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Macybaby 02-20-2019 04:42 PM

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It's so good to hear the good news Terri! Though not so good on all the snow . . . We only got about 4" and that was enough -but SD does not plow snow like MN does. We have a deal here, we don't pay income tax and the State doesn't plow the snow. We learn to live with it, and employers are way easier about you not making it in due to the weather. Though I cheat because I can telework.

I was able to sneak to my sewing room for a bit this afternoon - got another block done. I love this fabric -but I'm finding I'm loving all of them. I rarely find a fabric I don't like.


Libster 02-20-2019 05:08 PM

Great news, Terri! So glad that it's not that hated C word. Sorry your DH is feeling puny. Hope you both feel better soon.

Macybaby, love this block for NanaKathy55.

Microsoft decided to update my lap top yesterday. Well, guess what?!! My laptop will no longer send pictures to my Photo program. I am so darned aggravated about this. Now I have to create an account with Microsoft and they will be stored in the "Cloud". I hate being highjacked on my own computer. Now I have to wait for one of my grandchildren to come over and try to straighten this mess out for me. Meanwhile, I'm still working on blocks. Just can't post pictures of them right now. I made one for NanaKathy and one for MonaG last night. I spent this afternoon pulling fabrics for all the rest in this group. Plugging along!

sewbizgirl 02-20-2019 05:15 PM

That would frustrate the heck out of me, Libster. Thank goodness we have young people who know how to whip these computers into submission. :D

Macybaby, love that star block you made for NanaKathy!

terriamn 02-20-2019 05:59 PM

Macybaby love your Nana Kathy Star. I am just the opposite of you, I see tiny squares or triangles and go nope that block is not meant for me.

Dh is out running the snow blower for the second time tonight.

i plan on going to bed early to Make-Up for the last few nights of no sleep. Tomorrow will be spent in the sewing room.

zozee 02-20-2019 06:31 PM

Cathy, that's a gorgeous block you made for NanaKathy. WHat's the name of the block? THe colors you chose are absolutely perfect with it.

sewbizgirl 02-20-2019 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by terriamn (Post 8213547)
i plan on going to bed early to Make-Up for the last few nights of no sleep. Tomorrow will be spent in the sewing room.

You can have the peaceful sleep of a baby, now that the threat of cancer is no longer a reality.... Sweet dreams! And happy block making tomorrow.

Hope all of our snow bound friends stay warm and enjoy their sewing days. We are entrenched in another big, slow-moving rain front. Today was only the first day of a projected week of rain, and I already saw flooding. Yuck.

Macybaby 02-21-2019 03:41 AM

Libster - my husband also had problems when his laptop did an update Tuesday. He has a wireless keyboard and mouse, and they stopped working. So he went to using the keyboard and mouse on the laptop - then had other problems. He finally had to restore to rebooting off a disk and putting an older backup on his machine -

But he's running a 10 year old laptop and he worked hard to get Windows 10 to install in the first place, since often the new software won't run on old hardware. I keep after him to upgrade - but he has other toys he'd rather spend money on than his computer. He has a real love/hate relationship with technology lol!

Thanks everyone for the nice comment on Nanakathy's block. I'm having so much fun taking the fabric into my stash room and seeing what I could fine. With this one, I discovered I have about 1 color of grey in yardage. But I got lucky in digging though my fat quarters - found about 10 of them in assorted grey colors, so could find some to work with that block. It was a block in EQ8's library. I changed it a bit to avoid Y seams and not have to piece the center square.

NanaKathy55 02-21-2019 04:02 AM

Ladies all the blocks are just beautiful and Macybaby thanks you for the beautiful block..Love it!! I am finally going to get to sew..My daughter has been in the hospital(for 8 days) and I have tried to be there for her..She got to come home yesterday, which is good news but the bad news is that she has to have a IV antibiotic pump going 24 hours a day for 30 days and also she has to have another surgery to remove the stints she had put in her kidneys because the doctor says they are contaminated with her infection..Its just crazy how sick she is. But thank the Lord she is so much better and on the road to recovery. Thank you all again for your prayers!

terriamn 02-21-2019 04:52 AM

Nana Kathy so glad Amy is home and starting her recovery.

Went to bed early as planned but my goofy dog woke up at 2 and was all wound up. Ended up going back to bed at 4 slept till 6. Had a nice steaming cup of coffee and grabbed an ice pack and snuggled into couch. Phone rings it’s hubby he is stuck on next block. Needs me to walk down there and drive Jeep while he pushes. Throw on my clothes and was just putting on my boots and he calls back. A young lady was walking by, she drove the car and he pushed. Problem solved. Gees the day has to get better doesn’t it

sewbizgirl 02-21-2019 08:17 AM

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NanaKathy, will keep praying for Amy.

I have awesome news!! My granddaughter is here!!!!! Baby Millicent was born at 3:27am this morning, 7 lbs and 9 oz. She is beautiful and healthy. We will go see her either today or tomorrow. So excited!


hav4boys 02-21-2019 08:31 AM

Congratulations on the new baby girl SBG. How awesome. She is adorable.

We are awaiting the birth of Hendrix any day. Grand babies are the best.

TheMerkleFamily 02-21-2019 08:33 AM

Welcome to the world baby Millicent! She sure is precious and I adore her given name :girl:

Many blessings to Millicent and your entire family! Oh, how wonderfully life has changed with the arrival of your 1st grandchild!

sewbizgirl 02-21-2019 08:42 AM

Yes, I'm so excited! Can't wait to see and hold this tiny new person! (Soon!)

Cheesehead 02-21-2019 09:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Congratulations SBG, she is as sweet as she can be! I love her name too!

Here is another block for you.[ATTACH=CONFIG]608910[/ATTACH]

Libster 02-21-2019 10:04 AM

Sewbiz, congrats on the new granddaughter! You're just about to begin a new phase of your life that you couldn't even imagine before. Trust me, you're going to love every minute of it. She is beautiful. Sending smooches from all of her cyber aunties!

sewbizgirl 02-21-2019 12:11 PM

Thank you, Cheese and Libster....

Love that pretty star, cheesehead! Thank you for making it.

zozee 02-21-2019 12:22 PM

Awww, congratulations on your first grandbaby!! She is beautiful and you will never be the same!! Being a grandmother is just an indescribable feeling!!!

mjpEncinitas 02-21-2019 01:08 PM

I’ll be living vicariously through you sewbiz. Cuddle that new GD for me! She’s beautiful.

Kassaundra 02-21-2019 01:22 PM

Congrats Sewbiz, she is adorable.

Janice McC 02-21-2019 01:37 PM

NK, here's to your Amy improving every day.
Terriamn, so happy you got to stay inside where it is warm and dry with your cuppa joe. :)
SBG, just the most wonderful news! Congratulations on being a new Grandma to a healthy baby Millicent.
Cheesehead, wonderful block for SBG. I keep looking in DH's closet for shirts that will (one day) make a fine quilt. I've already deboned half a dozen but I need more.

givio 02-21-2019 01:52 PM

SBG! Wonderful news! And such a blessing to have your granddaughter well and healthy. I hope all is fine with mother also. :-) Wait 'till you hold her. You forget how light 7 pounds is, and how tiny those fingers and toes are until you've got the baby in your arms. The newborn is... so little and new and perfect. :-)

terriamn 02-21-2019 02:05 PM

SBG beautiful grandbaby and lovely name. Hope your dd is doing well. You will be amazed at how this incredible child is going to change your life. I can’t put into words how precious grandchildren are. My oldest grandchild is now a big burly adult but he is still the love of my life.

NZquilter 02-21-2019 04:48 PM

Oh she is a cutie pie, SBG!! I love her name too! Her eyes are so alert. Congratulations!!!

jaba 02-21-2019 05:08 PM

Congrats SBG, your life will be changed forever. There is a special kind of love you feel for those grands!

sewbizgirl 02-21-2019 05:14 PM

Thanks, everyone. Can't wait to get my arms around her tomorrow. Tonight I'm furiously knitting a newborn cap to keep her little head warm. I'm so in love! <3

Macybaby 02-21-2019 05:48 PM

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Congrats on the grandbaby!

here is a block for cheesehead - I love this fabric too![ATTACH=CONFIG]608943[/ATTACH]

JayneW 02-21-2019 06:02 PM

Sewbiz, popping in from the Laters to say congratulations! I'm excited to see her wearing all her adorable clothes you've been making.

sewbizgirl 02-21-2019 07:42 PM

Thanks Cathy and Jayne...

Today my daughter (due to give birth in 5 weeks) tells me she's been having cramps and the last ultrasound showed her baby's head was already down, in position for birth. So... we may have another one before long. She's only 5 feet tall and petite, so it's entirely possible she won't make it to her due date.

The blocks are looking great... love your block for Cheese, Cathy!

terriamn 02-21-2019 08:29 PM

How exciting Sewbiz, as long as the baby is healthy and ready to be born. I hope the cousins grow up very close. Unfortunately in my family most of us cousins didn’T get closer till our parents passed.

Darcyshannon 02-21-2019 08:46 PM

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SBG, congratulations on your new granddaughter. How exciting!

Macybaby, like the block you made for Cheesehead with the burnt orange. I enjoy scanning all the blocks and getting ideas.

Here is a block for MonaG.

Darcyshannon 02-21-2019 10:37 PM

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Here are a few more. Both SBG and Cheesehead asked to have a special color for the center square. They each have a posy block. They look like sisters. :)



Janice McC 02-22-2019 04:05 AM

Darcyshannon, nice job on your blocks for Mona G, Cheesehead and SBG.

You’re on a roll! Pretty block for Cheesehead, Macybaby.

Cheesehead 02-22-2019 04:55 AM

Thank you MacyBaby for the beautiful block!

DarcyShannon, pretty posy block, thank you!

Macybaby 02-22-2019 05:33 AM

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here is the second one for cheesehead - I got creative so I could use the dark squares - and since I was doing two blocks, I combined so I'd have two for this one.


now it's time for me to log in and get to work.

Cheesehead 02-22-2019 05:47 AM

Oh wow Cathy, that's really creative using the two little dark brown squares! Thank you, your block for me is wonderful!

Janice McC 02-22-2019 05:57 AM

Don't recall having seen this pattern before. Love the dark brown. :)

Originally Posted by Macybaby (Post 8214280)
here is the second one for cheesehead - I got creative so I could use the dark squares - and since I was doing two blocks, I combined so I'd have two for this one.


now it's time for me to log in and get to work.

sewbizgirl 02-22-2019 06:04 AM

Beautiful blocks, Cathy and Darcyshannon... Thank you DS for my posy block!

klaws 02-22-2019 07:38 AM

SBG, congratulations! Such a precious little one! :girl:<3 It's wonderful to be a grandma!

terriamn 02-22-2019 07:40 AM

What a great new to me block. Macy baby.

DS fun blocks love mine thanks

NanaKathy55 02-22-2019 12:05 PM

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I finally got to sew..here are a few blocks I have done...Don't know if I am lopsided myself but not one picture is straight This block is for Cheesehead

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