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-   -   ELISABRAT's FALL or HALLOWEEN TABLERUNNER/TABLE MAT SWAP!! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/elisabrats-fall-halloween-tablerunner-table-mat-swap-t226990.html)

Elisabrat 09-26-2013 04:26 AM

Thanks for the bday wishes you didn't miss much I sat at my sewing machine and sewed all day and listened to cooking shows at the same time. I didn't have to cook dinner. so you might have starved if you were here and no cake as I don't like cake much at all. just jelly belly black beans .. almost stopped and got some too yesterday from the ultimate candy store in town but thought better of it as it was pouring at the time. my thighs thank me.

I think dustysmom its ok. In fact its good for the kid to just DO IT. If he can do it great if he hates it he will come running back home so hold your hat on an empty nest til he tries it. Every kid has to stretch their wings and your dear boy waited a long time to go do it. He might not like the new weather HOT I think it might be. He can make it without a college degree so don't stress that. This sounds like a good experience for him. My son got his GED when he was 19. He never really attended college a couple courses here and there.. maybe 15 units? he is now the owner of his own limo company, making bank monthly travels all the time.. dresses to the nines and every month his goal is MORE. He will be rich. He has decided its what he wants and he gets what he wants. so.. your son is FINE. I hope he takes it and likes it and you can sit back and smile. and those electronics that is what neighbors are for. I have a young couple next door.. you think I don't plot who will help me when I need it on them? give them a bit of cake, ask them to carry this in for me.. lol.. honey do you know how....

mom-6 09-26-2013 06:19 AM

Your young man will be fine!
I pulled much the same stunt as a brand new college grad - moving to California to do something totally unrelated to my education. Loved it and left 5 years later only because I had married in the mean time and DH went back into the military and had to go to a training school in Mississippi.

tlambing 09-26-2013 06:24 AM

See brat, theres a little problem with that theory. We moved into an "old" neighborhood, 26 yrs ago mind you. We were/are the young ones. The only ones with kids :( sad...... So, we are the helpers. My son is the go to for everyone's electronics. He gets harumphy when anyone asks and just doesn't understand us old people. I may need to stick a sign in the lawn advertising for passing neighbors young people;/ or maybe a fb post on the neighbor page?

Can you tell I'll miss my helper boy?

MartiMorga 09-26-2013 07:04 AM

3 Attachment(s)
I GOT MINE AND IT IS THE PRETTIEST ONE(S) YET!!! I had a full day yesterday out of the house - got home around 7 and found a package in my mailbox - what a fantastic surprise! I am so in awe - you just can't believe it. Wish my table was together so I can see them in their true glory. Here is a picture of the beautiful table runner AND topper I got from Jan the Cheesehead. Aren't they gorgeous? (of course you are looking at pictures taken on my ugly gray top of the hot tub)!

QuilterMomma 09-26-2013 07:22 AM

Those are fabulous Marti. the gray top just shows us the color all the more. A nice neutral background. :D

You did score girl.

Quercus Rubra 09-26-2013 07:36 AM

I just wanted to let everyone know that I got both of both my tablerunners from both of my partners and they are beautiful in each of their own rights. I'm more than happy to hear that the product that I made will be as loved as will be both of my new table runners and extras that was sent wit them. Both Annette & Nancy really hit the bull's eye with their runners in prints & colors. Thank You Both Ladies. I have sent each of you an PM and will try to figure out to leave each wonderful feedback scores.



Cheesehead 09-26-2013 08:11 AM

Hot tub...and it's indoors!!!??? Gee had I known that I would have been happy to hand deliver your package! Glad you like them Marti.


kiffie2413 09-26-2013 11:32 AM

Those are amazing, Marti!! Great job Cheesehead!!
I hear ya...dh and I have one "kid", he just turned 28...so not really a kid, but to me he will always be our "kid"...
His job requires he travel some. Corporate is based here, but they have stores in Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, and several further down south here in Texas. While I am a "tough cookie" in always saying if he moves, I will be fine as long as he and his family are happy...and I tell myself I mean that...I know deep down if they move, I will probably be a big ball o' mush!! But, I will live...sigh...it's not all about me...sigh..."kids" are supposed to spread their wings and make their lives their own...sigh...
My daughter-in-law is from New Mexico...and I know she would love if they moved back towards Albuquerque...I just tell them if they are happy that is all that matters...Now my mom on the other hand tells them, "Make sure I am dead first, because I can't take it if y'all move...(boo-hoo...). I then always tell her that it's life's plan that kids grow up and go. Furthermore, it's really healthier if they are able to make it on their own...if something happens to the parents, be sad if grown kid couldn't function...and we parents need to be able to do same. ;) Mom just says, "That's your opinion, leave me out of it!". Gotta love her...all of our family know that she is and has always been crazy about my son. She makes no bones about it. She even bores me bragging about him! Heck, he has even told her, "Nan, I love you and all, but you're boring me talking about me!"..Haha..

Lynnie25 09-26-2013 01:05 PM

Oh my goodness, look at those pretty fabrics in your tablerunner MartiMorga. Wonderful work Cheesehead.

I am loving seeing all the different designs for the tablerunners coming in, we are certainly a talented bunch of ladies.

Happy (belated) birthday Brat !!

jillnjo 09-26-2013 02:34 PM

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My new runner arrived today from my partner! I love it and I have started using it already for the fall season. Thank you so much, Carol! It is even reversible and has Halloween on the back. Yippee![ATTACH=CONFIG]438266[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]438267[/ATTACH]

DustysMomma 09-26-2013 03:13 PM

More beautiful runners! I love Marti's round mat! I think I need one of those, as a hotpad! When we have company, I have to drag out the clangy, slippery, ugly metal trivets. What a beautiful alternative!

It's never been a question of if he would leave the area, but when. When he was looking at the military, it was mostly as an opportunity to get away from this area. Honestly, there's not much here. Where his dad lives, about 30 miles away, there's even less. The only thing either have going for them is that they're both about 100 miles from Atlanta. What makes me worry the most is that the boy he wants to move there with, he's never met in person. I want him to be independent, and I know it's part of being a parent to have to watch them leave home and fend for themselves, but I also want him to be smart about it. I also don't want him to give up on what he really wanted to do in life because he gave up on applying himself in school. He's got 3 more semesters to finish his associates degree, which will put him done Christmas 2014. Thankfully we went for low hanging fruit & the education in baby steps approach. If he'd just finish that, I know he can get a job somewhere in the field he's always wanted to work in, instead of settling for what gets him away from here the soonest.

chickadeee55 09-26-2013 03:14 PM

Mine is finally finished, yeah, me. This will go in the mail tomorrow - it is heading to Texas.


mom-6 09-26-2013 03:36 PM

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Marilyn - that is beautiful! Love those gorgeous fabrics.
And this is what is heading your way

Also a close up showing the pinecone batik fabric on the back.

chickadeee55 09-26-2013 03:51 PM

Big smile on my face. :) Just loving it. I love fall, it is the best time of year. The only down side - winter follows and winters in WI seem to last forever!

Thanks Patty for being my partner.

kiffie2413 09-27-2013 12:36 AM

Again, more amazingly beautiful runners!
DustysMomma, Totally understand...

Pink Lady 09-27-2013 05:22 AM

My runner is done now and is going to be mailed tomorrow:)
What lovely runners everyone is making.

Elisabrat 09-27-2013 06:45 AM

ARENT THOSE RUNNERS THE BEST? I love the total variety gosh its like going through the Hancock of Paducah's catalog all the fabrics! all the colors! all the batiks! wowsa. I love the patterns everyone is using too how many different ones can we come up with? tons apparently! How many more are due in? please say everyone here has worked on theirs and if not finished is close to it? I know there are a few more days but the key word is FEW. Sending time for the rest of you is coming up real soon and I want to hear from you in PM if you are having a problem completing your sign up BEFORE I get "I never received a runner from my partner" PM's. And the sad thing is they will come.. so talk to me ok? we can work something out so its a win win for everyone.

dabbler312 09-27-2013 08:12 AM

Spectacular color combinations and pattern designs everyone. Love all the variety of runners - it's a great place to look for inspiration on future projects. Thanks everybody for sharing your photos

kiffie2413 09-27-2013 12:53 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Oh my goodness, it's here, it's here!!!! Lynnie25's runner she made me has made it "across the pond"..In addition to the stupendously beautiful runner she set 2 of the cutest patterns! Thank you, thank you , Lyn!! Here are pics:
See??!!! I know I am gushing...can't help it!! Thanks again, Lynnie25!:thumbup:

jillnjo 09-27-2013 01:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Such a beautiful runner! A lovely pattern, Lyn.

Here is the runner I made for my partner. She has received it and mentioned she is so busy, so I will go ahead and post. [ATTACH=CONFIG]438450[/ATTACH]-This is an I SPY quilt with a Fall theme.

Lynnie25 09-27-2013 03:59 PM

kiffie, so happy it arrived safely and you like it.

jillnjo, what a great idea for a runner and yours is a beauty !

Elisabrat 09-27-2013 04:26 PM

oh oh even more turn my back for a few hours and wow! and thank you to those who wrote you would be a tad late and had discussed this with your partners .. phew. I appreciate it and so does your partner :)

Today I decided to sit down and hit the UFO pile before I start another project. Tough for me to do. I was gifted with all these little 5.25 inch blocks.. here is an example of one:


now I went to work making them into ...


Elisabrat 09-27-2013 04:32 PM

so bummed thought I had figured how to put those pictures here without putting in links.. aargh pirates! I put them on facebook, copied the pic (right click) came back to quilting board did a control V and I get links not pictures any idea how to get pictures? I can not with my windows 8 put them on the traditional way here no copy paste, no little tree in the window frame on the selection choices argh.. I know it easy I did it once lol did I write down instructions? NO and well its not control V obviously. anyhow if you get a minute check it out. I had a nephew wanting a brown earth tone quilt for his daughter.. ugh she is 1 in Nov. I was thinking of doing yellow's heck with mudd then I remember I had all those pieces.. its now 45" across which should be plenty big for a little one to watch tv with right? or do I need to make it bigger? I am hoping they give in on the non gender colors for her. they use blues and greens just fine for their boy. go figure. Her name is Juniper. yippee lol.

SandyinZ4 09-27-2013 06:30 PM

Brat, tis looks like a lovely quilt for a baby Juniper (what a neat name). Love how yu made do with the scrappy blocks. Wish I could help you with the pics but the links worked just fine for me. :-) Thanks for sharing your latest project.

Cheesehead 09-28-2013 03:24 AM

That quilt is looking real pretty, the pattern shows off your pretty fabric. Jan

Chasezzz 09-28-2013 03:42 AM

No problem with the links...the quilt is lovely and that size should be great for little Juniper.

Retired Fire Chief 09-28-2013 04:03 AM

I'm one happy swapper!
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I don't think I could be happier with the fall runner I received from Terriamn, it is a beautiful runner that I adore! She held back on me though, she said she isn't very good at fm quilting - she is so wrong and I am so jealous. The only good thing about her telling me that is now I know I have to muster the courage to start practicing free motion quilting. I have the machine, the foot, plenty of fabric and now the nerve. She really showed me up. I mentioned to her I love fall colors and that somewhere still inside me is a kid that loves pumpkins and she hit my wants right on the head. And bless her, she sent me an adorable tape measure - it's the little blue snail in the picture. And as if that wasn't enough! She also sent me a great pumpkin ready for appliqueing and the cutest little mat that I suppose I could use as a mug rug but I would hate to spill on it so I have it on my kitchen island under my bath and body 3 wick candle. I feel terribly spoiled and honestly quite disappointed with myself, I don't think what I sent her holds a candle to what I received. And considering the week I had running all over the state doing child care licensing inspections I didn't get to the post office until yesterday and I received my package Wednesday afternoon. Now I have to set my ambitions to make amazing projects to swap the next time I jump into swapping. Thank you Terri, I love, love, love it!!! And thanks Brat for letting a mere not-so-newbie but very far from great quilter participate in the swap. I am one happy camper!

Elisabrat 09-28-2013 04:30 AM

PUMPKINS! I love pumpkins! I am so glad you are enjoying your runners ladies. I think they are all unique and marvelous. I have submitted the form to Patrice for the next swap so soon as it comes back approved then I will let you know and it will be up and running for Winter/Christmas runners. my what pretty homes we will all have :)

Pink Lady 09-28-2013 04:32 AM

More lovey runners. That looks like nice free motion quilting to me. I only hand quilt really must try to learn free motion quilting.

Brat windows 8 is the pitts took me forever to learn how to do picture on here with it.
Well I am off to the postoffice to mail my runner you all have a great day:)

Cogito 09-28-2013 04:33 AM

Good morning ladies. I know I have been very quiet on here which is so unlike my talkative self. Being always a very healthy woman (haven't even ever been on any medications) I am now dealing with some new medical issues that have me feeling pretty yucky! I guess at 57 I should be grateful I have been this healthy till now.
Anyway! Wanted y'all to know I am finishing up the binding on the table mat for Tam moo today and it will go out in the mail!

Cogito 09-28-2013 04:42 AM

Now I have a fun story for you. Yesterday I was on my way to work (I work 10 hrs a week in my LQS) and was going to be too early so I swung into a little thrift shop I pass every day I work. I had never been in there and I didn't expect to find anything but when I wandered to the back they had a shelf of quilt books....well I need another one like I need a hole in the head but then I ran across a little pile of quilt patterns. SOOOOOO...I found the most awesome quilt pattern for Brat! Hahaha. I didn't even know you had a Bday till this am when I went to post this, so it was definitely a meant to be! anyway I picked up that pattern cause I immediately thought of you Brat. So please pm me your address so I can get it sent off.
Now don't give me any flack about it, just let me send this cuz you are gonna love it! I will explain a little more after she receives it and shows y'all! Waiting to hear from you Brat.....toes tapping. :)

klgls 09-28-2013 07:04 AM

Awesome quilts ladies!!!

terriamn 09-28-2013 09:59 AM

Linda so glad you love your runner, it was fun trying something new. Can't wait for mine to get here.

kiffie2413 09-29-2013 12:48 AM

Lovely runner that terriamn sent you! And I must tell you I am right there with you on fmq... But, this month I not only did some fmq on my swapee's runner, but I actually left it in!! Woo-hoo!! I didn't take my seam ripper to it, and revert back to straight line quilting and hand quilting. My hubby was impressed, as he has been known to say he thinks I like taking out my quilting more than the actual quilting..the turkey.. This time I proved him wrong!
Hope things get better for you soon.. It's no fun having health issues, but I try and keep in mind that things could be worse for my family and I.. doesn't mean I don't have my days of feeling "down", tho. I think that's only human. Now my toes are tappin' too, waiting to see what you found for Brat!!
Loving the fabrics in your quilt!
Regards all,

raspberryparade09 09-29-2013 04:00 AM

Thank you to Jillnjo for posting a picture of the table runner I received. It is beautiful and I love it! My life is all about moving right now - the store where I work just moved, and I need to be moving out of my house. My daughter is buying my house and starting renovations soon.

Elisabrat 09-29-2013 04:37 AM

Cognito will pm you asap! oh goody suprises! and to everyone who does sometimes not get an acknowledgement from me please note that I try hard to remember to do things but even little stuff sometimes goes fling right out the window in my memory bank and low and behold a bit later like weeks it hits me did I say thank you or did I write them back and still memory visitation being what it is.. I can't recall that either. then other days its clear as all heck. so do not take it as a slight I do not mean one.

I was given the ok to run another runner swap on the condition I do not mention Christmas. Partners can decide on if they want that as their winter theme but no word of Christmas will be used in the original (key word) posting of my swap so that all feel welcome. Of course all were welcome from the get go but its probably a good idea to make it more group friendly. there are two other Christmas swaps going now Secret Santa and Ornaments by Brenda and PatriceJ feels we don't need another Christmas swap. wonder can I use the word Holiday? this would cover Kwanza, Hanukkah and maybe all the other holidays that come up in Dec and Jan? maybe?? careful wording so feel free to offer any other good words to use? will post this today or tomorrow for sign up starts.. just thinking on words first..

Cindy60545 09-29-2013 05:03 AM

Brat, I'd just go with winter in the title, then plug the any holiday in the sign up/original post. Staying under that radar, so to speak. We'll all keep an eye out for what you decide.

chickadeee55 09-29-2013 08:44 AM

Boy, if I ever need ideas, just come and check out all the runners - they are all so nice.

Thank you Brat for hosting the swap.:)

MartiMorga 09-29-2013 09:18 AM

I am in awe of the work every one has done on these runners. They are all amazing and I wish I was able to replicate them all! So many ideas and colors. I am working on cleaning up my sewing messes before finishing a fall table runner for a friend here. Then it will be getting ready for a quilting retreat 10/25-27, maybe I can make a winter table runner.....or holiday one for a new swap. Thank you Elisabrat for all your great organization of this swap and keeping all of us on track! Loved it and looking at all the talent posted just makes me giggle with delight.

DustysMomma 09-30-2013 03:36 AM

Well, since the first day of spring isn't until March 20, 2014, then valentines could be included in the winter swap as well! Brat, that's something to consider! My mother loves valentine colors and would love a valentine colored runner made by one of my talented friends....and the man wouldn't ask me how many more runners we were going to get, lol!

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