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oksewglad 02-24-2014 06:48 PM

Fun MB's showing up. Great job. My last one is hot off the press and going in the mail tomorrow.
I hate to see all the ice on the trees and bushes--so hard on them, Honchey. Oh I've got some mint chocolate chip ice cream that'll give you cake a zing as some of us huddle around the wood stove. Yup below zero temps again this week. Will it ever end?
Got a call from DDIL. No baby, but would you like to attach a bowtie to a onesie, a tie to a T shirt and make a jumper for Livvy for family pictures? Of course I said yes and am waiting for the supplies to get them done.
GGal, DS has had his house on the market since last summer when he realized that he probably won't be coming back to live. Oh the pull of a sweetheart!!!
I'm off to get projects ready to mail. Night all

QuiltE 02-24-2014 08:10 PM

And so begins ... Operation Baby Watch .... for OKSGlad!
How exciting for you to be asked to provide the special clothes for the first pics!

mirabelle 02-24-2014 10:12 PM

Honchey you made me smile with your beach photo, when we go to the beach we wear bathers not rugged up in winter woollies:D:D

Have cleaned the house today and removed all evidence of the animal quilt, working on getting my Sylvia blocks up to date now, 4 down and 4 to go.

Have a great day everyone

deranged_damsel 02-25-2014 06:32 AM

Hello All!!!
grabbing a second to sit down and write! I have missed all of you! SO good to see Honchey :D

my internet has been bad again due to wind storm... and what do we do when we have no internets???? we SEW!!! My goal for myself this month was to FINISH projects... which I HAVE :D :D :D but I dont think that it counts when the started projects out number the finished :P

Also cleaning up outdoors, planning veggie garden space :D Taking full advantage of the WARM weather because I know it wont last long ;)

BUSY things to do today, picture day at school for the kids :D and helping my sister, with babysitting her little one who has flu, while she goes to court. the never ending battle for child support is ridiculous!

have a GOOD one ladies :D :D :D See you all soon!!!

Anael 02-25-2014 07:54 AM

Honchey, lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing!

Mirabelle, I've been on the beach dressed like Honchey quite often :D

DD, nice to see you again!

QuiltE 02-25-2014 02:19 PM

MiraB ... whatever happened to your 35 hour days? :D I can't believe you are behind on anything! Of course, being behind for you probably means not having March (or would it be April's?) BOMs done!!! :)

DDamsel ... good strategy, quilt instead of internet! So what was the net count on the WIPs? :)

Moi?? ... catching up from the Olympics. I did the minimal WORK during, as I could not watch while be in the office. But I sure could sew and watch!! :):) Trying to get out of WORK mode in late afternoons or at the least in the evenings and head to the sewing room! And that's where I plan to be, tonight!! :D

janRN 02-25-2014 02:45 PM

Good to hear from everyone. It seems like we've been very productive during this awful winter. Good news--I'm HOPEFULLY back to working only Mondays. Please keep your fingers crossed! Worked yesterday and there were no traumas, dramas, arrests, etc.----just an average work day. I do have 2 funny stories from 2 of yesterdays patients. Mondays we see people that have been to the Emergency Room over the week-end.

Patient #1: She was asleep in her bed flat on her back when a raccoon fell out of her ceiling and landed on her chest. She jumped out of bed and ran straight into the door breaking her nose. She did have the presence of mind to close the door so Animal Control officers were able to go get it to test for rabies. As they were heading to her house she told them there were more up there because she's heard them running around for awhile now.

Patient #2: It's been freezing cold here and his dog pooped on his patio instead of the yard. He decided to get out a golf club and drive the poop off the patio (and probably into his neighbor's yard). As he swung the club, he slipped on the icy patio, the club flew back and broke a window and he fell and broke his wrist. I'm sure there's a moral to this story but I'm not sure what it is.

One of these days I'm going to write a book! Have a good evening, ladies.

QuiltE 02-25-2014 05:29 PM

oooooooooooooooh JanRN .... thanks for this moment of hilarity!!!
One thing for sure, you CANNOT ever quit working ... you get so many stories.

And yes, start writing those down ... you could sell it just as jottings in a journal, without a doubt! :D:D:D

mirabelle 02-25-2014 11:25 PM

Another fun day at work for JanRN, made me smile thank you!!!

Have not set foot inside my sewing room today, but I did get a lot of other "stuff" done, DH arrived home before lunch so have spent the afternoon catching up on his news from work... (boring really but I have to listen):D:D

deranged_damsel 02-26-2014 06:11 AM

~~~Giggles~~~ THANKS Jan for the great stories :D

QuiltE... I will NEVER tell how many WIP I have! If it is 100, or if 1 it is still far too embarrassing to tell :D :D :D
I DO keep a list on my desktop, of WIP, needs to be quilted, ready to start, and some day! I think it keeps my brains organized some what.

Hopefully another nice warm day today! it was 60 yesterday :D

Dont even get me started talking olympics! I havent been able to watch as much as I WANT to, but it wont stop me from bragging about our dear athletes!!! .... trying to resist..... unable to resist..... urrrrrgh..... TED LIGHETY!!!!!
there! now I feel better :D

Have a GOOD one ladies!!!

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