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oksewglad 02-04-2019 08:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Happylab...this is a great idea.

My current UFO project was started a couple of years ago when I started collecting 2 1/2" pieces for a rectangluar block pattern called Curtain Call. [ATTACH=CONFIG]607928[/ATTACH]It takes 120 blocks so lots of collecting. Last week I decided to pair fabric lights and darks together. Now have all 120 blocks sewn in 3 units and working on getting the whole block together. This has been a great 10-15 minutes to sew project when I need a break from my "other" (real) job. Not sure if this will be done this month...but I'm working on it.

tohorse1 02-04-2019 01:58 PM

Love it, its just beautiful

cherrybsixty 02-04-2019 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by happylab (Post 8205268)
Okay we have the official January count. I went through all of my PM’s and we have a grand total of “25”. Yea!!!!. (Noise louder than the noise the Chief fans make during a home game). Yea! Thank-you everyone for your comments, and encouragements progress and finishes. Again Fabulous effort everyone. Remember, the progress you make last month could maybe a finish this month. “So let’s keep working on our ufo’s.”

So so let’s hear your ufo stories. Happy sewing/quilting.

Happylab what a giant idea, set a small goal for a month and work toward it. I really like it, I'm on board with it. I got one UFO I started in 2015 for my youngest grandson and want to give it to him for graduation. I really don't have that much to complete it. Just let me get motivated I want to take to Nevada with me when I go in March.


ckcowl 02-04-2019 03:31 PM

I am ( finally) onto the binding of my first ufo finish for this year- 2 sides done, 2 to go. I was excited to have this one out of the way ( thought I had all my UFOs out, on the table, 4 of them needing to be quilted, bound; two that still need borders, some Piecing. Doable- feeling motivated. Then, about 10 minutes ago I went into the studio to find some cotton yarn for soap sacks I’m crocheting, opened a ( large) drawer I thought was yarn.....
nope, it’s folded up tops/ UFOs.....I don’t know how many....I closed that drawer ....
i think I will concentrate on the ones I have out, and attack that drawer Later. :shock:

oksewglad 02-04-2019 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by ckcowl (Post 8205465)
nope, it’s folded up tops/ UFOs.....I don’t know how many....I closed that drawer ....
i think I will concentrate on the ones I have out, and attack that drawer Later. :shock:

Oh dear...I hate digging around, too. I laughed when I saw that you "closed that drawer"...outta sight outta mind!

But on the bright side...congratulations on your near finishes!

Teen 02-04-2019 06:49 PM

[email protected] funny.

I sandwiched my Happy Birds quilt today so it's ready to be quilted....then prepped the binding so....when I have the time, it's ready...

WMUTeach 02-04-2019 07:10 PM

OK, February Goal - Finish three UFOS.
#1 Orphan blocks from....15 + years ago from my SIL's stash. I had to pick out some of the quilting that was all eye lashed. I thought I was done.....not yet.
#2 Quilt and and bind my 2015 guild exchange block quilt
#3 Finish a baby quilt that was started last fall, lost the blocks, bought more fabric, found the blocks and the baby was born in November. Scurry, scurry.

Then I will return to my unfinished projects and find maybe one more for February. Maybe :o

sewbizgirl 02-04-2019 07:49 PM

I have an old Bonnie Hunter quilt, Chunky Churndash, that I seriously need to get quilted. Also my Allietare top from three Mysteries ago. And one stack of Boom Swap blocks that need to be made into one big, or two small quilts. That's all I'm planning on for now. Don't want to dig any further!

(we need a blushing emoji for this group!)

Oops, just remembered another BH top I have not quilted... a Carolina Crossroads I made from all recycled shirts.

oksewglad 02-04-2019 10:12 PM

It's college basketball season and while watching I like to have a hand sewing project. Last week, I pulled out a GMFG that I started in 2013 that began before we took an overseas trip. Once home I let it drop. So now I've picked it up again. Tonight I got 3 hexies basted and sewn on the third round of the flower. That means I have a machine and hand UFO on the docket. Will try to get photos later. Hoping for a long BB season..think NCAA and March Madness!

OH SBG...did you find a drawer that should've been left closed?;)

joe'smom 02-05-2019 08:30 AM

2 Attachment(s)
My goal this month is to finish the quilt I'm currently working on. I'm not sure this is a realistic goal, since I can only use the quilting machine every other day for short periods, but I think it's in the realm of possibility.

This was the first FQ bundle I ever bought -- Jennifer Paganelli West Indies. It reminded me of a beloved childhood book that had very bright and cheerful illustrations. Because the front was so busy and I thought it would be difficult to see what I was quilting, I decided to quilt it from the back, using the roses as a loose guideline for stitching. Unfortunately, I didn't remember when basting that I was going to quilt from the back, so basted from the front, LOL. So it's been kind of a pain to remove those basting stitches. This quilt will be for my son and DDIL; they love the bright colors.

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