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sewbizgirl 03-25-2019 04:56 AM

Wow JJB, that is some really impressive ‘engineering’! Great box.

Nita 03-29-2019 04:45 AM

Must confess that I am green with envy when I see photos of BIG sewing rooms. I refer to mine as a "One Butt Sewing Room" (okay to laugh). When hubby and I purchased our home, this room was staged with a twin bed and small dresser and that was IT, no space for much of anything else. In my One Butt Sewing Room I can fit all the essentials; a Horn Quilter's Dream table, a standard ironing board with big board for pressing, cutting table with storage drawers below, a pie cabinet for small fabric storage and a closet. Big window that brings in a lot of natural light. In one corner i am able to fit my dog's bed ... since he loves to hang out with me. I am thankful to have a room dedicated to sewing, but space is tight. For that reason, I am forced to re- organize after every completed project. Which I guess is a good thing.
I had been using big bins for closet storage. That worked for awhile, until the bins became too heavy to lift. So I am gradually replacing big bins with the 12" Iris Boxes sold at Michaels. Not only is this ergonomically better for my back, but it also allows me to find tings much easier. Each Iris box is labeled.

mmunchkins 03-29-2019 05:44 AM

Nita, can you post pix of your sewing room? I would like to get my sewing machine out of the dining room and into a small unused bedroom. Thanks.

NoraB 03-29-2019 07:10 AM

I am going to sneak in here. I didn't organize quilting stuff...but I finally got into the garage and pulled out all those vases I've received from flower arrangements over the years. I have the ones I use in the house. I also pulled out those plastic lined baskets that plants come in and some miscellaneous plant containers. I called my favorite florist and asked if she could use them and they said "yes". I drove them down to her. She'll clean them up and put them to good use. I now have 2 shelves that are more organized in the garage And she even gave me a nice bouquet of carnations! I'm so glad to have been able to get those out of my house and into good use!

rryder 03-29-2019 11:10 AM

What a great idea, NoraB!

I found one thing to put in the donation box today-- a small pair of scissors, carefully packaged so as not to poke anyone. My other organizing goal for today is to (ahem).... start taking the Christmas tree down and packing the ornaments away. It got so busy right after Christmas that we still have stockings and decorated tree gracing our front parlor... Or I could just throw a sheet over it and leave it up til next Christmas---which would give me more time for quilting:D


rryder 04-02-2019 12:02 PM

Today I started a notebook that has a page for each of my quilts. Each page shows the name of the quilt, what kind of batting was used, when it was finished, any quilt shows it was in, current location, etc.

I did entries for my 30 most recent quilts and I was surprised at how many of them I've forgotten what kind of batting I used, etc. I had even forgotten what some of them looked like until I hunted up the ones that are still here at the house and took a look. I don't know that I'll ever be able to make a full listing of quilts I've done over the years, but at least I know what's still hanging around here at the house. And, I have a way of tracking them if I send them out to shows, or give them away, etc.

I want to do something similar for my artwork, but that's a daunting task as it doesn't take nearly so long to make a painting as it does a quilt (at least for me). I'm thinking that maybe for the artwork I'll just start with new things and add in older pieces if they go out to shows.

The Christmas tree is still up. Maybe I'll start taking the ornaments off it tonight.


oksewglad 04-02-2019 03:12 PM

When my sister was here last week, she took the Santa Star out of my kitchen window...she didn't know I had taken down my tiny tree just before she came! You are not alone, Rob!

When I go the LA last year I decided to keep tabs of the quilts I worked on...batting, thread, stitch, any issues, bobbin filled. I'm glad I did. It's a great reference. .. which reminds me I haven't put in info from the 2 I stitched last night.

jmoore 04-03-2019 04:07 AM

JJB, what a clever storage box for your car...

Rob, your post reminded me that I used to keep track of my quilts but have been lazy in doing so...I also like the idea of making up guide sheets for the few quilts I have pending...they really just need to be quilted and bound.

NoraB 04-03-2019 07:56 AM

I saw a picture of a charity quilt done by Patrice. I like the way she labels her quilts...I think it has a number next to it and the year. Good idea Patrice!

I'm still in the middle of cleaning out the upstairs guest room and it's agonizingly slow! I decided I'd go thru the drawers and look for donation stuff, stuff to keep, stuff to take to grandchildren. Now, I have a huge mess! But so far, we've taken 2 sacks to Goodwill and I have about 10 "new" T-shirts to wear (sports related).

Does anyone have some ideas of what to do with old blankets? These are over 45 years old in those wonderful harvest gold and avacado green. I'm torn with making dog beds or donating to the homeless shelter. Any other ideas out there? I kind of want them out of the house, but not in the landfill!

oksewglad 04-03-2019 12:27 PM

Is there anyway those blankets can be used in lieu of batting, NoraB?

I always make a mess when deep cleaning too...

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