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-   -   ELISABRAT's FALL or HALLOWEEN TABLERUNNER/TABLE MAT SWAP!! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/elisabrats-fall-halloween-tablerunner-table-mat-swap-t226990.html)

mom-6 08-20-2013 05:06 AM

My partner chickadeee55 and I have visited a bit and I'm hoping will talk some more. I think I'm going to do hers reversable as well. But need to check on some details with her.

Retired Fire Chief 08-20-2013 05:14 AM

Hi jaba, thanks for the support. I was just tired and stupidly, feeling sorry for myself which is one of my dumbest moments, I have been truly blessed and I know it. I did score big time at my neighbors house and I plan to visit her sister's garage sale too.

Hey Brat, saw your bio. What is your blood type? I was willing to give my husband a kidney after his hear transplant, but thank God his kidneys came back to life. Unfortunately not one of his children even had their blood typed so I doubt if they would have offered. I have controlled high blood pressure but I do have two good kidneys. I am A-, I donate blood every 56 days so I know that's good as well. Ask your doc, if there is anyway we could match I'm willing to be typed.

So I am off to water my plants. We have had wonderful weather the last week or so, nice cool nights, days in the 70s, but today it is going to get to the mid 80s with humidity moving in and hotter tomorrow. I told hubby with the nasty sprained ankle to hold on to his. Cast, I'm vacuuming dog hair after I water, then may cut some grass before it gets too blasted hot. By noon when it starts to really warm I think I'll heat up the sewing machine! Have a beautiful day everyone.

oneteappot 08-20-2013 05:36 AM

Good morning all! Hope everyone is doing fine today.
I have been looking through my fabrics and can't wait to get started on my partners table mat. I just needed to make up my mind and stick with it!!! LOL!
I can't start it today have some things that have to get done first. I love summer but I like winter when it means I can have more time in my sewing room. How many others feel that way? LOL!

jaba 08-20-2013 05:42 AM

I've had plenty of those "woe is me" days..makes the next day seem a lot greater though :thumbup: I should know Brat's blood type but I'm totally blank. Got tested and I wasn't a match, I don't think anyway, they told me I couldn't because of the medication I have to take for thyroid cancer and for the MS. Would be great to fins a match out there for sure!!
The cobbler turned out great, you can have some this afternoon brat when you come. I can say great, hubby has already eaten half of it, makes me want to give him a swift kick...he never gains a pound and is always munching on something. I just look at it and it adds lbs.
If you haven't seen the home decor swap, better head there and get signed up. It's open to making about anything, I figure if my partner's 1st and 2nd choice is something that I just can't make, I'll let her know and she can give me a 3rd option. Have a great day everyone, I should probably dust and vacuum but I'm not saying I will.

jaba 08-20-2013 05:45 AM

Hi teappot, wondering where you were. Hurry get your things done and start on my little mat, need some new color around here :D I really do but not rushing you, I just like to open packages!!

Yosamitesa 08-20-2013 06:08 AM

Sounds like everyone is doing better today. Retiredfirechief I'm so sorry to hear about hubby's fainting spells and the new sprained ankle. Whatever you do, DO NOT give that hubby a bell to ring...you will never hear the end of it and you will want to throw the bell away. Give whole new meaning to every time a bell rings, an angel gets it's wings. Also, CONGRATS on the new soon to be grandbaby!!! YEA!!!! Praying for hubby to heal QUICK and for a very healthy pregnancy for the new grandbaby!!! How fun!!!

Maybe this will help today...

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happin in it. -- Groucho Marx

Happy Tuesday, thankful it isn't Monday. Have a happy, healthy and blessed day swappers!!! :)

oneteappot 08-20-2013 09:04 AM

I showed my friend the fabric and she loves it! Said that while I was at it I could make her one too! LOL!
Waiting for a furnace man and a lawn care guy right now and tomorrow a plumber. I am thankful that all these folks exist, I nor my hubby do plumbing or work on furnaces! LOL! We do yard work but he is so busy at work and since I had back surgery a few years ago, I set my limits, and digging out a big bush is above my limit!
Jaba, Is it still a 16 inch mat that you have in mind, you can change it until I cut it out? 16 inch square or more rectangle? Please let me know for sure!

jaba 08-20-2013 09:43 AM

square or hexagon is better for me please. At least you have service guys that are willing to work. Digging out a bush would be above my limits too.

oneteappot 08-20-2013 11:02 AM

OK, square it will be.
You are right about service people. They are hard to find. The bush didn't actually get dug out, he will be back on that later, but it is cut down and the poison ivy that was growing in it is gone. And my front yard looks so much bigger. He also trimmed a couple of other bushes that we hadn't managed to get to. Looks so good!

Stitch124 08-20-2013 11:11 AM

Started cutting on my partner's table runner last night....love those fall colors!!!! I think I cut out enough to make one for myself too!

Pink Lady 08-20-2013 12:44 PM

Just came home from the quilt shop:) I will need to spend the day washing fabric tomorrow. I got enough fabric to make me one and one for my sister also:) Looking forward to getting started.

sapdoggie 08-20-2013 05:06 PM

Productive day for the most part- runner is sandwiched and quilted - Yosemitesa- do you want to look? HUH -HUh-Huh?
Guess what- NO PEEKING :p :p wouldn't be fair to those still waiting and to those still working and deciding- :D

Still need to tie all the thread ends off. One day, I will figure out how to stitch in the ditch in the little parts and not have to cut threads.

Tomorrow will finish up and clean up the sewing area to go on to the next project - my son's quilt. Surprised this mom when I asked him if he wanted quilt ( he is 31 years old ) and he said " that would be cool!" So what is a mom to do but get on it before he changes his mind.

Pink Lady 08-21-2013 04:17 AM

Oh Sapdoggie you are so on top of things. I feel I am doing good just having the pattern and the fabric picked out. Mine will be quilted by hand I must learn to quilt on my machine.
How you are all having a great day:)

Cogito 08-21-2013 04:21 AM

Well I haven't been very talkative on here...my family would never believe that, lol! I have the center of tam moo's little table mat sewn together....looks very rich...using a charm pack I forgot I had...from last year maybe? It is Sandy Gervais' Gobble, Gobble for Moda. I loved that whole line! Don't worry tam moo it isn't Halloween fabric but it is lovely fall fabrics! Anyone familiar? Wish I had bought gobbles...er...I mean gobs of that when it came out.

Stitch124 08-21-2013 04:23 AM

Table runner top is finished. Now to find a suitable backing and sandwich to quilt. Following a pattern I found online but made it a bit bigger -- Loving the fall colors. This is really getting me ready for my favorite time of the year. Plan to finish the quilting and binding by the end of the weekend.

Full time job sure does get in the way of my quilting passion!

sapdoggie 08-21-2013 06:08 AM

Pink Lady - I am not usually on top of anything- except a pile of fabric scraps and laundry ! I do have a trip planned the first part of September that involves part of the Hop Across TX - sew excited :) Wanted to get the loose ends done so I can look for more ideas and fabric- like I need more ideas and fabric :D

One day, I want to try hand quilting. It looks so soft and cuddly to me- not sure that is a quilting term. I have some stamped embroidery squares I made for my first grandson - who is now 6 ! Can you tell I am a few years behind- also a few grandkids behind. I now have two more grandsons- ages 5 and 4 and a granddaughter who is 4 and one on the way due in Feb. So, I have to get on the ball here. They have fleece blankets and have made one quilt. The other three have blocks done, but need to assemble.

Pink Lady 08-21-2013 08:31 AM

Well Sapdoggie I am waiting for the day that the first grandchild shows up. I have a quilt done all ready for him or her. Saying that the first top I ever made is not quilted yet . When is the cutoff date for getting that one done lol. maybe this winter I will get to it.
We always need more ideas and fabric come on up i can share some of mine:) Nova Scotia is a nice place to visit.

Retired Fire Chief 08-21-2013 09:03 AM

Jaba, thanks for the well wishes. Took DH (now guess, does D stand for dear or d----?) to the doc to check the swelling, his foot still looks like a balloon on the end of his leg. She ordered an air cast and boot that she thinks wil be more comfy. She told him not to put any weight on it for at least another week, then a second week if it doesn't feel remarkably better. So it looks like I am on duty, urnial and slave, for longer than I thought. I remember when I sprained my ankle and couldn't wear my jump boots to work for 3 weeks and I only missed one day of work and no days of cooking, cleaning, etc. He's gonna milk this for all it's worth! It looks nasty so I'm sure it hurts but he doesn't have to be so crabby! Don't worry, I'll survive.....

I am going through sewing machine withdraw. I had planned to sew yesterday afternoon but ended up washing walls and baseboards and have lots more to do. I need to go back out and get the air cast, boot and knee scooter the doc ordered and do some grocery shopping so my quilt may have to wait again.

Maybe I can find a few minutes to decide on a pattern to use for my runner. I have some gorgeous fabrics just need to decide how I want them meshed together.

Quercus Rubra 08-21-2013 04:44 PM

Well I feel like I have been some forward progress when I was out running errands yesterday. It's been super crazy busy this past week or so. I just got back from a 3 day/2 night scout campout with my son who was here for the summer, and yesterday was his 11th birthday. So between getting the both of us ready for camp last week, we still had quilt group and our regular scout meeting. Then we both was sooooo tired we had to take several days to recoup. As if I was allowed to do such a thing... and then yesterday was the birthday thang, today is quilt group and a months worth of laundry to do. Tomorrow is a scout meeting and Friday he goes back to Dad's for school.
But anyhows ... I managed to come up with a new selection of fall themed fabrics to work with. And yes, me & my partner have been in contact and found that we have very similar taste in decor. I am looking forward to the weekend where I'm going to be able to catch my breathe. And start working on getting back to my "normal" routine around. I'll take pics of fabric to share on my next post.

Dashing for dinner,

Elisabrat 08-22-2013 04:07 AM

I'M BACK! I spent yesterday peeling and cutting all those marvelous little apples that Jaba gave me. I was so tired lastnight but I did finish canning the apple pie filling I made and the house smelled divine. I have clinic today and think Friday is the soonest I can sew again. Slow sewing week I am afraid.

NOW on a quilting alert: Nancy in Louisiana would like to play for a runner swap if anyone is interested. Please let me know she was gone on vacation for a month and missed the sign ups. She is a great quilter and a solid player so anyone interested SHOUT out to me in PM so I can let her know.

Thanks! I hope all of you are having fun. I hear lots of quilting stories, real life stories and well I love seeing the team play together so nicely.

Yosamitesa 08-22-2013 05:38 AM

3 Attachment(s)
I can FINALLY cut out sapdoggie's table runner!!! Here is my latest project that I HAD to have done by TODAY. Baby shower is at noon!!!



The burp rags are more for mommy and daddy. Mommy is a Saints fan (like me!!!) and Daddy is a Cowboys fan. Daddy's feelings were hurt when I sent home a Saints onesie, so I had to make him feel special this time too!!!


sapdoggie 08-22-2013 06:11 AM

Yosimetesa - Yipee !!!! runner is being started :thumbup: what does is look like- is it long, short, tall, skinny-I want to know :D

Fix'in to get to the kitchen and clean up- so dislike this part - Pink Lady - you thought I was organized and on top of things- well not exactly.

I would love to come to Nova Scotia :) One day, it may happen. Just have to find the magic to growing a money tree.

Yosamitesa 08-22-2013 06:17 AM

Originally Posted by sapdoggie (Post 6248812)
Yosimetesa - Yipee !!!! runner is being started :thumbup: what does is look like- is it long, short, tall, skinny-I want to know :D

Hmmm...it will be long, short, tall and skinny...how you ask??? I'm creative that way because that is how I roll... :D

Quercus Rubra 08-22-2013 07:38 AM

ElisaBrat... I'll make one for Nancy in Louisanna If you still need a partner for her.


Pink Lady 08-22-2013 08:36 AM

Fix'in to get to the kitchen and clean up- so dislike this part - Pink Lady - you thought I was organized and on top of things- well not exactly.

I would love to come to Nova Scotia :) One day, it may happen. Just have to find the magic to growing a money tree.[/QUOTE]

hmm lets see all my children are out on their own now. So that leaves me with 7 free bedrooms. So as long as you do not smoke and have no bad habits you are free to come on up. Oh yes my list of things that are bad habits is pretty short. smoking, going into a fabric shop and leaving with no fabric.oh yes owing to many pets but you are safe if you have 4 dogs, three barn cats,three horses( well you can have more horses and still not be a bad habit) plus ducks and pigs oh yes and you need to have a few chickens. opps forgot the two fish tanks. yup most people are safe in the pet department :) One can always smoke outside. Even have one bedroom downstairs so no stair climbing for guest.
My sewing room is upstairs one big room all to myself,hubby does not even come in very much.
Our summers are cooler then yours.
Not going to get my runner started until next week. Have guest coming on the weekend. Did get fabric washed and pattern picked out so I will be ready to roll come Monday.

you all have great day

sapdoggie 08-22-2013 09:15 AM

Oh Pink Lady your home sounds WONDERFUL !!!! I do not smoke and do not go around anyone that does- unless it is absolutely necessary- like walking down the street.

H-m-m-m bad habits- have two dogs, no cats or chickens or horses, due to restrictive laws of town I live in.

With seven bedrooms, you could host a retreat !!!!! :thumbup: Who wants to come ? Me-me-me. Now where is that passport ?

sapdoggie 08-22-2013 09:16 AM

Originally Posted by Yosamitesa (Post 6248833)
Hmmm...it will be long, short, tall and skinny...how you ask??? I'm creative that way because that is how I roll... :D

Yes, you are very creative that which makes for a great partner :thumbup:

skaduzy 08-22-2013 10:18 AM

I am back from out of town and as soon as I finish these American Girl outfits and get them sent to Richmond, Virginia I will start my tablerunner. I can't wait to see what createfourpaws creates for me. I know she has been away too.

MartiMorga 08-22-2013 04:29 PM

Had to catch up and read 4 pages of news!!! Sounds like everyone has a lot going on, and hip hip hooray to all of you that have finished, started your table runners!!! I went to Paducah and believe it or not could not find anything that "spoke fall" to me!!! My husband went isle by isle and didn't see anything that told him I needed to use it. Of course the ladies were so busy cutting, it looked like there were 3x more there working. One of them may have had what I need. Oh well, now shopping on line. Have found a few teases.Good news, my friend is sitting up in bed and trying hard to feed herself....so excited about that. They are talking rehab from hospital, so may be a while before she gets home. As for me, picked beans, tomatoes, corn and watermelons today. Canned some pickled things for the first time and 12 pints of tomatoes. Now just need to can some beans. Then I get to pick apples and plums. I am tan, very unusual for me. I keep forgetting to butter myself up....I can feel more aged spots popping as I sit here.Hope I will have better news about my table runner for Cheesehead soon. I am sure she is right on top of it and beyond by now.

sapdoggie 08-22-2013 08:34 PM

MartiMorga - so glad to hear your friend is progressing so well ! Prayers for continued recovery and strength for therapy.

Garden goodies sound wonderful. After a summer of tending and canning and freezing my dear in-laws garden, I do not want to see zuccini or cucumbers again :D I think I bought all of the canning jars that Walmart carried that summer. Veggies were great during the winter, but oh the sunburn - even with sunscreen- and itchy arms from picking ochre.

Dear hubby swept and mopped the kitchen- even under the sewing area.:thumbup: Didn't have the heart to get it all messed up, so will get the new project out tomorrow.

Off to dreamland for me. Everyone have a great night /morning- depending on your time zone.

Elisabrat 08-23-2013 12:35 AM

Well MORNING HONEY BUNS! So much to see here: Sapdoggie love your retreat idea. I say we all sneak up to Nova Scotia and well 7 bedrooms I am game for doubling up, don't smoke and we have ourselves a quilt retreat! of course maybe we should ask first or do you think a tiny surprise of say a dozen of us might not be an issue? :)

I have not started. Freely admit it. where is that big L stamp for my forehead. I have so much to do no energy to do it..and think I am sitting up here wide awake at 2:40 in the morning dreading tomorrow. I took out raspberries now I have to can them, I have sewing projects with deadlines chewing at my front door.. argh pirates. I also have.. zippo energy. can all of you please put a bucket of that in the mail tomorrow for me? I will only use what is necessary I promise.. dole it out with care! You guys are great writing and participating. There are a few that I might have to gently prod to come into the group here. I want to know all of you are alive and here!

Lynnie25 08-23-2013 03:51 AM

I have finally pulled some fall fabrics together and have the pattern choice narrowed down to a couple so hopefully will get to start on my tabletopper for kiffie2413 early next week.

Spent yesterday sandwiching / pinning six little quilts ready to machine quilt. Want to get these quilted over the weekend.

klgls 08-23-2013 04:20 AM

sapdoggie - you could stop in Kansas and pick me up for a retreat in Nova Scotia! :) Wouldn't that be fun!

Elisabrat 08-23-2013 04:58 AM

OH dear what did we start??road trip!!! lol.

This I a Dean Martin morning.. "oh solo mio" swoon wasn't he the handsome dapper fellow in his day? I was a kid and my mother was big into Deano Martino and get this Engelbert Humperdink (blue Spanish eyes...) and then we had the wild stuff.. Tom Jones she never missed that show and she would play those albums (egad dating myself they were real records) and dance by herself and we would laugh.. wonder where the goofy part of me came from??? of course on a serious day there was always.. umpa pa music... Hugo Sneider and his Bavarian music would blare on the radio. Yup.. a quiet house.OK OK she played classical all the time and opera too. Just like all your households right? I love all of it. Added Italian Opera/classical singing and Flaminco music to my own families stuff .. that and true country old Willie, Merle and such.. I AM A BIRD UNTO MY OWN LOL>

So blare you music, sing along, its Friday.. who care if you can' sing! its FRIDAY, its beautiful and you can't help but feel good with happy music in your home. Give it a whirl tell me what you think... and you Yosamitesa can play some Raffe for the young one and sing about wheels on a bus! yeah!

Pink Lady 08-23-2013 05:27 AM

Come on up. Right now I have 2 double beds and 2 singles plus one 3/4. One bedroom we just turn into an office for hubby and one we are turning into a big closet. However only one bathroom right now. We are finally doing some work to this place. Hope to have the bathroom done by Xmas. A road trip sounds lovely.Best time to come is in the fall the colours are great:)

Cheesehead 08-23-2013 06:03 AM

Best time to come is in the fall the colours are great:) DH and I drove to the upper peninsula of Michigan to visit with my mother yesterday. The leaves on the very top of the trees are already starting to turn colors, I almost wished we would have waited a couple of more weeks for the visit so I could have seen the trees in full color.


sapdoggie 08-23-2013 06:22 AM

Road trip north sounds great - klgls - will be glad to stop along the way and pick up passengers :thumbup:
May have to hire a bus and driver to carry all the fabric we buy on the way :) ( will also male trip easier if restroom is always handy . )

So, how many fund raisers will we need to gather the $$$$ ? Pink Lady - it will take a few months, but we will be their. Are you taking reservations now ?

Stitch124 08-23-2013 07:02 AM

Hi all -- just checking in and so excited about being in this swap. My table runner for my partner is completed and is now in the wash. DH likes it so much he said he wanted to know if we could keep it and I could make another! He loves fall colors too.

It's Friday and I'm working from home today. Love these days. I can quilt and work at the same time!!!! I've never been to Nova Scotia so you can count me in on the road trip!!!!!! lol

Yall have a great weekend! I'm traveling with all my kids, g/ks and DH to my sisters in Chattanooga for a family reunion. My brother and SIL are visiting form TX and this is the first time all the siblings, 7 of us, will be together in about 5 years!

Cogito 08-23-2013 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by sapdoggie (Post 6250806)
Road trip north sounds great - klgls - will be glad to stop along the way and pick up passengers :thumbup:
May have to hire a bus and driver to carry all the fabric we buy on the way :) ( will also male trip easier if restroom is always handy . )

So, how many fund raisers will we need to gather the $$$$ ? Pink Lady - it will take a few months, but we will be their. Are you taking reservations now ?

Well I live in central Iowa....thats on the way, lol!

Cogito 08-23-2013 07:07 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Okay....Tam...Moo said I could post a sneaky peeky so here goes! [ATTACH=CONFIG]431794[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]431795[/ATTACH]
dont let that fool ya! Its gonna look completely different when all done!:D

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