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dublb 12-14-2018 08:28 AM

There was a dusting of snow on the ground when I got up but it melted fast. The wind blew like a banshee all last night. The rain gauge said we got an inch & a half yesterday through last night.
I have still been sewing like a crazy person.

Here is a pict of all 3 clues done.

Clue 4 came out today & it is strings. I am gonna have to think on that. They take so long. At least she showed how to do more at a time.

sewbizgirl 12-14-2018 12:39 PM

Sue, lucky your tablets worked for vertigo... They sent me home with two Rxs and neither one made any difference. One was meclizine and the other was ondancetron. I just had to let it wear off.

Bev, your Good Fortune units look so sharp with the black! I can't believe she's already up to clue 4. Seems like just yesterday it started.

QuiltingNinaSue 12-15-2018 06:49 AM

since I finished the RW&B fpr dh, he is going to QAYG on our newer Bernina 550 sewing machine. So I started on Bonnie Hunter's Good Fortune, since I have the colors of fabric needed in my stash. Red in the four-patch and will figure out the rest as I go. Saving each step since I do not have a printer until the new year rolls around.

SBG, they gave me Meclizine HLC 25 mg tabs. Every time I laid down to sleep, the whole room spin around me. Terrible feeling. Upright, I had to hold on to my stick or the wall. My ears were hurting so bad. The 'expert' we saw said there was nothing wrong with my ears, it all was cased by my jaw bone because I have false teeth and took them out of a night. And charged $$$ for his opinion. Why are the quacks we meet seem to 'specialize' and know nothing, I cannot figure out.

It is sunny here today and temps are on the rise to 47 degrees today. DD watched foxes play around her neighbor's yard in Lincoln, NE...this morning. They live in a historical neighborhood in sight of the Capital building in town and still see wild life. It is not far from the zoo. Everyone have a great weekend!

dublb 12-15-2018 07:04 AM

Yesterday was mostly spent sitting in front of the airport in San Angelo waiting for #2DSon. His connecting flight in Dallas was delayed. I did get my hand quilt ready to work on during the morning so I had something to do while we sat there. I hadn't worked on it in a while & the cat thinks the hoop makes a perfect hammock. Gosh but it took forever to get the cat hair off of it. Then I remarked it. I finished one square while there.

QuiltingNinaSue 12-16-2018 05:56 AM

Dublb, I guess the good news is that he finally arrived and now family is enjoying his stay. Nice to have family in at Christmas time.

I talked to DS and he thought we had snow here, so he is thinking of coming in the spring. I told him no snow, just rain but he had already canceled in his mind. So we will enjoy his visit when he can make it. It has been four years in March since we have seen him and DD here. DH's brother will come Christmas Eve to visit with him.

Working on Bonnie Hunter's clue number one. That takes a bit of time. I might must finish this one. Time will tell. Pulling out fabrics and looking at them as possible ones I will use in this BH. I love what you have done, Dublb.

sewbizgirl 12-16-2018 06:25 AM

Sue, did the meclizine help? I didn't notice any difference when I took it and they even told me it wouldn't do much for the dizziness.

I'm so impressed that Mr. QNS is quilting! He might enjoy some videos by The Quilting Marine, and ex-Marine man who does a lot of scrap quilting.

Bev, glad you son made it in, even if delayed. Enjoy your visit!

About this time next week we will be on our way to dd's house in Memphis. Hubby's uncle is coming up and we will take him along with us. His own family has disowned him (due to their own dysfunction) so we get to have him with us for holidays. He's such a fun guy.

oksewglad 12-16-2018 06:42 AM

So the secret to getting quilts finished is to have a quilter husband! That's my problem!

Holidays can be great until travel times messes with the schedules and then one adapts and adjusts! Got news last week that NC family may be taking a road trip this week! The way Christmas falls #2DS has a long work break...not vacation time...and they are seriously thinking of packing up the 3 kids and the dog and heading north..oh guess I really better get things together. Hadn't planned on extras this year...guess I will forego the tree but better get some little trees out and decorated instead...I will probably be AWOL until the New Year! So safe travels near and far and may the blessings of the season be with you all!

QuiltingNinaSue 12-16-2018 03:16 PM

Sight can be a problem in sewing. I noticed no stitches as I was going From selvage to selvage edge yesterday and just one thread showing, so I re-threaded the needle and hummed along for couple of inches and noticed one thread again and no stitches forming. Then I changed the needle and started up again...one thread showing on top...so I checked the bobbin...it was empty! Problem solved.

I was busy cutting more strips today, going for the 290 four patches. Rechecked pattern instructions tonight, and it calls for 240, not 290. It pays to check instructions.! LOL.

Everyone enjoy your company for Christmas. I will be sewing on, sew on.

sewbizgirl 12-16-2018 05:13 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here are the two outfits I finished for the baby grandgirls that are coming. Each has a dress, leggings and headband.

For the February baby:

And for the April baby:

Battle Axe 12-16-2018 05:23 PM

I read somewhere that you aren't supposed to put those headbands on as the skull is so soft.

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