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-   -   Rhonda's 4th Wall Hanging Swap - July - 0ct 2013 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/member-swaps-round-row-robins-f11/rhondas-4th-wall-hanging-swap-july-0ct-2013-a-t224434.html)

JNCT14 08-09-2013 11:48 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Hee hee you guys are funny. Ok so I got my wall hanging from Rhonda's 3rd wall hanging swap from that AWESOME swap angel, Ube Quilting!!! !!! I honestly did not know whether to laugh because it was so cute, or cry because it was so thoughtful!! (so I did both....)
So if you recall, she gave out some sneaky hints - lots of feathers, lots of dots, and a haiku. Here are some pictures of the hanging AND a goodie (which I am selfishly keeping!!!!). The first picture is the goodie, the other 3 are of the wall hanging.

Ube, I am doing a 'jaba' and sending you a thank you in tomorrow's mail! Thrilled is definitely an understatement - thank you SO MUCH!!!!

JNCT14 08-09-2013 11:50 AM

Cluck cluck indeed!!!! :-P

ube quilting 08-09-2013 12:20 PM


Elisabrat 08-09-2013 08:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
That is too cute and the peace sign embroidered right in the middle of the quilt is so light hearted too.. I remember having to write a poem like that in like 4th grade.. hated it because it did not rhyme! yours somehow captures the spirit I would have related to much better. and so eloquently written! spell check!

I wanted to show a couple quilts I found on the internet which are very inspirational to me. I love cows. what a dork right? who cares! I think I might try the b/w cow quilt first.. [ATTACH=CONFIG]429404[/ATTACH]

Elisabrat 08-09-2013 08:22 PM

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Here is a more serious but fun colored cow that also says make me![ATTACH=CONFIG]429405[/ATTACH] ps if there was a designer for these I did not find a name I am sorry for that. They are NOT my designs just pictures that were of cow quilts .. I am simply going to attempt a vague interpretation of them. I need to. I have this cow picture in the dining room that also is inspiration of a cow with a cat and a snake on his back wearing a sombrero. Very serious and all. just like me :)

Elisabrat 08-09-2013 08:23 PM

oh I figured one day we will do a scrappy animal wall hanging. pick your critter! birds! bugs! cats! COWS! you know one of those kinda swaps.

ube quilting 08-10-2013 04:39 AM

Elisabrat, those are cool. I am also a a believer in bovine beauty. Also working on a WH featuring one. A funky animal swap would be fun. Have to think about it for a future swap.

ube quilting 08-10-2013 09:48 AM

Have you ever seen Susan Carlson's work? If you like funky animals, she is the one to follow for inspiration.
Look for the book: Serendipity Quilts. Wow!

Rhonda 08-10-2013 02:53 PM

I love the cows! The black and white one is really neat the way it was designed. I grew up with cows and hogs for playmates so it brings back memories. My aunt was afraid of the cows and I could never understand that. I wouldn't want to be stepped on by one but other than that they are gentle creatures.

quiltjoey 08-10-2013 06:41 PM

Ube, I love the Cluck, Cluck! My husband loves chickens and would say Cock-a-doodle-do!!

Elisabrat 08-11-2013 05:18 AM

I just thought they were cool .. when I see something so creative like that I get humbled. I make suntanning chickens! but this patchwork scrappy critter? very fun.

I have a question here: I can use my old windowsxp to insert pictures here in the message board. I can not get my windows 8 to attach photos at all .. it doesn't say its too big or anything. I gives me the window to attach photos I pick one when I hit the upload button nothing it doesn't spin nothing it just sits there on my screen irking the heck out of me. If you know how to fix this let me know. I can put photos in albums but not here.

DustysMomma 08-11-2013 05:28 AM

Dusty went through a fascination with chickens when he was about 8-9 years old. We had a red poodle then, lived one 4 acres in the country, and he tried to talk us into getting a couple as pets. I told him that wasn't allowed by the people we bought the property from. Actually that was on the short list of allowed animal-related uses for the property, along with horses, goats, and mules, but I wasn't telling him that! (Who puts covenants like that on property that's 10 miles from civilization in the middle of nowhere?)

Anyway, my Dusty was a silly child, and he and I have always cut up more than we've been serious. We used to change the words to songs on the radio and make our own silly songs as we drove down the road. Well, when he was in his chicken stage, one of his favorite things to say was "Cluck, cluck, cluck and a cock-a-doodle-dooooo!" Inevitably, I would always look at him and give him some variation of "Rock the poodle too?" I miss that little carefree happy boy. He was so smiley and outgoing back then. Now, he meets someone and you're lucky if he says anything more than "Hi" to them. Working at CVS seems to be helping a little though.

So today I'll be sewing a bit, doing a little embroidery, and working out what I have in my stash that I might want to use for this swap. I'm going to Atlanta next weekend, so I'm planning to go fabric shopping for http://www.quiltingboard.com/member-...p-t226990.html anyway and was just thinking that I need to gather some stuff for this too while I'm there. I have some really fun hot air balloon fabric from Denmark I could use, or my 2 apple fabrics I got there too, or I could go in a completely opposite direction! I have so much to pick from in my stash, and hardly any of it goes together because I've been buying what I like on a whim instead of thinking what I need to go together. I'm thinking it's time to resort the stash soon. My drawers are all full, as is the box on top, which is putting too much weight on the top of the plastic drawers & making it hard to get the top drawer open.

applique 08-11-2013 05:44 AM

Originally Posted by Rhonda (Post 6227037)
I love the cows! The black and white one is really neat the way it was designed. I grew up with cows and hogs for playmates so it brings back memories. My aunt was afraid of the cows and I could never understand that. I wouldn't want to be stepped on by one but other than that they are gentle creatures.

Until they get drunk eating rotten apples under the tree! Then you pop up in the grasses and yell BOO before scrambling up a tree fast!!

Rhonda 08-11-2013 06:35 AM

E are you using the icon to post a pic or are you using the go advanced method? I have also found some browsers won't let me post a pic. I have to use IE or Firefox if I want to add pictures. Also are you using jpeg files? I always use jpeg. There are other types of files it accepts but I know jpeg works.

Rhonda 08-11-2013 05:40 PM

Sign up Updated
Have a great time with this swap everyone!!
Remember to post pictures along the way!! That's half the fun!

For anyone who hasn't joined us before please make sure to send me your address.
Let me know if you have any allergies or anything else I should know.
Also let me know if you are smoke free or fur free home.

Welcome to our new players!! And Welcome Back to our regular players!!!
Hope you all have a great time planning and posting pics and creating great Wall Hangings!

As long as you have a wall hanging ready to mail by the mail date you can join us any time.

1. cjr
2. ube quilting
3. skaduzy
4. quiltymom
5. tildemae
6. Mariah
7. Yankeegirl
8. Quiltjoey
9. Quiltaddiction
12 JNCT14
13 mimiknoxtaylor
14 applique
15 createfourpaws
16 nancia
17 Aurora
18 Dusty'sMomma
19 Marytoddliz
20 berryberry
21 omacookie
22 EagleOneOwl2U2

abc123xyz 08-12-2013 05:15 AM

Originally Posted by Elisabrat (Post 6228012)
I just thought they were cool .. when I see something so creative like that I get humbled. I make suntanning chickens! but this patchwork scrappy critter? very fun.

I have a question here: I can use my old windowsxp to insert pictures here in the message board. I can not get my windows 8 to attach photos at all .. it doesn't say its too big or anything. I gives me the window to attach photos I pick one when I hit the upload button nothing it doesn't spin nothing it just sits there on my screen irking the heck out of me. If you know how to fix this let me know. I can put photos in albums but not here.

Hello - I too have windows 8 and had problems attaching pictures when I posted now threads. I tried the little tree and could not attach photos that way and still don't have that working. I just clip on the paperclip for attachments and go that route. I did learn that one cannot post pictures that are too large. If I wait long enough I may get a message saying it failed but I don't think I even get that message a lot of the time. I solved this by going into photo gallery and there is a place there where you can resize your picture. I basically just had to highlight the picture, resize and save. Then make sure you are attaching the resized version when you attach. I have had no further problems since I did this. It nearly drove me crazy until I figured this out. Just remember to resize the picture and do it as an attachment. I still haven't figured out how to do it the other way but this way is so simple. Good luck!!

JNCT14 08-13-2013 12:18 PM

HAHA!!! Ube got her 'jaba'!!! (I say running around and throwing confetti in the air...) - will post this on 3rd WH Swap thread just in case! Working on 2 WH for over my bed, then on to the 4th WH swap!!!!

ube quilting 08-13-2013 02:32 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by JNCT14 (Post 6232526)
HAHA!!! Ube got her 'jaba'!!! (I say running around and throwing confetti in the air...) - will post this on 3rd WH Swap thread just in case! Working on 2 WH for over my bed, then on to the 4th WH swap!!!!

Hi every one. This is the last of the cross over posts between the 3rd and 4th WH swap. I received an angel thank you from JNCT14 and here it is. Thank you JNCT14.

I quickly pinned it to another small quilt to display it asap after receiving it. I will do a better job of displaying it this weekend. This happy little bird has a body of deep rich purple with subtle sparkle. I love it.

There is a great golf tee pin keeper which I will put to use when doing applique and bindings.
This pic shows the great assortment of 2.5" strips in R W & B. Now to find a pattern for them!

Thank you again JNCT14 and Rhonda and "Jaba" and everyone who made this a fun swap.

Officially, I have been "jabaed".
peace to all

ube quilting 08-13-2013 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by quiltjoey (Post 6227384)
Ube, I love the Cluck, Cluck! My husband loves chickens and would say Cock-a-doodle-do!!

I used to keep chickens. A rooster from who knows where found my pen. He strutted for days and crowed for days, just waiting for the girls to come out and play. He roosted every night in the very top of a tall arborvitae bush for about two weeks.

My DH had enough of the noise and one late night climbed the bush, and surprised the rooster.

He ended up in

the pen.

We named him Romeo:D. He was a happy rooster!

Elisabrat 08-14-2013 02:27 AM

One is very fortunate to be Jabaed. It doesn't happen often but when it does.. well bells and whistles go off.

I love the fabrics the doll quilts! thanks for the advice on my computer questions. When I use my windows xp to post no issues at all when I post here nothing so its the new windows not the size of the pics. lucky the other one is not totally dead yet so I can use that to post when need be. I love the chicken cow stories. You guys make me smile so early in the morning and Dustysmomma its tougher than tough some times when we see them go down such a different road then they started. I am in the same boat had a frustrating chat with my boy yesterday he is 27. He has lost his job and now is apartment at the end of the month. He told me I didn't know anything and didn't understand and well I guess I don't. How un fun is that? I am so glad yours is doing better with people now that he is forced to work with them. It has to pull you out of your shell a bit doesn't it?

DustysMomma 08-14-2013 03:38 AM

I'm on Chrome in Windows 8 & don't have any issues. Perhaps you're just not holding your mouth right. :P

I hate to hear about your son's misfortune. It's tough times to be without a job. Parents never know anything until we're too old to hear them when they say we're right, eh?

I came home last night with all intentions of sewing. I get here and the man wants to chit chat. I got all of his booked travel put on my calender, then he started with "I wonder where we could go with my skymiles" (I told him probably nowhere I'd need my passport as long as I work where I do & he says "well there aren't many options in this town, so you can't quit!") & sat there playing with that for a while. Then he was ready to eat & watch a movie. I got my Vin Diesel fix. :D I'm thinking tonight will probably be about the same, but tomorrow he goes to Cincinnati overnight, then I'm going to meet him in Atlanta on Friday before he goes to Korea early Saturday morning. Fabric shopping & lunch with friends in Atlanta Saturday, and I've been invited to a birthday party up there Saturday night I haven't decided about that would result in me getting a room & staying another night & to be honest, I don't have anything suitable to wear to the place where the party is. Dunno, we'll see. I have a list of fabric to buy first! :)

JNCT14 08-14-2013 03:54 AM

I love the new vocabulary word. So when an angelvswoops down on us we have been 'jaba'd'. Excellent!!! Btw guys hang in with your kids and ignore them when they are hurtful. My DD is 22 and according to her I know nothing. This is one where only time will resolve things.

Elisabrat 08-18-2013 04:53 AM

One would think they grow up eventually. I think your off to another grand adventure dustysmomma. Oh and having nothing to wear I know you love shopping so get a pretty new something oh oh and a PAIR OF SHOES. (she loves those too) ... you should take a picture of your pretty gold ones and share them. Princess shoes :) and hey stay away from my licorice. I am thinking you have let that man eat it .. hide it yeah hide it. in an envelope with my mail to on it. good place! Korea well you can get some pretty fabric from there can't you? does he fabric shop on all those grand adventures? I would! imagine the stash ladies of fabric if your partner travelled the world all the time? oh my .. I have a good imagination to be sure. or spices.. oh yes.

JNCT14 08-18-2013 05:05 PM

OK so spent the weekend at a cheerleading carwash, brunch with parents and messing in my sewing room. I had posted some pictures of roosters and fruit as a hint but now I sort of changing direction slightly. I have never been a proponent of fusible web for applique (I am such a snob!) but needle turn does limit the types of intricate designs you can do. So after some experimenting, I am still doing the rooster, but this time its my own design with some nifty layered colors! I am debating zigzag with Aurofil vs FMQ but regardless I hope my recipient doesn't mind being the guinea pig for my experiment! If it comes out as well as I hope, I am entering it in the Durham Fair in September. It might get a ribbon which would go along with the hanging. I will try to post some pics as it progresses (unless I throw it out first!!!).

Rhonda 08-18-2013 05:12 PM

Sounds interesting JNCT I love chickens! I'm sure whoever gets it will too!

We need to see pictures!!!! LOL

DustysMomma 08-18-2013 05:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Elisabrat (Post 6240580)
One would think they grow up eventually. I think your off to another grand adventure dustysmomma. Oh and having nothing to wear I know you love shopping so get a pretty new something oh oh and a PAIR OF SHOES. (she loves those too) ... you should take a picture of your pretty gold ones and share them. Princess shoes :) and hey stay away from my licorice. I am thinking you have let that man eat it .. hide it yeah hide it. in an envelope with my mail to on it. good place! Korea well you can get some pretty fabric from there can't you? does he fabric shop on all those grand adventures? I would! imagine the stash ladies of fabric if your partner travelled the world all the time? oh my .. I have a good imagination to be sure. or spices.. oh yes.

Oh no, he doesn't buy me fabric when he travels. The fabric he brings me back from Denmark is what his SIL picks out for me. I'll have to check on the licorice. I may wish I'd hidden it. If he's eaten it, his brother is coming to visit next month, so I'll make him ask for some more to be delivered.

I didn't get any new shoes this weekend, but discovered I had nothing presentable to wear last night, so I went to Avenue (one of my favorite stores, which we don't have anywhere nearby) and got 3 new shirts, including the one I wore last night & the one I wore home today.

Oh, and here's the gold shoes that Mrs. Brat was talking about. I don't know why, but I love gold shoes! I have 5 pair! (I also don't know why the photo keeps uploading upside down when it's not upside down in the folder...)

JNCT14 08-19-2013 03:35 AM

1 Attachment(s)
LOVE those shoes. So here is the rooster part of my pending wall hanging. Rhonda - did you get an angel to Bilben yet? Let me know if not.
BW - I HATE Aurofil. It kept breaking and I couldn't see it well enough to thread the needle. I switched to a very lightweight poly thread. It shows more than I like, but it does the job and I think the FMQ will cover most of it. Working on the flower row next....

jaba 08-19-2013 05:23 AM

That's a pretty sassy lookin' rooster, I can see attitude already :)

Rhonda 08-19-2013 09:57 AM

That's a great looking rooster!

ube quilting 08-19-2013 11:21 AM

I already have a name for him! Romeo Jr., RJ for short:D

Rhonda 08-19-2013 11:48 AM

Reminds me of an old cartoon from the 40s/50s LOL MGM did a cartoon of Bing Crosby as a Rooster and all the hens would swoon over him LOL

JNCT14 08-19-2013 12:04 PM

Oh I just love that and the Romeo Jr!!!! It will have log cabins on point on the bottom in little flower pots and either a white board or pockets to hold envelopes, pens, stamps, etc. I am leaning towards the white board though.

DustysMomma 08-19-2013 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by ube quilting (Post 6243655)
I already have a name for him! Romeo Jr., RJ for short:D

I almost fell over laughing when I read this! There was a guy they called RJ in my mom's neighborhood when I was in high school. I'm thinking that rooster fits his personality pretty well! :)

jaba 08-19-2013 05:55 PM

I knew he had attitude!!

Elisabrat 08-19-2013 06:18 PM

oh you need more gold shoes. I can not wear heals but you can wear them for me! I would wear those if I could. hey can I borrow them take a pic while sitting and send them right back? I have ballet flats in velvet in my closet. waiting for one day when I need to get fancier. beat its like in Dec lots of snow never work or mid summer velvet really> so for now I wear moccasins and am happy. :)

Ok next Romeo needs a rose in his beak or under his wing or something for his babe to be! great job on him, mine is a bit less refined. I cant draw realistic critters so mine are always cartoon like :(

jaba 08-19-2013 06:37 PM

Well you're ahead of me missy, I can't draw either one. Now I know if I need one, you are my artist miss brat!! Guess if I could find a coloring book with what I wanted in it, I could maybe get it traced. Don't think that would work either, I can't paper piece worth a darn.

JNCT14 08-20-2013 01:31 AM

Paper piece my toes. I hate paper piecing and this is just fusible web! I copied the rooster from a potholder using graph paper just to get the proportions correct. Break it into simple shapes like puzzle pieces.

ube quilting 08-20-2013 05:02 AM

Good day every one, I'm on vacation this week and have two projects going. My WH is almost ready for quilting and I am preparing a big quilt for the LAM.

will post a few shots soon.

jaba 08-20-2013 05:03 AM

JNCT14 you've given me new hope, may have to try that next time I need a little "funky character"

ube quilting 08-20-2013 05:29 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here is a sampling of what may be my WH swap piece. There are a few more ideas floating around in my brain so more offerings to come.

This is the first time I tried using my Bloc- Loc ruler to square up my HST blocks. It works great. The blocks squared up and nice points at intersections:D.

I call this The Last Summer Rose



EDIT: For those of you with a good eye, you may notice I put the bottom row on up side down. I wanted to alternate the rust and brown blocks. The row mysteriously got turned around when pinning it. So I will be doing some un- sewing!

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