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Quilting Nonnie 07-10-2012 08:23 AM

Quirky Habits
Okay I admit it, I have quirky habits.

I hate to turn off music in the middle of a song.
If music is on, I can't turn it off when I'm going to take a shower. :o

When I'm pouring something, usually food, into a container I pour in the amount I want then stop and pour in just a little bit more.

I arrange my eggs in the carton so that they are balanced. The reasoning is that I don't want to pull it out and flip it up or down because the weight is all at the front or back.

Okay, confession time! :)

What quirky habits do you have?

amandasgramma 07-10-2012 08:29 AM

quirky habits -- hmmmmmm I've never thought of this!!!

Okay -- I insist the most used kitchen utensils go in the 2nd drawer down and the least used go in the 3rd down drawer....

I have to have my pans stacked by size --- even the fry pans

Those sound more anal retentive than quirky -- ROL

I refuse to eat my watermelon when the rind is on it -- I have to cut it off

I'll have to think some more!!

BTW - I love your signature line down there --- LOL

Tartan 07-10-2012 09:05 AM

I tap my spoon on my tea cup after stirring the sugar and milk in. I do this so the spoon doesn't drip of the way to the sink. I turn the kitchen light on to answer the kitchen phone. I have a lot more but both of these drive my husband up the wall.:D

Jingle 07-10-2012 09:09 AM

I have too many to think of just one or two. Husband has some too.

quiltsRfun 07-10-2012 09:51 AM

I make sure all the labels are facing out when I put canned goods on the shelf. It's kind of quirky but it also helps when you're looking for something.

mrs theo 07-10-2012 10:49 AM

The toilet paper and paper towels have to be placed so they roll from the top down! I've been known to rearrange these at my daughter's and friend's houses...so pathetic!

LovingIzabella 07-10-2012 11:00 AM

All of the light switches have to be in the same position LOL We have a lot of switches that can be turned on or off from more than one place in the home so we have rows of two or three light switches. They all have to be up or down...I will go through the house and flip them all to make them right.
I know I have more but this is one that my husband just doesn't get lmao

Helovesme 07-10-2012 11:30 AM

The coffee grinder has to be lined up exactly so it covers the electrical outlet behind it.

The coffee maker sits equal distance between the coffee grinder and the placemat that holds the coffee fixin's

When applying hand lotion, each hand has to have the same amount of squirts. Same goes for my legs.

I always fix my husband's coffee first. The dog always gets fed before the cat. Dunno why I do that.

Geez, don't know if I'm more anal retentive or quirky. But -- I can leave a pile of clothes on the floor NEXT TO the clothes basket for a week and it not bother me.

Rose_P 07-10-2012 12:01 PM

Balancing the egg carton as you do makes perfect sense to me, as does tapping the spoon so it won't drip. I just thought those were common sense rather than quirky. Turning on the light when you answer the phone also makes sense because you might need to jot a note. Pans won't nest unless they're stacked by size. I don't have a lot of habits I can't rationalize some way. :p It's my husband who has the quirky ones! (How come we don't have a little imp face among the smileys here?)

I tell my kids and nieces and nephews that if a prospective mate does anything that is the least bit annoying to you, take a good hard look at it because if you marry him/her you will be dealing with that forevermore, and it will only annoy you worse over time.

amandasgramma 07-10-2012 01:04 PM

AMEN, Rose_P!!!!

ptquilts 07-10-2012 01:25 PM

Originally Posted by quiltsRfun (Post 5353689)
I make sure all the labels are facing out when I put canned goods on the shelf. It's kind of quirky but it also helps when you're looking for something.

ooohh, like the bad husband in "Sleeping with the Enemy."......

ptquilts 07-10-2012 01:27 PM

I have to organize the laundry when I hang it on the line - socks together, my undies, Dh's undies, t shirts, pillowcases, etc. Like goes with like. Or else....

Plus I go nuts if two forks are stuck together by the tines - like nails on a blackboard.

raptureready 07-10-2012 01:28 PM

Most of my quirks are food related (I think)

I don't eat wet bread---dressing, bread pudding, soggy Italian beef, etc.
Pumpkin and custard pies are also a big NO because I don't like the feel of them on my tongue
I like cheese but not on sandwiches except for burgers

I used to have a lot of quirks about my house, everything had to be neat and in it's place.
My home was my sanctuary and I didn't like to have it invaded by anyone. After people would come and visit it always felt strange, like it wasn't "just mine" anymore. That might have come from growing up in a very small house with 7 other people.

Oh, I have a phobia about birds, heights and tight spaces.

raptureready 07-10-2012 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by quiltsRfun (Post 5353689)
I make sure all the labels are facing out when I put canned goods on the shelf. It's kind of quirky but it also helps when you're looking for something.

LOL, mine are alphabetized too. But I'll bet that like me, you can make out a grocery list with one quick glance.

kathdavis 07-10-2012 01:34 PM

None here! LOL

quiltsRfun 07-10-2012 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by raptureready (Post 5354197)
LOL, mine are alphabetized too. But I'll bet that like me, you can make out a grocery list with one quick glance.

That reminds me, I also alphabetize my spices. Makes them so much easier to locate.

quiltsRfun 07-10-2012 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by ptquilts (Post 5354184)
ooohh, like the bad husband in "Sleeping with the Enemy."......

Guess I missed that one.

tesspug 07-10-2012 03:07 PM

I have to squeeze every little bit out of the toothpaste tube. I even roll something round on the tube to get it all. Same with any thing that comes in a tube. That sucker better be empty.

Jan in VA 07-10-2012 06:08 PM

This is a fun topic!!
I'm quirky about the way I drink Coke...I absolutely have to have it poured slowly down the side of the glass, which has to come out of the freezer not the cupboard, and have one very large piece of ice in it. I make my ice in the smallest (1/2 cup?) Glad plastic disposable cups.:thumbup:

I only use Yardley Lavendar soap in my bathroom.

I have to sleep with 5 pillows, one against my tummy, one against my back, one under/between my knees and another to support my upper arm when on my side. Oh, and my head, of course. (Reckon I'll never remarry unless we have separate bedrooms! No room in my bed, LOL!):o

I can't stand the feeling of 'prickly' upholstery fabrics, only cotton/denim for me! Or I have to cover my seat and chair arms with dish towels.:eek:

Don't anybody touch my pillowcase or face towels, nobody!:mad:

Geez, there is certainly a bit of neuroticism among us!:D

Jan in VA

amandasgramma 07-10-2012 06:19 PM

:) :) I love this topic, too!!! Jan -- you're so funny!

sew_Tracy 07-10-2012 06:24 PM

I cannot stand any wrinkles in my sheets. If I were rich I would hire a maid to wash them and hang them dry and change them daily. Not one spec of dirt or crumbs. Yes, so we have an ancient cat who lives in our room with a litter box (not MY choice, she is DH's cat.) Guess what gets in the bed? Kitty litter! UGH!

I also hate wet bread. I even toast my hamburger and hot dog buns so the condiments won't sink in.

I have a favorite coffee mugs. I cannot drink out of a straight mug or a large one. They have to be small and tapered. If DH brings me a cup of coffee in a large or straight mug, I pour them into a more suitable mug.

My towels MUST be folded in thirds.

I hate for anyone else to fold my laundry.

I cannot sleep unless I have Vicks under my nose. Smells really bother me...see post about elderly cat and cat box.

I am terrified of static electricity.

Cat boxes gross me out.

I have a 20+ year old pillow I cannot sleep without.

I ignore the phone. Why do people have to call me? Don't they know I am busy and have no time for chit-chat?

So much more. Sure I am neurotic. I don't care. I am 52 in August and I will not take any more BS!

Jazzmyn 07-10-2012 07:34 PM

I have several light switches in a room also and they must be going the same way.

All the hangers in the closet must be going hook over rod.

All paper money must be facing the same way.....I used to be a bank teller and our cash drawers had to be nice and neat and the paper money going the same way. Drives me nuts when I get change from a cashier and the paper money is going every which way.

Does not bother me to have news papers stacked to the ceiling on the kitchen table, but when I worked my desk had to be cleared before I left for the day.....this drives my husband nuts...maybe that is why I do it...HA!!

I am sure there are a lot more that I can't think of right now.

BKrenning 07-10-2012 08:27 PM

I know many people who have almost all of the quirks listed above. Some of mine are just the way I was raised--no hats at the table, shirts are required at the table and no supper until the sink is empty. The last one drives my family crazy because I won't fix supper if the sink is full of dishes--we will all eat peanut butter sandwiches or someone else will fix supper. Most of my personal issues are food related--marshmallows, tapioca, rice pudding, malt-o-meal and cream of wheat, canned asparagus & pickled okra. The texture gags me. When I was younger, no food was allowed to touch another food on my plate or I wouldn't eat the parts that touched each other. I'm not quite as picky now but I still don't like it and will avoid letting my foods touch and I still tilt my plate to keep juices from flowing onto other food.

Hubby is much more anal than I. He has to have his "elbow" space at the table, puts the toilet paper on over the top and will gripe & grumble if we don't do it right, I still can't figure out the paper towel holder thing so I just deal with his grumbling over that one. He's sentimentally attached to an ugly vertical, wooden towel holder that just irritates the crap out of me so he should just count himself lucky that I bothered to put paper towels on it at all--LOL. He also has the bed wrinkle issue someone mentioned above. He's also very weird about his socks "matching", especially his black dress socks. I try to shade match them but when he's having a grumpy butt day, he'll go through them and double-check my shade matching skills. I will say that he has been mellowing over the years so those nit-picky things he does have become less & less frequent or he's learned to hide them from me which is ok, too--LOL!

auntpiggylpn 07-10-2012 08:46 PM

I have to do things in 3's. I will pump the lotion bottle three times, I will tap my credit card at the check out counter 3 times, I pat my dogs 3 times, you get the picture.. .

I also CANNOT stand it when someone touches me with their feet! Doesn't matter if it is bare or covered with a sock!

I cannot use a bathroom stall if I see the person before me come out of it.

Hate to sit in a chair that is warm from a strangers behind

Connie M. 07-10-2012 09:12 PM

Wow you guys all sound pretty normal to me. I have many of the same idiosyncracies, plus many of my own. I count things. I count steps as I go up and down them. I have the neatest junk drawer I've ever seen. Actually all of my cabinets and drawers are neat. I may have a mess elsewhere, but my cupboards are organized. I name my sewing machines, which I know many of you do, but I name my cars, appliances and sometimes even my plants. I am not as OCD as Monk, but I understand him way too much. My hubby said he is going to buy me the Tshirt that reads "I am CDO. It is like OCD, only the letters are alphabetical like they should be."

Quiltaddict 07-10-2012 11:40 PM

Originally Posted by mrs theo (Post 5353817)
The toilet paper and paper towels have to be placed so they roll from the top down! I've been known to rearrange these at my daughter's and friend's houses...so pathetic!

I don't think I have many quirky habits, but agree with this one 100%. Can't stand to see the paper going the other way, it's just WRONG!

moonrise 07-11-2012 01:58 AM

I can't stand talking on the phone, especially "small talk". Tell me what you want, then let's hang up. (This comes from a horrible job where I had to answer 9 incoming phone lines ... not simply routing them to the proper person, but actually handling all the calls, all by myself, and they were CONSTANTLY busy. Missing a call was not an option, and would result in a major chewing-out. :hunf:)

I must drink through a straw. I don't like my mouth touching a glass, cup, or can. Eeeww.

I literally gag when I smell or taste lettuce, even the tiniest bit of it.

If I'm eating a piece of hard candy, I can't just let it melt. I have to chew it up. (Needless to say, I don't care for those unchewable Jolly Rancher candies! ROFL!) And if I'm eating a piece of peppermint candy, I'll sneeze almost every time.

I always lay out my lotion, deodorant, makeup, clothes, etc. before taking a shower. Afterwards, I put everything up one-by-one as I use it. Not sure why I do that. If I forget to lay something out, it annoys me.

I still wear the same scratched-up glasses I've worn for 20+ years, even though the prescription has changed twice, and even though I have two other perfectly good pairs. The old pair fits like a comfy old pair of tennis shoes. :o

My sleeves must come all the way down to my elbows, if not further. I can't stand for my flubbery upper arms to show even a peek. :shock:

Moonglow 07-11-2012 02:30 AM

I won't leave the house unless the beds are made and the dishes done.

I was a bank teller so have all my notes facing the one way. I hate wrinkled and dirty notes.

I'm fussy about where I park my car in a car park. When I'm driving my car the doors are always locked.

That's all I can think of now but I'm sure there are more.

ziegamomma 07-11-2012 05:48 AM

These don't sound like quirky habits. I think they are the right way to do things, especially since it is my way! And I'm not OCD, I am CDO because the letter should be in alphabetical order. LOL!!

Spuddy 07-11-2012 06:14 AM

My husband says I am the only one he knows who eats corn around the cob rather than across the cob. Lets take a poll to see how you ear yours. Thanks

damaquilts 07-11-2012 06:42 AM

Originally Posted by Spuddy (Post 5355867)
My husband says I am the only one he knows who eats corn around the cob rather than across the cob. Lets take a poll to see how you ear yours. Thanks

I also eat around.. I don't know if I have any quirky habits anymore. Mostly there is not much I think is that important anymore except maybe the toilet paper. gotta roll down the front and yes I have changed it for others so it was right! lol
I had a friend though that I loved messing with. She set all her supplement bottles on her dresser lined up by size , height and all the labels faced out perfectly.(i moved them everytime ) She also separated her clean money and her dirty money. Even after 15 yrs she hasn't really lived that one down.

Neesie 07-11-2012 07:19 AM

I don't think my habits are quirky, as every one has a very good reason behind it. :) Here are a few that dh thinks is weird . . . but I know most of you will understand!

I have my own tube of toothpaste. Reason - it grosses me out, to find the toothpaste left open . . . or worse, WET, under the cap!

I have my own set of tools. If you borrow them, you'd better ask first, return them CLEAN and to the exact spot you found them!

My clothes hamper is MINE. Put your dirty clothes into your own hamper . . . and you'd BETTER not hang your wet towel over mine!!!!! :mad:

I'm another, whose pillow is strictly off-limits to sharing and TP must roll off, from the top.

Quilting Nonnie 07-11-2012 07:37 AM

Well now I'm beginning to feel pretty sane. I also count everything. Steps, times I shake a bottle, clothing as I put it away...Hate soggy bread-won't eat it and also tilt my plate. Most of the time I just fold up a napkin and put it on my plate like a dam between soggy area and other food. I wish I couldn't leave the house till beds are made and the dishes done. But then I might never leave the house!

I thought of another one. Jan you may enjoy this! Once I put ice cubes in my cup with soda or water or... I have to stir the cup so everything gets cold evenly.

When I play cards, I have to straighten the discard pile all the time to keep it neat.

If anyone writes on a paper that I'm writing on, I have to start all over on a new sheet.

I also don't answer the phone when I don't want to, even if it's my kids! I figure the phone is there as a convenience to me, not to make me a slave to it.

When my daughter was young, she wouldn't let any food touch another on her plate also. So the spaghetti sauce was separate from the noodles, the curry separate from the rice, no topping on ice cream. And heaven forbid if anyone put condiments on a sandwich! I finally got her to eat food on top of rice or noodles. However she won't eat salad at all because you have to put dressing on it, still doesn't eat condiments on sandwiches. BTW she is 32. Now she has a daughter who won't eat vegetables, fruit or most meats. I say it is karma!

I wish I was more orderly and neat than I am. I'd rather quilt. That doesn't stop me from stressing all the time when I see messes, stacks etc!

Robinlee 07-11-2012 08:12 AM

from what I've read already for what has posted, they fit me too.

also...........your little by-line about your rope and horse. I bought this sign at "Runnings" (a farm fleet type store) and it hangs at my desk. But it says, I'm so BUSY that I DON'T KNOW IF i FOUND A ROPE OR LOST MY HORSE.

redbugsullivan 07-11-2012 08:52 AM

I cannot stand it if the bed's top sheet on the bed is folded or pushed under the blankets, at all. Seriously, the top sheet must cover the blankets, comforter, whatever! It will wake me up when my DH shoves the sheet down and just pulls up the spread. Summertime is the worst!

My biggest quirk is that I cannot stand to have music playing somewhere while the t.v. is on. Or two different sets of music going at the same time anywhere! Driving is fine but once I stop and my windows are down, I've been known to CRANK Vivaldi to drown out someone else's nasty music or rap-crap. Can't sleep with music on either! My brain just has to pay attention to it and will NOT shut down.

jeaninmaine 07-11-2012 08:55 AM

I like the toilet paper on the roll so it comes from the top, bills should face the right way, I wish dh would keep his hands off my tools since he doesn't have the slightest urge to take care of what he uses or replace it where he found it. Can't stand looking at a sliced tomato or anything else with slushy seeds in it, though I will eat precut/seeds removed cantalope. Hate talking on the phone. Will spend hours working on a design, then go to sleep and dream about making it step by step by step, when I get up, I'm already tired of it. Won't give a darn about the cost on some items and be cheap as heck about spending on others.

loriea 07-11-2012 08:56 AM

When I go grocery shopping I have to park in the row straight out from the exit. Imagine the problem I had when I went into a new to me store and did not realize they had 2 exits!

fayeberry 07-11-2012 09:20 AM

Beds must be made daily or sheets have to be changed. Dishwasher must be loaded from the back to the front.

Kehoeta 07-11-2012 09:38 AM

I want all the mail opened with my letter opener before I deal with anything in the envelopes. And - I stack them largest to smallest before doing that.

Sophie2 07-11-2012 11:11 AM

Before going to bed I have to brush my teeth (normal), put lotion on my hands and brush my hair. DH cannot understand why I want to brush my hair before getting in bed. I don't have long hair, but just seems right to brush it before getting into bed. Always have to have a Koozie on my can of diet coke - keeps my hands dry for stitching. Eat my corn on the cob length-wise. Love reading this post!

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