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toverly 05-29-2021 10:43 AM

I did! I am working of a few of row A. I live so close to the beach and traffic gets backed up. I am not going anywhere. Happy Sewing Y'all!

WMUTeach 05-29-2021 04:31 PM

Originally Posted by joe'smom (Post 8485695)
WMUTeach, that's a great shade of red you've chosen for the sashing. It's looking wonderful.

Thank you. It is one of my favorite reds. I have used it before in other quilts. Leans toward blue rather than orange.

WMUTeach 05-29-2021 04:44 PM

Originally Posted by DottyD (Post 8487319)
Ah Tish - sorry for the disappointment - it will be the next eight blocks next Saturday June 5th. We have a holiday weekend here at the moment - so lot's of sewing. I have two quilts that need the binding sewing on and also have a pair of my Grandson's school trousers that need mending !!! Also the French Open tennis starts tomorrow !!! I love the big tennis tournaments and have been to Wimbledon on many occasions x

I will be looking forward to our next group of blocks but I will be at a quilt retreat next weekend. I have already cut and bagged 7 blocks and maybe 10 of the sashing blocks. That will be enough to do along with my other projects.

It has been nearly 19 months since our last retreat and only 12 are attending when we usually have 35 - 40.Looking forward to some serious sewing and lots of time with quilting gal pals. Most of my projects are actually already in the car. Yes, I am excited!!

DottyD 06-05-2021 01:04 AM

Harriet's Journey BOM
1 Attachment(s)
Good morning all - I can't believe we are already in June and time for some new blocks - where did that month go !!!
Here are the next months blocks.

Week 13

June 5th.

F3 Massachusetts

F7 Mrs Bryans Choice

Week 14

June 12th

H1 Prickly Poppy

H10 Scotch Square

Week 15

June 19th

J5 Virginia Star

J6 Wagon Tracks

Week 16

June 26th

B2 Bridal Wreath

B7 Confluence

I opted out of J5 and B2 at the moment and substituted two blocks from the Loyal Union Sampler. I am no good at applique and J5 looked very complicated - I might have a go at the one later !!

Here are my eight blocks.

Mkotch 06-05-2021 02:22 AM

Nice looking blocks, Dotty! I agree with you about the applique. 6" blocks are hard to do. However, I hope to try some fusible applique for a change. I'm not good at it, but it seems a good solution for that tiny block.

toverly 06-05-2021 03:11 AM

Good Morning Y'all! Thanks Dotty for the next blocks. Love how this set is the same yet different. I am skipping the applique blocks also. One inch leaves are a bit too tiny for me. I have actually decided to recalculate how many blocks I need. I figure if I make 77 blocks. I can do a setting 7 blocks x 11 down. With 2" inner border and 6" outer border, I'll end up with a 56 x 80 quilt. A large twin. I am going to make almost all the blocks and throw extras as a vertical strip on the back or even a pillow sham. At least that's the plan for now. Happy Sewing everyone!

WMUTeach 06-05-2021 06:45 AM

I am at my quilt retreat and just remembered that today HJ new bock day! I have already made J6 Wagon Wheels, and said no to B2 and J5. I only need about 20 more color blocks for my version of the quilt, but I may make a few more for another project.

I got on a rant this past week and finished all of the Pennsylvania Blocks for the version on page 91 that I am doing. A nice easy block when the group comes on G7. I can still say that after constructing 48 of them. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/boy.gif

BethA 06-05-2021 07:03 AM

Dottie what two did you use from the Loyal Union Sampler??

joe'smom 06-05-2021 08:17 AM

Hi, Dotty! Thank you for the new set of blocks, yours are beautiful! I'm almost through month 2 blocks, hoping to pick up some speed as I get more used to the FPP.

DottyD 06-05-2021 01:02 PM

Thank you all - nice to hear from you ! Here in the UK we keep thinking things are getting better re the Covid, but sadly our numbers seem to be increasing again - thank goodness for our hobbies !!!

Let us know how you get on with the applique Mkotch ?

Toverly - the plans for your quilt sound great.

WMUTeach - Hope you are having a great time at your retreat - must be lovely ! The layout on page 91 is very nice - look forward to seeing it when you finish it !!'

Beth - My substitutes from The Loyal Union quilt for this months blocks are - G3 Maryland on page 58 for J5 and I9 Spotsylvania Court House on page 80 for B2. Previously, back in March - I substituted G4 - Oregon Trail with J9 Union Hall on page 86.

Joe'smom - yes FPP does need some getting used to - you will I am sure !!

Hope you all have a good weekend xx

toverly 06-05-2021 02:41 PM

DottyD, so sorry to hear the numbers are going up again in the U.K. Things are back in full swing in Florida. Not certain that is smart but, tourism is a big deal. The other day I had a chat with two ladies in the cat food aisle. We chatted about which foods our kitties would and would not eat. I thought to myself, that would have never happened behind masks. Hope you can return to "normal" soon.

joe'smom 06-08-2021 04:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Finished with month 2 blocks, on to month 3!

DottyD 06-09-2021 12:56 AM

Harriet's Journey BOM

Originally Posted by joe'smom (Post 8489737)
Finished with month 2 blocks, on to month 3!

Wow Joe'smom - your blocks are really great and I love the colours you are using ! xx

WMUTeach 06-09-2021 02:13 AM

I like your colors too. So soft and soothing and your blocks are so precise!

WMUTeach 06-09-2021 04:16 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is my HJ effort to date, June 9. I got 4 more blocks finished this week-end and three that are partially finished. I will finish them, but that will be it for this month. I need to return to some of my other responsibilities like planning my next online class that starts in July. Yikes, these summer semesters pass so quickly. I like the financial benefit but they cut into my quilting time significantly. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/wave.gif

Mkotch 06-10-2021 02:15 AM

Your quilt so far looks great, WMUTeach! I like the alternating blocks and have thought about doing that with these 6" block samplers in the past. Makes me think about doing that this time, but I will probably go with white sashing and colored cornerstones.

BethA 06-14-2021 07:23 AM

Wow Joe’smom love your blocks.

BethA 06-14-2021 11:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are my blocks for the month of June

toverly 06-14-2021 01:24 PM

Awesome BethA. Congrats on finishing that applique hearts one. I took on attempt at those tiny leaves and substituted.

joe'smom 06-14-2021 07:46 PM

Woo hoo, those are fabulous, BethA!

Mkotch 06-15-2021 01:43 AM

Really nice blocks, Beth! I cut out my first June block yesterday and hope to get busy with them later.

joe'smom 06-16-2021 03:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are my month 3 blocks. I decided to work on all eight at once, and I found that to be a very enjoyable way to do them, so I'll continue with that. I had some strange seam allowance situations; in the third block on the bottom, some of my seam allowances were miniscule, because otherwise my geese points were getting cut off. I didn't really get how those were supposed to work, but somehow it came out alright. I am very excited to start on month 4, I feel as though I am gaining ground.

WMUTeach 06-16-2021 06:05 PM

Joe'smom, Oh, goodness, geese and I just don't fly well together. I loose points, get wonky rectangles and more often than not just let them go their own way. They often fly directly into the recycle bin. I am doing OK with the four at a time method but still seem to get one of the "sky pieces" a little bigger than the other. Trim, trim, trim. Three cheers to you who have these honkers figured out. I avoid them whenever possible. Hard to do with so many patterns using geese by the flock. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/wink.png

DottyD 06-17-2021 01:37 AM

Good morning all, still warm here in the UK ( where our Covid numbers are still going up again !!) Great blocks Joe'smom they look great !

Looking at Flying Geese have you seen the construction tips on Page 26 ( for Block B8 ? I use that method all the time and they work out OK !

Hope that helps x

WMUTeach 06-17-2021 05:00 AM

Yes, I did use the directions on Page 26. The best geese yet but still not perfect and often end up flying some to the trash. Tee-Hee-Hee.

DottyD 06-17-2021 05:04 AM

Harriet's Journey BOM

Originally Posted by WMUTeach (Post 8491351)
Yes, I did use the directions on Page 26. The best geese yet but still not perfect and often end up flying some to the trash. Tee-Hee-Hee.

It will get better I promise !! x

joe'smom 06-17-2021 10:46 AM

Sorry about your covid numbers, Dotty!

Mkotch 06-19-2021 05:06 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are my June blocks. I also chickened out and substituted two blocks to avoid applique and fiddly diamonds. These came from "The Splendid Sampler" by Pat Sloan and were blocks I didn't do when I did my combined SS quilt (queen-sized). I did hand applique the heart in the center of one of the substitutes, though. This month's blocks were a nice batch. Thanks, Dotty, for keeping us going!

toverly 06-19-2021 07:13 AM

The blocks look great y'all! I have struck out on my own and am working on blocks they go in the quilt. Avoiding applique and only making 77 blocks for a twin size layout. Love the colors. We have tropical storm Claudette going thru today so it's a perfect day to sew. Happy Sewing!

joe'smom 06-19-2021 11:35 AM

Mkotch, your blocks are wonderful. That melon-y pink is dreamy!

Mkotch 06-20-2021 01:58 AM

I forgot to mention that my last block, Confluence, is put together wrong. I know I could just take it apart and resew, but I kind of like it that way so I left it alone.

DottyD 06-20-2021 03:25 AM

Harriet's Journey BOM

Originally Posted by Mkotch (Post 8491890)
I forgot to mention that my last block, Confluence, is put together wrong. I know I could just take it apart and resew, but I kind of like it that way so I left it alone.

To be honest, I would not have noticed if you had not pointed it out. Looks good to me xx

Darcyshannon 06-21-2021 05:27 PM

Isn’t that how new designs are discovered?https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/boy.gif

Macybaby 06-22-2021 05:56 AM

Lovely blocks everyone! I've had to take a break from sewing for garden and home projects. Seems strange to not have sewn anything for several weeks now! We are participating in an area wide garage sale this weekend and after that I hope to get back to sewing so I can get caught up on my blocks. I'm hoping to rehome some sewing machines too. That would really be nice to get more room in my sewing studio.

joe'smom 06-25-2021 07:14 PM

I've finished this month's blocks except for the applique-ed one. I think I might be the world's slowest applique-er.

QuiltingVagabond 06-26-2021 05:46 AM

I have been busy since the last batch of blocks but TODAY is the day to start in on them!

Teen 06-26-2021 11:33 AM

All the blocks shared look gorgeous! I haven’t been home to work on this project but this week I am finishing up 2 quilt tops and getting them ready for LA’er….then, this project will be my only WIP left besides my EPP traveling project, which I do in the evenings. My first 2 rows of HJ is assembled so I am on to row 3 & 4. Still planning on not doing all 100 blocks but we’ll see when I get there..

Kitsie 07-02-2021 12:45 PM

I love doing these blocks! Can you please tell me what size each block is? I do 6" blocks. Thanks for info!

DottyD 07-02-2021 12:59 PM

Harriet's Journey BOM

Originally Posted by Kitsie (Post 8494303)
I love doing these blocks! Can you please tell me what size each block is? I do 6" blocks. Thanks for info!

Hi Kitsie,
Yes, they are six inch blocks. It would be great for you to join us ! I shall be listing the next eight blocks tomorrow - July 3rd. Have you found the previous blocks I listed already ?

Kitsie 07-02-2021 01:14 PM

No, but the book is available through Amazon, so thanks!! But if I get a copy I can pick and choose to add to my "community quilts" for Canada. I like doing a 6"er every day from the MANY of patterns I have. So off to Amazon!

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