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-   -   Orphaned Blocks QAYG Challenge (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/orphaned-blocks-qayg-challenge-t196192.html)

dublb 03-22-2013 12:36 PM

Thank You Jenni!

vickig626 03-23-2013 05:55 AM

Originally Posted by Jenniky (Post 5946340)
As I was reading new items on the board I came across this QAYG method in the Tutorial section. http://www.quiltingboard.com/tutoria...ml#post5945600

Thought I would post it over here if anyone is interested and had not come across it. Im still working on piecing the top I will be sharing with the next method of quilting large quilts on a standard machine. Have a great day everyone. :thumbup:

Must be too early in the morning -- didn't quite understand how she did this but looking at the final result, it looks similar to how I've done a couple of quilts. From her pics, it looks like she is simply attaching each row to the entire batting & backing. If that's true, I haven't tried this method and would love to understand it better.

MadQuilter 03-25-2013 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by vickig626 (Post 5947691)
From her pics, it looks like she is simply attaching each row to the entire batting & backing.

Yep, that is what she's doing. I've seen that method done with fabric strips. This is my first look at doing it with patched rows.

GeePatti 03-26-2013 04:49 AM

Oh, I really want to master this! It is so much easier to work on a block, then join it to another block. My biggest problem is in the joining...figuring out how to make the back look as nice as the front.

Thank you for taking this on! I will try to participate as much as I can.

JudyG 03-26-2013 06:59 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I have decided that this is the way to go if I want to have decent looking quilts but don't want to have to pay a longarmer to quilt them. I have tried and tried and just am not good at working with large quilts in my machine. It is so much easier just to work with individual blocks. Here is my latest I have done in QAYG. I absolutely love this quilt. It was so easy to do and I think it came out really good.[ATTACH=CONFIG]404490[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]404491[/ATTACH]

dublb 03-26-2013 07:40 AM

OH! JudyG that's absolutely stunnin'! :thumbup:

Surfergirl 03-26-2013 07:49 AM

JudyG, your quilt is beautiful.

carriem 03-26-2013 08:10 AM

Judy--great quilting! I still do mostly SITD even when doing QAYG...might have to try a little more meandering after seeing how nice this looks!!

Jenniky 03-26-2013 10:36 AM

Originally Posted by JudyG (Post 5955455)
I have decided that this is the way to go if I want to have decent looking quilts but don't want to have to pay a longarmer to quilt them. I have tried and tried and just am not good at working with large quilts in my machine. It is so much easier just to work with individual blocks. Here is my latest I have done in QAYG. I absolutely love this quilt. It was so easy to do and I think it came out really good.[ATTACH=CONFIG]404490[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]404491[/ATTACH]

Awesome Quilt Judy thanks for sharing .

Jenniky 03-26-2013 10:40 AM

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Here is an update on the QAYG project Im working on. Soon as I finish the piecing I will have to go into town and pick up the batting and backing. Then I will be ready to start the QAYG process on this top.


The pieces on the left is a separate QAYG upcoming project. :thumbup:

dublb 03-26-2013 12:29 PM

Isn't it just gonna be wonderful?

Surfergirl 03-26-2013 12:37 PM

Your quilt is going to be very pretty.

vickig626 03-27-2013 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by GeePatti (Post 5955144)
Oh, I really want to master this! It is so much easier to work on a block, then join it to another block. My biggest problem is in the joining...figuring out how to make the back look as nice as the front.

Thank you for taking this on! I will try to participate as much as I can.

When I learned QAYG several years, it has really helped me get more done. PLUS.....I love making 2-sided quilts now. People will say the back is just as pretty as the front. I sometimes just use leftover fabrics or scraps / FQs or fabrics I know I don't really want to work with anymore and put these on the back. Really helps with busting the stash.

I mostly work on individual blocks and put them together but this limits pattern selection a little.

I'm starting to tackle patterns that need to be put together as a complete top to see the pattern (if that makes sense) so these get quilted in rows then put together ..... kind of like "flip and sew". I think Jenniky shared one of these methods previously.

Enjoy the learning process of QAYG. Once you master it, you'll love it !!

vickig626 03-27-2013 05:52 AM

Looking forward to learning a new technique Jenniky. Love your latest design.

Jenniky 03-31-2013 11:11 AM

Happy Easter everyone. Enjoying Easter weekend... back to work on Quilting next week. Taking me a lot longer to prep this tutorial than the others I've done so bare with me. :)

rwquilts 04-01-2013 03:40 AM

Originally Posted by Jenniky (Post 5967987)
Happy Easter everyone. Enjoying Easter weekend... back to work on Quilting next week. Taking me a lot longer to prep this tutorial than the others I've done so bare with me. :)

I'm so glad to see you after the winter craziness! I will follow along as can do. I love your top! And I love the gorgeous black and white finished quilt!

Jenniky 04-11-2013 08:02 AM

Just and update. Im still working on piecing the top for the tut. I ran out of materials to make the quilt top design I had planned so Im working on shifting the pieces now to make a one row smaller quilt using what I have available. Definitely need a cheering section as I move along on this project. Definitely not as fun as the first QAYG tutorial. Guess I best get to it this morning.. :)

carriem 04-11-2013 08:07 AM

Oh Jenni! It is so frustrating when you have a plan and things don't work out the way you want. We are looking forward to what you have for us to learn. :) When you are ready to post, we will be waiting!


dublb 04-11-2013 08:17 AM

Go Jenni, go jenni, gojenni, gojennigojennigojenni! Ya can do it. :)

ssnare 04-11-2013 02:39 PM

Jenni, you can do it. Slow and steady wins the race.

Jenniky 04-12-2013 09:06 AM

Thank you Thank you ....Carriem, Dublb, and Ssnare. Put my frustration on the shelf and pulled out another top I have been working on and off on. Will post a picture later today. :) I just need to sew the final rows together and the top is finished so will put me back on track for preparation and actually starting to machine quilt the first section .

dublb 04-12-2013 09:51 AM

Originally Posted by Jenniky (Post 5995851)
Thank you Thank you ....Carriem, Dublb, and Ssnare. Put my frustration on the shelf and pulled out another top I have been working on and off on. Will post a picture later today. :) I just need to sew the final rows together and the top is finished so will put me back on track for preparation and actually starting to machine quilt the first section .

A great way ta regroup! :thumbup: I'm goin' ta Brady so I'll check back here after we git back. :)

Jenniky 04-14-2013 05:47 AM

First Posting of QAYG Spring Project.
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First Posting of QAYG Spring Project.

I completed piecing the rows on my substitute top for this project. I hung the backing on the wall first and smoothed completely. Then I hung the batting and likewise smoothed it completely. Then I hung the top smoothing completely thus creating a sandwiched quilt. Using a hand quilting thread you can see in the picture I am hand basting the mid section of the quilt sandwich with large stitches zig zagging up then back down the center. This will stabilize the mid section of the quilt when I take it down off the wall.

[ATTACH=CONFIG]407987[/ATTACH] Yup that's me there in my comfy clothes working on the quilt. :)

When I am finished basting this mid section I will then carefully bring the quilt off the wall and fold back the outer sections top and bottom allowing me to cut off the end sections of the batting layer only. This will allow me to fold the outer portions tightly and pin them out of the way making it easier to maneuver the mid section of this large quilt on my small standard sewing machine. Once I have finished quilting the mid section I can either reattach the outer section of the batting I removed previous by hand stitching or using a heat bond made for joining batting pieces. Then after smoothing out and hand basting the first outer section I can again minimize by folding and pinning the other sections of the quilt enabling me to work freely on the second section. Finally I will reattach the third section and after hand basting it and pinning the other sections I am ready to quilt the final section of the top.

If you are using a low loft batting it is feasibly possibly to quilt your sections without removing the batting. It really depends on what you are comfortable with and IMHO the intricacy and movement required for your quilting patterns. Will post more pictures as I complete the quilting on the sections.

Just a note:

So far I have found that the first QAYG process I shared at the beginning of this thread to be the easiest for making large quilts on a standard size sewing machine. I know I have learned so much about QAYG hosting this thread. There are other variations of QAYG then I have covered in this thread; however I have not been able to get my head around some of the concepts with the free tutorials provided. What's coming next?

Yup, you guessed it. This will be my last project for this thread. This 2013 I am going to focus more on just the quilt tops. There are so many patterns I have yet to make. LOL I'm ready to leave the quilting aspect to the Long Arm Quilters this year and focus on just piecing. :)

Hugs all around Ladies will post more pictures as I complete this project. :thumbup:

Jenniky 04-14-2013 03:14 PM

Sewing Your quilt in divided batting sections.
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With the quilt off the wall I cut the batting from each side of the center..
(remember only cut the batting :thumbup:)

Now I rolled both sides inward tightly without batting adding to the bulk I can easily maneuver it in the machine to stipple the center of the quilt.


Once I finished stippling the center I was then ready to insert and outside batting. As I stated before you can either hand baste the batting back together or use a heat bond designed for joining batting. As you can see I hand basted mine.

Then it was back to quilting first one side then I did the above step again to the other side and completed the quilting.


Now at this point If I wanted to make this quilt larger I could use the technique from the second QAYG tutorial to add a quilted border all around this small quilt. :)

dublb 04-14-2013 03:31 PM

Oh, Jenni! It's just wonderful. You did a wonderful tute w/this one & came up w/a beautiful quilt ta teach us with. You are the best!!

JeanieG 04-14-2013 04:09 PM

I have used this method several times and it works beautifully.

I love your quilt Jenniky, that is a wonderful pattern. Thank you for all your help. I have learned so much from all your tutes!

rwquilts 04-17-2013 04:31 AM

Jenniky, thank you once again for your super tutorial! You have done such a fantastic job in showing the QAYG methods! Wonderful! Have fun making tops this year! :)

Jenniky 04-17-2013 05:23 AM

Thank you my quilting friends. Have an Awesome Day!:thumbup:

VickiM 04-17-2013 05:58 PM

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JEN...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Yes, I really am screaming it...:) I spent the month making a queen size (90x108) T-shirt quilt (my first ever, both for type & size) for my grandson who will be graduating in June. I NEVER could have done this if I had not learned that first qayg that you taught. I used the pattern "BQ" by Debbie Bowles (used assorted sports 2 1/2" strips to make the 12 1/2" blocks; decided to do the qayg in 3 sections only because I wanted the back squares (I embroidered them for the story) to kinda float. That made each section 36x90. That section was heavy enough on it's own...by the time I added that last strip I could hardly lift the quilt! I have tennis elbow and a wrist & shoulder problem that came out making the quilt (I guess because it was so heavy). I really must love him! I WILL NEVER MAKE ANOTHER ONE OF THAT SIZE!!! So, again, thank you for the technique.

carriem 04-17-2013 06:20 PM

Wow Vicki! That turned out great!!! I like your messages on the back.

Jenniky 04-18-2013 06:46 AM

I agree with Carriem.. WOW Vicki!! That is an awesome accomplishment. I am sure your grandson will treasure it for years and years. It is so wonderful that we all joined together to make this thread informative and inspirational to accomplish projects we might not have attempted otherwise. Thank you Thank you everyone that posted in this thread and made it the learning tool it became. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

dublb 04-18-2013 06:59 AM

Vickie - That is just stunnin'!!!! A great graduation present!

MadQuilter 04-18-2013 12:50 PM

OMG your quilts are just beautiful. I really need to get my sorry buns in gear and work off some of the UFOs.

SewExtremeSeams 04-18-2013 03:48 PM

You did such a great job Vicki.

Patricia Faye 04-24-2013 04:06 PM

Vicki M your quilt is amazing! Your grandson will love it!

luvfabric 04-29-2013 05:41 AM

Glad that I found your post. I will be following along. I am doing the French Rose pattern with my scraps. I love how
it is turning out. So much fun. I have been wanting to put it together with the QAYG technique. I had seen this technique on a sewing program but did not write it down or keep the name of the woman who was doing it.
Thanks for doing it.

paintmejudy 05-20-2013 09:53 AM

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These "orphans" were from block swaps -- blocks not to 12-1/2" square or not done according to the themne I had posted. Saw this idea in a magazine, and made the small blocks to a correct size. This is a child's quilt out of them.

Roe 05-20-2013 10:48 AM

Hi, I hope I'm Not to late joining this you. I have done a quilt doing QAUG it is in my album Grandmothers' Garden. I would like to learn more . We never know enough.

quilting nurse 05-24-2013 05:37 AM

I'm in on this.I need a push to do this.

Jmillie 06-21-2013 03:18 AM

I am a tad bit late to this forum,, but will be following along now!

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