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GailG 04-06-2009 02:31 PM

And okie3, I love YOUR avatar. Tell us about it.

okie3 04-06-2009 03:23 PM

The blocks are painted and emboradier the are each a child of the week.
You know Sundays child is full of grace--etc thru Sat. then I have Big appliquied hearts. The first block heart has Saras' name on it and at the end of the quilt it has her birthdate on it. She is now 2 years old and still loves her quilt!! I get to keep her ever so often. I never had any girls and no granddaughters so she is kind of my adopted one :) Please excues the spelling. Have run and check on supper. Oh yea her Daddy works for my husband, and they just live 2 blocks down from us. I have 3 grandsons and we may be getting another one soon.

GailG 04-06-2009 05:41 PM

okie3, It's things like that that keep us young at heart. Love the little quilt.

mpeters1200 04-07-2009 03:45 PM

Okie3, thank you so much for your comment. It is nice to run across someone who "knows".

I love your little quilt there too...absolutely fabulous!!

GailG 04-07-2009 08:07 PM

As I re-read this thread, I was thinking that the only place I've seen the little days of the week pictures was on the seat of little girls panties. (You know, they come in colorful little sets.) I like them a lot better on okie3's little quilt. O-3. is your little quilt pictured anywhere else on the board? I'm not one that can oblige with pics, because I'm "un-equipped" :lol: , but I sure would like to see that quilt in close-up.

Mousie 04-25-2009 11:20 AM

I haven't posted here since 4-6? boy, have I been busy. DD was in the hospital twice, and lives near MIL, but she still works full time, so I had to fill in the gaps asap, which was quite a bit. Can't quilt/sew with little ones. Managed to get on here, sometimes, and there were times, I was typing one handed, lol...I mostly left board online, and tied up my phone. At first, hubby was aghast, but he ain't home that much. When he learned to call me on cell, he just accepted that i had to have someplace to 'light' for a few minutes throughout the day, to keep from feeling, tied down. I love my grandbabies, and I love keeping them, but day in and day out...I'm old and tired...well, mostly tired, lol...I'm not as old as I talk. I'm not as young as I talk, either! :wink:
so, anywho, as I am taking a break, here, I am finishing up a project, got another one, already spreading out in cave...for a friend that needs cheering up. She has ducks and chickens as pets, and one of her ducks was murdered! Three local thug-dogs, dug a hole under her fence and well, you can guess the rest. I'm glad I wasn't there. She has a pen, but let them roam, the fenced in area of the yard, in the daytime, and wasn't gone all that long. poor thing. Hubby says she has cried a lot.
I have a full size quilt, I have mentioned here, before, I have been just calling it, my roses/tulips quilt...might become it's permanent name, lol.
It's a lot of pink and purple, and a medium lime and some spring green. Oh one of my girls was there, when I bought the fabrics that I was putting with border fab at home...oh, did she think that was LOUD!!!
Have pattern in a book, and did a very good job at getting close to the pic. I can't wait to do it, and for her to see it. She is very forthright and may still, say, OK....if that's what floats yer boat...but I think she will be surprised though.
Gonna do a small wall hanging for another friend, and wish I could get it done this week. Maybe I'll hop on that one, while doing chickens...gonna see her around end of first week in May, and would really like to be able to give it to her then. we'll see. I plan, then life gives me, what it thinks I should be doing.
After my daughter came home, her hubby had a birthday, and they let the baby have a peanut butter cookie. I had just left, after rocking her to sleep. She was fine then, heard her cry out as I was going out the door, and DD went to check on her. Was home, maybe five or ten minutes, and hubby said, "They are taking Alexia to emergency room, she is having an allergic reaction!" I was crying, but thought to call ahead to hospital. Wanted them to be ready. They didn't waste any time, when baby got there, and she had to have a shot in each leg.
Was on the phone with DD when nurse moved something and baby hollered. I heard the nurse say, "I'm not coming over there..." I know they hate having to be the ones that scare the babies, but it saves their lives.
Now DD has to keep an epi-pen for her. Which means I will have to have it, when she is with me. I used to carry one. Guess doc thinks I'll be ok without it now. I'm not worried, but Alexia needs to gain four pounds to be able to handle that amount of medicine, so I guess they will chubby her up a bit more. She is a round cutie now.
Well, will be posting my sewing cave pics very soon, and wish I could have backed up further, so you weren't right on top of my shelves. Makes it hard to see how nice the room is, very functional. I love it. Better get back to it, in a few minutes, too. ttfn, Qnc

Mousie 04-25-2009 11:53 AM

nor'easter, just wanted to say thank you, again, for starting this thread. I will come back to it, as long as it is here. It helps keep me focused :D

mpeters1200 04-25-2009 12:12 PM

I haven't posted much either. My gramma received her sampler and loves it. Though...I don't think she liked it as much until she got the letter in the mail with the explanations. She likes it now!! Will post pics when I get them in the mail.

After working hard for 8 weeks, I have taken a job. It's the first job I was offered, but in this economy, a job is a job. I'm looking at it as the job that will pay the bills until I find a better one.

I think in order to get the kids' quilts done faster, I should just pull them out and if the boys see them, well so be it. I won't be able to keep the surprise if I want them done anytime soon as I'll be working late and sleeping during the day. We shall see what happens. I don't want to be discouraged, I want to finish them, but I don't think I'll be able to keep the surprise going.

DD was by last week looking very pregnant. She's so cute. She still has 3 or 4 months to go, but she is gaining weight with this one. She lost weight with the last one. Grandbaby is as beautiful as always. She will be joined by a little sister....hopefully July 4th. Wouldn't that be cool??

My 7 year old had an accident at home last week that had him hospitalized. He fell off his bike and had quite the concussion. The bump on his head was so big I could set a bowl on it. Very traumatic. Scared me more than anything. Being at the ER was completely out of his routine....so it was difficult to keep him focused. Glad he is better now...but 10 days later he still has quite the bruise on his poor head.

Busy busy as usual. Kindergarten round up is behind us, but we still have track and field day, and 4 field trips coming up....YIKES!!! All within 5 weeks..at which point the birthdays come around again. My big one thinks it's so funny that I have to go up 2 numbers instead of one. His reasoning is going from 29 to 30 changes both numbers....like I didn't feel weird enough!!!!

Cleaning today, but hoping to get motivated to run to my sewing closet...even if it's just to organize it.

Mousie 04-26-2009 03:53 AM

So sorry to hear about little one getting hurt on his bike. I've had a humongous bruise like that, and can take a long time to over the looks of it. I wasn't that young, so he will heal faster.
Congrats on getting another granddaughter. It would be fun to have her born on 4th of July. She would always get fireworks for her birthday, lol!
I love the part about your birthday making you go up two years! That is so cute. Do we do that every decade? I must be on a banana peel, then.
I know what you mean about a job being a job, and needing the money.
I just applied to be a new patient, and this doctor wanted to know all the jobs you've had in the past.
Interesting, I guess. I suppose she just wants to know more about the patient? I've had quite a few, although I haven't been able to work for many years now. Not outside my house, anyway.
Surprises are fun, (boy's quilts), but they are very hard to keep. Well at least you know, you'll keep moving with these, bc the boys will be asking, "When's mine gonna be done?" Well, I better quit yacking, and get on with things. It's Sunday morning, and hubby will be stirring soon. ttfn, C

Mousie 05-10-2009 09:04 PM

I think I have slowly been accomplishing a bit more lately...not so much, finishing up, ufo's, but I am being productive, and that is a good thing.
I have done several small, mending type things.
Daughter and I painted three walls in living room. Hubby has to redo something on the fourth, but the color is not far off, from paint, so looks ok, till he gets to it. Will be fun to decorate now.
Going to make some table runners, and wall stuff. Now that will be fun.
Also going to make matching rocking chair cushions, for my nana rocker, and my grandbaby rocker, after I paint them a new color. That will be fun also.
Worked on a block, actually, six, and mailed off. That is a good feeling.
Sent a friend a small gift. Even the smallest of things, that I actually see thru to fruition, gives me a sense of having completed something.
I am learning about my new sewing machine, with all these small projects.
I have cut out a sundress for one grandbaby, and have different stacks of fabrics, I am sorting for three more projects, for friends.
I have to wash all those in next two days.
My #2 daughter came over today and brought me some roses, and showed me how to put pictures on computer and download to board. That is really exciting! Now I just have to get new batteries, and I am gonna be a picture posting fool! lol!
Each completion spurs me on, to doing something else and I am enjoying being able to come here and list these things.
I still want to work on my boston blocks, wall hanging and a tote bag.
One thing at a time, and keep moving. Been anemic and iron is helping, so I am doing a bit more every day. Sometimes I have to just 'veg', but with chronic stuff, life is like that. That is when I am most grateful for board. I can read or type, thru the discomfort and for a bit, it's almost like not feeling it so much. Thank you quboard, I love ya! :D

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