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Kassaundra 06-05-2017 11:41 AM

This stuff http://www.joann.com/retayne-color-f...e/2181311.html

GramE 06-05-2017 11:52 AM

Thanks, I love the fabric & hate to think I can't use it for anything! :(

Janice McC 06-05-2017 12:57 PM

GramE, It's three inches wide. And the border will be the same. I laid it out with varying other width borders but none seemed as pleasing to my eye as a simple 3 inch border so that's that. Decision made. Now to finish quilting the sashing.

Originally Posted by GramE (Post 7837823)
Janice, how wide are your sashing? Very attractive.

glad your DH is home.

Janice McC 06-05-2017 12:59 PM

Retayne is the key. Follow the directions. I've never had anything other than a slight bleed with some reds when I used retayne. Very slight.

Originally Posted by Kassaundra (Post 7837991)

Janice McC 06-05-2017 01:07 PM

FINALLY! My mother's cat, Cyrano, has finally figured out the automatic feeder! Lol. I bought one bc between the three of us, we were overfeeding him and that boy needs to be on a diet. For two weeks he's been oblivious to the food falling into his bowl and kept looking at me like, "Well??? I'm hungry." At 5 pm the food dropped and Cyrano flew into the kitchen like his tail was on fire. He got it! Yay.

jaba 06-05-2017 02:42 PM

Couldn't help but laugh Janice......he must have gotten hungry enough :)

sewbizgirl 06-05-2017 05:32 PM

LOL... kitties can be dense at times. My cat feeder is such that the food can come down into the dish at any time. So I thought kitty would pull it out with her paw when she needed it. Nope. She just sits by an empty bowl and waits for me to fish it out for her. My dog is another story. He takes me to his bowl when it gets low so I can refill the kibble. Then he leaves it! He just wants to make sure I fill it up for later when he feels like eating.

Janice McC 06-06-2017 04:01 AM

Jaba, that blasted cat is staring at me right now. What? It's not enough that I gave him my first small QAYG quilt? Geez! He's emptied his food bowl from his 5am feeding and now is giving me the death stare. We bought a programmable feeder. It has more than enough settings to personalize it for him. He needs to shed at least 2 pounds. He gets 1/8 cup four times a day. If that isn't enough to slim him down, he'll have one feeding deleted. My, won't he be pleased? NOT. This morning I worked on putting the two halves of the quilt together. It's pinned but not sewn yet. It's definitely getting to the point where it's no longer easy for me to sew straight lines well. I'm having to fidget with it every few inches and it's tedious. Luckily, I'm in the home stretch. After this portion, it'll be the borders and binding. How some of you quilt whole quilts under a DSM and have them turn out so beautifully, I'll never know.

Originally Posted by jaba (Post 7838075)
Couldn't help but laugh Janice......he must have gotten hungry enough :)

terriamn 06-06-2017 05:05 AM

Janice I can just see the cat giving you the evil eye.I swear my dog has dementia, she is old and has started some very peculiar practices that are driving me nuts. Let her out and she wants in immediately, looks at me and barks ( she is normally not a barker) won't respond when she's called, etc. etc.

Libster 06-06-2017 05:19 AM

" that blasted cat is staring at me right now. What? It's not enough that I gave him my first small QAYG quilt? Geez! He's emptied his food bowl from his 5am feeding and now is giving me the death stare. "

Janice, LOL. As long as he doesn't pull his straight razors on you, you'll be okay! To say cats are a little arrogant and condescending is a bit of an understatement, right?? In their eyesight, they own us. Chop, chop, Human! LOL

sewbizgirl 06-06-2017 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by Janice McC (Post 7838236)
How some of you quilt whole quilts under a DSM and have them turn out so beautifully, I'll never know.

It takes a lot of quilt wrangling! I 'puddle' up enough quilt to work on one spot, and then have to shift the whole thing for the next area. When straight line quilting, I turn and turn and turn that big sucker, getting a huge shoulder workout! My quickest and easiest methods are long straight line crosshatching. No turning! LOL about your cat, Janice! Cats do not like diets.

Kassaundra 06-06-2017 07:40 AM

In ancient Egypt cats were worshiped as gods and THEY haven't forgotten it. lol

Janice McC 06-06-2017 08:42 AM

And this guy is full of himself more than usual since my 17 yo Gracie cat died a month ago. He thinks he's king of the household. HA! Punk. Kitty Cat Punk.

Originally Posted by Kassaundra (Post 7838392)
In ancient Egypt cats were worshiped as gods and THEY haven't forgotten it. lol

terriamn 06-06-2017 01:11 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Jaba and I did a side swap but no additional blocks were needed for any of my boom stacks. Asked her to make 3 identical blocks to make a table runner. This is the result. Love it


Close up

terriamn 06-06-2017 01:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok now don't anyone have a heart attack but my first ever boom top is now completed.

Ta Da let me present SHOCK WAVE


Kassaundra 06-06-2017 01:35 PM

Terri, your on fire!!!! Awesome job on both. What is the plan for Shock wave?

joanelizbay 06-06-2017 02:18 PM

WOW that turned out very pretty..would keep you up if you had to stare at it for long. I LOVE it!!

terriamn 06-06-2017 02:22 PM

Kass absolutely no idea, think this one to finish and hold on to till someone says the love it

What color thread do you think I shoul quilt it with

Kassaundra 06-06-2017 02:34 PM

I think I'd use red for quilting.

Libster 06-06-2017 04:02 PM

Wow, Terri! Your top looks great! Feels good to get one done, doesn't it? Love the table runner too. Good job, you and Jaba.

klaws 06-06-2017 06:09 PM

Wow, Terri, I love your shock wave!

terriamn 06-06-2017 06:26 PM

Thanks Ladies it as fun to work with something totally out of my box. Now on to my Granddaughter's. Dragging on my heels on piecing the back, then another boom

Kassaundra 06-06-2017 07:39 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Here are some in progress pics of Summer Citrus and Citrus Nights

sewbizgirl 06-06-2017 11:15 PM

Terri, pretty runner, and WOW on the Shock Wave quilt! I think I'd use red thread too, unless I wanted the quilting to really show up. Then I might use the blue, or maybe even the lighter aqua blue.

Kass, is Citrus Nights the back of your Summer Citrus quilt, or another quilt? Both sides are great! Love that fun sashing on Summer Citrus!

Well, I survived the spinal injection today. They used "twilight" so I don't remember much beyond the prep. It went fine, I think, and although it takes longer than this to help heal that inflamed nerve, it's already starting to feel like it's calming down.

One other thing that showed up on my MRI was some sort of mass on one of my kidneys. I panicked, feeling like the doc had given me a death sentence, because my mother had a cancerous mass on one of her kidneys at my age. They removed the kidney and mass, but she ended up dying a few years later from the trauma of it. However, the doc said it may just be a cyst, and harmless. I came home and looked that up on Web.MD, and feel a lot better about it now. They said that 50% of all people over 50 years old have a kidney cyst. They don't cause problems and most people never know they have them until they are spotted on some sort of medical imaging they get done. Ha, just like me. So I'm hoping this is only one of those.... a nice, friendly cyst. :o I have to have an ultrasound of it done.

Always something, huh?!

terriamn 06-07-2017 01:58 AM

Kass Summer Citrus and Citrus Nights is delightful, sashing is great on Citrus and Citrus nights is total thinking outside the box.

Sewbiz glad injection wasn't traumatic and praying mass is a simple cyst. You are right about it being one thing after another.

Kassaundra 06-07-2017 04:53 AM

sewbiz, glad the spinal injection went well now for feeling better! Hoping for a good finding on the mass. Citrus Nights is going to be the back of Summer Citrus.

Thanks Terri, I am having fun w/ the citrus blocks.

GramE 06-07-2017 05:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Good to hear everyone is mending & healing and on the uptick! (Hope I didn't miss someone).

Mjpencinatas we had a nest of fleas in our landscaping last year & I thought I would go insane. No rain is what made it worse I guess. And 2 small dogs, one who didn't realize fleas were a reality and the other was allergic to the bites. I gave more baths in 2 months than I've given in their whole lives. We never got them in the house, I found a spray, kept washing their bed clothes, lint rollering everything they touched & furniture covers. Vet said it was the worst year ever around here. The flea meds were only lasting about 30 days but even with that I was giving the allergic dog 4 Benadryl a day and keeping her pretty much bald so it was easier to care for her so I feel your pain. We have sprayed the landscaping this year, hope it works.

All these Quilts are beautiful! I love Shock Wave and it happens to be in our local school colors! The citrusy is so soothing. Janice yours looks like a piece of wall art! I forgot some I know but they are amazing when you thing the miles between their beginnings.

I saw a quilt of Bibliostone and was fascinated by how she had put it together so she gave me some tips and then I went to Joann's & something happened when I saw this orange dotted fabric. Instant connection. I saw that fabric and Calgon took me away, the rainbow unicorn farted rainbow glitter and a skittles rainbow appeared. It must be the right one. I was sure! What do you think? This is only half of the blocks, the mostly white ones. And the special one fussy cut for me right in the center! The more orangy ones the connected squares will be white with the orange dotted pinwheel.

Well, my iPad & quiltingboard are not playing well together right now, so you'll have to be in suspense while waiting to see my creamsicle quilt. Sorry, it won't let me attach & there are no icons on this reply to load a pic with.Everyone have a sew fun day. I have to go to JoAnn's & get more fabric!

Hey, when I went to edit, all the icons were back! Yeah.

sewbizgirl 06-07-2017 06:21 AM

Yes, isn't it nice to have the board up and running again! I'm sure many people panicked when it went down for repairs. :D We are so dependent! This place is my "facebook"....

GramE, I love your layout! Isn't it wonderful when a fabric just 'clicks'? :o Love the pinwheels in your setting.

GramE 06-07-2017 06:29 AM

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 7838900)
Yes, isn't it nice to have the board up and running again! I'm sure many people panicked when it went down for repairs. :D We are so dependent! This place is my "facebook"....

GramE, I love your layout! Isn't it wonderful when a fabric just 'clicks'? :o Love the pinwheels in your setting.

i always think it is just me & I don't know what I'm doing! Never thought about it being the system.

sewbizgirl 06-07-2017 06:44 AM

Originally Posted by GramE (Post 7838910)
i always think it is just me & I don't know what I'm doing! Never thought about it being the system.

I thought that too... until I saw that many were posting about their problems and it was all pretty much the same problem. Glad PatriceJ got them to fix it.

Janice McC 06-07-2017 09:08 AM

Glad to hear the QB is up and running well again. I thought it was just my computer at first. Great pix everyone. I'll post more on that later. I'm sitting in the ER. Or rather, I'm on a bed in the ER hooked up to monitors, trying to figure out why I'm having some mild chest pain. I cannot believe it. Apparently not a heart attack, no blockages discovered yet. EKG and X-ray look good. Just waiting for a second blood draw to make sure there hasn't been a change in the blood chemistry in two hours. A bit of a mystery. Unless the next blood draw shows a problem, sounds like I'll be discharged with an order to be seen by a cardiologist and have a stress ekg. In the meantime, I'm feeling a bit like I over reacted but the pain is real so something is happening. Might just be muscle spasms??? Good grief. I'll let you know what I find out. :)

sewbizgirl 06-07-2017 09:35 AM

Oh no, Janice... you did the right thing going to get it checked. A cardiologist would be great. They will probably want you to wear a heart monitor for a few days to get a better picture of your heart function.

Just don't peg out on us, ok? :p We'd miss you too much.

Janice McC 06-07-2017 10:55 AM

Thanks, Sewbiz. Im glad you are doing well after your injections. As for me, I'm home and feeling completely normal except for when these mild pains occur. They only last a few seconds and then fade but there are a lot of them. Docs found nothing abnormal (hard to believe, huh? lol) but as expected, a stress ekg and cardiologist visit are in my near future. So until further notice, no pegging out. ;)

GramE, love the setting idea.

Kass, wow! as usual.

Terriamn, I guess I missed that this would be your first boom finish but my goodnesss, it's a wild one!! Congratulations!!!

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 7839056)
Oh no, Janice... you did the right thing going to get it checked. A cardiologist would be great. They will probably want you to wear a heart monitor for a few days to get a better picture of your heart function.

Just don't peg out on us, ok? :p We'd miss you too much.

GramE 06-07-2017 12:09 PM

"As for me, I'm home and feeling completely normal except for when these mild pains occur. They only last a few seconds and then fade but there are a lot of them. Docs found nothing abnormal (hard to believe, huh? lol) but as expected, a stress ekg and cardiologist visit are in my near future. So until further notice, no pegging out. ;)"

Glad you went! You probably cut your wait time for the ekg in half! And as a side note, I was having chest pains eons ago, went through the cardiac route, but it wound up being 2 pinched nerves caused by herniated discs. When the cardiac dr said to me "well, I'm sure there is nothing wrong, but we'll do an angiogram and then you will feel better." What I wanted to do to him, would not have made him feel better! Hope you have Drs with better bedside manners!

Kassaundra 06-07-2017 12:37 PM

Janice glad it wasn't your heart.

Sewbiz glad your feeling better

GramE love the orange fabric it goes very nicely w/ the boom blocks.

sewbizgirl 06-07-2017 01:21 PM

Janice, good plan not to peg out! :D

It's amazing how much the injection has helped already. My back has given no pain on the right side at all today. On the left there is still a little... they could only target one side at a time, and the left was minor. I feel great! Janice, I asked the dr. about H Wave and he had never heard of it at all. I also asked about stem cell injections and he said that was still experimental and insurance wouldn't pay for it. That's the last ditch effort tho, for people who's backs don't respond to anything else.

I'm ready to take some test run longer drives in the car and see how I tolerate it.

mollymunchkin 06-07-2017 08:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Have been so busy with end of school stuff that I didn't even notice QB was malfunctioning. Anyway, glad to see everyone is doing ok. To keep myself from going off the deep end with the aforementioned school stuff, I have been working on this in my spare (ha ha) time. One more shelf to go, then to quilt it. I am going to attempt to QAYG. I don't usually post pics of WIPs, but I'm glad I did, as I was apprehensive as to how it was turning out. But it actually looks okay. I was worried about too much black space.

mollymunchkin 06-07-2017 08:44 PM

I have been so busy with end of year school stuff, I didn't notice that the QB was malfunctioning. This is what I have been working on in my spare (ha ha) time to stay sane. I was worried that there was too much black, but after looking at the picture, I think it is going to turn out okay. I have one more shelf and then to QAYG. I plan to have it finished before the next boom starts.

mollymunchkin 06-07-2017 08:47 PM

This may end up in a third posting. I tried to edit the first one and it disappeared, so I re-typed it only to have the first one reappear. Technology and I aren't good friends before 9:00 p.m. and certainly not after. I think it is time to say good night.

GramE 06-07-2017 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by mollymunchkin (Post 7839388)
Have been so busy with end of school stuff that I didn't even notice QB was malfunctioning. Anyway, glad to see everyone is doing ok. To keep myself from going off the deep end with the aforementioned school stuff, I have been working on this in my spare (ha ha) time. One more shelf to go, then to quilt it. I am going to attempt to QAYG. I don't usually post pics of WIPs, but I'm glad I did, as I was apprehensive as to how it was turning out. But it actually looks okay. I was worried about too much black space.

wonderful! It looks great. A family member has been trying to provoke me into making one, thus far I've resisted. Do you have a pattern or are you designing your own? Love the clock & the teapot.

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