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Rachel111940 06-08-2011 08:05 AM

After all it is kids working on it, I would appriciate much more if it does come out uneven.

bbmom1989 06-08-2011 09:25 AM

I think you are doing a great thing for the school. As a retired teacher, one of the best things about these projects is that they are not perfect - just like all the beautiful little hands and voices that made them. I would suggest that you put them together as you got them - flaws and all as the outside binding will hide all of those imperfections. It will be treasured as something that the children made which is the point.

Hope that put a different perspective on this. Good luck - it is beautiful and will be treasured by all the eyes that gaze upon it.


gramquilter2 06-08-2011 09:38 AM

I really feel that it won't matter if everything is not exact on a project like this. When I look at what you have put together, my attention goes to what each student has done. When it is all put together you will have a wonderful gift for the school from the 6th grade students and when they go back for their 50th reunion they will still be proud of their project.

CorgiNole 06-08-2011 09:56 AM

I agree with not being a perfectionist.

I am working on a signature quilt too - and was surprised by some of the blocks I got back - I think my favorite has to be the class that signed on the freezer paper on back instead of the fabric front... I did figure out a way to trace their names onto the fabric so that they didn't miss out, as I got the blocks back on the last day of school.

With the brick layout, I don't think you need to fret about perfect seams as it looks like a very forgiving layout. At least you don't have signatures that lap over or are completely in the (marked) seam allowance... Been there too.

Have fun, and I know they'll appreciate the quilt.

Cheers, K

dixiechunk 06-08-2011 11:00 AM

Take a deep breath and relax. Perfection is best when practiced as a solitary activity. Lighten up a little for this project. Chances are you are the only one who will know.

teacherbailey 06-08-2011 12:35 PM

I agree with adding some sashing....and can you let the kids help sew? That way, any "variances" will be assumed to be theirs.... <wink>

pdcakm 06-08-2011 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by blzzrdqueen
Some of you know that I am participating in the creation of a signature quilt that my daughter's 6th grade class is giving to the school as a gift. It's me and one other mom doing the majority of the sewing and everything else. All the students did their own blocks along with 7 teacher (79 students) and one larger block in the middle being done by the art teacher.

Well...we used muslin for each block and the other mom is the one who cut the blocks before the students did their thing with them. Looking at the blocks, I can tell she cut them with scissors and they are very close in size but not all exactly the same, right down to the smallest centimeter. I took about 2/3rds of the blocks to sew them and I'm not happy with them. The art teacher had the kids draw within a box so there is a half inch border drawn in pencil on each block. I'm trying to get these blocks to line up straight as best as I can and I know there will be some trimming involved.

I'll post picks of the first row I have sewn together.

I'm starting to wonder now if I should have taken all the blocks to sew them, so they will all be uniform. This other woman sews but has never done a quilt so doesn't really know about the blocks being the same exact size and seams and lining things up, and I just feel like because I'm such a perfectionist that whatever she does isn't going to look like mine....I don't know what to do...she's the kind of woman who is "above" everyone else and I don't feel right calling her or emailing her telling her I don't think she'll do it right or that I would rather do it all. We have TWO weeks left to get this all done...and I would have had it done a long time ago if it wern't for waiting for the art teacher to get the kids to do the blocks and all that.......what should I do???

you should remember to breathe. then let it go. you are way over obsessing about this. it is a collaborative work, not your personal quilt. there will be flaws and mistakes and they are all part of this process. it is too late for you to take over the whole thing and that would just cause hurt feelings at this point.

please understand that i am not judging you in any way. i just want you to feel more relaxed. your health and sanity are too important. i am also a person who has, in the past, had major problems with others work not being up to my standards. now i stay away from these projects unless i am in charge. so, i do understand.

BrandyMcCoy 06-08-2011 01:06 PM

I think this is just supposed to be a fun project for the kiddos, I don't think its soooo important for perfection. It's a fun project and I wouldn't let your perfectionism get in the way of that.

meemersmom 06-08-2011 01:17 PM

I know that no one is going to notice a crooked seam or two. This is the children's quilt and their gift to the school --- everyone will be too busy admiring the precious artwork to notice anything else. Those children will be so proud to see all of their work together. Let this be theirs.

madamekelly 06-08-2011 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by blzzrdqueen
Thank you all for giving me that little smack upside the head that I needed. I'm just going to go with the flow and fix what I can where I can to make it look it's best, with out being a perfectionist....

Kind of like stepping backwards, huh? You work so hard to learn to make great seams, then we tell you just go with the flow!

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