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rryder 01-28-2019 02:06 PM

I know what you mean about paperwork, Oksewglad! No fun, but necessary :rolleyes:

retiredteacher09 01-28-2019 07:00 PM

I finished sorting the bags of triangle parts. Now I am starting on bags of squares which are sorted by size but I want to sort them by color. I already put my BH green/neutral HSTs in a bag and sorted them by the green pattern/solid. Since I didn't use her last 3 borders, I need to store those units until I find a use for them.

No school today because we were supposed to get up to 9" of snow. I think we got about 6". No school tomorrow or Wednesday so that means no subbing for me and my great niece's school got cancelled also so I don't have to take her there tomorrow, and church quilting group got cancelled tomorrow too. So 2 more days with no plans on going anywhere! I will be making some baby gifts and also a couple of things for a great nephew's first birthday over the next couple of days. -26 degrees actual temps are predicted at night with wind chills between -30 to -40 for our area.

oksewglad 01-28-2019 07:08 PM

Yes it's a stay home week...school's cancelled here for tomorrow and Wed, too. Boss emailed me and told me to stay home tomorrow as well. Any fabric customers are going to be smart and stay home and sew. Cans of Heet are flying off the shelves in our small town. DIL was able to get 4-5 to have on hand in case diesel engines on skidsteers and tractors start to jel up (feed needs to be mixed and cows need to be fed)...welcome to life in the deep freeze. Stay warm everyone!

sewbizgirl 01-28-2019 10:11 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 8201627)
Cans of Heet are flying off the shelves in our small town. DIL was able to get 4-5 to have on hand in case diesel engines on skidsteers and tractors start to jel up (feed needs to be mixed and cows need to be fed)...welcome to life in the deep freeze. Stay warm everyone!

I always feel so sad for the livestock that have to stand outside in this cold/rain/snow. I'm sure it's a perilous time for their babies to be born.

oksewglad 01-28-2019 10:50 PM

One has to remember that animals have a thick hide...think how thick your leather boots are. Add a thick coat of hair to help keep them warm. Having them out of the wind is as important as anything when this type of weather hits. Last night we had a fresh cow with a newborn heifer..not born outside, but well bedded maternity pen is not heated. Defense (yes that's her name) decided to calve early by a couple of days. Not sure if she knew the nasty weather is ahead of us. I'm sure the little one has an insulated calf coat to help keep her body warm. This time of year all little baby calves start out with one. We also have a calf warming box to help with the extreme cold.

sewbizgirl 01-29-2019 08:07 AM

I know you all are professionals and take good care of your cows, OK. Around here, not so much. Some people provide no shelter and leave their animals out in the pastures full time. They are on their own to weather a storm. What bothers me the most are the dogs I see left outside with no shelter. So sad!

We we woke up with some snow on the ground! It was in the 60s and beautiful yesterday. It was only raining when I went to bed, so the temps must have dropped way down overnight.

Scraplady 02-01-2019 10:31 AM

I love the term "cheeky". The British have such wonderful adjectives, nouns, and expressions!!! And it took me years to figure out that cushion means pillow :D[/QUOTE]

I grew up overseas around lots of folks from the UK and the Land Down Under and I love some of the idioms they use as well. But it took me forever to figure out what a "floppy" or a "flimsy" meant. Showing my age here, I'm sure, but to me a floppy is a 3.5" (or 5"--really old) disk that went into an old fashioned computer to store data!

oksewglad 02-01-2019 04:23 PM

Oh and remember the 8" discs of the earlier computers! Oh dear...my age is showing, too.

rryder 02-01-2019 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 8203945)
Oh and remember the 8" discs of the earlier computers! Oh dear...my age is showing, too.

And don’t forget keypunch cards and magnetic tapes and computers that took up whole rooms....


oksewglad 02-01-2019 07:56 PM

Rob...A grade school "craft" was making an angel from the keypunch cards from IBM...major company store was less than an hour from home...then we spray painted them gold or silver and gave them to our moms for a Christmas gift! OBTW, I'm a country school kid!

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