in for my class. I am not too upset about it. I know that once it is dialed in it will be a dream.

sabrinaquilts 06-02-2010 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by amorerm
My best initiative was to start a quilt for "a gift". It is soooo motivational. Nothing greater than the anticipation of giving. In between working on this one, you can work on a UFO that you have been putting off.

I agree with you on working on gifts. That is why 98% of the quilts I worked on are gifts. I give them away while I am perfecting my technique. Working on things for myself totally unmotivates me. I do force myself to make some stuff for myself here and there. It is hard because even I don't know what I want or would like. Plus it doesn't help that I have no confidence in my work to be good. When I make stuff for others I seemed to have unlimited amount of energy.

sabrinaquilts 06-02-2010 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by CRicart

Originally Posted by sabrinaquilts
What do you do when you can't seem to get back into the mood of quilting? I know for some that maybe a blasphemy, but let us just pretend seriously for a second. I don't mean burned out of doing quilting. Maybe unmotivated might be a better description. Quilting used to be an escape. I used to sew at least 3-8 hours everyday faithfully. Now I have a new sewing machine but even that is not working to boost my enthusiasim because I have to take classes to learn to really use it.

What do you do when you suddenly drop the desire to quilt and know you really need to get back into it?

I was burned out from too many choices, and too much indecision. Soooo
I started doing Quilts for Kids. All of the fabric is matched for you and cut for the pattern they send, borders and backing included as well. All you do is assemble, add batting and quilt. This really helped me fall in love with quilting again!

Hmmmmm. That is a good one. My quilting friend has been after me to sew some charity quilts for her church. It comes with a pack of square fabrics already cut. I just need to sew them together. That may be a good way to go. I know I can sew straight on my sewing machine. Thanks!

sabrinaquilts 06-02-2010 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by N.J.linda
When looking for fabric for your sons quilt find something cheery, kid like. Maybe something from a cartoon, or a toy he liked as a kid. I did this for my friend when she was going thru chemo. I made her a quilt that had Dick and jane on it since it was her favorite book series as a kid.

That is a very good idea!

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