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Quossum 03-04-2020 03:53 AM

3 Attachment(s)
I'm back! February was a wash thanks to the issues I had with my machine. Took it to the shop, brought it home, it still wasn't working, took it back to the shop...ended up getting a new bobbin case dedicated to free motion quilting, along with a new free motion quilting foot, and whoa--once those were in play, the rest of this quilt flew by to become my first finish for March!

The Quilt: This piece started as a Thangles "buck-a-block" deal through a quilt store I visited frequently at the time. You know the deal: Pay one dollar for the kit for one block, but you have to come into the store each month. While you're there, you're sure to spend more than the obligatory buck! It was so long ago that I have no idea what store it was, just that I was determined to not lose out and so I faithfully retrieved my block each month, even when I stopped putting them together.

Why it became a UFO: I'm not really sure. I think it was just a victim of my quilting whims or perhaps seeing another shiny object to play with, or maybe the fact that some of the blocks as designed got a little more complicated, so I set them aside as "too hard."

Why I finished: After two finishes in January where I chose quilts to complete that were close to done already, I decided that next I would choose the one that had the least amount done on it. That was this one, with about six (rather wonkily) completed blocks and six sad baggies of strips. Pulling them out, it was immediately evident that my skills have grown since whenever it was that I did the first few blocks! I modified the designs of the "too hard" blocks to easier versions and quickly got the remaining blocks together. Then--oh joy!--a trip to the quilt store was necessary to get fabric for the setting blocks and strips. Their more tedious construction took me into February.

For the back, I dug through my "lasagna" pile of 4 1/2" strips, pulling anything brown, red, gold. Spray basted it and went to town. Insert machine woes here, leading to lots of errors in the quilting--clumsy stitching, places where I had to frog, thread changes, starts and stops, wrinkles quilted over. To my eyes, they glared. So, once I finally got the machine fixed and got this thing quilted, I decided to go ahead and wash it. As I suspected they would, the "errors" more or less have disappeared, or at least gone into the realm of "you'd have to look hard to find them."

The Quilt's fate: Undetermined as yet. I'll have to think over my "friends who need a quilt" list and see if there's anyone who would like this style and color palette. My husband kind of has been hinting that it would look good on our bed, so maybe it won't find another home after all!

Next up: Another quilt that has far to go, so I might not have another finish for March. But hey, Spring Break is coming, so maybe...

QuiltMom2 03-04-2020 04:27 AM

Brave you to piece the backing too! Congratulations on a real UFO fine finish.

oksewglad 03-04-2020 06:30 AM

Look...two, two quilts in one...well done Quossom!

sewbizgirl 03-04-2020 07:30 AM

Lovely sampler quilt, Quossom! Nice sashing setting too....

zozee 03-04-2020 02:07 PM

Thanks, everyone, for your understanding. I want to pop in to give an update on the situation here.

First, many thanks for those who prayed for my brother-in-law. Om Feb 7 he suffered a major aortic dissection, and nearly died three times over the following three weeks. He decided he wanted surgery if it could be done, so they put in a stent that runs from the top of the aorta to his stomach. He survived, although I will tell you, neither my husband nor I thought he would. The dissection (tear) had actually extended to the top of his leg. But they did not put that stent in for that entire length. He is still battling stage 4 cancer but has a strong will to live. He is thankful to God for giving him more time. He is about to turn 73.

Second, we are still waiting for our grandbaby to be born! He was due Feb 28. My daughter-in-law is of the shared opinion with her midwife that the longer he stays in, the stronger he will be. They have a very good hospital to deliver in (where my first was born) and are bery ready to be parents (as ready as you can be before that little one is actually in your home for the first time and you think, “oh, my goodness! He is so tiny and helpless and totally our responsibility and we haven’t a clue what we’re doing’” . LOL. Such an exciting time. Our son will take 3 weeks vacation at once and then work from home for three. I am so happy he is in a position to do so, and that he wants to be present to bond with his son and sleep in, and take care of his wife. He has wanted to be a dad since he was 16. For real! He is 28 and just bursting with anticipation!

Sooooo, we wait for the call, the text, whatever notification that they are off to the hospital .

I want to be free to help out and also have travel-related decisions based on this stupid COVID scare..

That said, I need more time off as the UFO group counter. If krisb can do it longer, great. If not, I hope someone else offers to pick up and do March.

Whoever does it , please put the posts with each new count in bold type so they’re easy to spot. Thanks!

Teen 03-04-2020 02:56 PM

Quossom....fantastic finish! I really like the corner stones and sashing design. A nice change from a basic 9-patch corner stone. very pretty. In my house, if hubbie shows an interest in any of my creations, I keep them. It's the least I can do for the support he gives my craft....so, I totally can see why you would keep this.

Zozee....so good to hear from you. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!!

Krisb 03-04-2020 03:41 PM

Zozee, I will be happy to continue as long as you need me todo so.

Let’s set a goal of 35 for March. Something to shoot for, anyway

Would folks like to have a running list, so that at the end of the month we could see what everyone has done? That won’t be all that difficult to do—but please continue to PM me when you declare your UFO officially done!


retiredteacher09 03-04-2020 05:07 PM

Quossum: Wow! Beautiful! Congratulations on the finish.

Zozee: Thanks for the update.

Krisb: Thanks for continuing to keep track of our finishes.

oksewglad 03-04-2020 06:48 PM

Thanks for the update, zo,, One of the best aspects of being a grandparent is watching your kids be parents. I say my boys are great dads because they had a great dad! And our daughter has such a generous heart with her challenging daughter..she gets the generosity from her dad, too!

Thanks for keeping up the tally, Kris...It helps inspire us all. I do like the running list. Happy quilting everyone.

sewbizgirl 03-04-2020 06:52 PM

Zozee, good to hear from you! Pray your BIL recovers well and does indeed have a lot more time. I also pray that little grandbabe comes along at just the right time, and that all goes well. So sweet how "all in" your son is, with being a father!

Thank you Krisb for continuing on as our coordinator...

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