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Tiggersmom 11-17-2013 09:22 AM

I folded all my fabric last year and it took me a whole week! Now I've put new fabric away without doing that, so yep that's on my list to get in there and clean up my mess..........after Christmas!

Since this is tell the truth time......... I "Lost" a very special block from a class and couldn't find it anywhere!!!! I tore this room up looking for it..:hunf:...even called the teacher [a personal friend] and asked her if someone turned it in after class.....no they hadn't........as we were talking, I looked up to one of my design walls, and yep there it was!!!!!!!
well, duhhhhhhh, oh well, we all have brain fa*ts and no that in Not fabric acquisition road trip. lol

LyndaOH 11-17-2013 09:47 AM

I ruler folded all my fabric over the last few months and I'm so happy with it. I use a 24" by 6 1/2" ruler and fold the fabric just as it comes off the bolt. Once I've got it all wrapped around the ruler, I slip the ruler out and fold it in half.

Taking the time to fold it also meant that I could edit my stash as I went. I sold quite a bit at a yard sale, some on my blog and some here on QB. Some has also gone to Goodwill. Everytime I even think about buying fabric I just take a walk down to my quilt studio and that cures the urge. The only thing I'm buying these days are solids and things to finish UFOs!

It feels really good to get rid of things you'll never use, although there's a little bit of an ache when getting rid of fabric. Sort of a "what if I need it for.....". But it does go away when you look at your organized room. And if mine is ever truly organized I'll know what that feels like!

deplaylady 11-17-2013 01:25 PM

I've lost fabric before, too. I keep needing to reorganize my stash. Part of the reason I think is I keep buying new fabric is because there is a lot of fabric I have I really don't like any more. I know I probably won't ever use it. I gave a lot away last spring, but it looks like I need to go through again and be a lot tougher this time. Just because I have yards of it, it's no good if it's never going to be used. I guess I need to start making some quilt tops for church (a group ties and finishes them) or donate material to a group that will put it to good uses.

Nammie to 7 11-17-2013 02:08 PM

Today I hit the wall -- I absolutely can not fold any more fabric. I only have two small stacks of fabric to go through to fold and put away and I just can't do it. I will be giving away a bunch of panels (Christmas vests, Halloween vests, holiday dolls (witches and Santa), fabric for baby clothes and a bag of scraps to whoever wants it on Tuesday at the Guild meeting. The sewing room is looking much better, I have folded 16 drawers of fabric, found backing fabric for 28 quilts and have rediscovered pieces I forgot I had. All the backing fabric is now hanging in the closet by color. It will be so easy to grab one to finish a quilt -- before it was stacked in a closet and not easy to get to.

Now I need to find a pattern to loan to another person. Sigh -- have no idea where that might be -- I do know it isn't in my sewing room!!

quilting memaw 12-09-2013 07:29 PM

love the ruler folding method! never heard of it and will do this after Christmas!

B.Tackitt 12-10-2013 08:01 PM

Having moved many many times, I have "lost" & "found" fabrics over and over. As my sons are now off living their own lives, I'm in the process of turning their old room into my quilting/crafting room. I've started using the fabric organizers from Polarnotions.com and ADORE them. My stash is starting to look sooo pretty.

nana2 12-12-2013 11:16 AM

As a quilter I am often reminded of a Norman Rockwell picture on the front of Saturday Evening Post (I think that's the right magazine.) There were four parts to the picture. Lady sitting behind desk -- everything on desk perfect order. Next same lady at home --- everything jumbled. Then lady at home everything organized. Next lady at work --- her desk stacked. When I get sewing stuff organized, the rest of the house is jumbled. If house is all tidy the sewing stuff is out of control. -- Wish I could paint this like Mr. Rockwell. Maybe I could have more money for fabric. LOL

Grace creates 12-14-2013 08:50 PM

Your story was amusing and great you also found amusement in the panic. That is a good quality. Would be happy to take some of your bath tub overload and put it to good use.

QM 12-14-2013 09:17 PM

Nammie, you are an amateur stasher. I have 15 dressers of stash. for some reason, DH thinks I should use all that up before I buy more.

wesing 12-22-2013 05:47 PM

Congratulations on getting control of your stash!

I have spent several hours over the last few weeks sneaking into the sewing room, taking fabric out of tote bins, ruler folding it, and putting it away. I am down to the last couple of totes, we just got a storage building delivered to clear out a bunch of stuff that was waiting in the sewing room, and Christmas is almost here. On my next couple of days off I think I can finish organizing the sewing room and take some pics to post. Of course that will probably be the last time it looks neat, but we will have the pictures.

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