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Elisabrat 03-11-2013 06:25 AM

ps is anyone else getting that tutu ad from zulily? its posted at the top? I want one of those in all those colors just to hang like that on a wall, wouldnt they be pretty? sigh. something say they are expensive and not in my size. ah heck a size 2t would be soooo cute. one red one, one yellow one, one blue one, one purple.. I need them. yup. like daisy fabric I need them.

DustysMomma 03-11-2013 10:30 AM

Make yourself one! :)

I've put so much into raising Dusty as well, yet I fear that the damage his father did is too overwhelming. He constantly taught him through his words that nothing was ever good enough, so he figures why try? Of course, he transfers that to me as well, even though I tell him to just do his best and give 100% and we'll work with whatever happens. He barely graduated high school, and he's on his 2nd academic suspension from college. He's been looking for a job since Christmas, but I wonder if he's "looking" or looking some days, especially since he hasn't had the first interview. He blames us for not letting him work when he was in high school, but I told him then that if he couldn't do his school job, then how was he going to do his school job and his paying job? The school job came first, and if he got his grades up I'd let him get a job, but he never kept them up for more than a few weeks at a time. I honestly don't know what to do with him anymore. If I send him to live with his father and his parents (yes, my ex lives at home again, long story) then I feel like I'm saying that life is OK. There's not an ounce of ambition or hunger to better themselves between the lot of them. In fact, they've all steadily gotten worse the last 10 years or so.

Dusty is well behaved and very respectful, but has no motivation or drive. I just don't know what to do to help him anymore. Even the therapist, who he really liked, couldn't reach him at all.

MaryMazz 03-11-2013 12:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ready to mail. Here is a sneak peek.

MaryMazz 03-11-2013 12:10 PM

Ready to mail. Here is a sneak peek. Salmon colored hibiscus, right?

DustysMomma 03-11-2013 03:05 PM

Originally Posted by MaryMazz
Ready to mail. Here is a sneak peek.

I wish my applique was that pretty!

kiffie2413 03-11-2013 05:17 PM

Well, I am to the final stages on my quilt runner for Auntie Em...the part I dread...the fmq part...sigh...saying to self, do I actually do the fmq and LEAVE it in...or do I revert back to my hand quilting?? I keep telling myself I will do fmq this time, I will do fmq this time...lol...thing is I REALLY do want to get better at fmq...and I now have the machine I have been wanting for a long time, Janome Horizon 7700...so now to get thru this mental wall I have up and just get going on it!! Come on already, kif!!!:o
PS elisabrat, your story of your jeans donning and your 4 year old son had me in stitches!!! I could just picture it...and also it sounds like something that would have happened between my son and I back when he was small....he also used to traipse around in his daddy's boots....lol..

SandyinZ4 03-11-2013 06:48 PM

MaryMazz, your hibiscus is gorgeous...lucky partner you have. LoupEsprit, don't kill yourself off over what you are making. Take your time and if you even mail a few days after the ok to mail time, I can live with that. Would rather you enjoy the sewing instead.

Elisabrat 03-11-2013 06:52 PM

I think dustysmom that they have to just 'get it' whatever that is. My son stopped working from 20 to 26. Excuses one right after the next. Now he has been working for almost a year at a booze store. He likes his job. register work. sells lotto tickets. Just what we had hoped for him but for once he seems happy with himself too. He likes apartment, he is finally paying child support and two payments a month because he owes so much leaves him just enough for rent and utilities. he gets one meal a day at work. BUT he is doing it. He also is earning minimum wage. We are thrilled he is working. He worked two jobs prior one at 17 when he refused to go to school I had him doing stucco work for a friends company he hated it. got up at 4, home at 1 in Arizona heat hard job. good. the next he did for 8 months at 19. then decided work wasnt for him. ahhh. we stopped letting him come home. He had a girl whose father said you will get out everyday and apply at at least 20 jobs or you cant stay here. He did. got four offers the first week, Mcdonalds, places like that but he finally just did it. And we are so thankful. so tough love, and you don't own it girl. we all screwed up somehow. But at some point in life we are grown up. We own our tomorrow. Excuses just don't fly. I wish you luck I know you care so very much. Try to let him own it too.

K, I love those cowboy wearing boot days for the kids. best pictures ever. I am excited to start seeing more runners come home. Anastasia this has been a fun run once again and the company here couldn't be better.

dabbler312 03-11-2013 08:24 PM

GRRRRRR - binding puts me in a bind.

marytoddliz 03-11-2013 08:56 PM

OH, Jan I love that table topper, nothing like yelling "Spring" that that beauty. Ok what is it called and well if I don't have that ruler, I will just have to put it on my list of rulers I must have. I think the rule is I have to use them at least 3 times to make it cost effective... Where did you get the green Daisy fabric? I love it!

Originally Posted by jaba (Post 5919761)
Lynnie it does take a special ruler a 22.5 squedge ruler. There really isn't anything that is the same angle that you could make work, trust me I tried. But I do like the mat on my kitchen table instead of a runner so it will get some good use. This is the one I sent Liz22 and made her a couple of hot pads to match. I just like to change them out for the month or the holiday. Do it all over the house.[ATTACH=CONFIG]401059[/ATTACH]

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