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What are We Organizing Today 2024

What are We Organizing Today 2024

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Old 02-14-2024, 05:11 PM
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Did another look about in my sewing space today and tackled two project boxes that needed to be emptied and the contents returned to their proper places. Of course, immediately after emptying one project box I found something to put it in, but that means it is now off my table and in a place when I can access it easily but not have the contents haunting and nagging me taking up my work space.

Now it is time to buckle down to get some projects finished. I know that is another thread, but these half finished things are often what is cluttering up my working space and my brain space. They have been moved to one spot in my room allowing me to work on one, finish it and to then move on to other projects old and newish that need my attention.

Wesing, I too have experienced a serious slow down as I "mature". Taking small bites like many are doing here seems to work for me. Just the worktable top or just the books or just one bin of red fabric makes the job doable. Several organizing gurus suggest setting a timer. I have done that in the past and it works. It is always amazing to me how 15 focused minutes and make such a difference. Job finished, not likely but progress, yes, indeedy do! And for me, that is often all I need to clear my head and a little space in my work area.
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Old 02-16-2024, 01:49 PM
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Getting projects finished in order to get them off your work surface counts as organizing in my book LOL!

That's what I'm doing today- stitching together some things so I can put them in their project box and get it out of my space while I work on other things. And, I'm still making progress on that list I posted at the beginning of the year. I've finished up the junk journal area and found a bunch more stuff that my sister can use for her students- that's one more box full out of my space. I spent Valentine's Day taking apart and putting back together the rolling cart that stores my mat board and art papers. That was a job, but well worth it. It is much easier to find and pull out the paper or mat board that I want. Also much easier to put back what I pull but don't use!

I've discovered that the older I get the more stressed I get when my space is overrun with stuff. It makes it hard for me to want to be in my quilting studio when it's piled up- even if the piles are organized WIPs. Too much "creativity" saps my energy for actually being creative. If y'all know what I mean.

I found a good tip on one of the YouTube channels. Instead of making everything easily accessible- make everything easy to put away.

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Old 02-17-2024, 05:47 PM
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Praise be, I got the door on my closet fixed. Now I can close the double bi-fold door and not see my stash and collection of "stuff". Why did I wait 6 years to get this done? Partially just got used to it but partially because folks promised to fix it "the next time I come over". Then they would forget and on and on the story goes. What a difference it make to the general appearance of the room when all the stash in bins and additional supplies are out of sight. Now, as I work toward keeping only current projects out, my space should appear, emphasis on appear, more neat and tidy. Let peace reign in my sewing space.
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Old 02-18-2024, 07:40 AM
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Congrats on getting the door fixed! Isn't it amazing how one little thing can take so long to get to, but once it's done it makes a major impact on our space?

I'm going to try the timer thing someone mentioned in a previous post. That should prevent me from overdoing it and then being too sore/stiff to get anything done the next day!

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Old 02-18-2024, 04:28 PM
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Just like one item making a BIG difference, in my case the replaced door, using a timer is amazingly effective to get moving forward on the often overwhelming task of organization. The timer allows you to have one set amount of time to work and then you can relax and return to something you WANT to do. I agree a second benefit is one does not over work to the point of causing sore joints and muscles. Then again, you can keep working on what you want to do, really want to do, sew, stitch and play with fabric.

Last edited by WMUTeach; 02-18-2024 at 04:30 PM.
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Old 02-28-2024, 06:24 AM
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Couldn't sleep so got up at..won't tell ypu how early...and started to organize.
  • Too many containers of scraps so decided to combine them.
  • Tossed out take out containers, food containers from grocery. Containers that have or do NOT have lids are gone.(If they have been empty for a year guess I don't need them.)
  • Corraled zip lock plastic bags into one LARGE zip lock bag.
  • Combined containers with white and ToT scraps.
  • Plastic bags from FREE table going back to FREE table at Project Linus. (Yep, been looking at that fab for at least a year.
  • Applilque kit I was gifted going to gal who loves to applique. (YES had this for a yar, too.)
  • NOT sorting scraps. Will toss out little ones as I sew.
  • Touching odd fabric only once. Toss or into HUGE scrap container.
  • Jelly rolls and charms go into their new home.
Time to take a break. Starting to just move stluff around. Think I'll sew for a couple hours and then pick up where I left off.
Room starting dto come together.

Last edited by Julienm1; 02-28-2024 at 06:28 AM.
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Old 02-28-2024, 08:23 AM
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Good news! Lost has been found. 6.5 ruler showed up and so did the mimi rotary cudtter. Cutdting table now can be used to cut fab. I've been sewing squares together for 2 quilts. One is log cabin that uses 2.5 squares and the other is Arkansas crossroads. Just tring to keep these squares undercontrol.
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Old 02-28-2024, 04:57 PM
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Yeah for you, Julienm1! That is quite a list of accomplishments. Bet it feels good to be free of all of those odds and ends that have been "cluttering up your work space". You are now free to move about your room and make blocks out of all of those scraps and 2.5's. Project Linus will will love your returns and your finishes.

Congratulations! Hip HIp Hooray!
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Old 03-04-2024, 11:38 AM
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Congratulations Julienm1! And way to go on giving up the various containers that you no longer need. It's so tempting to keep them, "just in case"!

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Old 03-08-2024, 02:31 PM
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I had two quilting friends visit and they helped me a lot with current and future projects but my sewing room organisation is completely trashed as we got out lots of boxes and lots of fabric from those boxes.
I have to start again.

Just read what @Julienm1 (congratulations BTW!!) did in one morning! Maybe I can get sorted again...

Last edited by paddingtonbear; 03-08-2024 at 02:34 PM.
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