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LovingIzabella 01-25-2010 04:43 AM

Sewsweet I love your avatar picture!

BellaBoo 01-25-2010 05:01 AM

Patrice is right, we don't know your life. I do know one thing, for someone to deliberately make me feel bad and know that it makes me feel bad is not someone I'd be around for an hour much less a lifetime.
If money is the problem then you have to be responsible and equal in how it is spent.
I made several online fabric orders this week and it never occurred to me to tell DH about it. And if I did he would just look at me and say That's good, Hon. He does know the box marked Connecting Threads is something that will make me smile when he brings it in!

SherriB 01-25-2010 05:28 AM

My hubby has never complained about the fabric I buy. He knew about my addiction to fabric before we were married. :) His addiction is video games. He has a XBox 360 and a WII.

mic-pa 01-25-2010 05:34 AM

Mine is an enabler. When I come back from the quilt shop his words are "Is that all you bought" I am one of the lucky ones.

craftiladi 01-25-2010 05:58 AM

I am very lucky, like some of you mine is pretty understanding. He will travel to quilt shops and even help find fabrics for projects he knows I am working on.He is even partaking in my search for a new machine. As long as I produce a finished project every now & then he doesn't say to much. I don't usually do huge shopping w/ him...just keeps the peace...I just know how far I can push my luck.
He doesn't have any hobbies but he does know he doesn't wanna be anywhere around me if I am having withdrawals...but that being said it has taken me 7 yrs to him this way.
It is what it is and we do what we have to stay happy.

oldswimmer 01-25-2010 06:36 AM

Mine is middle of the road. He doesnt really complain, but he knows what a "collector" I am and he thinks I have too much in my stash. Doesnt really voice that opinion, I just know that is what he is thinking. He does have a big motorcycle that he bought (thats another story) and he just filled up his woodworking shop with big tools (some inheritance money) so I figure we are even! He is going to make me some furniture pieces for my new "stuido", so all in all I figure that neither one of us should be complaining!

mamaw 01-25-2010 07:09 AM

Mine does complain, because I don't sew as often as I should. I think if he could see more end product it would make him happier. He just doesn't understand the importance of a "stash" or how fabrics come and go....making for one having to buy it when it is out there if it is something I just have to have.

dkabasketlady 01-25-2010 07:20 AM

I'm so lucky to have a wonderful hubby that understands what makes me happy. I've sewed all my life(made my own clothes while in school) and my Mother started me with the quilting bug. It's a huge "addiction" now. My sewing room was a spare bedroom with a queen bed in it. I always complained about not having enough room to move around and sew and my hubby said, "Let's take the bed out and you'd have more room." I resisted for a few years, I finally took the bed out with his help. Now I'm in the process of making a real sewing room. Why did I fight it all these years? He takes me to the fabric store and when we take a trip up north we stop at Paducah and he helps me carry the fabric out to the car. He pays the bill and asks me if I need anything else while we're out. I'll keep my hubby for a long time. If I'm not happy then nobody's happy.

Charlee 01-25-2010 07:32 AM

I'm another one that has a supportive qubby. Last week, he drove Peggy and I to Portland so we could go check out the Fabric Depot in person instead of just online. He came into the store for a few to check it out, and then went out to the car and got on his laptop to harvest his crops on Farmville! :D
Never said a word one about how much I spent, even tho we really can't afford it right now...of course it didn't hurt that I bought fabric to make him two new Hawaiian shirts! (He collects them...has more than 40 right now)

shaverg 01-25-2010 07:38 AM

Nope, in fact my husband spent almost $100 at a quilt show on all the square in square rulers and books by jodi barrow. He does laugh at all my unfinished projects.

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