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-   -   Elisabrat's Summer Fun! Table Runner/Table Mat Swap SIGN UPS CLOSE MAY 5th (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/elisabrats-summer-fun-table-runner-table-mat-swap-sign-ups-close-may-5th-t219392.html)

Elisabrat 05-16-2013 01:04 PM

tlambing I am always saying the same thing I need some of this and some of that.. shopping in everyones stash .. its less expensive this way .. we can dream of some of that one and well we still have money in the wallet. Easy for me my walletis perpetually empty :)

Aunt Crabby 05-16-2013 06:39 PM

Hi Everyone! I have been out of commission for about a week ~ first I was sick and then I had to go out of town. Just got back late last night (or very early this morning!). JABA - sent you an IM. I am really looking forward to getting started on my project. I am having lots of fun reading all of your posts and looking at all the fabric/runners.

jaba 05-16-2013 07:48 PM

So glad you're okay, thanks for letting us all know. Just finished you're binding tonight, have to clip a few threads here and there. Excited to see everyone's when they start to receive. Fabric sure looks pretty!

DustysMomma 05-16-2013 08:17 PM

I literally can't get to my sewing machine. One of my boyfriend's students graduated yesterday with his PhD, so we had a dinner party for him at our house. My sewing room became the dumping ground for everything that wasn't supposed to be in the way. If I could sew from the backside of my machine, I could get something done, but I can't, lol. Have to clean the room back out this weekend so I can get back in there I guess. Lots of boxes that got crammed in there that are going to the curb Monday night. Yes, I know you're having issues with your amp, but you need to go get it looked at so we know if it's the amp or the electronic drum kit! I guess next weekend when he's gone to China I'll have to take it to Montgomery & drop it off to be looked at. Hopefully they don't need the frame, just all the other pieces! I'm not thinking that drum kit frame will fit in my Corolla!

Elisabrat 05-16-2013 10:53 PM

Dustysmomma you sure live an exciting life :)

I heard from Jacie tonight. She has been horrifically sick with pneumonia. She is worried she is maybe going to be late with her runner as this is two weeks into getting this sick and she wanted her partner to know she just might not be on time. If your her partner and you were worried you hadn't heard from her this is why :(

DustysMomma 05-17-2013 03:46 AM

Exciting? No, not really. Just lots going on. My boyfriend's crazy summer travel starts tomorrow, so I won't have as much going on with him. I may take a couple weekend trips and I'll have to work a lot though. One of my bookkeeping clients wants me to do some extra stuff while he's traveling this summer. To be honest, I'm to the point I don't have the energy, but part of me needs to get some of my student loans paid off so I can afford the monthly payment if anything happens to my boyfriend or anything happens where we're not together anymore. My student loan payment is $65 a month more than my car payment. I have 11 payments left on my car. When the car is paid off, that money is going toward my student loans too! When I can deal with my student loan payment on my own and afford to pay rent if I ever have to, I'll feel much better. On a happier note, I finally got my raise I was supposed to get a month ago! I think it's only $0.75/hr, but any is better than nothing! That's $30 a week I didn't have before! No, my degree isn't making me more money so far, but that's not why I got it. When you life in a college town and work in a profession that the local university offers a degree in, especially when that is one of the degrees they're known for, it's impossible to get a job without at least a bachelors in that major.

berryberry 05-17-2013 03:54 AM

After my trip to the LQS, I'm in a new fabric direction. Have you seen the new Moda line- Snap Pop? Where do they get the names? Sounds like a cereal, right? It has yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, lime green, white and turquoise. It's happy fabric. Now that I have which fabric, it's off to pick a pattern so I figure what yardage to buy.

Step 1. Fabric selection check
Step 2. pattern working on this one

Elisabrat 05-17-2013 05:14 AM

Berryberry I had a big grin reading your step one and step 2. Egad do I ever ever do that? ah hell no. I buy the fabric then figure out what I am making. I figure a yard and maybe a bit of blender and I can use what I have at home to mix up with it. Left overs? ohhh darn! guess I have to keep them. I suppose your doing it the right way but wow I sure do it the impulse way. I am making one now that I bought a half yard of and will just use something from the bins for backing. its got a ton of colors in it parrots red! yellow! bright blue! green! so the thin strip? perfect have some green, oh some pink for those squares in between and well blue backing and I am in! organized? me? NEVER.

Yosamitesa 05-17-2013 05:56 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Ok, ok ok!!! So, last night I decided to sandwich and bast the table runner for Grandma Di while I was enjoying the use of my Happy Mother's Day to me gift...


No...let me tell you...that glass is WAY bigger than it looks. I pulled out the glue sticks and got the top adhered to the insulbrite batting. Then came the backing...and well, that was a story in it's self. I thought I had enough fabric that I would not have to piece a back, because seriously, how many of us live for a pieced back to quilt through. Well, I did not have enough fabric and the wheels started turning. Not a good thing to do while partaking in some much needed after work refreshments in my new Happy Mother's Day to me gift (yes fleur de lis is my signature symbol). So...here I am staring at the colors and what I have left and what will match and I have a brilliant idea...I will use the fabric I bought for the binding from the quilt shop earlier. Side story...went to the quilt shop after work with my table runner and back to "audition" fabrics for the binding. The owner and another lady got involved with the process. It was a HUGE ordeal in the store and everyone came to help find the "perfect" fabric. Now, normally not a bad thing having opinions; however, when you have 5 people who work there trying to help because at 5:00pm I was the 3rd customer all day, you know it isn't a good thing. I finally got the PERFECT fabric!!! Will you see the perfect fabric? Nope...not until this runner is completed and Grandma Di posts a picture. Ok...where was I? Oh yes, so I laid out the binding fabric and stopped before cutting...what if I don't have enough to do the binding with too??? So, nope didn't cut it!!! Went back through the other fabs and while watching Elementary (show about Sherlock Holmes) and swaying back and forth to the music in my head I finally figured it out!!! I cut and sewed and pressed the back!!! LOOKS AMAZING!!! Then I glued the backing on to the table runner/insulbrite combo. Was that enough??? Nope!!! I pulled out the pins and I pinned every section of that combo!!! The runner is not moving, the backing is not moving and the insulbrite is not moving. :) I finally stand up...and I sat back down on the couch. The runner did not get quilted last night...today it is sitting on my sewing table mocking me. Maybe tonight, if I'm not out too late it will get quilted...until then, here is the backing!!! :D


tlambing 05-17-2013 08:12 AM

Have an all day quilt day at LQS tomorrow. I'll be taking my runner! Hoping to finish the top :)
I'd better finish designing it today, so my vision is accomplished! We'll see ;)

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