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Elisabrat 03-08-2013 08:16 PM

ok for me.. drum roll.. its AMAZING GRACE.. always the same song been the same song for years.. never ever sing that anywhere else... but sure think of it when I am showering. hope there is no symbolism in that! like if you sing this song it means.. probably someone did a study. I just dont want to know what it means :) like when you dream a gurilla is chasing you on a train and your eating croissants and the dog chatting with you.. you know like that. I dont want to analyse that. I want to just .. wonder what i ate the night before that made me dream that goofy stuff. the wondering is fun.. so no one but Nancia and I sing in the shower? nobody? wow.. what a conservative shy bunch we have here. NOT> come on guys...

jaba 03-08-2013 08:46 PM

You guys can have all the singing you want and you'll have to sing for me too! I don't ever remember singing in the shower, I always think of what I have to do next or what I hope to get done. Boring I know, just like going to sleep at night, I should have done this or that or I have to remember to do this tomorrow. Had a call from a lady this week and she forgot about a baby shower that she wanted me to make a quilt for. Got the fabric yesterday and have been sewing on it all day, it's on the long arm ready to quilt tomorrow, binding is ready to sew on so I can get it done. Have 2 days, its got to be in the mail on Monday to get to her by Friday. I'm tired! But tomorrow night I can sit and hand sew the binding, probably Sunday too but think it will be on time.

DustysMomma 03-08-2013 09:08 PM

Acoustically, the shower is the BEST place to sing! There've been entire albums where all of the vocals were recorded in a makeshift booth in someone's shower stall.

LoupEsprit 03-08-2013 09:51 PM

I rock out to Evanescence, or the Beatles... depends on my mood. :) Sometimes it's country music, but not very often.

nancia 03-09-2013 04:22 AM

i think this is a good place to make the notation that brat and i do not sing in the shower together, that is to say, when we're in the shower we sing, but not when we're in the shower together, um , i mean, we don't sing together when we're in the shower. but she sings and then i sing, when we're in the all-together, but not together, in the shower, not .... oh, heck. we just like to sing.

Elisabrat 03-09-2013 06:10 AM

Nancia thy protest too much my dear lol.. you know they will never believe us now don't you? sigh. the secret is out. ok ok ok it goes like this, we have two margaritas while enjoying our quilt calendars with burritos and oh yes men on them and then we call each other as we live in two different states and jump in the shower at the same time and seranade each other.. yeah thats the ticket. probably not but this showering together thing is getting harder and harder with all those miles between us. guess it will never be. a lost hope Nancia a lost hope.

Morning ya all. Another gorgeous day in paradise here, maybe a drizzle but other than that smooth sailing. we are going to be warming up for the week today 50 but by Wed 58 that is toasty and almost sit in the sun weather. wish I could do that sometimes. I miss it. not tanning just sitting there for 20 minutes and feeling it warm your skin a bit. can't because of medications sun is no good. darn it. so someone somewhere will you sit outside and warm up for me please? its a balmy 33 right now and I am about to brave the weather in two minutes and head to clinic. I hope everyone of you has a good day and I will be back later to enjoy the chat.

Vanogay 03-09-2013 07:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's a teaser for your Mary. I'm ready to mail ...

SandyinZ4 03-09-2013 07:48 AM

It is getting closer to shipping time. :-) I have mine all packaged up, addressed and just waiting for the go-ahead to mail. Have to say in regards to singing in the shower, I am also one of the 'never did that' ones. Never wanted to frighten the family if they might have heard caterwauling coming from the bathroom. I do have to say though that as I get older and winters seem longer, it is harder and harder to turn off the hot water and get out.

stitchingpost 03-09-2013 01:24 PM

Sorry u havnt,been on here ,i moved and trying to get settled,,I can't geta signal on my phone where iam at,now,MISS lov2 sew sent me a beautiful tablerunner,,i can't post pic,but ur is beautiful,thank you so much

Elisabrat 03-09-2013 01:56 PM

Maybe misslov2sew can post a pic for us? signal reception is horrible in some places. so much for the new highspeed internet right? mine is good then rotten then gone then great but wait gone again.. hear you completely. hope you can at least enjoy reading with us.

Sandy your supposed to sing and shower AFTER everyone is gone from the house then its belt it out baby! try it its so fun and heck if they come in girl just sing louder. scare the heck out them. come like like nothing ever happened and play dumb if they look at you wonky. being wonky is one of lifes simple pleasures. You only live once. Give it what you have while you can.

nancia 03-09-2013 03:57 PM

girl, you just brought up an ancient memory! when my son was 5 or 6 i had bilateral mastectomies so i was laid up for a bit. but one day i felt strong enough to take a shower without help, YAY. so i'm sitting stark naked on the only seat in the room (ahem) and the door from my bedroom opens and in walks ds and 5 of his closest friends. obviously it was a house tour, as josh says, "and this is the bathroom and that's my mom on the toilet. bye, mom" and a whole little chorus of bye, mom s as they go out the other door into the hall. i didn't sing in the shower that day, but i would have given anything to be a fly on the wall at all those dinner tables that night! lol

LoupEsprit 03-09-2013 06:14 PM

Originally Posted by nancia (Post 5917171)
girl, you just brought up an ancient memory! when my son was 5 or 6 i had bilateral mastectomies so i was laid up for a bit. but one day i felt strong enough to take a shower without help, YAY. so i'm sitting stark naked on the only seat in the room (ahem) and the door from my bedroom opens and in walks ds and 5 of his closest friends. obviously it was a house tour, as josh says, "and this is the bathroom and that's my mom on the toilet. bye, mom" and a whole little chorus of bye, mom s as they go out the other door into the hall. i didn't sing in the shower that day, but i would have given anything to be a fly on the wall at all those dinner tables that night! lol

ROFLOL!! Nancia, you just made me snort my drink out of my nose! Then I re-read it and got the giggles all over again!

LoupEsprit 03-09-2013 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by Elisabrat (Post 5916902)
being wonky is one of lifes simple pleasures. You only live once. Give it what you have while you can.

Normal is overrated. :)

Lv2sew2011 03-09-2013 06:23 PM

Well, I thought I had taken pictures of it but I can't find them, so I guess I forgot! Ooops...LOL

Originally Posted by stitchingpost (Post 5916840)
Sorry u havnt,been on here ,i moved and trying to get settled,,I can't geta signal on my phone where iam at,now,MISS lov2 sew sent me a beautiful tablerunner,,i can't post pic,but ur is beautiful,thank you so much

lynnie 03-09-2013 06:24 PM

Jaba, i love your star table runner, reminds me of the spider web ones. Ive been lurking on this thread since youall started, will probjoin the next one. Anyway..... i love it. Is ther a special ruler or can you just wing it on a regular 6" x 24" ruler.
im too cheap to buy all these new rulers. After i buy one, i canrlt afford the fabs. Soooo. Can you tell us your secret?????

Monstookie 03-09-2013 08:19 PM

Well. My table topper is ready for the mail. Just need the ok to mail. Hope my partner likes it!

marytoddliz 03-10-2013 12:19 AM

I don't sing in the shower, I sing in the car, to the top of my lungs when a song come on that I like, usually on the oldies station a Motown song! But I never even thought to sing in the shower, I don't want to get soap in my mouth... and yes I would no matter what you say I would! I spent 3 hours at Mom's hand stitching and visiting, listening to the same stories. She amazes me, that she remembers stuff from 49 or 50 years ago but can't remember what she is doing today, or where she left her keys!

Sing away you soap box Queens~

Elisabrat 03-10-2013 02:19 AM

Marybeth my mom died at the grand old age of 91. She remembered every President that ever was in office, VP also. She was a naturalized citizen. Being American was so important to her. She never lost her memory ever. Her eyes however another story. My sis once showed her a photo of our trip to Sedona. This was a pic of a tree in front of a trussell bridge very beautiful .. My mom says oh Peachy (me) she looks so pretty in this one. Uh no people just a tree. that would be me looking pretty as always. I don't think I will be as lucky should I live so long. My memory has been way laid since last summer and I look and I look and where I put it I cant remember. Your right, the yesterday however is easier to remember than what is upfront. hard isnt it to watch and listen again? maybe this is why we repeat ourselves more as we get older. I hear that all the time from the kids MOM you already TOLD me that. I smile and gypsy curse them like my mother did us. She would say Just u vait. u vill have children ov ur own. and point at us while she did it. now I now why she smiled. I am smiling now too :)

nancia 03-10-2013 03:01 AM

my mother cursed me with children, too. but mine turned out better than hers and it annoyed her. my kids didn't fight with each other very often. of course, the youngest got busted by her older brother for being out late (really late) as he was coming in.(really late!) but he was of age, and male, and she wasn't. and no, i am not being sexist. i think women/girls are more likely to be attacked than males are. but they all grew up, just to spite me! i wasn't able to point the fiunger and curse them, but i do say they would be blessed to have children just like themselves. lololol the oldest is learning what i've been talking about with dgd! she is 19 mos.old and quick and bright and very cute, and charming and very, very clever, just like her daddy, the other day she was showing her newest tutu (i know, newest? who has enough tutus you can have a newest? my dgd. but no tiaras yet. now that worries me! lol) and she was twirling around. she stopped unsteadily and said, "oooo, dizzy!" i cracked up! thank goodness she's not blonde! i can laugh because i was, and inside i still am, blonde.

Liz22 03-10-2013 02:42 PM

Hi everyone, I just got back from being away up north and it seems like in Minnesota the snow follows you everywhere! Uugh! I hate snow,it snowed 7-8 in in Brainerd, and now it's coming down here in blue earth. Did ii say I hate snow! Opened the mail box to soggy mail, and found my package from Jaba for the spring table runner and oh how it is so beautiful!!!!!! I really LOVE it, jaba! Thank you! Now, I am finishing up and HOPE to mail it in the mail by Monday, OK jaba.
We are expecting 6-8 inches here tonight! But, I will try to get it in the mail!
I hope that you will love it!
thanknyou, liz22

DustysMomma 03-10-2013 02:55 PM

That reminds me of Lewis Black. I LOVE Lewis Black! If you're easily offended or don't like bad language, you might not wanna click this link, but he's hilarious even if you could bleep him out...


"It was the coldest winter ever....I have not been able to complete a sentence in my own head!" Oh, and he talks about how he travels a lot, and he'd be performing in Chicago and the blizzard would hit, then he'd fly home to New York and the blizzard would hit again! One of my favorite comments by Lewis Black about the cold has to do with the US government doing a public works project to build a wall across the border with Canada "BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE THE COLD AIR COMES FROM!" :D

I just got back from my day in Columbus, GA. It was a day of highs and lows. I did a little work, then I went to Joann's and got the fabric I needed to finish my home decor swap project (I'm SO thankful they had it that I took all they had!) I was about to leave when I was pulled to the book section. You all know this is a dangerous area. I did find a lovely book full of beautiful runners though! Let's see, where did I go next? Sonic, for a cherry limeade. Then I stopped at the cemetery where my oldest son (time to buy new flowers for the next visit!) and one of Dusty's best childhood friends are buried on my way home...that was the low, obviously. Stopped at the store and got stuff to make Swedish meatballs on my way home, so the man's happy!

Now I'm off to clear out my email before sewing and food!

nancia 03-10-2013 03:44 PM

i have had a mental meltdown. i had a design all picked out for dusty'smom's runner, and then i bought too many fabrics, so back to the drawing board! guess what tomorrow will be devoted to!? i'm set to do it to it!? d'm you're going to love this no matter what!

jaba 03-10-2013 05:08 PM

table topper
1 Attachment(s)
Lynnie it does take a special ruler a 22.5 squedge ruler. There really isn't anything that is the same angle that you could make work, trust me I tried. But I do like the mat on my kitchen table instead of a runner so it will get some good use. This is the one I sent Liz22 and made her a couple of hot pads to match. I just like to change them out for the month or the holiday. Do it all over the house.[ATTACH=CONFIG]401059[/ATTACH]

DustysMomma 03-10-2013 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by nancia (Post 5919616)
i have had a mental meltdown. i had a design all picked out for dusty'smom's runner, and then i bought too many fabrics, so back to the drawing board! guess what tomorrow will be devoted to!? i'm set to do it to it!? d'm you're going to love this no matter what!

I think I ended up using 12 fabrics in your runner Nancia. No worries, there's a few days left. I'm still debating whether to try to do some FMQ on yours with my new foot and total lack of skills or let you do it, lol.

nancia 03-10-2013 07:31 PM

fmq is fun. a wonderfully kind and wise quilter told me to find a quilting design i like and get good at it by using it whenever i can. i also like to make up my own designs based on the piece. then i try to relax and just go for it. it's never perfect but it holds the whole thing together and that's the point of it, and to have fun, of course ! i am using 5 fabrics at least in your runner.

DustysMomma 03-10-2013 08:03 PM

Well, thing is, there's a particular pattern that your runner screams for, and I'm honestly not sure if I'll be able to pull it off. So, if you get it and it's still only minimally quilted, that's why. :D

SandyinZ4 03-10-2013 08:22 PM

D'M, I too love cherry limeades from Sonic but don't get close to one very often. Jaba, your squedge mat is so pretty. You do nice work. (But I have never seen anything really bad on this board.) I am so ready for spring so looking forward to getting a spring runner/topper. Perhaps in another month it will be warmer. Until then, I am thankful I have a warm house and a computer that I can check in on all my neat far-away friends on this board.

nancia 03-10-2013 08:55 PM

we should start a club, the sonic sewists. i love the cherry limeades! we lived in dallas and there were three places that had cherry limeades. so we did a consumer test of our own and went from store to store trying the cherry limeades. sonic won, hands down! i missed them when we moved to philly. a couple of years ago 2 sonics popped up well within driving distance! i thought i had died and gone to heaven! the closest one closed last year. they just never could get anything right. even the cherry limeades were messed up-- no cherries, only 1 small lime wedge and very little taste. well, what could you expect? these poor people didn't know what everything was supposed to taste like. even the frito pie was wrong! so sad. whenever i go to dallas my kids swing by the closest sonic, thus insuring i will be a well-behaved and happy camper! now, i have discovered rita's water ice! mmmmm, yummy! pretty soon we will have free day, where you can get a free water ice. it's their opening tradition. it isn't sonic, but it is good!

LoupEsprit 03-10-2013 09:58 PM

Originally Posted by SandyinZ4 (Post 5920125)
D'M, I too love cherry limeades from Sonic but don't get close to one very often. Jaba, your squedge mat is so pretty. You do nice work. (But I have never seen anything really bad on this board.) I am so ready for spring so looking forward to getting a spring runner/topper. Perhaps in another month it will be warmer. Until then, I am thankful I have a warm house and a computer that I can check in on all my neat far-away friends on this board.

I'm working on it, but it's causing a bit of cussing at the moment!! I think it's time to put Jack (the ripper) away for the night, and go to bed! When you are doing just as much ripping as sewing... :mad:

Elisabrat 03-11-2013 06:23 AM

Oh Jan I love that spring mat! I am feeling daisys lately. Everytime I see a daisy fabric I want it. No clue why never been excited about daisys. I love carnations, they smell pretty, a little spicy and they last for ever. Never seen a carnation fabric that said buy me buy me. Now I need daisys :) The patriotic star mat you made me is perfect. I like the size you can easily put a pretty vase in the middle or in my case a bowl of candy that rarely keeps candy in it (dh). everyone is going to want one of those.

Today is going to be a great day. My dh will go fishing, I will sew, the sun will shine a balmy 54 today I believe windows and doors wide open. oh yeah .. went to bed after watching the fox come eat some snacks I put out for my skunks and woke up to a bunch of deer in the front smunching on the bird seed I put out for the turkeys. wonder what I can bait today and catch something completely different in my yard? feed the stray cat and end up with a bear? yikes.

oh oh Nancia, once when I was young, in shape and well putting on my jeans. I had panties on and bent over to pull them up when I hear my little boy who is 4 say I am not going to laugh. I turn around and say uh and why is that. he says it wouldnt be polite to laugh. i say. oh ok. what are you not going to laugh at? he says cause you got a big rear (he used a b word). I say oh well yes laughing would not be polite. he says ok and waddles off in his fathers cowboy boots which are above his knees. I stood there and thought great now I am FAT. shoot. how to rain on my parade kid.

And last, yes I worried a bit less when the boys came in late over my daughter. That said I was a royal wench when it came to you will be in the house at midnight. They all croaked at that one. I said what my dad said which was you can get in just as much trouble at 11 as at 1 so you will be home when I say. Period. They called if they were going to be any minutes late and knew they were still in trouble. I don't regret it either. Can't wait til they have kids and let them all go do whatever they want whenever they want. ha ha. wont happen. You put so much into them to raise them letting them go be stupid is not an option I think.

Elisabrat 03-11-2013 06:25 AM

ps is anyone else getting that tutu ad from zulily? its posted at the top? I want one of those in all those colors just to hang like that on a wall, wouldnt they be pretty? sigh. something say they are expensive and not in my size. ah heck a size 2t would be soooo cute. one red one, one yellow one, one blue one, one purple.. I need them. yup. like daisy fabric I need them.

DustysMomma 03-11-2013 10:30 AM

Make yourself one! :)

I've put so much into raising Dusty as well, yet I fear that the damage his father did is too overwhelming. He constantly taught him through his words that nothing was ever good enough, so he figures why try? Of course, he transfers that to me as well, even though I tell him to just do his best and give 100% and we'll work with whatever happens. He barely graduated high school, and he's on his 2nd academic suspension from college. He's been looking for a job since Christmas, but I wonder if he's "looking" or looking some days, especially since he hasn't had the first interview. He blames us for not letting him work when he was in high school, but I told him then that if he couldn't do his school job, then how was he going to do his school job and his paying job? The school job came first, and if he got his grades up I'd let him get a job, but he never kept them up for more than a few weeks at a time. I honestly don't know what to do with him anymore. If I send him to live with his father and his parents (yes, my ex lives at home again, long story) then I feel like I'm saying that life is OK. There's not an ounce of ambition or hunger to better themselves between the lot of them. In fact, they've all steadily gotten worse the last 10 years or so.

Dusty is well behaved and very respectful, but has no motivation or drive. I just don't know what to do to help him anymore. Even the therapist, who he really liked, couldn't reach him at all.

MaryMazz 03-11-2013 12:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ready to mail. Here is a sneak peek.

MaryMazz 03-11-2013 12:10 PM

Ready to mail. Here is a sneak peek. Salmon colored hibiscus, right?

DustysMomma 03-11-2013 03:05 PM

Originally Posted by MaryMazz
Ready to mail. Here is a sneak peek.

I wish my applique was that pretty!

kiffie2413 03-11-2013 05:17 PM

Well, I am to the final stages on my quilt runner for Auntie Em...the part I dread...the fmq part...sigh...saying to self, do I actually do the fmq and LEAVE it in...or do I revert back to my hand quilting?? I keep telling myself I will do fmq this time, I will do fmq this time...lol...thing is I REALLY do want to get better at fmq...and I now have the machine I have been wanting for a long time, Janome Horizon 7700...so now to get thru this mental wall I have up and just get going on it!! Come on already, kif!!!:o
PS elisabrat, your story of your jeans donning and your 4 year old son had me in stitches!!! I could just picture it...and also it sounds like something that would have happened between my son and I back when he was small....he also used to traipse around in his daddy's boots....lol..

SandyinZ4 03-11-2013 06:48 PM

MaryMazz, your hibiscus is gorgeous...lucky partner you have. LoupEsprit, don't kill yourself off over what you are making. Take your time and if you even mail a few days after the ok to mail time, I can live with that. Would rather you enjoy the sewing instead.

Elisabrat 03-11-2013 06:52 PM

I think dustysmom that they have to just 'get it' whatever that is. My son stopped working from 20 to 26. Excuses one right after the next. Now he has been working for almost a year at a booze store. He likes his job. register work. sells lotto tickets. Just what we had hoped for him but for once he seems happy with himself too. He likes apartment, he is finally paying child support and two payments a month because he owes so much leaves him just enough for rent and utilities. he gets one meal a day at work. BUT he is doing it. He also is earning minimum wage. We are thrilled he is working. He worked two jobs prior one at 17 when he refused to go to school I had him doing stucco work for a friends company he hated it. got up at 4, home at 1 in Arizona heat hard job. good. the next he did for 8 months at 19. then decided work wasnt for him. ahhh. we stopped letting him come home. He had a girl whose father said you will get out everyday and apply at at least 20 jobs or you cant stay here. He did. got four offers the first week, Mcdonalds, places like that but he finally just did it. And we are so thankful. so tough love, and you don't own it girl. we all screwed up somehow. But at some point in life we are grown up. We own our tomorrow. Excuses just don't fly. I wish you luck I know you care so very much. Try to let him own it too.

K, I love those cowboy wearing boot days for the kids. best pictures ever. I am excited to start seeing more runners come home. Anastasia this has been a fun run once again and the company here couldn't be better.

dabbler312 03-11-2013 08:24 PM

GRRRRRR - binding puts me in a bind.

marytoddliz 03-11-2013 08:56 PM

OH, Jan I love that table topper, nothing like yelling "Spring" that that beauty. Ok what is it called and well if I don't have that ruler, I will just have to put it on my list of rulers I must have. I think the rule is I have to use them at least 3 times to make it cost effective... Where did you get the green Daisy fabric? I love it!

Originally Posted by jaba (Post 5919761)
Lynnie it does take a special ruler a 22.5 squedge ruler. There really isn't anything that is the same angle that you could make work, trust me I tried. But I do like the mat on my kitchen table instead of a runner so it will get some good use. This is the one I sent Liz22 and made her a couple of hot pads to match. I just like to change them out for the month or the holiday. Do it all over the house.[ATTACH=CONFIG]401059[/ATTACH]

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