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oksewglad 04-09-2015 04:21 PM

Flimsy in quilt terms is a finished quilt top without batting, backing or quilting.

Rhonda Lee 04-09-2015 11:36 PM

Sherry: Love your quilt and what a wonderful way to use the scraps on the back. Love how you put the whole quilt together.

I can see why we like new fabric. I was sorting thru all of my finished blocks and I see a lot of the same fabric. They will all go in different quilts but there is a lot of repeat stuff. Anyone else have this problem..if it is a problem.

PaperPrincess 04-10-2015 06:44 AM

Originally Posted by MadQuilter (Post 7159581)
OK, new terminology: What's a flimsy?

An unquilted top.

Emma S 04-10-2015 08:30 AM

The term "flimsy" is interesting to me. I think it perfectly describes a finished top but prior to sandwiching, quilting and binding. Some people don't like the term because of the old meaning of the word; cheap or not substantial. On some other sites I've seen the word attributed to the English or Aussies, something reps from both of those countries denied. If anyone knows how this word came into use I would sure like to know.

MadQuilter 04-10-2015 02:45 PM

Thanks. I always lumped those into the UFO category. With this term, my UFO list shrank considerably. However, I have about 18 flimsies.

Rhonda Lee 04-10-2015 03:09 PM

I've been browsing a bit on the internet trying to find how the term "Flimsy" came to be a finished quilt top. There's a few threads here on the Quilting Board about 'What is a Flimsy', and several blogs claimed to have coined the phrase. The earliest one I found was 2007, With Heart and Hands. She claimed Norma did it. I've had problems tracking her down. She had a web site, silver thimbles, she used to tour and give work shops and had wonderful quilts to display. A very remarkable person in the quilting world. She is from Canada, but I could not see her last name or current website.

Emma S 04-11-2015 06:11 AM

Rhonda: Fun info. It really surprises me that 2007 is the earliest you could find reference. I just assumed like most thing quilting that it was a lot older than that.

tammyk 04-11-2015 06:33 AM

Anyone who wants a wet shoulder continue reading. I finished the mini art quilt. Then I decided to quilt the titles of the books. I didn't have tracing paper so decided to use a used dryer sheet. Needless to say I couldn't get it off after quilting. So I decided to wash it. Not my best idea ever. Now it has frayed everywhere and the dryer sheet filaments are still there. I'll know better next time.

Someone stop me, I feel the need for mostly white fabrics coming on.

SandyinZ4 04-11-2015 06:54 AM

Oh dear, Tammyk,(your post #488), I am thinking you must have put the dryer sheet on the top instead of underneath as a stabilizer. Would it help to wash it one more time in hope that filaments might get washed off. Or try masking tape or one of those sticky rollers to get them off. I can feel your frustration after all that work and then have something go wrong at the end. We all still would like to see a picture of it. Sometimes we are our own worst critics or perhaps someone might have a better idea of what to do.

tammyk 04-11-2015 07:33 AM

Thank you for your understanding I will bring in a picture next time. I just keep forgetting.

MadQuilter 04-11-2015 09:59 AM

tammyk, that sure sucks. I'm sorry for the disappointment. Sometimes in our hurry to git'r done, we ambush ourselves. Can you pick at the bits and patiently get them off? Can you take the bad pieces off and applique something else over it? There is always a solution and for an art quilt you can always say "Hey, I meant to do it that way!"

Mitch's Gram 04-13-2015 05:11 AM

I just joined the forum and I found this thread this morning. It's April 13 and so far, I haven't purchased any fabric this year. Oh wait...I did have to buy just enough to match the fabric I already had at home for the duffel bag I made for my grandson. I think that was maybe 1 1/2 yards. I used fabrics I already had in my stash for the bucket hat I made for him and I've been using stash fabric for other projects.

I've wanted to only use up my stash and not buy any new fabric for quite a while, but I didn't know there were so many others like me. This is quite inspiring. I searched through my tote that housed my scraps and leftover strip sets and blocks and made up two baby quilts. I had to order another roll of batting....much cheaper in the long run that way....so now I can quilt them. I have other scrap quilt patterns I can't wait to make and I've cut the fabric for one, but it's finding the time to make them that's hard. I work full time and have other projects I've been working on, but I can't wait to start working on quilts again, if only to finally work through the stash.

Thanks for a good thread and I need to go back and read through the entire thing.

Mitch's Gram 04-13-2015 05:17 AM

What a great way to use up small scraps. I like that one.

Mitch's Gram 04-13-2015 05:18 AM

Jarenie, What a great way to use up small scraps. I like that one.

elly66 04-13-2015 05:28 AM

Laurie - welcome to the Board and Moratorium.

Tammyk - so sorry about the art quilt. Perhaps what others have posted might work. Will keep my fingers crossed for you.

Emma S 04-13-2015 05:31 AM

Laurie: Welcome. Your are an inspiration! You are doing a lot better, this year than I am. I've had a number of falls from grace but I keep on trying. I figure that some effort and curbing fabric acquisition is better than none. Again, welcome.

oksewglad 04-13-2015 05:58 AM

Definitely this trip has helped me...one event that I was buying too much fabric was when my visiting sister had a look at my stash and declared, "Gee, you have $1000 worth of fabric here..." and well it got me thinking that I could spend my money differently. So I imposed a $ limit on what I spend which is working for me. Shop hop is happening this weekend....QBuddy and I haven't done one in a while...I must stay strong......

Mitch's Gram 04-13-2015 06:03 AM

Emma, when you're a thrifty Yankee like me, it's easy to not spend money. The closest fabric shops are an hour in any direction, so if I happen to be close to one, I'm usually tired (because it's the end of the day) or the weather has been so cold I just don't want to get out of my car again and I just want to get home. This has been one very cold winter up our way and I'm usually down near the fabric stores after the sun has gone down and it's after a full day of work and the temps have dropped further. It's extra easy to not spend money.

Besides, some of the fabric I have really needs to be used. I bought far too much because I really liked it, but it's got to go. I don't want to bring new stuff in until the old stuff is gone and I decided that last year. I've just been too busy laying new floors and painting rooms to be able to follow through. Maybe this year I'll be able to get to my sewing.

tammyk 04-13-2015 06:52 AM

I forgot the picture again. It must be freudian.

Rhonda Lee 04-13-2015 08:04 AM

Welcome tammyk!
Welcome Mitch's Gram!
It's fun here and so helpful.

hoprigmom 04-13-2015 10:38 PM

A successful weekend has past and I didn't gain any fabric. I was going to visit my girlfriend and go on the local shop hop, but she got called in to work. So I didn't go shop hopping alone and got lots of spring cleaning done (about 10 more pounds of dog fur removed). It is so nice to have warmer weather. I went to the dentist Monday morning and didn't even stop in the quilt shop a block away. I told my son I just might have to stop in there next week while he goes to his appointment. I also spotted a new consignment shop a half block away.

On Saturday, I did stop in a thrift store after I picked up prescriptions. I found a new large flannel night gown. I wanted the flannel to make a new ironing board cover for when I spray starch and press fabric. I cover my heat resistant cover with a washable cover. Then I just toss it in the washer. I try to recycle cotton fabric for this. No good cotton men's shirts this trip to recycle into quilts.

tkhooper 04-14-2015 10:19 AM

Love the quilts.

Today I bought 3 fat quarters for the card trick block on the 2015 BOM. Then I bought mid green and dk purple thread for the pear mini-art quilt for my explorers group. The mini-art quilt is all stash that was bought knowing that this series of quilts would all be in the color theme Main Color with many colors. So I'm good with that.

So I figure I'm all in line for everything that is going on now with the quilting.

sewred 04-14-2015 10:26 AM

The only fabric purchase I made was replacing a 1/2 yd cut that I messed up on a swap project on another site.

Rhonda Lee 04-14-2015 08:46 PM

Staying strong. I'm seeing a lot of that here.

happylab 04-15-2015 05:34 AM

I didn't go on my shop hop. :( So good news I didn't spend any money on fabric.:) I did sign up for the mystery quilt class from quilt university. I barely got into it before I realized I need to print out copies before I go much further.

Thinking of mystery quilting. Aboutquilting.com is starting a new mystery. FYI. I love mysteries.

oksewglad 04-15-2015 07:18 AM

I have to make a list for the shop hop my QB and I are going on Friday....must stay strong....but looking forward to the road trip with my QBuddy.

Emma S 04-15-2015 04:06 PM

OK: You tempt the fates. If I shop I buy, hope the same isn't true for you. Regardless have fun!

SandyinZ4 04-15-2015 04:47 PM

I think everyone here is doing so well. I finished the backing for my TATW quilt today and glory be...I made it all with leftovers from the front and yardage from my stash. I have to admit the back looks 'almost' as good as the front. Now it goes off to quilter but won't be back for a while as she is backlogged. Stay strong if you can! And if not...whatever you buy WILL get used up...eventually! :-)

Rhonda Lee 04-15-2015 05:24 PM

Emma, me too!! That's why I don't go shopping just to look. It's never enough for me to just look. Also I've been deleting fabric related emails before I open them.

With what I just said, I am going to a Quilt show in May in Salt Lake City. There will be a lot of long arms to experiment with; I am looking at long arms; the price on them stagger me! I think I'll just take some cash with me to buy a little bit of something while I'm there and leave the credit cards home.

Sandy, congrates on your finish and use of your stash. Way to go!

Emma S 04-16-2015 05:24 AM

Sandy: Problem is I don't "sew fast enough". I've gone past the would have to live to be a hundred and I'm working on the thousand year mark.
Rhonda: I think we should consider quilt shows exceptions, just like vacations. After all, they don't happen that often. The LDS church has such a long tradition of quilting, do they do anything special at the Salt Lake QS?

calla 04-16-2015 07:53 AM

Hi all have been off the board and out of the loop due to health issues. Am trying to be active again.........I have to go back and read everyone's posts...............calla

tkhooper 04-16-2015 08:02 AM

I bet you'll see a lot of bee hives. It's a traditional block inside the church.

retiredteacher09 04-16-2015 04:34 PM

Welcome back, Calla. I hope your health issues are in your past now.


MadQuilter 04-16-2015 05:34 PM

Calla, good to see you back. We've actually been well behaved this year so far. There are days when that is getting real old to be honest. But.......I'll continue to be good. Sigh!

Emma S 04-17-2015 05:54 AM

Calla: Nice to see you back. Sorry you have been ill. As Martina said, "We've actually been well behaved". Problem is virtue may be its own reward but it isn't half as interesting as the alternative. Don't mean to cast aspersions but wonder how much of our success is due to the call of the garden and that beautiful spring weather.

MadQuilter 04-17-2015 05:13 PM

Well Emma, I went to Joann today. Got a bolt of water soluble stabilizer @50% off and two pieces of fabric with butterflies caught my attention. They work perfectly with the round robin I am working on. It will save me tons of time. I asked the cashier for a recommendation on how to store the stabilizer once it's open. Answer: Don't get it wet. It was VERY DIFFICULT not to answer "DUH!" lol

tkhooper 04-18-2015 07:00 AM

calla welcome back I hope your health improves daily.

I don't know about spring helping with the moratorium. I seem to be able to garden and spend money, lol.

I recently bought 5 fat quarters for a card trick block and immediately cut it wrong. I cut the smaller into the quarters, ugh. Right now I'm taking a break from that block. It seems like every time I approach a triangle I bungle it.

Emma S 04-18-2015 08:01 AM

tk: I suspect we are all pretty good at multitasking when it comes to acquiring fabric. I notice in my own case my quilting mania subsides a little in the spring and summer to come roaring back in the fall.
I understand and sympathize with the saga of the triangle. Not always but sometimes if I can fix in my mind where the longer leg goes I seem to do better.

Wanted to announce to my fellow over consumers that I just ordered a Janome 6600. Its probably more machine than I absolutely needed but I'm on cloud nine. It would probably be a week before she arrives but that delivery person is going to be greeted with fire works.

MadQuilter 04-18-2015 10:07 AM

CONGRATULATIONS on the new addition, Emma. I wish the two of you many happy hours of quilting bliss.

hoprigmom 04-18-2015 10:22 AM

Congratulations on your new sewing machine Emma!

Right now I am very happy to see the rain starting. I did finish raking and cleaning up the yard only an hour ago. I might get to see my sewing machine tomorrow. It is suppose to be rainy for 3 days! I need to brown 5 pounds of pork sausage this afternoon to deliver to the church for the breakfast in the morning. The men are going to do the scrambled eggs in the morning. I wish we could have gotten the bag of already cooked sausage like we did in the past. Then I need to bake 2 dozen blueberry muffins. Too busy for shop hops.

My girlfriend was off this morning for Chicago to a fabric warehouse showing for quilt shop owners. She works part-time for a quilt shop. Then on Tuesday, she will go Hannibal, Missouri to do the Highway 36 quilt shops across Missouri to the Missouri Star Quilt Company. She wanted me to go, but it is the start of corn planting season and that means lunches and coffee to be delivered to the field. So I would have loved to have gone, but it is good so I won't be tempted to buy fabric.

Stay strong fellow members of the fabric moratorium! We need to use up our wonderful stashes.

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