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oksewglad 12-18-2012 05:55 PM

OH my I haven't caught up to all the chatter. Hey folks--just a note to let you know I'm still on the planet. Don't expect to hear from me for a while. Our dear kids gave us a surprise BD party last Saturday and have had 4 days of company et al during the busiest time of the year. Have Christmas looming ahead and eoy bookwork to get finished. I think I will come up for air sometime after the first week of January. Oh and then it's time to get ready for taxes eeek! Like a bad penny I'll show up again.

QuiltE 12-18-2012 06:49 PM

waves HELLO to everyone!

:D I see there's a lot of cookie crumbs around!! Hope everyone is enjoying their SantaQNSue treats! :D

No I haven't dropped off the planet either.
No I am not done Frosty.
A little more since I reported in, but had to switch gears and make a housecoat for a gift for tomorrow's Christmas GTG here with a friend who will be here til late Thursday. Have it made now, all except for the belt loops and pockets. Those will just be pinned on, til I have the person, to get them in the right place. Likewise the hem is waiting ... would they like it long? or just over the knee? Did a ragged edge (like the quilts) and have now washed and fluffed that raggy edge. Looking good, though all kinds of escaped threads, so I guess I'll be spending some time with a lint brush. And then need to get it wrapped.

Then Friday night have two couples for supper ... and then my entertaining is done and I will then be having to work like crazy to finish Frosty for Christmas Day.

So tonight ... crumbed dressing, made a pan of squares (3 layers, fiddly things, why did I do that?), cooked potatoes for the make ahead version, made a cake to be crumbed up and into trifle in a pan (cuts into squares, instead of looking mucky like trifle can tend to. Tomorrow ... Big Bird (well, not too big) will be cooked, with all the trimmings.

So chances are ... you won't hear from me til Saturday!

Anyone looking like they'll see a WHITE Christmas? All reports here are calling for green, green green ... and rain! UGH!

dublb 12-18-2012 07:06 PM

Good for you! I made myself ta press & square-up a top that I plan ta go the the Living Care Facility that DMIL lived at. Actually I'm now plannin on makin' 11 o' 'em & not gittin' 'em done for Christmas. I've got 3.5 tops done. Now ta do more Bonus blocks.

I thought I was postin' after Jan. LOL

QuiltingNinaSue 12-18-2012 07:46 PM

I think the BB blocks were slated to be after Christmas and December activities; so no one is behind at this point. Instead of the creator posting, it may have to be the receiver....will wait until January to see for sure if they are to be a surprise to the receiver or posted in advance.

It so good to hear of your activities and plans as they process in the fast lane and how you all are enjoying the season and Holiday busy days. I promise to 'rest' for all of you, sleep an extra hour, and take a break with a cuppa tea in the virtual RV. Meet with you all there as you get a moment.

dublb 12-18-2012 07:54 PM

LOL I wanted ta do the BB's & not the pressin' o' the top. LOL I still want ta do the BB's. I got 7 o' 'em done.

carriem 12-18-2012 08:24 PM

Sounds like all are keeping busy!!

Tonight was the cookie exchange at our church. It was a good time. I ended up taking snickerdoodles and peanut butter w/bite-size snickers wrapped inside. Got a good variety in return. I really liked the new recipes I got from QNS, but DH is not an oatmeal fan so figured I better make something he would eat too..cause of course I had to leave some home. :)

I have had a productive day in the clubhouse too...I finished one Rosie block and have all the fabric sewn on the papers for the last block, just have to sew the pieces together. When I get that done I have all the blocks finished! Not sure if I told you all, but I have all my papers and fabrics cut for the BBs...those are next on the list after Rosie (so Thursday or Friday...I work tomorrow).

I like to reward myself to with sewing stuff I *want to* when I finished something I *have to*.

Jan--you made some great progress on your PC quilt! After my BBs are finished I will go back to assembling my PC blocks. My goal is to have both quilts finished by the end of January. I made my very first block in Feb this year, so figure getting them done in a years time is pretty good.

dublb 12-18-2012 08:38 PM

Carrie, I had forgotten that ya are such a newbee, 'cause your so good!:thumbup:

mirabelle 12-18-2012 09:34 PM

JanRN I hope you are not getting yourself bogged down in "must do's" I find what works for me and that is to work in small increments of time. I will set the timer on my oven, cause I don't always look at my watch, for an hour and then tell myself that I am going to get xyz finished in an hour. If I don't get it all finished I don't beat myself up just adjust my capabilities.

When I was trying to get Jamestown finished and it seemed to be dragging me down a little, I would sew a row on and walk away, chat on the computer, clean my kitchen, read a patchwork book, whatever, then go back and sew another row on, if you want to start something new make it small enough that you can finish it in a few hours or days and see results. Then you may have the motivation to do a few more PC rows.
Good luck

QNS I am popping into the RV for a coffee and some yummy cookies, hope you have some left:D

QuiltingNinaSue 12-19-2012 05:18 AM

Good to see you Mirabelle, in the virtual RV. Yes, to put oat meal in the cookie is your choice; just use flour. I have couple dozen chocolate cowboy cookies and peanut butter Reese's M & M peanut butter chips left over...no oatmeal so you can take a couple home with you. Turns out my basic starting place is the same as what QuiltE uses as her starting place for cookies!

My LQS lady presses my quilts for me for $5.00 and its worth that to me so I don't have too juggle it around on the ironing board, Dublb. The queen and king sizes seem like a giant piece by the time I finish with them. Not used to handling that much fabric in one piece, I guess.

QuiltE 12-19-2012 07:08 AM

QNSue ... WOW!! $5 ... and I'd give her ALL my pressing! :) That's a super deal that she will do that for you. Does she have one of those big presser machines, somewhat like they have at the dry cleaners?

Where we start? .... are you meaning that I only see a recipe as a guide and then improvise from there? Oh yea, that's me to a T!!

JanRN ... I know what you mean by spinning wheels instead of being productive. hhmmm? maybe that's why I am here at the computer right now, instead of in the kitchen doing prep for tonight's supper? When I'm like this, it's a sure sign that I am just plain tired, and need a good sleep. Sometimes it's not about pushing ourselves to do the job that needs to be done and we know we should do. Whereas we are better to just not do it, when we are not "in the zone" as I call it! For me, that's a sure thing that I'll botch it up!! Sometimes waiting til we are "ready" is better, and then we go at it with great enthusiasm and in no time, the job is done!

And with all that said ... sometimes, I know, we just have to plug along whether we want to or not ... as in for me today, being that I have company for supper.
Stuffing prepped, turkey ready to hit the oven at noon, dessert 1/2 made (make in stages!).
I think the food prep is just about done.
Guess next I should go set the table and have that finished.

Cheers Ladies!

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